Scout Finch

Scout Finch

The official Scout Finch Specialty Coffee page. Thank God, for coffee! Specialty Coffee that fills you with gratitude. We are a 100% Virtual Coffee Shop!

We ship our Specialty Coffee single origin and blends the day we roast them right to your doorstep. We offer whole bean, as well as standard, and espresso grinds. K-cups available for specially marked blends.



Use discount code GRAND20 at checkout for 20% off all Single Origin, Blend and Sample Pack coffees through March 27, 2023!

Roasted the day it ships, you'll love the Scout Finch coffee drinking experience. Be sure to check out or Brew Guides page to get the most out of your fresh roasted Specialty Coffee.

As always, free shipping with no order minimums!



Use discount code SAVE20 and take 20% off any 12 oz. bag of Scout Finch Specialty Coffee this weekend only. No quantity limits. Free shipping!

Use link below to automatically add discount to all 12 oz. Single Origin or Blend coffees. Hurry, the promotion will be over this Sunday, 7/24/22



With our BOGO $5 OFF July promotion, you can buy one sample pack and take $5 off your second. When you buy the Best Sellers Sample Pack and Single Origin Favorites, you'll get to try out 12 of our customer's favorite roasts and see the diverse offerings we have for you from around the world.

Try out a sample pack today and save!



Today we are mind traveling through coffee with our Single Origin, Guatemala. This amazing coffee is grown in the Baroque infused architectural region of Antigua.

Surrounded by volcanoes, the humid weather and high altitude volcanic loam really take you on a journey of flavor with each cup. With diverse flavor notes of dark chocolate, bright fruit and smooth butterscotch, your sense of taste will hit a perfect 10 on the excitement scale!

This medium roast coffee shines as a pour over coffee and will surprise as its versatility of flavor makes it a cold brew favorite as well! However you choose to brew Guatemala single origin, your drinking experience will take you to a far away, beautiful place.

Enjoy Guatemala today:

IMAGE: Lake Aitlan, Guatemala near the growing region of Antigua



How do you stick it to Monday? With your favorite specialty coffee or blend, of course! Coffee is God's answer to Monday! You can really stick it to Monday this month with our July BOGO $5 off promotion. Buy any 1lb bag or sample pack and get $5 off the second bag or sample pack. No promo code needed. Just add to your cart and checkout, and the discount is automatically applied. Even Monday can't stop that from happening!

Shop now and save on every second bag or sample pack (no quantity limits!) As always, free shipping!

Buy now at our Coffee Shop:



We left an "Easter Egg" somewhere on our website when we built it. Thus far nobody has found it. We are getting impatient and want someone to find it!

Are *you up for the game? Here's how it works. Go to the website and hunt it down! No clues, that's it. Look for it. You'll know what it is WHEN you find it and all you have to do is follow the directions to claim it! There's only one, so go get it!

To start looking, go to:

*family members, and Scout Finch employees and vendors excluded

We will pull this post when the "egg" is found.

Nel Drip, the Japanese, and Making Old Coffee New 08/07/2022

How did we, a Specialty Coffee company who prides itself on the freshest roasted coffee, get the words "dirty sock", "stale" and a LOST (tv show) reference into one article and make it a good thing? You'll have to read at the link with this post! ☕☕☕

Nel Drip, the Japanese, and Making Old Coffee New Brewing As An Art & Dirty Socks Nel Drip coffee has been around for a very long time. It was a method developed by the Japanese in the 1600’s and is an art form in their country. They believe it takes upwards of two decades to perfect your technique. But don’t worry! Even as you develop your...



Said no one ever. Since you aren't one of those people, we've decided to help you save for the rest of the month AND help you stock up on some great specialty coffee!

Through July 31, when you buy any 1lb. bag of coffee or sample pack, you'll get $5 off any second 1lb. bag or sample pack. No quantity limits! As always, free shipping with no order minimums.

Buy now at:

New to Specialty Coffee and need help picking out your coffee? Give us a call at 803-520-0588 and we can help you out. You can also reach us through email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you!



