Hello Fertility

Hello Fertility

Welcome to Hello Fertility!

We are by your side while you try to conceive, whether you are looking to conceive naturally or improve your odds of IVF success with integrative and functional medicine.


When it comes to improving the quality of your eggs and the health of your ovarian tissue, there are three key factors that you need to pay attention to.

🥚 Androgen levels: androgens like testosterone and DHEA are critical for proper function of the ovaries and maturation of follicles. When androgen levels decline, we often see a decline in ovarian reserve as well. This most commonly happens as a result of normal aging, but other factors can cause antigens to be low as well, such as stress, inadequate sleep, and other lifestyle factors. This is easily tested and can be managed if it’s low.

Oxidative Stress: this is another term for “free radical damage”. Essentially, anything that causes damage to your DNA. Many things can increase oxidative stress in the body. Some are lifestyle related such as diet or exposure to environmental toxins. Even viral infection, poor sleep, and imbalanced blood sugar can also contribute. With oxidative stress, it’s all about balance. In order to combat oxidative stress, which is even produced through normal and healthy metabolism, we have to counter it with antioxidants. These mostly come from our diet but can also be found in many supplements.

Mitochondrial function: Mitochondria are our energy power houses. They manufacture ATP for our cells. When these are not functioning optimally, the low energy levels make it harder for ourselves to do their important work. Te**es and ovaries are disproportionately affected compared to other cells in our body because they are so energy dependent.

In our practice, and in our programs, we teach you how you can evaluate each of these areas. Every treatment plan is customized to address your specific needs.



We know what drives both egg & ***m health

While the cells are vastly different, the drivers for good quality are remarkably similar!

🔹 low and lots of & (our body’s master antioxidant) to balance that out

🔹 healthy : mitochondria are the energy-production powerhouses within our cells, including in the s***m, te**es, ***y and eggs. Making energy is critical for health & if low, can affect and as well as ***mquality (especially ***mmotility but all parameters including ***mcount and ***mmorphology )

🔹balanced levels of inflammation: is actually necessary for and but too much can be problematic. It’s this way with egg & s***m development too!

🔹 proper signaling: is critical for these cells to be made properly. The brain is like the boss of the factory and uses like little managers to go out & tell everyone what to do.

Almost all of your affect these underlying functional health drivers.

Poor diet? That can raise oxidative stress levels

Toxic exposure? That can damage mitochondria

Digestive challenges or your microbiome is off? This can impact hormone balance and inflammation

It’s why we look at your when you come in for an initial evaluation, to ensure we’re optimizing your health potential in all of these areas!

Photos from Hello Fertility's post 13/06/2022

health is critically important when

Again & again, we see this missed, under tested, and mismanaged.

On this week’s blog, we cover the important factors about and also, the biggest misses when it comes to thyroid evaluation.

Click the link in bio to check out the blog.

What questions do you have about your thyroid health? Have you had a complete thyroid eval? Or have things been missing for you?


Hormone balance is responsible for fertility and so much more!
Regular cycles
Minimizing symptoms of and
Balancing your mood
Maintaining a health weight
I could go on!

Here are the top 6 nutrients for

🔹 Omega-3s : are a special type of fat found in fish and seafood, nuts, and seeds. fats Play a special role in hormone balance by supporting the health of the cell that produces the hormone. Omega-3’s have been shown to raise and levels, and to balance levels when it is low or high in women. It is also and a healthy part of the . This is the foundational reason that is used for imbalances

🔹Magnesium: is a critical mineral for hormone balance. It acts as a cofactor for hundreds of enzymes within the body, which means you need to have enough magnesium around for these enzymes to do their job! It supports steps in as , building , and more. Magnesium is commonly deficient in women, and I recommend either focusing on foods high in magnesium or taking a supplement

🔹 Zinc: Like magnesium, Is another mineral which is a superstar cofactor for enzymes. It is also a potent . Zinc has been shown to improve fertility for both genders, and is essential for hormone balance.

