Legal Marketing Flow

Legal Marketing Flow

So, The Question Is...? What should you be doing in your marketing to effectively and efficiently gr

Timeline photos 22/12/2021

We're taking a break to spend time with family! So, here's our holiday office hours! Get in your last minute questions now. Otherwise, we'll see you in the new year!


How many times have you walked past your CSC desk and overheard the conversation, a prospect who really, really went off topic...

And your team member has NO IDEA how to facilitate the conversation....

Or maybe the prospect or client is 6 feet deep in telling the nitty, gritty details you don't need.

And many team members tell us they struggle with getting them back on topic so you guys don't have a 4 hour phone call.

Have your team join us on December 2nd from 3-4 ET PM in the LMFA members only Training Room to learn the 3-Step Process to Take Back Control & Facilitation of every call that comes into your office.

Empower your team vs. leaving them stuck in a panic that they are being considered rude - you're being considerate, compassionate and polite :)

Happy Closing!


Don't miss out on our AMAZING Black Friday offer!

Link below to get all that it entails👇


We know how easy it can be at this time of year to worry about all of the things we don’t have, or the things that haven’t happened to us yet. The holiday season, while rooted in the spirit of gratitude, peace and love, has turned into this impossibly hectic, high stress, say-yes-to-every-party-invitation, go, go, go time of year. And when we’re in the middle of that chaos, it’s so easy to lose sight of what’s truly important in life.
This Thanksgiving Day, we would like to take a moment, and acknowledge all that we are grateful for. Here’s how to be grateful in 10 minutes or less: Spend 5-10 minutes tapping into five things that you are grateful for. Things that your life would be less rich if you didn’t have. Make note of why you’re grateful for each things. And there you have it—a ten-minute gratitude challenge that can recharge your batteries, instill confidence, and start your holiday season on the right foot.

Here at LMF, some of the things we’re most grateful for this year:
1. Family: Our children are healthy and happy. Our kids get to grow up in an entrepreneurial home, witnessing their moms deeply committed to creating breakthroughs in law firms across the USA each and everyday. And hear about our clients victories’ at the dinner table. It’s living our passion that is very impactful to our children that makes our hearts swell with gratitude.
2. Health: We know it sounds cliche, but we start and end our day by moving our bodies. We are healthy enough to work long hours and serve our clients well while creating hard wired time in our calendars, each and everyday, for yoga, exercise and meditation to show up present, energized and committed for our clients.
3. Clients: The people who we have had the honor to walk side by side with…many for decades.. supporting us and trusting us with their business needs…and making us better people for it. The people who hold us accountable for showing up and delivering for them every day. Thank you!
4. Faith: For bringing us calmness, vision, inspiration, and strength, and for making us feel amazingly connected to humanity.
5. Community. In our connectedness, we have the opportunity to serve others, learn from others, share, and connect with humanity. It makes all the “work” worth it!
Take the time today—right now, even!—to practice this simple act of gratitude. Gratitude is a magnet for miracles. It will create new opportunities, improve your physical and mental health, keep you calm—even during the chaotic year end Hussle. Furthermore, scientific studies have connected gratitude with the ability to achieve one’s goals.
What are you grateful for today? Grab your journal (or buy a new one…we hear there are a few Black Friday deals going on right now?) and take a few minutes to acknowledge and write down the five things you are grateful for. We get it, and we know you are busy. We all are. But you can set aside 5 minutes for gratitude. And…you’ll be grateful you did!
This Thanksgiving, we will be remembering all of you with extraordinary gratitude. Gratitude for the constant support in its countless forms, for sending encouragement, sharing our resources with your colleagues, referring us to your friends, trusting us with your teams, befriending us on Facebook, and keeping us in your thoughts. We are constantly amazed by your kindheartedness, year after year.
To quote Johannes “Meister” Eckhart, “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” A very grateful Thanksgiving holiday to you and your family!


Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you have a blessed holiday with loved ones!


You might be thinking you don't have enough time, I don't want to waste my money...again...on yet another program that is going to sit on the shelf because nobody has "time" to invest in their learning....
LMFA is so complete (with Accountability!) that it takes time suck of training, the confusion because of the lack of know how and we do it for you. Every single day. Give us your team so they can produce the results you have been craving.
Don't walk into 2022 without a trackable, measurable and accountable path and plan for your team to hit their "Daily Top 3".

Get in on the deal by clicking the link below👇



Check it out at the link below👇


Help us settle this debate😂

What is the correct ratio of whipped topping??
Let us know in the comments 👇


Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all of those who have served. We appreciate you!

Using Reviews to Unlock Your Competitive Advantage 08/11/2021

This article breaks down the importance and impact reviews can have on your business! Read more about what they have to say and some best practices they offer at the link below👇

Using Reviews to Unlock Your Competitive Advantage Jeff Toiste, author, consultant and trainer, shares ways that business owners can glean insights and learnings from their online reviews, as well as best practices for responding and engaging with reviews.


We get questions all the time about an array of different topics! So, we want to know... what burning questions do you have for us! This is your chance to get all the answers you need!

Drop 'em below👇


Pictured here is a Bougainvillea plant. Bougainvillea plants only grow in certain regions like most other types of plants. Just like plants, not all firms thrive in the same marketing environment.

Let us help you find where you fit! DM us to get in touch!


