New Richmond Save to Give Challenge

New Richmond Save to Give Challenge

The New Richmond Save to Give Challenge allows our community to raise up to $25,000 for local nonprofits when residents conserve energy in their homes.

A win for your wallet, our nonprofits, and our community!


Today is the last day to record how you are saving energy at home! Record your activity at to earn a final donation for the nonprofit you’re supporting in the Save to Give Challenge.


Do not forget to record all the ways you have saved energy at home this week! Record your activity at to earn donations for the nonprofit you’re supporting in the Save to Give Challenge.


Want to save 8% on your energy bills? Just turn down your thermostat one degree for every hour you’ll be away from home. Gone for 8 hours a day? That’s 8% in energy savings. It’s great for sleeping, too — most folks sleep better in a cool room. Maybe they’re dreaming of all the energy they’re saving…
Check out this video from the U.S. Department of Energy to learn how your thermostat can help you save.


You would not go outside in the winter without a jacket, but that is exactly what a home without insulation is like! Adding insulation and sealing air leaks can improve the comfort of your home, protect against ice dams in the winter, and improve air quality issues year-round. FOCUS ON ENERGY® offers incentives to bring down the cost, as well as a list of Trade Ally contractors to help complete the project with ease.

Learn More:


Do not forget to record all the ways you have saved energy at home this week! Record your activity at to earn donations for the nonprofit you’re supporting in the Save to Give Challenge. Watch the video to see how easy it is!


You have probably used a filter on social media, but did you know that you should be replacing your furnace filter every one to three months? Especially during winter and summer, a dirty filter will waste energy by clogging the air flow and making your system work harder to keep you warm or cool.


Want to know your home’s energy fitness? A home energy assessment will identify areas in your home that cause drafts, discomfort, and high energy bills. From there, you can determine which improvements to make, like adding insulation to your attic or walls, and choose from a list of Trade Ally contractors to complete the work.

Energy assessments typically range between $200–$400 dollars, but in return you gain access to greater financial incentives from Focus on Energy.

Learn more:


October is our last chance to raise money for local nonprofits! Sign up for New Richmond’s Save to Give Challenge or get ready to record your actions again and Focusonenergy will donate to your favorite local nonprofit. Enroll and participate here: HTTPS://MYACCOUNT.NRUTILITIES.COM/


Tiger-you're-it! Thanks to Mike Montello for challenging his neighbors to join the Save to Give Challenge. If you see this friendly tiger in your yard, it means you've been challenged to join Save to Give! All you have to do is sign up at and record how you're saving energy in October to help us raise $25,000 for local nonprofits. After you sign up, pass on the tiger to another friend!


Learn about the benefits and Labor Day deals on smart thermostats that will help you save with Focus on Energy!

Photos from Focus on Energy's post 22/06/2022

Stay cool while saving energy with these tips:


Summer has arrived in Wisconsin! Focus on these tips to lower your bills and stay cool this summer😎

The Dog Days of June?
Let's help you Focus on Keeping Cool during this extreme heat!

Photos from Focus on Energy's post 08/06/2022
Photos from New Richmond Save to Give Challenge's post 04/06/2022

Save to Give will be at the Park Art Fair all day! Come say hi and grab a free nigh light or LED!


They can't do your taxes, but that doesn't mean a smart thermostat isn't a smart investment! Focus on Energy has a Memorial Day Sale on Smart Thermostat's right now.

Have you bought a smart thermostat and have no idea how to install it?
No worries! Here are three steps to guide you through the installation process:
And, check out the Memorial Day Sale on Smart Thermostats here - - at the Focus on Energy Online Marketplace!


Heat pumps are common – so common in fact that you have lived with them all around you your entire life, probably without even thinking about it! Our humble refrigerators are just one variety of heat pump, but did you know this technology can also efficiently heat and cool your entire home?

Learn more about heat pumps and what they have to offer here:

Saving Energy Raises Funds for Nonprofits in New Richmond | Focus on Energy 24/05/2022

Focus on Energy celebrates New Richmond, Wisconsin's achievements in the Save to Give Challenge! Check out the latest news release:

Saving Energy Raises Funds for Nonprofits in New Richmond | Focus on Energy Take advantage of programs and products that help you save energy at home, and check to see if your utility offers incentives for participation.


Remember to record how you saved energy this week to earn donations for Five Loaves or the nonprofit you chose! This is the last week to record your actions in April at Then join us in October for our final campaign!

Focus on: Dual fuel heat pumps 25/04/2022

Warm weather is right around the corner, and now is a great time to think about upgrading your cooling or heating equipment if yours is old or unreliable. FOCUS ON ENERGY® offers big rebates for efficient equipment – especially for Dual Fuel Heat Pumps which can cool AND heat your home efficiently and sustainably. They’ll also connect you with Trade Ally contractors to help install new high-efficiency equipment.
Check out this video on Air Source Heat Pumps!:

Learn more about equipment rebates: -heating-and-cooling

Focus on: Dual fuel heat pumps Dual fuel heat pumps are incredibly energy efficient compared to most other heating and cooling solutions. Wisconsin homeowners are increasingly turning to d...