🔹 Vitamin D: low has been shown to impact hormone levels, including lowering estrogen (and worsening symptoms in women) 😬 avoiding often requires supplementation on an ongoing basis

🔹Iodine: this micro nutrient is essential for hormone balance. is a critical nutrient in order to make hormone properly, and without that, the rest of your cycle can be thrown out of balance. With iodine, too much can also be a problem, so testing should be done before supplementation.

🔹 Vitamin C: the humble is one of the most important nutrients to concentrate on for hormone balance. It supports production of hormones and has been shown to boost

is a critical component for women to have a healthy cycle!


Your lifestyle choices are more powerful than you think!

Yesterday, I shared a story of a client who was worried, based on genetic testing, that her hormonal destiny was less than stellar. When we tested her hormone levels, what we found was remarkable- she had beat her genetic destiny through lifestyle!

This opportunity is because of something called

Literally, epigenetics involve changes not to our genome, but to how it is read. While genetic changes (a la Darwin) take generations to happen, epigenetic changes can happen in a single generation- it allows our body to make functional changes to optimize to our environment more quickly. And they are STILL INHERITED from parent to child!

Many things are known to change our epigenome- toxic exposures, too many or too little calories, shortages of nutrients, etc.

One compelling example is a mouse study where genetically identical mama mice were exposed to BPA (bisphenol A, the hormone-disrupting toxin in many plastics). One set of mama mice was also given folic acid, choline, and betaine (which is an antioxidant and “methyl donor”).

Baby mice born from those mamas were followed, and what they saw was remarkable- baby mice from the BPA-exposed mamas had a high incidence of diabetes & obesity, and mice born to mamas who also received the nutrients did NOT. This simple addition to mom’s diet made ALL the difference in the health of the offspring.

Cool, huh?

Another way that our lifestyle choices can positively effect our genetics!



Today, I had the chance to review a with a colleague and client. She had had genetic testing done that showed a LOT of risky (single nucleotide polymorphisms, basically small genetic errors that we all have)

Different from looking at (which are useful, but only tell you potential risks), the DUTCH test looks at ACTUAL metabolites in your urine. So, what is happening, not just what *could* happen.

In this woman, who puts her self care & health as a priority (despite being a super busy mom of 3!) her hormone metabolites were super balanced & healthy!

Her lifestyle overcame her genetics.

💥 boom 💥


One behavior that makes a huge impact is eating a lot of vegetables, specifically cruciferous vegetables. These veggies provide a ton of fiber, and contain special compounds that help you breakdown and metabolize estrogen healthfully.

Veggies like:
🔹Brussels sprouts
🔹Broccoli sprouts
And more!!

Another reminder that your genetics are not your destiny, and the power of the choices on your and that you make every single day!


Men often do not get the same level of work ups for fertility as their female partners.

There are many reasons for this, but the predominant one is that “all it takes is one s***m”.

This is true, but I would rephrase it to say, “you only GET one s***m”… And so you want it to be the BEST one possible!

When it comes to male fertility, there are several health factors that affect s***m quality. If we want to take a comprehensive look, it can be helpful to run some of these additional labs.

If you want to see how our clinic looks for OPTIMAL ranges for men, instead of simply lab normals, check out the link in bio and download our free guide today.

***m ***mhealth ***mcount ***mquality ***m ***mcount ***mmotility ***mmorphology


So many times, I see men with normal semen analyses check out of the fertility process thinking their job is done.

But in cases where couples haven’t found success, often times optimizing s***m health is the missing piece of the puzzle!

One big challenge is that the normal range for semen is set as the bottom 5th percentile of normal. What that means is that in a room full of healthy men, five will be at or below that number, and 95 will be above. When men are in the bottom 5%, there is so much opportunity for improvement!

That’s why I created my free guide to optimal labs for men. The guide includes an optimal semen analysis, and even covers where their hormones should be at!

If your partner has had a semen analysis done and do you want to see how it stacks up to the total group of healthy men, be sure to check out the link in my bio and download the guide. It is sure to be enlightening!


It’s literally the most beautiful Sunday in Boston 🌞 but there’s nowhere I’d rather be today than here!

Today is our first full day meet up for the Fertility mentorship, a year-long Mentorship for clinicians who want to level up the care that they provide!

