Herbal Guidance with Grace

Herbal Guidance with Grace

My name is Grace and after 30 plus years of self study on Herbal healing and healthy eating I have d


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits!
Summer time is finally here! Beaches, vacations, outdoor sporting events and all the other fun things we all like to do under the sun! A first Aid kit is great to have along with one other product that is affordable and covers many health issues for ourselves and our families. I am referring to Apple Cider vinegar! Almost every supermarket carries it so finding it will not be a problem. Taking a big bite into an apple, lets get right into the healing benefits.
*Can help kill harmful bacteria. People have traditionally used ACV for cleaning and disinfecting, treating nail fungus, lice, warts, and ear infections.
*May help lower blood sugar levels and manage diabetes. A small study in people with diabetes reported that consuming 2 tablespoons of ACV before bedtime reduced fasting blood sugar by 4% the following morning.
*May aid weight loss. Several human studies show that ACV can increase feelings of fullness. This can lead to eating fewer calories and loss of weight.
These are just a few of the benefits, there are many more, so please follow up with me next week and I will reveal the rest.
On a personal note, I have been drinking 3- 8 ounce glasses of room temperature water and two tablespoons daily of ACV. I have lost some weight, have higher energy levels and I know it is making my immune system healthier.
An added bonus tip: ACV diluted and applied to dark spots in time will help to fade them!
Till next week!
~In all things health~


My Dad and I on Cape Cod, so grateful he is still in my life!


5 Promising Benefits of "Saw Palmetto" for the Prostate
This post will be dedicated to all the men we love in our lives. Whether it is your lover, brother, son, husband, father, grandfather, friend, co-worker, or anyone else you may know. This information may help them maintain a healthy prostate!

If you are having concerns with prostate problems or hair loss, you may want to consider Saw Palmetto, ( a type of palm native to the southeastern United States ) as a natural alternative. It has been used in supplements to improve prostate health, balance hormone levels, and prevent hair loss in men. It is also associated with a variety of other benefits, including decreased inflammation and improved urinary function.
Here are 5 promising benefits of saw palmetto:
1) It is often used to balance hormone levels and combat hair loss. According to one study, saw palmetto may help block the activity of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into another s*x hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that is linked to hair loss.
2) May improve urinary tract function. Incontinence and difficulty urinating are common among older adults. Saw palmetto may improve urinary symptoms associated with benign prostate hyperplasia. A 24 week study in 354 men found that taking 320 mg of saw palmetto decreased symptoms of BPH and improved urinary flow, quality of life, and s*xual function compared with a placebo.
3) May support prostate health. The prostate is a small gland located between the bladder and the p***s. It is responsible for maintaining s***m health. Some research suggests that saw palmetto can support prostate health and help prevent issues such as BPH and prostate cancer.
4) May decrease inflammation. Some research suggests that saw palmetto has anti- inflammatory properties, which may help treat certain conditions. For example, one study in mice, with enlarged prostates, observed that saw palmetto extract decreased swelling and several markers of inflammation, including interleukin 6 ( IL-6 ).
5) May help regulate testosterone levels. Saw palmetto is often used by people looking to naturally boost their testosterone levels. Testosterone levels affect several aspects of health, including body composition, s*x drive, mood, and brain function. Levels decline with age and some research suggest that low levels contribute to health conditions such as heart disease. Saw palmetto works by decreasing 5-alpha reductase - an enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT - to help preserve testosterone levels. A study in rats showed that saw palmetto increased testosterone synthesis, muscle endurance, and s***m count by altering hormone regulation.
Saw palmetto is widely available in supplement form and is therefore incredibly easy to add to your daily routine. Most research is conducted using saw palmetto in doses of 320 mg per day, often divided in two doses and taken with food , which may minimize digestive issues and prevent adverse effects.
I care about all the men in my life, so if this information can be helpful to them, then it brings me great joy to help them live a long and healthy life.
~In all things health~


My Yogi kids, love them all. It is a true delight to teach them this awesome form of self discipline!

