Squeeze 10 Commandments, LLC.

Squeeze 10 Commandments, LLC.

Welcome to Squeeze 10 Commandments, LLC!

We have created a game for early childhood education, is interactive, and is a hands-on game to teach the 10 commandments to children ages 1 to grade 5.


Looking for ways to play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your kids or classroom? Check-out the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game at https://bit.ly/4djtUZx.

There are several games you can play, here are a few that come with instructions in the game box:
- Voice Over Commandment
- Captain Commandment
- Capture the Commandments (my PE class loves this)
- Hot Commandment
- Telephone Commandment

Love the ten and live the promise!


Great way to support the school!


Physical play involves activities that encourage kids to move around and exercise. It encompasses small and large movements, from throwing or kicking a ball to taking a walk. Active play is an integral part of early child development, as it helps kids burn calories, maintain physical fitness, release pent-up energy, reduce stress and socialize with others. It aims to build strong, healthy and happy children.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your Kids and classroom today!


The 10 Commandments are 10 beneficial laws given by God on Mount Sinai. These commandments show us how to live a better life now and please God forever. “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3)

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your kids, your classroom, and your friends with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game today! Love the ten and live the promise!

Squeeze Ten Commandments 18/09/2024

Teaching the 10 Commandments...

When teaching the 10 Commandments, it’s important to teach kids that these are boundaries given to protect us. If you approach them as a set of rules, then kids prone to knocking rules will not want to hear them.

Explain to your kids that learning and living by the 10 Commandments helps us treat others in ways that are pleasing to God and that will lead to our safety and happiness together. The 10 Commandments protect us from wrong behavior and all of its consequences.

How do you play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your children?

Squeeze Ten Commandments


Teaching kids the 10 Commandments should be a top priority.

The overall idea of the 10 Commandments is like operating instructions. God created humans, loves them, and He gave instructions to help guide and keep everyone safe. The 10 Commandments are good and for our good.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your kids, in your classroom and on the playground today with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game!


How do you teach kids the 10 Commandments?

Teaching kids the 10 Commandments can be challenging. How do you communicate God’s laws to kids while helping them realize that following God is not all about memorizing and understanding a bunch of rules? The truth is, we need rules today just as much as the Israelites did thousands of years ago. And most of us like rules—they set out standards of behavior, even for little ones.

Many Sunday school teachers use religious games to teach the Ten Commandments in a fun, entertaining way. Our Squeeze 10 Commandments™ Game communicates that the Ten Commandments are boundaries given to protect us. It allows kids to record themselves reciting, learning and celebrating the Ten Commandments.

Our game is built for all religions and denominations that recognize the Ten Commandments and can be customized according to your religious preference. It’s ideal for kids K-5 and is highly effective at helping young minds retain these important lessons so they can follow them throughout their entire lives.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments today!


Why is play so important for kids of all ages?

Play is what kids do naturally. Have fun. So it’s easy to overlook what is really going on when children are playing — they are exploring, discovering and learning about how the world works.

Play helps us learn, helps us cope and helps us socialize, so play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game! Love the Ten and Live the Promise!


Need strategies on how to teach your kids the 10 Commandments?

The Squeeze 10 Commandments™ Game gets kids excited about learning God’s laws: the Ten Commandments. This set of rules guides our behavior and communicates God’s love for us by teaching us not only how to love Him, but our neighbors, as well. They’re the fundamental cores of morality: truths every child needs to learn as they explore what it means to be a good person.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your kids today!



The Squeeze 10 Commandments™ Game is the only ten commandments game of its kind that teaches kids the foundations of the Ten Commandments. Whether you’re looking for a unique gift, or a study aid for your religious education classroom, or a fun way to teach your child, our 10 commandments game makes learning the Ten Commandments approachable, fun and accessible to children ages 3 and up. Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments today! Love the ten and live the promise!


There Are 7 Benefits of Play-Based Learning.

“Play-based learning” takes place when we create an environment in which play is the natural means of exploring and discovering new things. In this type of learning environment, teachers provide materials and opportunities for children to explore, experiment, and engage in open-ended play. There are many benefits to play-based learning.

Here are seven benefits of play-based learning:

1) Language development
One of the greatest benefits of play-based learning is enhancing children’s literacy and language development. Play-based activities allow children to learn new words and practice their language skills. It also allows them to build connections between written and oral modes of expression, while learning the meaning and structure of new words.

