Jason McGlawn

Jason McGlawn

Sergeant at Searcy Police Department


Bring your family, friends, chairs & appetite July 2nd! Professional show provided by Joey Cain.

Official Launch of You Are Not Alone 12/06/2023

Official Launch of You Are Not Alone Join Hope Movement Coalition and Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership for the official launch of our You Are Not Alone initiative.


The rain has stopped and should be clear for a while. Come out and help break the stigma!


Going to be a great time! Come join us!!

Photos from Special Olympics Arkansas Area 6's post 17/05/2023

Congratulations to today's graduates of CJI's School of Law Enforcement Supervision (SLES), Session LVIII.

We had fifty-one Arkansas law enforcement leaders complete this distinguished four-week program that focuses on leadership and advanced management education for Arkansas law enforcement supervisors.

Photos from Searcy Police Department's post 12/05/2023

Searcy Mayor Runoff Election

I have found myself in a very interesting position this week. After running my race focused on honesty, integrity and accountability, I was approached by Osborne for Mayor of Searcy and Mat for Mayor to join their respective teams. After prayerfully considering the conversations that I had with them this week, I have decided not endorse a single candidate. I believe it is in the best interest of Searcy and myself.

I could try to use this for my gain and ask for power, money or a position, but that would go against everything I stand for. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking.

I do have a charge for Kyle Osborne and Mat Faulkner as you continue to finish this race.

Focus your efforts on what is good. In our conversations last week, I had no indication that either of you would go into mud slinging but I know the pressures that you are facing. I know that you have both kept the race positive so far. Please keep it that way.

Be transparent and demand accountability. One of the main concerns that I’ve heard is that we need openness and accountability. If you make a decision, take responsibility whether it turns out well or not. The people want to know what is being presented to the council and want to have a chance to have their voices heard.

Be Servant Leaders that listen and make it a top priority to take care of the employees of Searcy. Without good workers that feel a part of a team, the city won’t thrive. The salary increase plan that has been promised will make a huge impact, however, salary increases are not going to fix everything. Listen to the employees to find and meet their needs. Show the employees that you care and help create environments that they can thrive in. The employees feel that they’ve been overlooked.

Be responsible with the funds and resources that you are given. A huge concern of the citizens is the financial integrity of the city. They want to know that their hard earned money is going to be used responsibly. They want to know how much money is brought in and where it is going to go.

Many people feel that the city caters to or will cater to specific people or organizations. The city needs to give opportunities to all of the businesses in town, especially the small locally owned ones that sometimes get overlooked. Also, if the funds are supposed to be used for a specific purpose, don’t try to find a loophole to spend it on something else. Help the city to grown responsibly. Before starting any large projects, get more input from the whole community. The 20-year plan will help with this, but the plan should not be a static document. It needs to be revisited regularly because needs of people change.

Work together as a team. You can’t do this job alone. I will do anything that I can to help each of you be successful. We won’t agree on everything but we can help each other to see a different perspectives. When there are issues that will impact the community, we need to get the perspectives of all sides of the issues before we make decisions.

I also have a charge to the citizens of Searcy.

Get out and vote. In most runoff elections, less than half of the voters return to the polls. This means that your voice will not be heard if you don’t vote.

Ask questions and hold our leaders accountable. If you have specific questions, it is best to go directly to them and talk to them face to face. It may be uncomfortable but the responses you get will create a better environment and be better interpreted in person. Online discussions can be good to a point, but the responses can be misinterpreted. I learned this first hand.

Step out of your comfort zone. If you don’t like what is going on in our community, you have the option to live with it or you can do something about it. I saw things that I did not agree with and I made a choice to try to change them. The issues that I felt strongly about have already started to be addressed.

Roman 13:1 states “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God.”

I’ve been asked many times in the past week whether or not I was going to run again in the future, many have even encouraged me to consider it. I know God put me in this race for His glory. For now, I do not know what God has planned for my future but I trust that He will guide me in the way I need to go. I will continue doing the work God has set before me. I will continue serving this community as I have for many years. My family and I will continue to be active participants in this city. I will pray about a future attempt to run for mayor, but for the meantime, I will continue to do my part in helping Searcy be an amazing place to call home.


Need a coat for winter?

Come to the College Church of Christ this Saturday, November 12 from 9am-Noon to receive one!


ELECTION DAY - Total 273.96 Miles

Let us run with endurance, the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. - Hebrews 12:1-2

Congratulations to Mat for Mayor and for Mayor of Searcy for making it to the runoff and to April Butler for Mayor for stepping up to try to make a difference.