Yes, that’s right- I’m the doc that trains the docs on fertility! 😍

The mentorship is focused on both clinical and business support, and includes monthly continuing education, live case observation, weekly cases, business accountability check ins, one on ones, and much more!

Today we’re focused on how to level up your practice to better serve women & couples who are trying to conceive.

Honestly, these full days fly by, and it’s AMAZING how much is accomplished in just a day!

So amazing to work with these amazing clinicians!



Have you tried IVF without success?

Think a “natural” approach to couldn’t possibly help?

I see women like you all the time!
🌟 Couples who have tried everything.

🌟 Couples with no explanation.

🌟 Couples who have spent a ton of money and time and still don’t have that baby there after.

This is not the end of the road, even if it feels that way!

A approach to and means uncovering root causes of fertility challenges. Things like:


And much more

If you’d like to learn more, check out the link in bio and schedule a visit today!


Gut Health and Fertility

Probably my favorite place in our house is this very kitchen- and thank goodness for that! Because the food you eat, and your digestive process are BIG factors for your fertility.

Have you wondered how?

🌟 Nutrient absorption happens here. This is the most obvious one, but an intact is critical to absorb all of the nutrients from the food that you eat.

🌟 Immune balance: about 70% of your is located surrounding your gut. Called the (gut-associated lymphoid tissue), it is there to protect you from the many pathogens that can enter your body thru the gut (think about even 50 years ago, before solid food preservation and refrigeration, how critical this was!). Now, in modern westernized countries, this immune reaction sometimes works against us, causing overstimulation of the immune system leading to inflammation and even

🌟 microbiome: the guy has an amazing body of research on its role in and . There are species and strains that can be picked up on re**al swabs and vaginal swabs that are associated with fertility challenges.

So, what is important to know about your when it comes to your fertility?

🌟 Choose wisely: your food selection is the greatest influence on your gut health- and , and the they provide, and the nutrient diversity from all make a difference

🌟 Chill when you eat- this is a toughie for some, but slowing down to eat allows your nervous system to turn on properly to assist in digestion. It’s a BIG deal. Eating is an activity best done exclusively- not while working, watching tv, driving, etc.

🌟 Get digestive rest: do you snack all day? Giving your gut a meal, then time to digest it, can assist with digestion of food and overall gut health. Whether this is in the form of breaks between meals or a 12 hour overnight fast (which I recommend!) it’s important to not be eating all the time. We all need a break sometimes!

Have you heard this concept but wondered why? 👇🏻Drop me a note in the comments with your Qs 👇🏻


My mantra for you today & every day, no matter what season you are in. 🤍❤️


Every woman on her journey is a mother already.

My mind is constantly blown with the care, love, and sacrifice you’ve made already to lay the foundations for your future little one.

I know that this day can be hard for many who wish their relationship as a mother or with their mother was different… and so, I encourage you to think about how you can care for yourself today.

Some suggestions.

And my big, big love to you today 💜❤️

Dr. Jaclyn

Photos from Hello Fertility's post 07/05/2022

Top 5 things to boost egg & s***m quality



What's your WHY?

This was a super-inspiring question for me when I learned about the work of but today, I'm talking about a different kind of WHY!

I'm talking about the WHY behind your fertility struggle.

Most of the patients I see have already seen a fertility doc who has identified what they THINK is their why- things like "poor egg quality" or "low s***m count" or "failed transfer"... "poor embryo quality"... I could go on.

But, the explanation stops there.

Sometimes, docs prescribe a vitamin to boost quality, or a different regime of stim meds to try to get a better outcome, but the treatment plan is based upon guesswork or trial and error.

This is where your WHY comes in. Let's take egg quality as an example- there are several factors required to make great eggs-
🌟proper hormone stimulation
🌟ovaries that can "listen"
🌟mitochondrial energy production
🌟minimal toxins or free radicals to damage maturing eggs
🌟proper hormone balance, especially androgens like testosterone.

When things aren't going well, you could guess and pick one of these causes, or you could just treat them all (which is expensive, but LOTS of fertility coaches take this route- giving you massive supplement plans!).

