Poems & Lyrics by Michael R. Eliason

Poems & Lyrics by Michael R. Eliason

A place to post my original lyrics and poems, lyrics, and basically words. I'm all about the words.


YOU destroy ME? No fu***ng way bi***es.
I will utterly destroy myself first.
I'm the one with rod to spare, bring the hurt.
Here comes the pain, bring the rain, just desserts.
I refuse to stand cornered, mired in hell.
There's no key and no cage, no prison cell
I'm dope as f**k bitch, this you know full well.
Thing about dope bro, sells its fu***ng self
So you can gloat, smirk, think you've got me beat
I'm just warming up so take your damn seat
I'm like coca cain circa eighty-six
Woo! all geeked doing f**kin flips and s**t
Dumb ass ju**ie ho f**kin dope fiend bitch
Bring your lil boyfriend got sum for him too
Don't cry yet, you're through when I say you're through
Told you I was dope bitch you know full well
because I taught you how to sell but you only sold to lose
Thing about dope bro, sells its fu***ng self
and then it gives away tens to buy twos like you
Written just now by ME

YouTube Iowa 10/07/2024

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Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Keila Murphy, Amy Myers

Can I get a f**k yeah?!?


Friends (written just now by ME)

You think it's easy being your friend? Well maybe you better think that thought again.
Most of the time it is very easy. Most of your bulls**t sails on by me completely. There are days that darken like lightning borne clouds.
You jump on my nerves and make me curse out loud. I'm pretty sure I do the same to you because that's what real f**kin friends just do. The thing that keeps us friends is the fact that we can p**s each other off and keep coming back. Nothing worth having is ever easy but I'll never toss you aside merely because you displease me. I'd like to believe I have thicker skin, I have proven that time and time again. No I'm not fake and I don't pretend. I'm damned proud of being your friend.


No fight left
By MRE 7-1-22

I'm taking punishment, backed up in the ropes brutal, beat intent to kill another man's hope.

Snap of a quick jab feels like a set-up. Straight shook by a left hook, man! Get up!

That's what it feels like

Betrayed by a friend twice

Standing eight count referee checks ya out Expect me to get back up & swing again but nah f**k that forget it you win.

No fight left in me not for relationships, tired of taking hits. Withdraw into myself man f**k the bulls**t.

They lie to me SMACK!

Betray like BAM!

They f**k me over CRASH! WHACK!

Betray like BAM!

Referee hits ten, lost the fight, lost a friend.

"I got your back bro no worries" still threw me under that bus in a hurry

"It'll be half the punches you won't have to take" but the hits were real it was just the friend that was fu***ng fake.

Being the sucker was a punch in the fu***ng face.

I much prefer solitude over friendship with the likes of you. Left, right, left, right I'm friendless. Cuz the bulls**t f**kery is endless.

No fight left in me, not for relationships, f**k that s**t. You want a friend go buy a damn puppy. Never again with the bulls**t f**kery.



You hide yourself
behind your pleasure-painted mask
Entrapped and held
Imprisoned in a kaleidoscope of heavy, fragile glass

Then your important illusions shatter
Only the ones who stay ever matter
Thousands of one-night stands and rose-colored cameos
Need more than a broom and dustpan to clean up after my heroes

Very fragile glass
born just to shatter
In a broken, faded mask
You flirt and you flatter
You know that if you have to ask
You can't afford for this to matter
Inflated ego fallen ever flatter as pieces of halo hit the floor with a clang and clatter
Self-esteem an old fabric torn and tattered
Thinking cap shoots point blank, self-image splattered

Pop your head in once in a while, just to check and see
if they get along fine without you or if they reek of mercury

is the mirror image reflected even actually me or has your sick perception infected me just like a disease
Another cap is fabricated
Another lid on pain
and in the hatter's lunacy lay the truth
You are, in fact, insane.


Writing a post to feature my new WhatsApp button - go ahead and click it and tell ol Mike E something - Maybe leave a subject matter suggestion or a song idea - Heck if you leave me one or two just go ahead and make it three - I'm blessed with rhyming skills and a vast vocabulary - sometimes I come up with stuff so good that it's frankly kind of scary - Lyrics come easy and poems come cheap - sometimes I wax so profoundly and deep - panties get moist and bi***es just weep. So please do go ahead and drop me a note or a line anytime - I promise to reply and banter with you and it won't even cost you a dime.

Poems & Lyrics by Michael R. Eliason 28/01/2021

Bear witness to the sickness in the air. A festering miasma we all share. They count the flu-like symptoms coating everything like dust. Statues standing sentry guarding stockpiles of rust. Where once thousands settled to live their lives. Now a scant remnant scavenges to survive.

Poems & Lyrics by Michael R. Eliason A place to post my original lyrics and poems

Poems & Lyrics by Michael R. Eliason 15/11/2020

By ME (written just now)

Once, upon two-timing myself, I became outgoing and locked myself inside a shell.
Radically mundane, I volunteered to feel your pain, and gleefully drove myself insane.
I've been painted up with accusing colors like stealthy brilliance and bright shade.
Your best brush strokes barely alter the surface and facades do not affect much change. The core, the version of me that I've made yet remains. It will take great effort and patience to remove all these coats of hate you all helped paint and some I'm afraid are permanent stains. Scrubbed clean, a sterile palette of plainly shaded grey.