In the case of Cold Brew coffee, coarseness is a happy thing!

Why coarse grind?

1. Cold Brew is a long brewing process; 12 - 24 hours
2. Because of point 1, you need to slow down the brew with a bigger grind.

A coarse grind will deliver better filtration for the longer brewing time, and this leads to a sweeter (not bitter, yay!), more smooth end result.

In the image with this post, the point of perspective starts with a nice, shiny nickel. Comparing that, you can see that the biggest piece of kosher salt is as small the smaller coffee grinds. When grinding your coffee for cold brew, you'll want to reach just above the size of kosher salt.

How about espresso grind? Well, espresso grind is made for blazing fast brewing. It's small so the water can pass through quickly. It's why it's horrible for French Press, Chemex, Nel Drip and Cold Brew. It's just it's own thing.

General rule: the longer the brew time, the bigger the grind.

Visit our coffee shop for great coffees to cold brew! Some of my personal favorites for cold brew are:

Ethiopia Natural
African Espresso (ground coarsely)

Shop now:


🇺🇸$17.76 FINAL DAY! 🇺🇸

Last chance to save big on a 1lb bag of single origin or blend coffees.

Not sure what to pick? You can also get one of our sample packs to try out 6 different blends or single origins for $17.76. Save $7.23!


Limit one per checkout, but you can return as many times as you'd like.....through the end of today, 7/4/2022!




This is a change up of your traditional Vietnamese Iced Coffee. We are going to use Cold Brew! What you'll need:

- 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) Sweetened Condensed Milk
- 8 to 10 Ounces Cold Brew Coffee of your choice
- Ice
- 12 Ounce Glass

1. Add desired amount of ice to your glass and pour in *2 ounces of sweetened condensed milk.

2. Add 8 to 10 ounces of your favorite cold brew coffee and stir to blend evenly. Serve!

*If you find the sweetened milk too much, cut it in half and mix with 1 once of half & half.

Enjoy! 🧋🧋🧋

3 Ways to make your own Cold Brew:




You've heard the term, "shaken, not stirred", right? Well as a coffee roaster, I say, "roasted, not baked"...

I was perusing social media recently when I came across a post with a picture of two very different looking dark roasted coffees. One was big, dark and shiny and the other was lighter in color, smaller with a light gloss.

To the untrained eye, some thought the lighter was the better bean, but in fact, it was the darker bean that was superior. Why? It was actually ROASTED.

To give you an illustration that most of us can understand, think of your Thanksgiving turkey. Do you go low and slow or high heat and fast to get to the destination? Because turkey is a tender meat, you need to roast it, not render it. So baking a turkey (low heat) is bad because you lose most of the fat by rendering it away and end up with dry meat, and chewy skin. You need high heat to crisp it and bring out the flavor while still leaving enough fat which retains moisture and brings out the natural goodness in the bird.

Same goes with roasting beans. You need high heat to hit that first crack and then at just the right moment, you pull the beans so they don't over roast or just as bad, burn. It keeps the oils and other flavor compounds intact which will deliver you a more flavorful cup of coffee.

Mass produced coffee on the other hand does something called "stalling". They essentially bake their coffee (this is what we literally call it in the roasting biz) and it takes a long time to hit first crack, the sign you are nearing the stage(s) to pull your . This does exactly the same as the turkey example. You bake out the oils and other flavor compounds leaving a less than desirable, albeit uniform flavor. It doesn't mean the coffee will be gross. It just means it's lacking the personality it came to the party with. You've given it a lobotomy!

Our roasters are trained to hit the right temps for each of our roast by using exactly the right heat and getting to that first crack quickly and pulling as soon as each stage's temp has been met. We NEVER bake our coffee.....EVER.

To get coffee with personality, go to:



Cold Brew coffee has been around for centuries dating back to the 1600's but didn't start to gain in popularity in the United States until the 1990's. has become a flat out trend in in recent years, and for good reason; it's great!