Online reviews have become such an integral part of how we shop for goods and services. I mean just think of Amazon. I always read the reviews before I purchase.

If you aren't in the review game, you should be. You could be missing out on major leads and sales.

Let us know below👇 Are you in the review game and what has it done for your business?


If you could write a letter to your future self detailing where you'd be in a few years, what would you say?

What goals will you have hoped your firm has sorted out?


This graphic may seem basic to you, but people always get overwhelmed with wanting to be on every social media platform and end up missing the mark.

Not all platforms are for you! Identify what is and do it. You don't have to do everything.


Happy Halloween!🎃

What was your favorite costume that you've ever done? Bonus points if you drop a pic in the comments👇


Have you been struggling within your firm? We get it. Sometimes we just need to "cut" and take a step back to evaluate where our struggles are coming from.

What are you struggling with right now? Let us know in the comments👇


Have you wondered why your firm just isn't growing🌱 despite your best efforts? Well, something we see all the time is attorneys unintentionally sobataging their own firm growth. If you're firm seems to be in a rut, evaluate your own actions and see if any of these 5️⃣ reasons could be why your growth is stunted.

Link below👇

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Pumpkins are unique and different and none of them look the same. Just like pumpkins, all law firms are unique. They have unique staff, attorneys, location, systems, and processes. Just as they are unique, they all have different pain points and not every marketing team is the right fit.

We empower you to make the best decisions for your firm and walking you through your pain points every step of the way. Book a call to learn more.

Legal Marketing Flow: 36: Leveraging Your Time Through Your Marketing Team 26/10/2021

Have you been doing tasks that you just don't have the time, energy, or capacity to do? This is why you need to leverage your marketing team so that you can make the most of your time.⏱ Listen to our podcast to get the most of find out what you need to know!

Legal Marketing Flow: 36: Leveraging Your Time Through Your Marketing Team Every minute an attorney spends marketing, they are not billing. It's the attorney's responsibility to be the rainmaker, not the marketer. Phil Blende from Law Firm Management Academy is here to discuss how attorneys can leverage their time through their marketing teams. You've invested in a marketi...


This is our bare minimum. If you're not doing these things you're missing the mark!

Book a call with us to learn how we can take you from scattered to systematized!


Today we kick off class #1 on all things Law Firm Reputation Management (Google, Facebook, Yelp Reviews)! See you soon LIVE in the Facebook Group!


We've all heard that growth happens outside your comfort zone. But, I feel like we always think of that in a negative way when it shouldn't be. Sometimes we are uncomfortable.... in a good way. It teaches us lessons that we otherwise wouldn't learn.

If you're uncomfortable, good. It means you're growing.

Key Marketing Metrics for Law Firms | Legal Marketing F.L.O.W. 21/10/2021

Have you been wondering what your key metrics are as a law firm? Our newsest blog breaks down this exact question! Learn what key 🔑 marketing metrics you need!

Key Marketing Metrics for Law Firms | Legal Marketing F.L.O.W. Learn what the key marketing metrics are for law firms and if you're using them. Don't miss out. Read more now>>>


This is our 5 Step Process for Online Reviews!

If you want more information about this and our system book a call with us!


The best way to get your people to follow you is by telling them a story that trumps their own…

Find out your customer’s false beliefs… What’s the story they’re currently telling themselves? And then you have to figure out a story that trumps theirs.

And if your story is better than theirs, it will rewrite their story and your truth will become their truth, and then they’ll follow you to the end of the world :)

So start practicing telling better stories… the more you practice, the better you’ll become and the better you’ll become at persuading people. That’s what will get them to rewrite their story and believe your truth and allow you to serve the best you can!!!- Russell Brunson


How many people here NEED that fresh cup'o'joe in the morning??☕️

It just lifts your spirits and gets you ready to tackle your busy day.💪

Let's put like this, we want to be your businesses cup'o'joe. We want to lift you up and get you ready to tackle your next marketing project head on!

We want to empower and prepare you to take your marketing into your own hands!🤲

Book a call to see how and get your business its cup'o'joe!


Just like technology, we all need to unplug and refresh every now and then.

So, if you haven't taken a break in a while, this is your sign.

Where do you like to go to escape it all?

Beach? 🏝
Mountains? 🏔
Desert? 🏜
Or do you just like to stay home?🏠

Let us know in the comments below!


We can all agree that starting your own business takes a big leap of faith. Owning a business can change things about the way you operate and live life.

So, we're curious🤔 what are some things that changed for you since taking your leap of faith in owning a business?


Harvard Business Review recently did a study on the wine industry and how it has skyrocketed over the past 20 years. The answer was all in marketing and there are some things we can take away from this!

The way wine🍷 has been made has stayed the same for thousands of years. So, why the uptick in popularity? Education. If we educate consumers rather than listen to them, we create value in our product/service.

So, how does this relate to the legal space you ask? Well, if we educate consumers on the benefits of what [insert practice area of law here] can do, it will encourage them to seek out counsel and get started.

So go and educate!

Videos (show all)

How many times have you walked past your CSC desk and overheard the conversation, a prospect who really, really went off...
You might be thinking you don't have enough time, I don't want to waste my money...again...on yet another program that i...
BLACK FRIDAY OFFER❗️Check it out at the link below👇
Day 11: Marketing Metrics
Day 9:  Power Profit Projects
Does your law firm have a marketing plan for the holidays?