2) Cognitive development
Play-based learning environments also provide opportunities for children to explore and learn about the world around them. Through these experiences, they can develop problem-solving skills, critical skills, and creativity as they explore and play.

3) Social development
Another benefit of play-based learning is that it provides opportunities for children to interact with others as they learn about social norms and expectations, and develop relationships with their peers.

Through play, children learn how to take turns, share toys, and cooperate with others. They also learn how to resolve conflicts, which is an essential part of social development as they approach kindergarten and beyond.

4) Emotional development
In an environment that emphasizes play-based learning, children have the opportunity to explore their own feelings as they explore and discover. They can experiment with different emotions, figure out what makes them happy or sad, and learn how to manage various feelings as they arise.

5) Physical development
Play-based learning also allows kids to hone their physical abilities. Through play, children learn how to balance, hop on one foot, throw and catch a ball, and practice using a variety of other fine and gross motor skills.

6) Creativity
When children learn and play at the same time they can be creative and imaginative as they come up with new ideas and explore them in a variety of ways.

Consider giving your child art supplies like paint, Play-Doh, and construction paper. Ask children to create any project from scratch based on their imagination. This will encourage your child to create art projects, play with textures, and learn about color while tapping on their creativity and imagination.

7) Positive attitude towards learning
Lastly, incorporating play also helps children develop a positive attitude towards learning. When children enjoy their learning environment, they are more likely to want to learn and explore new things. It also boost retention of new information and memory.

Play-based learning offers numerous benefits for children. If you’re looking for a way to help your child learn, grow, and develop a lifelong love for learning, play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game today! https://bit.ly/4djtUZx


Play is tied to cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. Play is the vehicle for learning, especially in early development, but actually throughout our lives. Human play can be looked at a number of different ways. When we talk about social play, we speak of a process of moving from solitary play with objects, the body, and the environment, and expanding to parallel play, cooperative play, and collaborative play. When we think about symbolic play, we break it down into these categories: sensorimotor play, early and later pretend play, rule-based play, and strategy-based play.

Will you play with your kids today? Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game!


9 Things Every Parent Should Know About Play...

1. Children learn through their play.
Don’t underestimate the value of play. Children learn and develop:
cognitive skills – like math and problem solving in a pretend grocery store. physical abilities – like balancing blocks and running on the playground, new vocabulary – like the words they need to play with toy dinosaurs, social skills – like playing together in a pretend car wash and literacy skills – like creating a menu for a pretend restaurant.

2. Play is healthy.
Play helps children grow strong and healthy. It also counteracts obesity issues facing many children today.

3. Play reduces stress.
Play helps your children grow emotionally. It is joyful and provides an outlet for anxiety and stress.

4. Play is more than meets the eye.
Play is simple and complex. There are many types of play: symbolic, sociodramatic, functional, and games with rules-–to name just a few.

5. Make time for play.
As parents, you are the biggest supporters of your children’s learning. You can make sure they have as much time to play as possible during the day to promote cognitive, language, physical, social, and emotional development.

6. Play and learning go hand-in-hand.
They are not separate activities. They are intertwined. Think about them as a science lecture with a lab. Play is the child’s lab.

7. Play outside.
Remember your own outdoor experiences of building forts, playing on the beach, sledding in the winter, or playing with other children in the neighborhood.

8. Trust your own playful instincts.
Remember as a child how play just came naturally? Give your children time for play and see all that they are capable of when given the opportunity.

9. Play is a child’s context for learning.
Children practice and reinforce their learning in multiple areas during play. It gives them a place and a time for learning that cannot be achieved through completing a worksheet. For example, in playing restaurant, children write and draw menus, set prices, take orders, and make out checks. Play provides rich learning opportunities and leads to children’s success and self-esteem.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your children today!


Why is it important to learn about the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments teach ss to love God and his children.
The Ten Commandments teach us about respecting God, being honest, honoring our parents, keeping the Sabbath day holy, and being good neighbors. These rules are as important today as they were thousands of years ago.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your children today, using the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game! Save 25% with code SAVE25!


What Do We Mean by “Play”?