Join Grace every Saturday for FREE kids yoga from 11:30am to 12:15!

6 benefits of yoga for kids:
1. Helps manage anxiety
2. Improves emotional regulation
3. Boosts self-esteem
4. Increases body awareness and mindfulness
5. Enhances concentration and memory
6. Develops strength & flexibility


"The Benefits Children Gain By Studying Music"
Music can benefit your child in many areas- language, math, concentration, and social skills , just to name a few! So whether or not your child learns a musical instrument, try to expose your child to music as much as possible and enjoy the many benefits!
*Brain Growth
Studies in neuroscience show that music can enhance brain function in children. Musical activities ( such as playing an instrument, singing or just listening to music) stimulate the brain, and this brain workout leads to improved brain structure with the formation of new neural connections.
*Language Skills
Studies also show that young children who participate in music classes have improved speech development and learn to read more easily. Learning music helps to develop the left side of the brain (related to language and reasoning) , assists with sound recognition, and teaches rhythm and rhyme. Songs can also help children remember information ( just think of the Alphabet song!).
*Math Skills
Music can help with the development of maths skills. By listening to musical beats your child can learn basic fractions, pattern-recognition and problem solving. Children who study music also have improved spatial intelligence and ability to form mental pictures of objects - skills that are important for more advanced mathematics.
*Memory, attention and concentration
Recent studies have shown that people who are musically trained have better working memory skills, helping them to remember things even while their minds are busy with other matters-important aspects of mental arithmetic and reading comprehension. Learning music also requires significant levels of concentration, training children to focus their attention for sustained periods.
*Increased Coordination
Just like playing sports, playing and dancing to music helps children develop their motor skills. Making music involves more than the voice or fingers; you also use ears and eyes, as well as large and small muscles, all at the same time. This helps the body and mind work together.
*Achievement and Discipline
Learning music teaches children to work towards short term goals, develop routine and practice self-discipline. Setting aside regular time for practice develops commitment and patience. Mastering a new piece of music leads to a sense of pride and achievement, and helps children to learn the value of self-discipline
*Social Skills
Making music with other people (like in a band or choir) improves children's social and emotional skills. They learn to work together as a team and develop their sense of empathy with others. Researchers have found that when children play music together - from simple rhythms to larger group performances - they are better able to tune into other people's emotions.
*The Joy of Music
Music can give children a way to express themselves, to unleash their creativity, to be inspired and uplifted, to relax, and to relieve stress and tension. Just think about listening to a beautiful piece of classical music, singing along to a favorite song with friends, or dancing to a great song on the radio - music can make your heart sing!!
*Music for Life
With all these benefits, try to expose your children to music as much as possible - listen to music together, sing songs, play rhythm games, go to concerts or make your own instruments together.
On a personal note, I am learning how to play the guitar from a very dear new friend in my life. He plays several musical instruments, sings and writes music. My new exposure to music has given me a new appreciation for the skill and patience required to attain the brilliance and skill level that he most certainly has. Life is beautiful, make music a part for you and your child's life!!
~In all things health~