As I’ve said numerous times, I know God has put me where I am for a reason. I’ve stepped out….no…God pushed me out of my comfort zone so I could get stronger in may ways. I’ve met so many people I would not have met and formed relationships that will continue to grow.

Be careful when you say you won’t do something, because God has a way of making you do it anyway. I’ve been asked if I would ever run a marathon or even a half marathon and I’ve always said I’ve got more important things to do and that I there was no need to run that far.

My plan yesterday was to run between the four voting centers in town. I had mapped out the run and it was 7 miles, which is further than I’ve ever run in a day before. It was a challenge and I knew that I could meet the goal. As I started out, I made a detour to run through my neighborhood, then I got back on the route. As I ran through town, I decided to stop by and thank some of the people that had supported me through the last few months. It was great to get encouragement along the way. Through the run, I would think of places that I wanted to detour off the route to thank people. In the end, I had run 13.49 miles, over a half a marathon. My body is not very happy with me currently, but no pain, no gain.

It’s amazing to see what you can accomplish when you allow God to work through you.

Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Photos from Jason McGlawn's post 08/11/2022

It’s Election Day! If you haven’t voted, please get to the polls!

In Searcy, you can go to Downtown Church of Christ, West Race Baptist, First Assembly of God or the Carmichael Center.

I will be today between the fours locations!

Photos from Jason McGlawn's post 07/11/2022

Week 23 - Total 260.47 Miles

Let us run with endurance, the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. - Hebrews 12:1-2

Tomorrow is November 8, election day. The last six months have flown by and the anticipation continues to build.

On Friday, I ran the final leg in my adventure to run all of the residential neighborhoods in Searcy. I wanted to thank Mat Faulkner for his support in finishing this leg. I challenged him a while back and I was finally able to get to his neighborhood. To get to his neighborhood, I had to take Booth Road which is a very busy and narrow road without sidewalks. Mat followed behind me in his vehicle with his emergency flashers on as I ran the length of Booth Road to make sure I could safely complete the run. It’s a good feeling to know that even though we are in the same race, we are here to help each other out. It reminds me of my post from week 19.

Since May 31, I’ve ran over 260 miles and have talked to countless number of people. Each of these people had a story to share, a need to be met or an idea of how we can do better in Searcy. Some of these could be accomplished easily, while others would take more work.

The slogan on the back of my campaign shirts says, “Your Voice is the Power Behind Progress.” Each person in our community has a voice. Many of the people were reluctant to give me ideas because they felt their voices had never been heard. While on the runs, I would try to talk to everyone that I saw. I talked to people from all walks of life…from children to retirees…from bankers to the homeless…from police officers to felons. As I told each one of my hopes for Searcy, I saw the hope on their faces that maybe their voice had been heard.

Leadership is about Partnership - As a leader, I will work along side everyone in our community to see that the needs and desires are considered.

Leadership is about Ownership - The Mayor is not a one-man show. It is impossible to successfully run the city without a team. If an idea is successful, we will share in the success. If an idea fails, I will take responsibility and work to fix the problem.

Leadership is about Mentorship – we must work together to help everyone succeed. If we teach someone to lead others, then more people will grow and we will be able to Share in the success of helping those around us to grow.

- If you haven’t voted yet, there’s just a little time left to do so. If you have voted, please encourage your friends to vote.

From the Editor: Don't open the gateway. 29/10/2022

Please vote no on issue 4. Ma*****na is a gateway drug and we do not need to open the door to widespread availability. The issue on the ballot is poorly written and is even being opposed by some influential supporters of recreational ma*****na and also the author of the medical ma*****na amendment that is currently in place.

From the Editor: Don't open the gateway. “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.”

Photos from Jason McGlawn's post 28/10/2022

The Bryce Corporation is supporting Sparrow's Promise with BBQ nachos today from 11a-1p! Come out and show your support!


The Apaches Grill is open for dinner until 7:30!
Sizzlin’ Chicken is special is pictured on the right!


Over the past five years, I have helped multiple city departments streamline their processes and procedures to save both time and money. This year, the fine-tuning of the processes in the police department led to the department’s first accreditation. Accreditation ensures that our police department follows the best practices and the highest standards. It is essential that we continue to strengthen our infrastructure and work in efficient and accountable ways. As mayor, I will work with all of the city departments to help find new ways of saving time and money.