1. Brewed cold
2. Brewed for 12 -24 hours
3. Smooth as silk!

Because of point 1, point 3 is the outcome. It is the slow brewing process that lowers the acidity and creates the smooth edge for your . It creates a whole new drinking experience over a hot brew of the same bean! Not to mention Cold Brew is a very satisfying pick me up on a 🌞!

You can use any bean you want for cold brewed coffee, just make sure you have a coarse grind (bigger than standard drip). Experiment and find your favorites!

If you don't want the hassle of getting your grind just right, Scout Finch has what you want...

Our Cold Brew is pre-ground to coarse so we take out the guesswork. Our dark French Roast will amaze your palate and make you wonder why you've never tried it before.

Get Cold Brew at:

Or choose another roast at our Coffee Shop here:



Back in May I was driving up Interstate 85 in South Carolina headed back home from Georgia. I was cruising along when my tire pressure warning light came on. I had actually expected this for some time. Usually during seasonal weather changes the light will turn on and I check the pressure and adjust with more or less air.

Well, this happened while I was driving so I was half surprised. I kept driving as I-85 suddenly widened to three lanes and I felt something a little unusual, so I backed off the accelerator a little. Not sure if I was being overly-sensitive to my car's movement because of the warning light I cautiously kept driving because I was in the far left lane and would have to cross two heavy lanes of traffic to pull to the shoulder. And then suddenly it happened!

BOOM! My left front tire went flying by my driver's side window in pieces. Still driving about 70 m.p.h. this was my very first experience with a blown out tire. Making matters worse was there was no shoulder to move into on my side of the road and wouldn't be until about 100 feet ahead.

Thankfully I was able to control the car and get it into the thin sliver of the just beginning, shoulder. Now the fun would begin.

Cars were buzzing by on this 90+ degree, very sunny afternoon and I really needed to get my car (and me!) out of this spot fast. I immediately went to look at the damage to the wheel to see if I could get it off and put the spare tire on. That was all good so I went and got my tire and the jack that came with my car......which ended up being useless. It had begun to bend on the slight slope I was on. Not a great surface to change a tire on. Now I was really stuck.

I called my roadside service, but couldn't get help because we couldn't pinpoint my location. Next I called 911. Long story, but they eventually pinpointed where I was through a GPS ping to my phone. They would send out a sheriff's deputy to help. This was almost an hour after the blowout.....not a single person stopped to help....and then finally, someone did.

A young man pulled over and had one of those really good trolley jacks in the back of his truck. Though it was a little difficult with the slant, we got the car up and changed the tire quickly. Seeing the Scout Finch car magnet on my door, he asked, "company car?", of which I replied, "Yep, owner's car". I asked if he drank coffee and he said that he didn't but his wife did. I said, I wanted to thank him for helping and asked if I could send his wife a bag of my coffee as a thanks. He accepted (though said it wasn't necessary), but how could I not? I was grateful that someone....after almost an hour, had finally helped in a very risky place. Thank God for . Cheers to roadside heroes! ☕



Okay, it's not the television show we are talking about, but a great medium roast blend of select coffees from Central and South America that we call House Blend. Get it? House MD? Never mind. We shall banish ourselves to the corner....after this:

It's super smooth, clean and consistent for a flavorful cup every time. Features a medium body with tasting notes that include:

-Nutty, Sweet Chocolate
-Mild Citrus
-Clean, bright finish! (taste the sparkle!)

These blended coffees are both natural/dry processed and wet mill washed/sun dried. The techniques of the bean farmers are friendly to the environment, the rain forests and the living creatures of the high elevation mountains where these coffees are grown.

With its medium body, it is just right. For those who don't like the flavor of a dark roast and think a light roast is too bright, the Scout Finch House Blend is right in the sweet spot. Find House Blend at this link:



This is a one-time offer that you'll only see this week through July 4th. $17.76 will get you any one pound bag of of your choice or one of our sample packs. Scout Finch wants to celebrate the birthday of our nation with something a little crazy and in honor of our founding and thus, $17.76!

