Women's March South Texas

Women's March South Texas

Official Women's March Chapter of South Texas: As an official Women's March Chapter, we engage in yea

From San Antonio to Austin, Women's March Central & South Texas is an official chapter of National Women's March. We bring you the best of our larger community and are here to support you making your voice heard.


Let's turn the streets into a . March with us, Sunday October 9th. Sign up in đź”—

Let's Make Waves: How to Make a Women's Wave Sign for the March 30/09/2022

Roe Roe Roe Your Vote!

See you at the March!
October 9th-12pm-Milam Park

Let's Make Waves: How to Make a Women's Wave Sign for the March We march on the 8th. We're Fighting for Our Freedom. The midterms are here. Join us for a National Weekend of Action October 7-9, 2022.


Join us! The Women's Wave March is coming to San Antonio. Abortion for Texans, Abortion for All.
Sign up in links.
October 9th-12pm-Milam Park


The Women's Wave is coming and that means all of us! See you in October!


The Summer of Rage was just the beginning. Let's take the streets this October.

Photos from Women's March South Texas's post 26/08/2022

Here's some excellent tweeting by the that we thought you'd enjoy this Friday morning! Let us not forget that under the last President our Federal Government forgave more than $500BILLION is loans to businesses at part of our COVID-19 response.

Thanks to for the excellent PPP page detailing WHO got this money, how much!, and the fraud uncovered.


It was never about life, it was always about control.


We met some awesome Austin organizers at Women's Convention this weekend and wanted to share their upcoming Silent March on the steps of the capitol. Comment if you'll try to make it so people can connect!


Did you know that Northeast ISD removed more books from their libraries than any other district in the state? 110 books!! If you live in Northeast ISD today is a great day to contact your elected School board representative. [email protected]

The rest of us can sign this change.org petition and help push it over 15,000.


We fought during our Summer of Rage, were rejuvenated at Women's Convention and now begins the Fall of Reckoning. Anyone who can go to Washington, you won't regret it, but for our local folks we're rolling up our sleeves to help you exercise your 1st Amendment rights in the streets of San Antonio.

Details coming soon, DM us to get involved.

Photos from Women's March South Texas's post 11/08/2022

Women's Convention is 2 Days Away and we're taking a delegation! Will you be there?! Comment or DM us so we can connect!


Thanks to Show up and speak out tomorrow/Tuesday at 1pm to support abortion in San Antonio.

Join a Delegation for the 2022 Women's Convention 26/07/2022

Want to join our delegation?

List Tahira Mammen as the delegation lead here!

Join a Delegation for the 2022 Women's Convention Join a delegation and attend the Women's Convention together on August 12-14 in Houston, TX! A delegation is a group of 3-10+ women and allies from the same area who sign up to attend the convention together as a team, in order to develop skills and energy to advance a feminist agenda in their commu...


Another great opportunity for activism and engagement!


Check out an upcoming event hosted by Mujeres Marcharan!!


We're bringing a delegation! Join us! Message us to learn how to attend the Women's Convention August 12-14 in Houston, TX.


So sorry we can't meet up today but the building we were going to be using can't handle this heat. We'll connect soon

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Services | The White House 09/07/2022

Pressure works! Keep it up during our

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Services | The White House Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court issued a decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and eliminated a woman’s Constitutional right to choose.  This


Excited to co-host this with awesome local healthcare organizers.

I know yesterday everyone wanted to know what's next and here's a critical step in our .

Look for more from and our local partners
as we build power together.


See you tonight for an evening of healing and community building.

Let us know if you can make it!


One million of us took to the streets to kick off this last week and tonight we're on a mass call to learn what's next! Are you on the call? Interested in hearing what's next? Comment below!


In our , let's take a moment for connecting, building power, and holding space for our own grief. Let's build the energy we need to Fight. All. Summer.

See you July 4th!





A local activist is hosting an event this weekend as part of the

Friday July 1st: 5:30-9pm,
Bexar County Courthouse

Contact: Julianna Heaven J. Mikolajczyk for more information


Getting started!!