"Fish Oils and Your Dyslexic Child!"
4 Good Reasons to give Fish Oil to your Child.
#1) Fish Oil helps focus.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA'S) play an important role in many bodily processes including inflammation, heart health, and brain function. They are required to build cell membranes throughout the body and the Brain!
Here then, are the three types of Essential Fatty Acids:
EPA ( Eicosapentaenoic Acid ) : Functional Fatty Acid
DHA ( Docosahexaenoic Acid ) : Structural Fatty Acid
You find EPA and DHA in oily fish such as mackerel and salmon.
ALA ( Alpha-linolenic Acid ) : A vitamin-like chemical called antioxidant.
You find ALA in some green vegetables such as Brussel Sprouts, Spinach and Kale, in vegetable oils such as canola oil, or soybean oil, nuts such as walnuts, and seeds such as Flax Seeds and Pumpkin seeds. The body converts ALA into EPA or DHA to use it, but only a fraction is converted.
#2) Research suggests people with Dyslexia are genetically predisposed to require more Essential Fatty Acids than Non- Dyslexics.
Remarkably, simply consuming more fish oil can often help children greatly improve their reading, probably because this makes their magnocellular neurons work better. ( Dyslexia Research Institute). Further reading: Alexandra J. Richardson's paper, "Fatty Acids in Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and ADHD.
#3) Some research has identified children's reading and comprehension improved when taking fish oil supplements. A "2002 study" concluded, "supplementation appears to offer significant benefit in alleviating many ADHD-related symptoms in children with specific learning difficulties ( Dyslexia ). Also, a "2019 study" suggested DHA enriched fish oil, "significantly improved executive functioning in children."
#4) Sure, girls may benefit from taking fish oil. However, one compelling study which looked at the link between fatty acid deficiency and severity of dyslexia found that boys showed higher levels of dyslexia if they were deficient in fatty acids.
I have a wonderful, reliable source to purchase fish oil supplements along with others. Dianne Craft, MA,CNHP, has been studying the "Biology of Behavior" where she explores the physical causes of behavior and attention problems in children. https://diannecraft.org
and click on her Nutrition Products. She has used this brand with amazing results with all of her clients. EFA Blend For Children $17.99 ( 120 softgels ).
As always, discuss this information with your child's physician.
Our children are not only our future but need our support NOW, so they can function with more confidence in their sweet little lives!
~In all things health~


The health benefits of "Humming!"
When was the last time that you hummed along to your favorite song? Well, while you were humming you were also boosting your immunity and improving the health of your nervous system. Research shows that humming is an incredibly powerful process. Here are three main reasons:
*1) Humming greatly increases nasal nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a gas that sterilizes the airborne pathogens, thus protecting our bodies. "NO" also increases arterial oxygenation and has been shown to reduce blood pressure.
*2) Humming stimulates the vagus nerve which runs through the larynx and the pharynx in your throat. The vibration plays a key role in activating the "parasympathetic '' nervous system otherwise known as your "rest and digest '' state.
*3) Humming can improve heart rate variability or HRV. This is an important metric that shows how well you are able to deal with and recover from stress. When you hum, you move out of "fight or flight" stress mode, into relaxation!
So one of the best things about humming is that anyone can do it! Try humming to one of your favorite songs and see how it makes you feel. Because humming often increases the length of exhalation for each breath, you may find that humming combined with deep breathing is an easy way to destress wherever you are!
The holidays are here and what better time to choose some good ole Christmas music to hum along to and make you feel better while taking part in this wonderful time of the year!
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night! Humming: "Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright...."
~In all things health~


"Third Eye Chakra" and "Crown Chakra"
The Third Eye Chakra: The center of divine wisdom, the spiritual eye that speaks to know the truth in all things. Rules our intuition, consciousness, perception and imagination.
In balance: Highly intuitive, strong psychic ability, focused, wise and insightful. Out of balance: Emotional, judgmental, unfocused, nightmares, poor memory, migraines.
To balance: Practice visualization. Spend time absorbing sunlight. Connect with yourself in yoga. Keep an intuition journal. go stargazing.
Affirmation: "I KNOW myself. I am intuitive with universal wisdom." Stones: Amethyst, Moldavite, Purple Fluorite, Black Obsidian
Oils: Patchouli, Rosemary, Sandalwood
"Crown Chakra": The highest chakra represents our ability to be fully connected to the source. Guidance from the divine is received here.
In balance: Strong sense of connection, enlightenment, and spiritual bliss. Out of balance: Hopelessness, disconnected, rigid thoughts, depression and confusion.
To balance: Declare your highest intentions. Release what no longer serves you. Spend time in meditation and prayer. Find stillness and silence.
Affirmation: "I AM complete, and one with the divine energy."
Stones: Amethyst, Diamond, Clear Quartz, Selenite
Oils: Lime, Frankincense
In closing, I would like to share this thought: "There is but one trespass: To disobey your Inner Guidance and ignore the needs of your Life Plan."
~In all things health~


