

Fundraising starts with FUN!

Exclusively partnering with non-profit organizations by providing strategic consultations and effective strategies to maximize the revenue and fun at benefit auctions and Paddle Raise only events since 2005. #16089 TDLR


While I was out pedaling my way through 60+ miles of bike trails around the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, you were busy sending all these amazing birthday wishes. Now that’s what I call multitasking on a perfect day! 🚴🎉


Taking a nearly two-month break from social media gave me a chance to recharge and let my brain enjoy a vacation. It was incredibly refreshing! Have you ever taken a break from social media? How did it impact you?


“I get to serve as the ambassador for a nonprofit organization on stage as their benefit auctioneer while being the fundraising whiz and putting together the puzzle pieces behind the scenes, helping them amp up their fundraising game and smash their goals. And let me tell you, the ride just keeps getting better!” Gayle Stallings, FUNauctions’ Benefit Auctioneer Specialist in May 2024. Read all about Gayle’s building blocks of success and work ethic. Just click the link in the profile 👆👆or visit:

Meet Gayle Stallings, CAI, BAS - Bold Journey Magazine 01/08/2024

“I get to serve as the ambassador for a nonprofit organization on stage as their benefit auctioneer while being the fundraising whiz and putting together the puzzle pieces behind the scenes, helping them amp up their fundraising game and smash their goals. And let me tell you, the ride just keeps getting better!” Gayle Stallings, FUNauctions’ Benefit Auctioneer Specialist in Bold Journey Magazine, May 2024. Read all about Gayle’s building blocks of success and work ethic.

Meet Gayle Stallings, CAI, BAS - Bold Journey Magazine We were lucky to catch up with Benefit Auctioneer Gayle Stallings, CAI, BAS recently and


Rocking tulle while tidying up from friends John and Cathy’s post-nuptials in Washington, DC: Because even cleanup deserves a fashion statement from your wedding sherpa. Photo by Cathy Plume

Photos from FUNauctions's post 22/04/2024

Three days, three reasons to celebrate in Dallas! 🎉 Brother’s visit? Check! Friends’ wedding? Double check! Robin’s bicycle-themed blowout birthday? Triple check! An epic trilogy of fun! 🎈🎂


With deep humility and great honor, I'm thrilled to return for my 9th year at Art Bra Austin to benefit Breast Cancer Resource Center on June 8, 2024.

We are thrilled to introduce our Auctioneer for Art Bra ® Austin 2024, the remarkable Gayle Stallings! As a professional auctioneer and benefit auction specialist based in Austin, TX, FUNauctions’ founder Gayle Stallings works exclusively with non-profit organizations. Since 2005, she has raised more than $170 million to maximize revenue and to ensure a seamless event so there's more fun and less stress. Gayle doesn't sell cattle, cars, or collectibles, only charitable causes. Fundraising begins with FUNauctions!
¡Estamos encantados de presentarles a nuestra subastadora de Art Bra ® Austin 2024, la extraordinaria Gayle Stallings! Como subastadora profesional y especialista en subastas de beneficios con sede en Austin, TX, la fundadora de FUNauctions, Gayle Stallings, trabaja exclusivamente con organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Desde 2005, ha recaudado más de 170 millones de dólares maximizando los ingresos y garantizando eventos perfectos para que haya más diversión y menos estrés. Gayle no vende ganado, automóviles ni objetos de colección, sólo causas benéficas. ¡La recaudación de fondos comienza con FUNauctions!

Photos from FUNauctions's post 14/01/2024

Cheering on the Houston marathon runners while preparing for Chefs for Paws. These 12 chefs will prepare and plate the eight courses to benefit Rescued Pets Movement.


Reflecting on a FUN and fabulous 2023 made possible by each of YOU! Let’s welcome 2024 together! 🎉


Videos (show all)

Talk about making new memories at Art Bra® Austin: Lights. Camera. Art Bra. Where else can you in one night interact on ...
With such a picturesque setting and Monday evening’s outdoor temperature set to perfection, Handspun Hope didn’t just me...
As the wedding Sherpas last weekend for our friends John and Cathy, every detail, no matter how big or small, gets the V...
As the Sherpa’s for our friend’s John & Cathy’s wedding in Washington, DC, we give our flowers a little pre-wedding spin...
When your final numbers are so jaw-droppingly good that you have to whip out your phone to show the calculations. Behold...
Witnessing perfection from every angle! Our site visit today for the May 6th event showcases a mesmerizing 360-degree vi...
Glimmering beads, vibrant masks, and a community united in purpose! 🎭✨ The Mardi Gras Bash wasn’t just a celebration, it...
We’re thrilled to share the news that we helped Rescued Pets Movement DOUBLE the previous revenue at Chefs for Paws in H...
Reflecting on a FUN and fabulous 2023 made possible by each of YOU! Let’s welcome 2024 together! 🎉#FUNauctionsLLC #funau...
Glowing into the New Year under black lights - because glowing into 2024 is the only way to go! 🥳🎆🥂#NYEParty #BlackLight...
Rescued Pets Movement gives “death row” animals a second chance at life via their innovative transport program. Since th...
