Carter Nath for Kossuth County District 1 Supervisor

Carter Nath for Kossuth County District 1 Supervisor

Receive county updates and information from Carter Nath, your 1st District Kossuth County Supervisor.


I am sure everyone in Kossuth County has questions in their mind regarding the issues we have had through the budget process (my first full budget cycle) this year as well as the proposed tax levy. I just want to give a brief overview of the process these past couple of months:

- There were errors in the transferring of information electronically between departments and the auditors office and so the information/numbers we were presented throughout our primary budget planning time were incorrect. This was not one person's fault.

- Upon realizing the error, we hurriedly made decisions to cut certain expenses out of the budget so that our fund balances at the end of the year would be ok.

- In order to maintain our current level of services and expenses, we are looking at a 19.3% property tax increase throughout Kossuth County which is the issue currently being addressed by the board.

- Options to alleviate the property tax burden include a variety of things from changing employee health insurance coverage (currently fully paid by the county both single and family plans), cutting services in our Secondary Road department, downsizing on employees, and not funding certain organizations/programs as we have done in the past or a combination of any or all of those.

I plan to advocate for the board to stay in session next Tuesday, April 9th until we come up with a better solution. After a 7-8 hour meeting last week all we could come up with and agree on was $70,500 out of a $1.7 million dollar property tax increase? We can do better.

Feel free to contact me and share thoughts or ask questions at 515-320-6062. Kossuth County has had issues spending more than we need to for many years and it's time that we agree to actually do something about it. There will be more hard decisions to make in the future but making those decisions is what I was elected for and that's what I intend to do!

Send a message to learn more


Reminder Caucus is tonight! Please see the photo below for your location!


REMINDER: Public hearing tomorrow, 10:00am at the Kossuth County Election Center regarding the ordinance pertaining to hazardous liquid pipelines including CO2. I would encourage all those who are concerned to attend if you are able. If you are unable to attend but would like comments shared at the meeting, please submit a letter to the Kossuth County auditor, or to me at [email protected]
Of course, feel free to reach out as always over the course of today and share any thoughts.


While certainly I am not pleased with the situation surrounding my appointment to vice chairman of the Board of Supervisors this week, I am grateful for the support of Kossuth County through the phone calls, messages, and encounters I have had in the public and I look forward to being part of helping the county move forward and work towards a better future. As I have already been doing, I will continue to keep communication open so please reach out anytime.
This is not going to be an easy process moving forward in the year ahead, but through wisdom and discernment and many wonderful people in my life, may God give me the ability to continue to lead well.

P.S. Congratulations to Bishop Garrigan on the state championship win today, was a fun game to attend! Go Bears!


Thank you to all the veterans who have served Kossuth County, Iowa, and our nation. Especially recognize my Dad, Lance Nath in the Navy, grandpa Gary Ernst in the Coast Guard, grandpa Rick Troester in the Marines, and numerous other family and friends who have served to keep us free. We are truly blessed to live in America!


Kossuth County, what are your thoughts on solar power? When regulating a potential solar farm(s) in Kossuth County, what is most important to you?

Navigator C02 ends pipeline project 20/10/2023

Big news for Kossuth County, Navigator has cancelled their CO2 pipeline project!

Navigator C02 ends pipeline project The Omaha-based carbon company had run into multiple roadblocks during its attempt to get approval for a proposed 1,352-mile pipeline running through parts of five Midwest states.


Highlights from Board of Supervisors Meeting June 20th, 2023:

- Heard from Doyle Turner of Woodbury County, Iowa regarding possible interest in a methanol production facility in Kossuth County during public discussion. The board will discuss this at next week's meeting.

- Had an update from our Veterans Affairs Director. We are currently searching for three commission members.

- Approved 28E agreements with Kossuth County Soil and Water Conservation district and Kossuth County Historical Society.

- Approved purchase of courthouse trailer.

- Approved final agreements and transition documents between Kossuth county EMS and the City of Algona.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve!


Yesterday, May 16th the board of Supervisors made the decision to table the passing of a hazardous liquid pipeline ordinance that would regulate CO2 projects seeking to come through Kossuth County.
A few things to keep in mind what this decision does mean, verses what it does not mean:
What the decision DOES mean:
1. I have received information in closed session that cannot legally be shared outside those individuals who took part in the closed session.
2. I as a supervisor am very concerned about the safety of Kossuth County in many different ways and desire to make sure we have all the information needed to ensure we make the best decisions moving forward.
3. I and the board are still considering the ordinance and the process of moving forward and I am still committed to doing what I can to protect the safety and property of residents and landowners across Kossuth County.
4. The vote was a "wait", not a "no".
What the decision DOES NOT mean:
1. I am afraid of the pipeline companies
2. I am trying to hide something or do "under the table deals"
3. I am no longer interested in the ordinance.
4. I am just going to sit on my hands and wait for someone else or other counties to fight our battles for us.
5. I am not concerned about the safety of my friends and neighbors.