At Hello Fertility, we have a "Test Don't Guess" appoach.

Through a combination of your health history, the questions we ask you in your first visit, your body's physical signs and symptoms, and lab testing, we can hone in on YOUR WHY.

🌟No guesswork required 🌟

This allows us to tailor your plan to exactly what you need, and nothing that you don't!


Question for you... when was the last time you were absolutely surprised – in the best way possible?

I have the opportunity to surprise the couples I work with nearly every day. And the surprise is the best news ever- it's the underlying WHY behind their fertility struggles.

Even in couples with unexplained infertility, we find answers.

See, while fertility challenges can crop up in a number of different forms, when you look deeper, the roots are actually pretty similar.

And that's where we look- the root.

Things like:

🔹oxidative stress

🔹mitochondrial dysfunction (trouble making cell energy)

🔹hormone imbalances

🔹nervous system dysregulation (brain can't communicate with the organs properly)

🔹toxic burden

and several others.

In a fertility practice, we test and look for the underlying causes for your unique case, and when we can address those more specifically, you get a targeted plan that fixes the root of the problem.

Have you done this kind of deeper look before? Tell me more about what you leaned! 👇🏻



I want to share the story of my clients, Katie & Dave, who had been through hell and back . They faced challenges like

🌟doctors who told them there was no chance
🌟 cycles that were not successful, like several
🌟 confusion about how to understand their labs and what to do from there

I share Katie & Dave's story with you because I want you to know that even if all of this has happened, there can still be a .

Katie & Dave actually conceived naturally while we were prepping them for their next IVF attempt. (oops! 🙈 and yay!! 🎉🥳)

When it comes to we work to fix the of the challenge.

In their case (and in MANY), it was both and ***mhealth .

Sometimes, we fix it SO well that additional intervention is not needed.

So, if you are looking for a that it's going to be ok- let this be it. Stay hopeful, stay engaged, and stay active in your own health.

And if you need help, we're here! ❤️❤️❤️


If you’re trying to conceive and you’ve been interested in trying a naturopathic or functional medicine approach to your fertility, this post is for you!

We’re giving away a FREE consultation package including a
Second opinion case review
60 Minute initial consultation
2 x 30 Minute follow-up consultations
Custom nutrition and supplement plan
20% off any recommended supplements

This is a value of literally $$ thousands $$

*your consultation will be observed by up to 10 additional doctors- used as a training tool for docs seeking advanced fertility training, and giving you many great medical minds for your care!**

How to enter:
👩‍💻 Must be following
👩‍💻 Like this post
👩‍💻 Tag a friend who would also love this opportunity in the comments (1 tag = 1 entry).

Winner will be selected on 5/4. Winner will be notified via DM! Open to US residents 18 years or older. Good luck!

Photos from Hello Fertility's post 27/04/2022

Why does infertility happen?

This is such an important aspect of education around fertility, and one that I see lacking in our public conversation.

Which is why I want to cover it now!

There are several root cause drivers for . Many of these are the same underlying drivers for most chronic disease as well.

The biggies are
Oxidative Stress
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Hormone Balance

Oxidative stress is all about the balance between free radicals, which cause damage to cells, and antioxidants that can help to quench them before they wreak havoc.

Mitochondrial dysfunction causes cells to not be able to make enough energy to properly sustain themselves. Then we see cells that have decreased function- critically important to fix when we’re talking about making cells that become future humans (egg & s***m) or producing hormones.

Hormone imbalance- hormones are obviously very important for cycling women, but also for men! And not just reproductive hormones, but blood sugar, thyroid function, and more need to be considered. They’re all intertwined, like friends at a party who can affect one another’s behavior.

When we do an initial evaluation, the intake may seem intense. (Lol) That’s because we want all of the info to screen for these underlying root cause drivers that might be affecting your fertility.

Any of these feel like they might be going on for you?

Drop me a note below & let me know!

Photos from Hello Fertility's post 27/04/2022

Why does infertility happen?

This is such an important aspect of education around fertility, and one that I see lacking in our public conversation.

Which is why I want to cover it now!

There are several root cause drivers for . Many of these are the same underlying drivers for most chronic disease as well.