NOW is the time to try our specialty coffees and blends! And here's a little's only one item per customer.......per checkout





When my youngest son was 7, I realized I hadn't had him memorize my cell phone number. The last year was kind of a blur because my wife, the kids mother, had passed away from breast cancer, but finally, I was getting my act together. I thought....OH! He needs to know my phone number in case of emergencies (and whatnot).

Excellent at memorizing, Aaron had memorized my number in about ten minutes. Shortly thereafter, I got a call on my cell phone. Caller ID identified it as my home phone number. I pick up and say "Hello". On the other end, "Hi Daddy, this is Aaron". I don't recall the rest of the conversation, but it was of the quality of a happy go lucky 7-year old and over quick.

Back to work on my computer, and my cell phone rings again. Caller ID has identified it as my Little Caller, again. I pick-up and say, "Hello Aaron". We proceed to have a conversation of how I knew it was him, and we hang up and back to work I went.

Again, my rings. I pick it up and answer, "Hello Aaron. I'm glad you know my phone number, but the phone is not a toy". I went on to tell him the reasons we would use the phone. He happily says "ok", hangs up and then I hear his older sister giving him the same lecture!

About ten minutes go by and Aaron comes to my bedroom door, knocks and asks, "Daddy? What's the Pizza Man's phone number?"...

At Scout Finch, like the local "Pizza Man", we've got a phone number. If you need to get in touch, we are always a phone call away to answer your questions about coffee or help you with your orders. Heck, we can even help you vent! We are hear for you (see what I did there?)! Don't hesitate to give us a call. We'd really love to talk with you!


You can also reach us via email:

General inquiries:
[email protected]

Customer Support:
[email protected]

You can also reach us via Messenger on both Instagram and Facebook.

We also have a little chat bubble at our website that comes straight to me. I will either be there live or email you back ASAP.

Reach out! We are waiting to hear from you! ☕☕☕

You, Scout Finch & Faith 23/06/2022

This is what Scout Finch is really about! Thank God, for coffee! ☕️

You, Scout Finch & Faith What Guides Scout Finch? The guiding force behind everything we do here at Scout Finch is our deep-rooted faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We live and run our business by the Golden Rule, summed up in these two Bible verses: ‘…AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL...



For an easy sweet, smooth and icey cold pick-me-up, we've got a REALLY simple recipe for you!


12 - 16 oz Cold Brew of your choice
1 oz Vanilla Syrup
9 oz Half & Half
1/4 to 1/2 cup ice

1. In a glass add your ice and cold brew leaving room for sweet cream.

2. Mix 1 ounce vanilla syrup with 9 ounces of half & half.

3. Pour over iced coffee to taste. You can stir or allow it to naturally disperse in your looks cooler that way anyway!

Cheers! 🧋🧋🧋

DIY Cold Brew 21/06/2022


While the weather is cranking up the heat, why not celebrate with coffee! No, not a hot cup. , ! Check out our minimalist, DIY recipe where we found the perfect ratio to brew at resulting in the most amazingly smooth cup of iced coffee you'll want to drink again and again!

DIY Cold Brew I remember at my first job years ago, I worked in the bakery of a large grocery chain in Northern California. On many occasions in the summertime, a fellow employee would come back to the bakery and tell me, "I need a cup of coffee, I'm thirsty". My thought was, "and you want a hot cup of coffee?".....



Did you thank your coffee for being there, just like it always is, on Monday morning? Cheers to a great week!

Scout Finch....Thank you, Coffee!


I once was the assistant manager for a bougie cafe....billionaire, millionaires and celebrities were frequently seen in our quaint little culinary cottage. Our little cafe also made it on the 's, Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, though it was none of the above.

My owner-boss was the bouge queen, God bless her (she is a very sweet lady). She always wanted everyone to know of her superior sophistication....

Management along with our Chef and Sous-chef were doing a tasting of locally grown . We all sip the little sample cup at the same time when my sweet owner-boss breaks into an overly long and extremely bloviated (yes, I am being redundant for affect) breakdown of the flavors of the olive oil (hey, we all have our flaws!).

