Jason Wetzler Leadership

Jason Wetzler Leadership

Jason is a keynote speaker, leadership trainer, public speaking coach and educator at heart. To find

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 27/10/2023

A wonderful creation. We’ll call it…
⠀“Work Life Balance”

I’ve lived in Arkansas for nearly two years and I’m grateful to call it home, but nothing can replace the feeling of returning to the ground you grew up on.

It’s giving directions using street names and not turning on the GPS because you know every road, and every shortcut.

It’s running the same 3.2 miles route you used to run in high school to clear your mind and realizing that, even though you’re a little slower, your mind and heart benefit just the same.

It’s sitting on the porch watching the wet leaves fall off the trees, knowing those trees were there before you arrived and will be there after you’re gone.

It’s meeting up with old friends at old places all for the sake of reminiscing on old memories, which in turn become new memories themselves.

It’s combining two worlds, professional and personal, of which edged a thin line in the past and now can be thought of as one.

Nostalgia is a powerful drug and one we shouldn’t abuse. But hey, a hit of the good stuff every now and then might be just what we need.

Make someone better today.


What was I pointing at? Wrong answers only.

Real answer in the comments.

Make someone better today.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 01/08/2023

“That was the thing to remember about all monsters, they love to frighten
⠀people, but the minute you stare them down, they turn tail and run.” - Jeanette Walls

Monster Games showed us that:
-Life is no game. Monsters are real and we have to be ready to do battle when we face them.

-These battles are hard to fight on your own, but become manageable when we fight them in community.

-We are meant to face our monsters, not to turn tail and look for escape. And the sooner we face them, the better.

-Life isn’t about winning or losing or points or a place on a podium, but cheering for victories and lamenting losses as a unit.

This is a hobby for me. A way to spend time with my friends and test my mettle. It doesn’t mean everything, but it does mean something.

I encourage you to do something that means something as well.

Make someone better today.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 10/07/2023

Just a natural state weekend with some good natured folks.

2023 National FFA Convention - Student Workshop Facilitator Application 10/07/2023

Reminder to those wanting to facilitate workshops at National FFA Convention this year: applications are due July 31st.

Don’t wait! Apply today.

If you know someone that wants to apply please forward them the link below 🙂

2023 National FFA Convention - Student Workshop Facilitator Application Please click the link to complete this form.


What you do will never be as important as who you become.

Thank you Wisconsin FFA for letting me share a lesson I’m still trying to learn myself.

What a life.

Make someone better today.


“You want a headshot?”

“Sure, Doug! Thanks!”

Had a blast working with the leaders of this week in Central Oregon.

Not many companies claim a set of core values and then back them up with clear and intentional behavior.

What an incredible family and business. Grateful they’d have me out and give me the chance to share a few stories and concepts.

Make someone better today.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 26/12/2022

A very Clackamas Christmas.


It’s a rare kind of person that will spend their entire weekend investing in themselves so they can invest in others.

It just so happens this group signed up to do it every weekend for a year.

We spent the past few days learning about team dynamics, how to make others feel valued through conversation, and the secrets to great storytelling.

They’re talented. And they’ve got heart. Watch out, Florida FFA.

Make someone better today.


I‘ve had a tough time writing this post.

This family means a lot to me. Cindy and Dennis took care of me like I was one of theirs, like they did most.

What’s funny is that Cindy was always like a second Mom. Dennis, however, was forever a Grandpa. A “flick you in the ear” and tell you to “pull your head out of your ass” Grandpa. Someone who’d help teach you the difference between right and wrong, and then twenty minutes later tell you a dirty joke that was SO wrong.

He lived a life of service to those his family, as well as the FFA and Ag Ed community. He’ll be greatly missed.

Cindy is a strong woman. She has never asked others for help, just given it.

Even if you don’t know them or can’t give, please share the link. For Cindy. For Dennis.

Link in story and bio.


This is my stepdad, Wynn. It’s been understated what he’s doing to serve the students of North Clackamas School District.

He retired from teaching four years ago… and yet, he’s back in the classroom as a long term sub until they can find a suitable replacement to teach alongside my mom (who’s on year 35???).

The teacher shortage is real. Salaries should be higher, work life balance better, and less should be expected from teachers…

But on this first day of school I’m thankful for the good ole boys. For the teachers who have stuck it out, who keep showing up, despite the INSANITY that is the “classroom” right now.

I’m a product of them and they’re exactly what these students need.

Make someone better today.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 06/09/2022

Being married is an adventure. Being married to is an epic saga.

When she agreed to help out with a friends sons’ wedding, I had no idea what she had truly signed us up for.

Desserts, day of coordinating, set up crew, DJ, and emcee. Thankfully we had help, and I sure am proud of how it turned out.