Please know that in all of this, I do have your best in mind. While this may be hard to understand due to lack of information from the closed session, it was the right decision yesterday. I understand if you as a citizen are frustrated, concerned, and upset with the whole situation, as I am too. I have never been one to trust government officials very far, but I am asking that you trust me as your elected representative to do what is right. Do not hesitate to reach out with any concerns or thoughts. Hold tight, find some extra patience deep down inside, and we will continue to work on a plan moving forward is all I can say at this time.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve!
Carter Nath


Update from Kossuth County Board of Supervisors May 2nd, 2023.

- Approved EMS staff pay scale and update job descriptions for the upcoming transfer to a countywide EMS service as voted on last fall. The county is currently taking applications for the positions set to begin July 1.

- The board went into closed session to discuss the CO2 and hazardous liquid pipeline ordinance as submitted by the Kossuth County Planning and Zoning commission. The board will have discussion regarding the ordinance for the public to hear during next Tuesdays meeting.

Thank you all for the opportunity to serve!


Courthouse highlights from Board of Supervisors Meeting April 11th, 2023:

- Approved 28E agreement for sharing of mental health advocate costs with Winnebago and Worth Counties.

- Approved a countywide cellphone reimbursement policy and amount for employees.

- Discussed and Approved the FY 2024 IDOT Secondary Road budget and 5 year road and bridge construction program.

- Approved gravel pit agricultural land lease to Shayne Kogle of Cylinder.

- Discussed issues regarding the shortage of mechanics and current wages for the mechanics position.

- Approved agreement with Snyder and Associates for CO2 pipeline inspection services.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve!


Courthouse highlights from Board of Supervisors Meeting April 4th, 2023:

- Held public hearing on proposed property tax levy for FY 23-24 and voted to approve the resolution.

- Discussed GPS account permissions for Board of Supervisors members and decided not to pursue the issue further at this time.

- Discussed and approved details regarding the transfer of EMS staff, benefits, salary, and application process for the coming fiscal year.

- Sent letter to oppose Oppose Sales Tax Distribution Language in senate file 550.

- Held joint teleconference with Winnebago County to approve update reclassification report of Winnebago/Kossuth 68-136 Main open ditch and lateral 2 open ditch.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve!


Courthouse highlights for Board of Supervisors Meeting February 28th:

- Received updates regarding our general assistance program

- Decided not to fill out the pre-application for the rural EMS pilot program

- Approved our roadside noxious w**d spraying calendar, we will continue to work with B&W Brush control ran by the late Don Re**er and now operated by his son Nate.

- Held a joint meeting with Winnebaago County to enter into a shared agreement for having Ruth Melby serve Kossuth County as our new mental health advocate.

- Had conference board public hearing with the Kossuth County Assessor to officially move forward with their department budget for the year.

- Discussed our insurance with a Wellmark representative on new information and necessary changes in the coming year.

Thank you all for the opportunity to serve.


Reminder there will be a public hearing this evening at 5pm at the Kossuth County Courthouse in regards to reviewing the proposed ordinance affecting CO2 pipelines in the county.


Courthouse highlights for Board of Supervisors Meeting February 14th, 2023.
- Approved purchase of new furnace from Algona Plumbing and Heating
- Appointed two new members to the planning and zoning commission to take it from a 3 member board to a 5 member board which has been lacking those two spots for a couple of years. Welcome Steve Struecker of West Bend and Jim Heldorfer of Bancroft to the planning and zoning commission.
- Had a project update from Summit Carbon Solutions regarding the status of the CO2 pipeline. Many comments and questions were posed from supervisors and public. Please be contacting your state legislators regarding the pipeline as the authority and debate is in their hands at the moment.
- Reviewed budgets for Ambulance, HR/General Assitance, Mental Health, and IT

Thank you all for the opportunity to serve.


Courthouse highlights for Board of Supervisors Meeting February 7th, 2023.

- GPS systems have been approved for all county department vehicles excluding the Sherriffs office, currently only secondary road vehicles are equipped with GPS.

- ISAC soil compaction study was approved to assess the current soil conditions in which the CO2 pipeline will be traveling through to better give direction for construction if the project occurs and allow for concrete data when damages would occur following the project.