Play is tied to cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. Play is the vehicle for learning, especially in early development, but actually throughout our lives. Human play can be looked at a number of different ways. When we talk about social play, we speak of a process of moving from solitary play with objects, the body, and the environment, and expanding to parallel play, cooperative play, and collaborative play. When we think about symbolic play, we break it down into these categories: sensorimotor play, early and later pretend play, rule-based play, and strategy-based play.

Play Has Specific Characteristics, a1) ccording to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, in their article, Five Essentials to Meaningful Play, there are five essential components of play:

1) Children make their own decisions.
2) Children are intrinsically motivated.
3) Children become immersed in the moment.
4) Play is spontaneous, not scripted.
5) Play is enjoyable.

Helping children to become storytellers through play is giving a gift that helps him become more connected to others. How are you encouraging the art to play with your children?

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game today!


The Power of Play...More then just a chance to have fun, play is serious business when it comes to a child's health and development. From peek-a-boo to pat-a-cake and hide-and-seek to hopscotch, the many forms of play enrich a child's brain, body and life in important ways.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clinical report, The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children, explains how and why playing with both parents and peers is key to building thriving brains, bodies and social bonds―all important in today's world. Research shows play can improve children's abilities to plan, organize, get along with others and regulate emotions. In addition, play helps with language, math and social skills, and even helps children cope with stress.

Are you empowering your children to play? Play, learn and celebrate the 10 commandments with The Squeeze Ten Commandments Game today!


Labor Day…a welcome Monday off for most, often used to enjoy the end of Summer with family and friends. We here at Squeeze 10 Commandments like an extra day off for rest and relaxation, but we want to encourage you to utilize this federal holiday to interact with your children on a deeper, more emotional level—even in the smallest of ways. Here are some practical ways to talk to your children about Labor Day...

1) Educate your child about the actual holiday.

2) Use this day as an opportunity to discuss the growth of our nation and where our country has room to grow.

3) Have you every talked to your child about what you do? Labor Day is a great time to let your child know what you do for a living.

4) Ask your child what they want to do when they grow up.

5) Don't forget to have fun!

Happy Labor Day! Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with your children with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game!


For young children, play is often a full body activity that helps them develop skills they will need later in life. Running, dancing, climbing, rolling—these activities all foster muscle development and help fine-tune motor skills. Children also build their mental and emotional muscles as they create elaborate, imaginative worlds rich with a system of rules that govern the terms of play.

How do you encourage play with your kids?


As an adult, Albert Einstein remembered a pivotal event in his life that inspired his interest in scientific discovery. He was four or five years old and stuck in bed with a childhood illness when his father handed him a magnetic pocket compass to play with. He spend hour twisting the compass, wondering how the needle always knew to point towards the north.

The book Internet Invention: From Literacy to Electracy , quotes Albert Einstein on how playing with that compass inspired his love of science. "I can still remember," he wrote, "that this experience made a deep and lasting impression on me. Something deeply hidden had to be behind things."

As a parent, you probably love to see your child playing. It’s incredible to hear their ideas and to learn about the new worlds they create. It’s also fun to see how creative they can be as they put their imagination to use in learning about the world around them.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game today with your kids!


The importance of play...

When we talk about play, people naturally think about young children, however all children and young people should have the opportunity to play every day.

Play is important for the early stages of brain development and playing with your child can help build relationships for later life. But no matter what age we are, play helps to develop important skills for learning, life and work.

Encouraging play is one of the best things you can do for your child, whatever their age, and it's free.

Children and young people have a right to play. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states (in Article 31) that every child should have:

"The right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts."

How are you valuing the importance of play with your family? Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with The Squeeze Ten Commandments Game today! Enjoy 25% off with promo code SAVE25. Visit https://bit.ly/4djtUZx


Five key characteristics unlock playful learning...

Research shows that people learn best from experiences that are joyful, that meaningfully connect the play to their lives, actively engaging, allow testing things iteratively and are socially interactive. Children won’t always experience all of those characteristics at the same time – and that’s fine. But it’s another reason children need lots of different kinds of play. Each strand helps them weave a strong and flexible tapestry of skills to use throughout their lives.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with The Squeeze Ten Commandments Game today!


What are the Six Stages of Play?

There are six types of social play that are typical for children in different phases of child development. Children may progress through the stages at different rates, and the stages often overlap with each other, with children exhibiting behaviors from more than one stage at a time.