I’m extra proud to know and love Jo. Very few people would sacrifice their Labor Day weekend to ensure someone else had the best wedding day imaginable. She’s selfless and organized and thoughtful above all.

Congrats to Aysia and Noah! And congrats to me for marrying the best a year ago.

Make someone better today.


Why is it that when I said “Do something weird!” it actually felt more natural for this crew than just standing and smiling?

Last week I put a cap on what might have been the most comprehensive project I’ve worked on since starting my business.

In March, I was tasked with writing 15 hours of curriculum, to be divided into two conferences, that will be experienced by high school students all over the nation.

Being a Solopreneur, I don’t work in teams often, but I truly had a blast working with a few individuals on this.

Shoutout to for helping get us to the finish line on the curriculum, PPT’s, Learnbooks, and training. Big ups to Allie and for stepping right into their new roles and rocking the week of training. Thanks to Miss for hiring me on the project initially. And of course I had a blast working with the facilitators who will be bringing this content to life.

When people ask what I do, I have a tough time answering. Who knows what’s next? For now, I’m reveling in a team effort well executed.

Make someone better today.


Would love your thoughts. Feel free to comment or DM.


It’s back to school season.

-Need something for your students to do as they enter the room?
-Want to establish a rhthym on day 1?
-Want to encourage growth in the lives of your students?

Consider using Bell Ringers. 5 minutes or less. 5 different categories. See what a teacher who has used them for years said about them ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Find them at

Like most businesses, my business had to shift and adapt to the pandemic. Instead of speaking on stages, I was speaking at Zoom screens.

I knew that high school students would be missing out personal growth opportunities, so I came up with these bell ringers.

It started out with one teacher using ten bell ringers focused on relationship building. There must have been a need for it, because now they’ve been used by over 100 teachers in 20 states. Wild.

Last year, I received this kind message from Mr. Gerald Hosler when teachers were still teaching virtually.

At that point I hadn’t been in front of an audience in a year, but that was all the applause I needed.

Grateful for my work and grateful for educators that pushed through.

If you’re interested, they can be found on my website jasonwetzler.com

Make someone better today.


Where my Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota FFA members at? Can’t wait to see y’all there!


FFA members and advisors, you won't want to miss out on this FREE field trip opportunity at the Fair on September 13 -- it's our first-ever FFA Day sponsored by Summit Carbon Solutions!

To register your chapter and learn more, contact [email protected].

Making Good Men Better - Jason Wetzler Leadership 20/07/2022

Thanks to Subkit for the feature!


Making Good Men Better - Jason Wetzler Leadership Our purpose is to make the world a better place by making the lives of those around us better.

Clay County Fair Confirms “Special Days” in 2022 20/07/2022

We made the news, Mom!


Clay County Fair Confirms “Special Days” in 2022 The Clay County Fair has announced the return of some featured days, and the addition of a new one for 2022.


Over halfway through a six-day work trip away from Jo and the dogs.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my work. But after last year, I’m still struggling through trips longer than a few days.

Anxiety and mild panic can set in at random times- completely unrelated to my work or anything still relevant to my life.

Mental scars last much longer than physical ones.

Thankful for the CrossFit community that gives my body and mind something to do every day after work. Special thanks to for being my host this week! Y’all have been nothing but gracious, kind, and my kind of hilarious.

Also grateful to the Florida FFA officers who have helped me grow as a facilitator this week.

Make someone better today.


I don’t post about fitness a lot, but it’s a pretty important part of my identity.

So is poultry (if you know my fam history or my wife’s job, you get it).

It’s not often those two things cross.

Thanks to Denovo CrossFit, today they did.

With the assistance of some top notch coaching (s/o to Paige), I hit a power sn**ch PR at 220lbs.

When you break a personal record at Denovo, YOU GET TO HONK THE RUBBER CHICKEN. It’s incredible.

I was only there for a combined two hours, but their culture of fun, support, and celebrating success was evident from the time I walked through the door.

Thankful for the CrossFit community around the world making people better.

Make someone better today.


60 more humans that can clearly articulate their purpose for being on this Earth. They just so happen to be teenagers.

Why is it important to be able to state your purpose? In their words:

“If we don’t know why we do what we do, how can we be sure it’s the RIGHT thing to do?”

“When we lose motivation or things get hard, we can think of our why.”

“Knowing our why can help us choose better people to be around and help us to make other people better.”

Yes, yes, and yes.

If you can’t tell, I love what I do. Zoom in to feel hopeful about our future.

Make someone better today.


Always down to learn something new… especially when it involves pigs and results in a meal.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 26/05/2022

One of my favorite concepts to teach on is Influence.

We know that leadership = influence. If you’re not influencing people, you’re not a leader.

My favorite group of people to teach this to is leaders who have stepped into a role and are responsible for leading an organization. Usually, those individuals are hungry for growth and take the responsibility of influence seriously.