The biggies are
Oxidative Stress
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Hormone Balance

Oxidative stress is all about the balance between free radicals, which cause damage to cells, and antioxidants that can help to quench them before they wreak havoc.

Mitochondrial dysfunction causes cells to not be able to make enough energy to properly sustain themselves. Then we see cells that have decreased function- critically important to fix when we’re talking about making cells that become future humans (egg & s***m) or producing hormones.

Hormone imbalance- hormones are obviously very important for cycling women, but also for men! And not just reproductive hormones, but blood sugar, thyroid function, and more need to be considered. They’re all intertwined, like friends at a party who can affect one another’s behavior.

When we do an initial evaluation, the intake may seem intense. (Lol) That’s because we want all of the info to screen for these underlying root cause drivers that might be affecting your fertility.

Any of these feel like they might be going on for you?

Drop me a note below & let me know!


1 in 8- just a statistic, right?

1 in 8 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

1 in 8 couples will struggle with

Why do I bring up these other conditions?

🔹Because the awareness around these cancers far exceeds that of infertility

🔹Because support for patients going through these is vast, available, and accessible to most

🔹 Because the reaction to diagnosis is support, not shame or fear to share

🔹 Because insurance coverage for treatment of these conditions is available everywhere

With we can’t say the same, and it’s time to change that!

🔹improve insurance coverage

🔹share the prevalence

🔹 give the support

🔹lose the fear of stigma


The sun is setting…

… on 12 years with Emerson Ecologics]

Today was my last official day with and it’s been a blessed, incredible ride! I’m so proud of everything I was a part of creating-


🌟 practice management education



🌟 and so so much more!

I’ve had the chance to connect with tens of thousands of amazing practitioners, work with dozens of amazing nonprofit organizations like and many more

And the incredible team I had the gift to work with and learn from!!

So happy and bittersweet to say ‘see you later’ to such a big part of my professional life, and I also look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead!!

Emerson Ecologics] and I have so much excitement about what will be built upon your collective experience and vision! 💜

Thank you for the memories!!

Photos from Hello Fertility's post 21/04/2022

3 tips to boost

Photos from Hello Fertility's post 19/04/2022

5 signs of low


Easter is a great time to pause and celebrate Spring and the renewal that spring brings.

What from the last season of life needs to be let go of?

What seeds do you want to plant, and how can you nurture them to bloom in 3, 6, 9 months?

What are the things that you value most right now? How can you get more of that in your life?

What is pulling your energy away from the things that truly matter most to you?

You never need a special “day” to make change- there is nothing special about New Year’s, your birthday, Easter or any other day to make a commitment to yourself to build a better life for yourself. 💜

But Easter, the hallmark day of spring and for Christians, a day celebrating rebirth, is as great a day as ever!

We celebrated Easter at my parents’ house in - and did an Easter egg hunt straight out of the pool! 🥚 🐣 🧺


Give me a double tap if you have ever searched this online!

is one of the biggest concerns my patients raise to me- they’re concerned that inadequate may be to blame for their challenges.

Let’s have a little progesterone primer:

🌟progesterone is made in the o***y by the corpus luteum, the tissue left over in the o***y after (you can think of this like the egg shell)

🌟 it’s super important for and : it’s all in the name- PRO - GEST (like gestation, or ) it’s the pro-pregnancy hormone!

🌟progesterone is responsible to hold off your period from coming- if it’s a tad low, you’ll often see before your period, a short , or some signs of estrogen excess

🌟 a healthy corpus luteum makes progesterone for 14 days, and if you get pregnant, tells the to keep chugging on!

🌟 low progesterone is the cause of about 5% of miscarriages (is this surprising?)

🌟 about 7 days after we look for serum levels of > 6 to know you ovulated. > 10 is good and > 15 is optimal

🌟 what ARE some signs of low progesterone to watch for? Irregular , mood swings, spotting, insomnia & sleep changes, anxiety, depression, & short

Helpful? Let me know in the comments!

Videos (show all)

Every woman on her #ttc journey is a mother already.  My mind is constantly blown with the care, love, and sacrifice you...