Photos from Jason McGlawn's post 25/10/2022

Week 21 - Total 250 Miles

With just over 21 weeks, I have passed 250 miles of running and only have three runs (approximately 10 miles) remaining which will cover approximately 99% of all of the residential roads in Searcy.

Early voting started today and there are just 2 weeks remaining until election day. I’m going to make a bold statement and declare right now, that I have won this race.

Don’t assume I’m talking about the mayor’s race…that is still up in the air and won’t be over until all of the votes are cast.

I have won this race by trusting God to help me grow and teach me through this adventure. He has guided my steps, all the way out of my comfort zone…way out of my comfort zone. At the Westside Elementary PTO Color Run, I told my wife I had no comfort zone left. She immediately challenged that notion and proved me wrong by pulling me into a line dance.

(On a side note, my wife is the absolute best and I would not be where I am without her. God has used her to help me grow over and over and I am grateful. She is my best friend and help meet. She encourages me to be my best and knows that I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to. She is the first to defend me, but also the first to let me know when I have messed up.)

I know that God has put me in this race for many reasons and know that I am in a better place than when I started. I have grown as a husband, a father, a leader and a friend. Whether or not I am elected as the next mayor of Searcy, I know that I have gained more than I could have ever imagined. God has guided me to meet so many new friends in this adventure and I can’t wait to see how he uses each one of them in my life and I in theirs.

There have been days that it feels that I can’t make it any further, but I know God is leading me and He helps me through.

In his song, “Long Way Home,” Steven Curtis Chapman says:

When we can't take another step
Our father will pick us up and carry us in his arms
And even on the best days, he says to remember we aren't home yet
So don't get too comfortable
Because really all we are is just pilgrims passing through


Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish by trusting in God, especially when you have no comfort zone left.

 - If you haven’t voted yet, you have two weeks left. If you have voted, please encourage your friends to vote.

Photos from Complete In Christ Restoration Center's post 25/10/2022

Great job!

Jason McGlawn for Searcy Mayor 25/10/2022

With soaring inflation and an unstable national economy, the last thing Searcy residents need is an increased tax burden. As mayor, I will evaluate our wants and needs to come up with a plan for the taxes we have in place. We should learn to use what we have wisely and look for alternative sources of funding.

Jason McGlawn for Searcy Mayor During my career serving Searcy as a police officer, I’ve learned that listening is the first step in leading. As your next mayor, I pledge to listen to every citizen as we journey together toward improving our city and building a brighter future.


Beginning today, you can vote early at either the White County Extension Office (2400 Landing Rd.) or the Carmichael Community Center (801 S. Elm). Check the city's website for times: https://www.cityofsearcy.org/news-updates/2022-general-election-information

Jason McGlawn for Searcy Mayor 24/10/2022

There are a lot of ideas for how Searcy can grow, but we should explore these carefully so that we grow reasonably and responsibly. We must spend our limited resources wisely. As mayor, I pledge to manage our spending so that we are staying within our means. Let’s pursue progress, not excess.

Jason McGlawn for Searcy Mayor During my career serving Searcy as a police officer, I’ve learned that listening is the first step in leading. As your next mayor, I pledge to listen to every citizen as we journey together toward improving our city and building a brighter future.

2022 General Election Information — City of Searcy 23/10/2022

Early voting starts tomorrow! Check this link for locations and times: https://www.cityofsearcy.org/news-updates/2022-general-election-information

2022 General Election Information — City of Searcy Early Voting Hours White County Extension Office 2400 Landing Rd., Searcy, AR October 24 - November 4 Monday thru Friday | 8am-6pm Monday, November 7 | 8am-5pm Saturday, October 29 and November 5 | 10am-4pm Off-Site Early Voting Carmichael Community Center

Jason McGlawn for Searcy Mayor 23/10/2022

As a certified law enforcement officer, I have taken an oath to uphold the constitution including the Second Amendment. The right to bear arms is a cornerstone of our way of life. As a Searcy police officer, I have seen first hand the need to keep fi****ms out of the hands of dangerous criminals; however, we do not need new laws to restrict the gun ownership of law abiding citizens. As mayor, I will fully support efforts to keep our community safe without infringing on our rights.

Jason McGlawn for Searcy Mayor During my career serving Searcy as a police officer, I’ve learned that listening is the first step in leading. As your next mayor, I pledge to listen to every citizen as we journey together toward improving our city and building a brighter future.

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Happy 100th Birthday to Jack Spaulding!