We Won't Go Back | Sign up to host a Decision Day action 24/06/2022

Thanks to our partners at Mujeres Marcharan for taking the lead today. We'll see you out there!

We Won't Go Back | Sign up to host a Decision Day action Join an event near you to march in defense of our abortion rights and reproductive freedom.


Today is the day.

Join hosts Mujeres Marcharan at a rally at the courthouse, today, 6:30pm. We'll be there.

Sign up in bio.


Join us for a Decision Day rally, whenever the decision comes down. 6:30pm, US Federal Courthouse. Follow for details on decision day.


Call your state and federal Senators, Congresspeople, and Governor.

Don't sit in your distress; action it.

Exclusive: McConnell says he has directed Cornyn to engage with Democrats on a 'bipartisan solution' on gun violence 27/05/2022

Today, tomorrow and with intensity over the next weeks call your Senators, specifically OUR SENATOR John Cornyn: (210) 224-7485

See our other post for demands.

Exclusive: McConnell says he has directed Cornyn to engage with Democrats on a 'bipartisan solution' on gun violence Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN on Thursday he met earlier in the day with Texas Sen. John Cornyn and encouraged the senior Republican senator to begin discussions with Democrats, including Sens. Chris Murphy of Connecticut and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, to see if they can find a mid...


Call your senators and demand:

1. Require background checks for all gun sales
2. Strengthen the background check system for gun sales
3. Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons
4. Limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds
5. Finish the job of getting armor-piercing bullets off the streets
6. Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime
7. End the freeze on gun violence research
8. Make our schools safer with new resource officers and counselors, better emergency response plans, and more nurturing school climates
9. Ensure quality coverage of mental health treatment, particularly for young people

For our children.
Cartoon: Nick Anderson, Tribune Content Agency


Thank you to for showing up for San Antonio women and women across this country.


Getting ready in the Plaza!

Photos from Women's March South Texas's post 14/05/2022

Which sticker speaks to you?
Join us at Main Plaza in front of San Fernando Cathedral and pick your sticker so you can take our call to actions home with you.

Do this work. Everyday.

Can't wait to be in community with you here on the plaza!

Thanks to for their work and donations to women's rights this year and every year!


Tomorrow we show up and fill the streets chanting "Bans Off Our Bodies".

Tomorrow we fight for the rights we've already won.

And we do it together.

Main Plaza, SATX
May 14th, 2022
10am -Welcome
10:30 - March
11:15 - Rally


Are you mobilizing with us at main plaza tomorrow? Here's a handy guide to make sure you come prepared!


See you Saturday.

Bring everyone.

Main plaza. 10am. May 14th

Women’s March Unity Principles

We believe that Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Women’s Rights. We must create a society in which women – including Black women, Indigenous women, poor women, immigrant women, disabled women, Jewish women, Muslim women, Latinx women, Asian and Pacific Islander women, le***an, bi, q***r, and trans women – are free and able to care for and nurture their families, however they are formed, in safe and healthy environments free from structural impediments.

Women deserve to live full and healthy lives, free of all forms of violence against our bodies. We believe in accountability and justice in cases of police brutality and ending racial profiling and targeting of communities of color. It is our moral imperative to dismantle the gender and racial inequities within the criminal justice system.

We believe in Reproductive Freedom. We do not accept any federal, state or local rollbacks, cuts or restrictions on our ability to access quality reproductive healthcare services, birth control, HIV/AIDS care and prevention, or medically accurate sexuality education. This means open access to safe, legal, affordable abortion and birth control for all people, regardless of income, location or education.

We firmly declare that LGBTQIA Rights are Human Rights and that it is our obligation to uplift, expand and protect the rights of our gay, le***an, bi, q***r, trans or gender non-conforming brothers, sisters and siblings. We must have the power to control our bodies and be free from gender norms, expectations and stereotypes.

Videos (show all)

See you tonight for an evening of healing and community building.#nofreedomnofourthLet us know if you can make it!