Poems & Lyrics by Michael R. Eliason A place to post my original lyrics and poems


Killing Tomorrow by ME

Another moment rushes by and I don't even begin to try, I go to catch it and it's just goodbye, grab a napkin and dab at my eyes, avert my gaze so noone sees me cry
Yesterday you have to stop killing tomorrow, maybe today I won't need to drown my sorrow, who's got some change I can borrow, regret and shame that's the name of this game, it's messed up though
Yesterday you need to stop killing tomorrow
Remember back when we was the life and death of the party, bar clown fell down and they thought it was charming, might have found it alarming if they knew how it harmed me.
Yesterday you gotta stop killing tomorrow
Sad memories fill me right up with emptiness feeling so hollow, my enemies are substances like hellhounds they follow, can't run from it, can't walk through it got to dig for the strength just to crawl home, please let me know that I'm not alone
Yesterday made me beg, today made me cry beseech the future asking please Tomorrow don't die...

Attic of the Addict on We Heart It 06/10/2019


Attic of the Addict on We Heart It The attic of the addict by ME He wandered on and on and on How did he ever become so lost rumored he once knew how to live but it looks like he fo...


Insecticide by Michael R. Eliason

My shoulders ache from the weight of all this hate
How can you hate me when all I ever did was love - no debate
by the time I'm crushed asunder and you realize your mistake it will be too late
Maybe when I'm gone you can celebrate yeah great
Have your cake and better eat that motherf**ker too clean your fu***ng plate
I hold my head up because I know the truth
Try holding up your lies for proof but they're v***r you can't cling to
Like sands through the hourglass they slip through your fingers too
Write your vitriol on the blackboard 500 times "guilty, insidious, no family of mine"
Make me suffer for your imagined crime
I don't want your pity and you're sure as f**k not getting mine
Blow out your candles carefully and mean the wish you say
no escape from the tower you've built yourself, rest well in the bed you've made
The thing that bothers you the most is I just won't go away
Listen you sniveling fu***ng sycophant, no boots to lick in this game
Doesn't matter who's ass you kiss when your falsehood has you enslaved
You never should have rolled the dice and put your piece in play
The me you asked for is here in the flesh and you took all my kindness away
When the scales come to balance and you find yourself in debt
You think you know the worst of me, you ain't seen nothin yet
Feel the heat of justice bitch the devil's here to collect
I've got nothing for your cause, you're a worthless little insect
You think I might feel sorry for you? Would you like to make a bet?


Onward to hell **groove metal lyrics**
Is paranoia still paranoia when it's put there by someone else? Careful, cautious caution will seek & destroy ya - imprison the infidels - silence the rebel yells onward to hell
Into the fire & flames
Crisping and burning for days
A new mold, forged in new ways
Angel, demon, master, slave
Sycophant, idolater, groveller, knave. SINGLE FILE! MARCH INTO BO***GE! SERVE THE ENCLAVE!
The deficit of the family debt has not stopped you yet you just borrow again and borrow again until the cartel calls in all your bets and this time you can not hedge so step up to the ledge, where regrets: like vertigo are bitter pills to swallow
Claustrophobia and prison cells
Total deafness and tolling bells
High imperatives and just as wells
you'll burn


You're the kind of person who's hopeful for yesterday & ashamed of tomorrow - with your map drawn in crayon & some scribbled circles to follow - approaching the midterms of life with things you didn't know all along - if life is a question rest assured you've got it wrong - defeated by the sounding of your loudly pounding drum - no rhythmic recollection stricken deaf, blind & dumb - God forbid anyone question your choices which are hard enough without multiple voices - never did research all the options not tuned in to your flatlined conscience - the loudest talkers tend to do the least listening so you're deaf to the warning the system is signaling.




Recurring daydream

Laughter I cannot believe

Out of water drowning

Reflection isn't always me

Hear it comes, that sound again

Wearing someone else's skin

As my facade is stretched thin

Depress my hate to dance within

Who was that voice, it wasn't me

Cries out the me I cannot be

Is that really truth reflecting?

A mirror shows but doesn't see

Nagging seeds sown in doubt

Lock the door to let me out

A shaken fist may show us how

Yesterday may be better now

Clear within yet hides without

You can't leave, no Sir, GET OUT!

Don't ever come back! No. Hold me close.

I love you. Please leave me alone.

Confusion clear as a Summer day

May darkness come to light my way

Now I lay me down to sleep

WAKE UP! Hypnosis incomplete


The mind's remind

I'm wrecked inside, fu***ng losing my mind. I found out why we have gears is so we have them to grind.
Smaller and smaller the cell in which my thoughts are confined. What's the big idea? Rest assured, it's not mine.
I know I'm broken into way more pieces than I'll ever find. The last few I did find, I had to leave them behind.
The truth will always get lost when you keep looking for lies. Promises just more fu***ng lines tangled, entwined. I fall back, I retreat, and I hide.
Between cowardice and bravery, I think I snorted that line. Who measures out the hubris by which I'm defined. Who's guilt is this? Responsibility it's mine.