"Heart" and "Throat" chakras.
The "Heart" chakra is an integration point for all chakras. The heart relates to our ability to love, forgiveness, and compassion. In balance: Unconditional love, compassion, joy, gratitude, pride and acceptance. Out of balance: Jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness, fear, rejection, envy and conditional love.
To balance: Reach out to a friend. Forgive someone. Do a prana meditation. Spend time in nature when the air is fresh. Eat fresh, green vegetables.
Affirmation: "I Love from my heart, unconditionally and effortlessly. Love is the answer to everything in life."
Stones: Jade, Rose Quartz, Green Tourmaline
Oils: Rose and Jasmine
The "Throat" chakra governs our ability to express and communicate clear thoughts and ideas. It is also related to truth, maturity, independence, and the ability to trust others. In balance: Speaking my highest truth, communicating freely, can also be silent and intuitive. Out of balance: Insecurity, anxiety, fear of judgement, powerless to speak out.
To balance: Chant, sing or write. Explore your inner child. Drink soup with warming spices.
Affirmation: "I Express myself authentically and clearly. My thoughts are positive and I am heard."
Stones: Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise
Oils: Eucalyptus, Lavender
My next post will be on the final two chakras, The "Third Eye" and The Crown"
I am hoping through all this information we can begin to learn how to balance our lives for ourselves, family, friends and our pets!
~In all things health~


"The Next Two Chakras"
In my previous post, I began with the "Root" chakra. Today, we will continue with two more.
"Sacral" Chakra: Is located in the pelvis area and it represents vitality, self-gratification, and passion. The sacral relates to reproduction on a physical level, creativity and joy and relationships on an emotional level and our energy and passions on a spiritual level.
In balance: Passionate, creative, connected to others, strong sense of sensuality.
Out of balance: Loneliness, addicted, betrayal, low libido, regretful, anxious, guilty, low back pain, urinary problems, allergies.
To balance: Spend time near water. Go out of your comfort zone. Explore creative hobbies. Try Kundalini yoga. Socialize and connect with people.
Affirmation: "I feel creative and beautiful. I enjoy a creative and passionate life."
Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Coral, Moonstone
Oils: Neroli, Ylang Ylang
"Solar Plexus"Chakra: Located below the ribcage, it governs our ability to be confident and in control of our lives. It relates to motivation, willpower and vitality.
In balance: Confidence, warmth, determination, self discipline, reliability, a positive sense of self.
Out of balance: Low self esteem, digestive issues, lack of confidence, fear, loss of control.
To balance: Spend time near fire. Explore chi gong. Eat fermented foods, ginger, and turmeric root.
Affirmation: "I can manifest my dreams. I am empowered and successful in all of my ventures."
Stones: Citrine, Malachite, Topaz
Oils: Ginger, Orange, Pine
We will continue with the next two chakras, Heart and Throat in my next post. I have broken up this information to create a better understanding without giving a lengthy
explanation at one time.
~In all things health~