Let’s take a closer look at each stage of play:

- Unoccupied Play

Unoccupied play, the first stage of play, occurs mostly between the ages of birth and three months. To adults, it may not appear to be play at all, because at this stage, the child is not occupied in any activity.

- Solitary Play

This stage is most often seen between three months and two years of age, consists of playing alone or “solitary play.” Although children of any age can play alone, children before the age of 24-30 months typically do not have the communication skills to play effectively with other children. This is an important time in development, when children learn independence by occupying themselves.

- Spectator/Onlooker Play

After the age of about two, kids begin to develop an interest in the activities of other children. This results in spectator/onlooker play, where they observe other children’s play without engaging in it themselves. During this stage, up to about three years of age, children learn from other kids and begin to form the building blocks of socialization.

- Parallel Play

In the parallel play stage, from about 2 to 4 years of age, children will play near each other, but not yet with each other. They may or may not be using the same toys or materials, but each child is directing their own activities. This stage is a combination of solitary play and spectator/onlooker play, as children observe and reflect what other kids are doing.

- Associative Play

The associative play stage is when kids truly begin to play together, from about 3 to 5 years of age. They may take turns with toys and make early attempts at coordinating with each other by associating their respective play into a shared theme.

- Cooperative Play

In this final stage of play from ages 5 and up, kids begin to coordinate their activities with each other or play games with established rules. This requires a nuanced level of thinking and an understanding of social roles and boundaries.

Understanding different ways of thinking about play will help you develop more fun and effective play-based learning programs for your kids. Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with Squeeze Ten Commandments!


Supporting Children’s Learning Through Play...

All children—from infants to school-age children and even teens—need time to play every day. Play allows children to be active, calm their minds, follow their own ideas, pretend, be creative, and build physical, social, and intellectual skills. In fact, play is the main way that young children learn.

Children need a balance of structured and unstructured play. Each type of play supports important parts of their development.

Structured play is organized by adults, and the child follows directions or rules to complete a task. This type of play is often activity-based, like going on a scavenger hunt, playing board games, or participating in noncompetitive sports.

Unstructured play, often called free play, is when the child decides to play on their own or with other children. The child decides what to play with and how to play. During unstructured play, children need enough time to explore their own interests and ideas and use their imaginations.

Play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game and help your children grow and learn!


The Importance of Play: How Kids Learn by Having Fun...

Play is one of the most important aspects of a child’s life. Why? Because through peekaboo, patty-cake, and playing house, children learn to think creatively and interact socially.

Through play, they develop physically and discover a slew of emotional skills,and they learn how to process the world. In short, play is pivotal to your child’s development.

But how do children learn through play? Well, it’s simple. Play allows children the chance to emulate what they see and practice skills. It gives them an outlet for creativity and experimentation, and play helps them learn how to interact and communicate with others.

Come play, learn and celebrate the 10 Commandments with the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game at https://bit.ly/4djtUZx and enjoy 25% off with the code SAVE25 today!


Do the kids you teach know the 10 Commandments? If you are getting your classroom ready, get this free coloring PDF fromhttps://squeezeten.com/wp-content/uploads/DRAWING-PAGE-SQUEEZY.pdf then Play, Learn and Celebrate the 10 with your kids today! Enjoy 25% off all orders of the Squeeze Ten Commandments Game for a limited time with promo code SAVE25.

Videos (show all)

Squeeze Ten Commandments Game is fun. It's for kids to play, record and learn while engaging in activity. This game is t...
Get your game today. Go to our website squeezeten.com and enter in the 20% off promo code. Share this great learning gam...
Communion time is right around the corner, purchase a game for your loved one or classroom. This interactive recordable ...
Squeeze Ten Commandments Game is working to better children's experience in learning the 10. Let them have fun while the...
Our game was built so young kids could have an opportunity to learn the 10 Commandments while engaging in interactive le...
Go to squeezeten .comGrab your game today for a loved one or a great gift for school or religious organization.
Get your game today. Help your children learn to love the ten. God has many wonderful promises for those who do. Don't m...
The game is here! Now help be a part of our mission to help teach the Ten Commandments  to our newest generation of litt...
Go to the website squeezeten.com#lovethetenlivethepromise
Squeeze Ten Commandments Game is wishing all the Catholic schools across the world a safe and enjoyable week. Hopefully ...
