Baraka blessings

Baraka blessings

Helping others


Knock and the door shall be opened seek and you shall receive



I’m at my happiest when with my family and the time spent with them is priceless.

Felisters Oduor 26/10/2020

Hi, my name is Felisters, I was born and raised in Kenya. I work in the healthcare profession. Currently I live in the United States of America, California, with my husband and four handsome boys, 17 year old twins, a 12 year old , and a 3 years old.
I love to cook for my family, and I serve God. Every single day I wake up having my family beside me I couldn’t ask God for more. In the past year I have been asking myself how I can change my lifestyle and not miss out on the most precious moments of my family.
It was during this period of time that I ran into a Facebook ad that caught my attention. When I saw the ad it really connected with me and I took a leap of faith.
I learned the skills and tools to build a successful online business with no previous experience and guess what, I can do this business from anywhere in the world.
Here are few reasons why this was a perfect fit for me and my limited tech skills.
*There is already a user friendly system in place
*Easy to follow training videos are provided
*No selling involved
*A supportive community of mentors and business coaches
With the help of my laptop & wifi, I am able to be equipped and meet the requirements to achieve my goals. Most importantly we are one big happy family.
Step – by – step training, personal coaching, and mentorship as well as an automated system are the main components of the business.
Now I am introducing this online business that allows me to balance work and family. It also provides a controllable schedule.
Are you ready to continue and become a digital business owner?
Tap the learn more button and take the next step.

Felisters Oduor Dream Big! Live Big!


Hard working pays keep going mama Davis shopping, Laundry, cooking everything thank you God for giving me strength always


Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution."
—David Joseph Schwartz


Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
– Og Mandino


All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney.


Family is everything and always put God first