"Mmmmmm, I am getting walnut, black pepper...." and about half hour diatribe of the more complex personalities within the oil.....that I absolutely cannot recall. Everyone stared while the olive oil producers smile and nod enthusiastically at her extreme ridiculousness.

This was my cue...I begin to speak and everyone turns to look at me in concert.

"I got pork chop at the finish".

What I love about is its complexity. It's no joke. Like that pristine extra virgin olive oil we tasted that day, it has deep intricate flavors. It's not pretentious, it is just being itself, just like my owner-boss was.

The next time you are getting ready to take a sip of your favorite brew, sit back and relax. Breathe it in deeply and flesh out the aromas present. Listen to what your sense of smell is telling you. Then take your first sip. How is it hitting your palate? Is it smooth like like a spoonful of vanilla ice cream or does it have the bite of an aggressive ? Hey, you never know! And to each his own. If you like the bite of an aggressive Honey Badger in your coffee, you are my hero. Drink up!

The point is, your coffee has personality and it will give you its own experience over its cousins of different origin and blend. Don't rush it. Let it happen. That's what Specialty Coffee is all about. Cheers!



We have increased our Father's Day discount from 10% to 15% on all of your Scout Finch purchases through tomorrow, June 19th; .

Thank Dad with the great gift of or take the discount for yourself!

All of our and are 15% off for Father's Day.

Haven't tried Scout Finch yet? Our Single Origin and Favorites Sample Packs are also %15 off. Visit our coffee shop and buy now:



Specialty Coffee isn't just a caffeine kick, it's an epicurean adventure. It's for those who love to experience food & drink at their best. Every enjoyable cup will have you saying, "Thank you, Coffee"!

To experience our great Single Origin and Blend coffees produced by small farmers and co-ops from across the globe, buy at this link:



Simply put, is TRACEABILITY.

The most important thing about is its traceability, the fact that you know exactly where your coffee is from and that it’s a specific coffee, not a blend of beans from more than one location.

It is almost always of a higher quality, and it is an acknowledgment that the coffee is from a particular farm or co-op of farms located in a unique setting.

Its flavor depicts its origin, possessing characteristics of that specific area where the particular coffee was grown.

Great single origin coffees will list where they are from, show their grading and certification(s) from the origin country, and list variables like soil, altitude grown at and give a list of flavor profiles it develops from its growing region.

To see a listing of 's great single origin collection, follow this link:


Thank you, Scout Finch follower and coffee enthusiast, Joshua M. Langner for allowing us to share your Hot Bloom Cold Brew recipe. It's super simple and delivers a punch while cooling you down at the same time! Recipe as follows:

Cold brew recipe:
1/2 cup fresh grounds in a cheesecloth bag
Bloom with a few tablespoons of very hot (but not quite boiling) water— just enough so the bag is wet but not in standing water.
Let stand for 5 minutes.
Slowly fill with cold tap water.
Store for 24 hours at room temperature.
Remove the coffee bag and refrigerate. 🧋🧋

Why Hot Bloom Cold Brew? Read here:

Have a coffee recipe you'd like to share? Send us a message here at the Scout Finch page, and if we post your recipe, we'll send you a $5 off code for any 1lb. bag of . You can include your own picture as well!

Photo Courtesy of Joshua M. Langner



If you love or have never tried it, Scout Finch offers sample packs to try out some of our favorite coffees.

Try either the Single Origin or Best Sellers Sample packs and get six, two ounce packs delivered to your door (free shipping).

Each two ounce packet is ground to yield about 8 cups (8 oz. each) of coffee for that sample or 48 cups of coffee per sample pack.

See a coffee you want to try that isn't in our sample pack? Order risk-free from our online , and if you don't like it, we'll refund your money and help you find the perfect specialty coffee for you....guaranteed.

Order a sample pack today here:

Or visit our Coffee Shop for all of our offerings:



You're a , drinking enthusiast because you love great food and drink. You love coffee that is intricate and profound in its flavor. You love it because it's not over-roasted making those flavors null and void. You love it because you aren't just looking for a caffeine rush; you really enjoy your coffee!