Happy Earth Day! Don't leave $25,000 on the table! Keep recording your energy-saving actions each week at to help our earth and nonprofits! The more you record, the closer New Richmond gets to the full $25,000 donation for Five Loaves, Will's Playground, and the SOAR Center.


Dishwashers use the same amount of energy and water whether they are full or not. By making sure your dishwasher is completely full every time you run it, you’ll save on water, the electricity the dishwasher uses, and the energy used to heat the water. A triple whamy! Learn more about how to wash your dishes most efficiently at:


Spring cleaning a refrigerator? It’s worth it! Follow these steps to make your fridge run more efficiently and earn donations while doing it:
1) Set the fridge temperature between 35 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit.
2) Clean the coils. You’ll be amazed at how much dust you’ll remove with a vacuum and an old toothbrush or duster!
3) Allow air circulation behind the fridge by moving it further away from the wall.
4) Keep the door closed and close it quickly after opening.

Learn more at:


Help feed Donald (the cow)! Remember to record how you saved energy this week at to earn donations for the SOAR Center or the nonprofit you chose!


Mother Earth WANTS you to save on these deals during Earth Month - plus, nonprofits get donations when you do!

Focus on Comfort at home with savings on LED bulbs as well as deals on ecobee, Emerson, and Google Nest smart thermostats!


Remember to record how you saved energy this week to earn donations for Will's Playground or the nonprofit you chose! Record your actions at


Remember to record how you saved energy at home this week at! Every action you record earns donation points for the nonprofit you’re supporting in the Save to Give Challenge.


What saves more energy than turning off a device? Unplugging it! This week try using power strips for items that suck energy in stand-by mode like computers and chargers. Turn the whole switch off to save! Make sure to record your energy-saving actions at to earn donations for your favorite nonprofit!


Smart thermostats give you more control over comfort in your home and can save you up to $150 a year on cooling and heating. Plus, Focus on Energy will give you $50 off to upgrade! Pretty smart, huh? Order one today: -smart-thermostats


The Save to Give Challenge April campaign has begun! Visit to sign up or start recording your energy-saving actions if you're already participating! We raised over $5,000 in January and together we'll raise $25,000 this year for Will's Playground, Five Loaves Food Shelf, and School District of New Richmond's SOAR Center Student Farm just by saving energy at home.

Photos from New Richmond Save to Give Challenge's post 21/03/2022

Save to Give had a blast joining the St. Patrick's Day Parade! Thanks to everyone who signed up for the Challenge to add to the wee pot of gold we're raising for our nonprofits by saving energy.
Our next donation campaign starts April 1, and we're excited for everyone to start recording energy-actions and earning donations again!


Happy Valentine’s Day! Want to know what’s really romantic? Energy efficiency! The most efficient AND romantic lightbulb is the one that’s turned off — so remember to switch off the lights when you leave a room!

No love song has ever started with, “Hey, let’s turn on all the lights!” Set the mood, you old softie.


Remember to record your energy-saving actions at before January ends! Our next donation campaign starts April 1st, so mark your calendars and tell your friends!
So far 103 awesome participants have saved energy to raise $4,002 for Five Loaves Food Shelf, Will's Playground, and the School District of New Richmond SOAR Center Student Farm.


You’ve probably used a filter on social media before, but when was the last time you changed your furnace filter? Turns out, a dirty furnace filter adds to your heating costs by making your system work harder to push out (dusty) air. Swap your filter and record your action to get donation points at


Did you know? Every minute you shorten your shower saves 550 gallons per year plus all the energy it takes to heat that water up. Start saving by taking fast showers that are 5 minutes or less.
Want to save even more? A water-saving showerhead can save you enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for nearly 7 hours or wash over 88 loads of laundry a year! Order one through FOCUS ON ENERGY® today:


Remember to record how you saved energy this week at
So far we have raised $2,670 thanks to all the actions you are recording! That's up almost $1,000 from last week. Keep up the good work and let your friends and neighbors know they can still join to raise even more!

Videos (show all)

Do not forget to record all the ways you have saved energy at home this week! Record your activity at MyAccount.NRUtilit...
Remember to record how you saved energy this week to earn donations for Five Loaves or the nonprofit you chose! This is ...
Help feed Donald (the cow)! Remember to record how you saved energy this week at to earn donat...
Remember to record how you saved energy this week to earn donations for Will's Playground or the nonprofit you chose! Re...
The New Richmond Save to Give Challenge is here! When you record your energy-saving actions this January, Focus on Energ...
New Richmond Save to Give Challenge