"Chakras" for Life"
For those unfamiliar with the chakra system, if you imagine the subtle energy body( made up of chakras,linked to meridians and contained in the aura) as being like a car engine, and the physical body is the actual vehicle which the engine drives, it is not difficult to see that when the car starts to perform less effectively or even breaks down, that it is the engine which needs repairing or re-tuning and not the car body work. It is the same with the subtle energy body. When we re-charge/realign the chakras, get them spinning in harmony and at the correct rate-you get the physical body running smoothly again.
Animals also have chakras. Alongside the seven major chakras that animals share with humans ( Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root ) there is another Major Chakra which is unique to animals. It is called the Brachial or Key Chakra. This chakra was discovered by the world's foremost, internationally renowned animal healer Margrit Coates.
The Brachial Chakra is located on either side of the body, in the area of the shoulders. It is the main energy center in all animals and links directly to all other chakras. It is the center which relates to animal-human interaction and any healing should begin at this chakra. Animals which have a strong, healthy link with their human companions usually have a vibrant Brachial Chakra as it is the center where the animal human bond is formed and carried.
Our children as well, have their own unique chakra system. This system is a complex network of spinning , energy vortices ( often called "petals"in Eastern traditions ) which run throughout the entire body. Universal energy ( Prana, Chi, Ki ) flows in and out of the chakras, along the meridian system, into the aura and then finally into the physical body. The energy flows two ways; inward and out. Therefore, every thought, act and emotion affects the chakras and is mirrored in the aura. Likewise external stimuli, both positive and negative, have an effect on the chakras and leave their mark in the aura ( including physical injuries ).
I would like to explain each chakra and its purpose of providing health and well being to the body. So just for today, I will explain the "Root" chakra and follow with all the other six chakras in my next post.
The Root Chakra: this is our foundation and connection to the Earth. It connects to our basic human instinct for survival, security and stability. In balance: Grounding, stability, instinct, supported, community, tribe and foundation. Out of balance: Fatigue, insecurity, addictions, greed, instability, lacking a sense of identity.
To balance: Do some gardening, Spend time in nature, sit under a tree and feel the Earth beneath. Eat root vegetables.
Affirmation: "I do all acts knowing that I am peaceful, protected and secure".
Stones: Fire Agate, black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Tiger's Eye
Oils: Frankincense, Patchouli
Until my next post, I wish all of you and your friends and family a very healthy and grateful Thanksgiving!
~In all things health~


For some of us, drinking too much coffee can put us on edge for the next few hours. Well, the very act of hugging can actually have the opposite effect. Some researchers believe that hugging and other interpersonal touch can boost a hormone called oxytocin and also affect our endogenous opioid system. Big words right? But basically, simply through the act of hugging , our brains can produce soothing chemicals that help us feel more safe and less threatened throughout the day. So when something stressful does come up, we don't have such an aggressive fight -or-flight response to it.
Have you noticed that it is so much easier to get sick when you are stressed out? That's because our immune system kicks into overdrive when we're feeling stressed, and it can actually backfire to make us more susceptible to illness. One study found that people who were hugged and felt socially supported also experienced less severe signs of sickness.
*Hugs might even lower heart rates and blood pressure.
A study was conducted at the University of North Carolina with 59 women and found that after a short series of questions and general chattering about their partner, some women ended each session with a 20 second hug. The women who received a hug from their partners had lower blood pressure and heart rates during stressful sections of testing. The researchers think that oxytocin(mentioned earlier), might be the cause for their better heart health.
*Hugs could also lead to decreased depression.
All of us can agree that sometimes there's nothing like a hug when you're feeling blue. A retirement home in New York decided to implement a program called "Embraceable You!"
It was a push for more contact between the older residents and staff members so as to improve the resident's well-being. As it turned out, the residents who received 3 or more hugs per day felt less depressed, had more energy, could concentrate easier and slept better.
So the next time you are feeling blue or stressed ask your partner, friend or family member for a hug, a nice long one and see how your body reacts.
On a personal note, I lost my dear older Sister this past April. At the funeral I saw one of her very dear friends sitting alone in the pew and looking so sad and lost. I approached him and he stood up and we just hugged for what seemed a very long time. We said nothing during this time, we did not have to. The energy he gave me and I gave him was so spiritual that I will always remember how blissful it was for both of us. It is a very simple way to offer help to the ones you love. It only takes your two arms and the desire to help someone you love. I should think this is a very simple solution if only for a moment.
Sending healing hugs to all of you!
~In all things health~



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