Scout Finch delivers you this by roasting your to order. It never sits around as inventory in a stock room. You order, we roast, and then ship it to your door for free! It's .

Get Scout Finch Specialty Coffee On Demand at this link:



Between now and June 19th, everything in our coffee shop is 10% off. Get Dad premium , . Choose from Single Origins or Blends from around the globe and take 10% off your entire order!

Need help picking out the perfect roast? Send us a message or give us a call at 803-520-0588 and we will help you find the right roast for Dad and or you! Shop now at the link below:



You love coffee and what better way to make sure you never run out of great than a subscription plan!

Scout Finch offers subscriptions on most of our coffees. Simply choose your interval:

2 Week
3 Week
4 Week
6 Week

12 oz
2 lb
5 lb

Whole Bean

All subscription orders come with an introductory discount. With your 5th order, you'll receive a customer loyalty discount for the life of the subscription!

And don't worry, if you need to pause your subscription or change intervals, you can do it all within your Scout Finch account or give us a call and we can do it for you!

Getting the best tasting around has never been easier. Subscribe today and we'll take care of the rest, sending you fresh, roasted to order specialty coffee to your door! As always, with free delivery. Shop Now:


The Japanese say it can take 30 years (wow) to perfect the Nel Drip method of brewing coffee, but that doesn't mean you can't make a spectacular cup from your first try (you will!). Read more on how to brew the perfect cup of coffee, Nel Drip style at the link below:



Give Dad the gift of coffee and take 10% off your total order. That's right, you can even gift yourself! Everything in our store is 10% off in celebration of Father's Day! If your Dad loves coffee, he'll be saying "Coffee please" for ! Use promo code FATHERSDAY10 now through June 19 to save on everything in our online coffee shop. Place your orders now to ensure delivery before June 19.



Scout Finch is a 100% online coffee shop, so you can't just drop in off the street to try out our coffee. This is why we've put together two great sample packs that showcase some of our best single origins and blends coffees. Choose from Best Sellers sample pack which includes a mix of single origins and blends or our Single Origin Favorites pack. Each sample pack has six different coffees to try so you can find your favorites....plural. Shop now at this link:


Visit our coffee shop today and fill your cup with dreams!

DIY Cold Brew 04/06/2022

With a few things you can find around your house, you can easily, and frugally make your own glorious pitcher of the best cold brewed coffee around.

DIY Cold Brew I remember at my first job years ago, I worked in the bakery of a large grocery chain in Northern California. On many occasions in the summertime, a fellow employee would come back to the bakery and tell me, "I need a cup of coffee, I'm thirsty". My thought was, "and you want a hot cup of coffee?".....


The average cup of coffee for a famous national brand cost $3.15 (in 2018!). It isn't Specialty Coffee either in that it is mass produced and stocked as inventory, and slightly over-roasted to make it shelf stable longer. Over-roasting of beans causes the loss of the unique flavors of the bean from its growing region. At just 2 cups a week of this famous brand, you'd spend $25.20 a month (not counting tip)! What about the other five days of the week?

Though Specialty Coffee comes a premium price, it is fresher, taste better and comes at a huge price reduction over someone else preparing it for you and tipping required!

Today is the last day of our BOGO $5 off where you can stretch your savings even more. Buy 1lb. bag of coffee and get the second one $5 off.

How many cups of coffee in a 1lb. bag? A conservative estimate is twenty-one 12 oz. cups. That's if you want very strong coffee (3 tablespoons per 12 oz. water). That same 21 cups at the famous brand would cost you a whooping $66.15 without tips! You can actually make a great cup of coffee with a heaping tablespoon per 8 oz. of coffee, so as we've stated, 21 cups is the minimum you can get from a 1lb. can really get more!

Brew at home and save big today. Mix and match 1lb. bags of Single Origin and Blends, and grind and save $5 off the second bag. This is a huge deal for you and your love affair with coffee.

$5 off ends today, May 30. Buy now!