- Bids were taken for the East Cylinder Gravel Pit farm and awarded to Shane Kogel.

- Reviewed budgets for a variety of departments and organizations including the Engineer and Ambulance.

Thank you all for the opportunity to serve.

Photos from Carter Nath for Kossuth County District 1 Supervisor's post 24/01/2023

Haven't been very active since the election on here but would like to start giving weekly updates and highlights for what you should know is going on in the county. This past week I attended the two day Iowa State Association of Counties New officer training and conference in Des Moines. Some great information was provided and I was able to network with other supervisors around the state and discuss issues and ask questions with them. Supervisor Stecker and I also had the chance to visit the capital and express some concerns of the county to our state legislators.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve!


Polls are open! I just want you all to know how blessed we are to have Kossuth County as a home. It has been truly a wonderful experience getting out and visiting with everyone in the first district. Contrary to what the news might want you to think, I didn't have one single person on the campaign trail be rude or hostile toward me no matter what party. I appreciate that you all have treated me as a fellow community member and friend and I hope that relationship will continue for many years to come.
I have a list of thank yous throughout the year to make....
Thank you to the Handle Bar in Lu Verne for kicking off the year by hosting a met and greet fundraiser back in March.
Thank you to Minuteman Press of Fairmont for designing and printing the signs you all see throughout the countryside.
Thank you to Print and Praise Shoppe of Algona for assisting in printing flyers as well as the mailings.
Thank you to the Kossuth County Republican GOP central committee for their support in numerous ways during the year. You have all been a huge blessing.
Thank you to the Kossuth County Democrats as well for allowing me a platform to speak at your meeting and the support from individuals involved in the committee.
Thank you to Iowa Lakes Community College, KLGA radio, and the AAUW for putting on a great forum this fall.
Thank you to KLGA again for providing a platform for me to reach the county with radio advertising. Truly the best local advertising.
Thank you to my wife Caley for her part in helping behind the scenes and being their for me every step of the way.
And thank you Kossuth County and all of you who contributed throughout the year financially, with your time, by letting me throw up a sign in your yard or field, domating steel posts for the year, or just being there with an encouraging word.
I am a very blessed man and so thankful for you all!
One last time, I'd appreciate your vote today!

Note: if you have a sign, please leave it up and I will be by in a day or two to retrieve it.


Getting down the the wire! One day to go. Has been wonderful to get out in my own community visiting with folks these past few months, Lu Verne I'd appreciate your vote!


It has been wonderful to hit every door and visit with the residents of this fine community over the past few months. Whittemore I'd appreciate your vote!


Early and absentee voting begins today!
One thing to remember when sending in your absentee, make sure you SIGN your ballot. If you do not sign, your vote does not count. Four years ago in this very same race the winning margin was by three votes and over a dozen absentee ballots ended up unsigned by voters. Had people signed their ballots, we may have had a different result so keep that in mind!
Every vote counts, and I would appreciate yours!

Local Candidate Forum Set for Tuesday Evening 11/10/2022

Candidate forum tonight at 7pm at Iowa Lakes Community College in Algona! If you have questions or concerns for us as Supervisor candidates or for your State Representative candidates please attend! If you are not able to attend there will be a call in option to ask your question. It is broadcasted live on KLGA. Thank you to the AAUW for hosting the event.

Local Candidate Forum Set for Tuesday Evening --The Algona branch of the American Association of University Women will host a candidate forum Tuesday night for those seeking both county and statewide offices in Kossuth County this November. AAUW spokesperson Jane Nettleton tells KLGA News they will have candidates from the locally contested rac


Beautiful day to be out walking the streets! Wesley I'd appreciate your vote!


Beautiful day for the Algona Band Day Parade! Last one of the year!


Signs are going up this week, let me know if you want one!
We are exactly 8 weeks away until election day!


If you live in an Algona subdivision area and got this flyer in your door over the past couple of weeks, you can vote for me November 8th!

With the redistricting that happened earlier this, certain areas on the outskirts of Algona were shuffled around regarding what supervisor district they are in. If you live in South Dale, Wood Acres, Royale Oaks, Western Hills, Country Estates, Hungry Hollow, or Call Park Road, you are in District #1 and I would appreciate your vote in November!

Photos from Carter Nath for Kossuth County District 1 Supervisor's post 09/08/2022

It's been a whirlwind of a summer! I'm a little late in posting but here are a couple pictures from parades we participated in throughout the area. I always enjoy the parades and seeing all the smiles from our local people! And of course, I may have the prettiest driver around!