This crew is no different. Thanks for inviting me to be a part of your training this year. Oklahoma FCCLA is in great hands.

Photo 1: The crew
Photo 2: The crew in a pyramid
Photo 3: Each officers “why” statement
Photo 4: The crew on their balloon mattress

Make someone better today.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 23/05/2022

For 101 years, Pi chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho has been making better men, and through them a broader and better agriculture.

Had a blast celebrating our brotherhood this weekend. Thankful for the fraternity and all the incredible men it’s brought into my life.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 09/05/2022

Exploring the beauty of our world with my bride. Also shaved ice is how people survive the heat in Florida.


Happy birthday to my wife!! It’s tough to overstate how much you mean to me and the value you bring to this world.

Thanks for bringing me to celebrate with you this weekend. And thanks to Terryn and DJ for getting married and hosting us.

Love ya lots.


Was writing for the newsletter today and even though the article doesn’t drop for a few weeks, I was so stoked on what I wrote about, I wanted to share a snippet.

Students, employees, athletes, children, etc… we’ve all been the victim of unclear expectations.

Remember, if you’re not meeting someone’s expectations, ask yourself, “Did I ever even know what they were?”

Expectations matter. In our relationships, our work, our academics, and beyond.

If you’re on the side setting the expectations, you have a big responsibility. Don’t take it lightly.

Make someone better today.




Some of the realest students Ygnacio Valley High School We had a blast at their spring leadership day with Olympics on the beach.

Just a few personal takeaways:
-People are competitive whether they admit it or not
-“Bussin” means something is really good
-Wear sunscreen even if it’s cloudy

Thanks for having me TRI Leadership Resources, LLC

Make someone better today!


Oregon and it’s people have always held a special place in my heart. A few years ago, a particularly driven and extremely self-aware young man entered into my life.

I honestly can’t tell you the exact moment we met, but I can tell you since that moment, he’s made my life better.

Every decision is weighed upon with sincere consideration. Every person is valued as family. Every moment is cherished and seen as an opportunity to learn.

Also, he can do handstand push-ups.

Proud of this guy and what he’s accomplishing this year. Grateful he visited Jo and I during his travels.

Make someone better today.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 18/04/2022

Traditions are important to me. In college, the Cleary’s took me in on Easter weekend because I couldn’t afford to fly home.

Even with a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, we were able to continue that tradition this year.

What an egg-celent time celebrating with our Oklahoma family.

He is risen!


😂😂😂 kills me every time.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 09/04/2022

Little springtime Saturday adventure for your feed.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 05/04/2022

To be honest, I don’t have a firm grasp on what will truly resonate with my audience.

Each week, I put something out into the world that I hope improves peoples lives.

These are excerpts from this weeks newsletter.

Most often, we’ll never know if what we’re saying is landing with people. If we have good intentions, then does it really matter if we know or not?

Hope this helps you today.

Make someone better today.

P.S. I did have one subscriber email me and tell me he enjoyed this weeks message. While we may not always know if we make an impact, I am always grateful to hear when I do.


“We’re killing it! Well, we’re awake and put shoes on. But we’re gonna kill it!” -My wife on our way to serve together at our new (old) church for the first time.

Community is important. Making a conscious decision to invest in that community will remind you of its importance.

Make someone better today.


Like most businesses, my business had to shift and adapt to the pandemic. Instead of speaking on stages, I was speaking at Zoom screens.

I knew that high school students would be missing out personal growth opportunities, so I came up with these bell ringers.

It started out with one teacher using ten bell ringers focused on relationship building. There must have been a need for it, because now they’ve been used by over 100 teachers in 20 states. Wild.

Last year, I received this kind message from Mr. Gerald Hosler when teachers were still teaching virtually.

At that point I hadn’t been in front of an audience in a year, but that was all the applause I needed.

Grateful for my work and grateful for educators that pushed through.

If you’re interested, they can be found on my website jasonwetzler.com

Make someone better today.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 28/03/2022

Weekend recap. Not pictured: sleeping more than 5 hours a night for the first time in weeks. Glad to be home and finding random doggos to pet.

Photos from Jason Wetzler Leadership's post 22/03/2022

Per the usual, I forgot to take any pictures until the closing moments of a really long, fulfilling weekend.

This was my 25th Oregon FFA convention, having attended nearly every year of my life (Mom said when I learned how to walk taking me was a HARD pass for a few years).

The last two conventions were virtual and boy, was I glad to be back.

The bass was bumping louder than ever and the lights were flashing brighter than I remember with credit going to our AV crew headed up by

The arena was a symphony of celebration thanks to our conductor and the incredible ensemble we had backstage.

The state officers were at the top of their game and their mission to serve people well was accomplished.

I feel fulfilled and purposeful and am grateful to have spent a weekend working alongside my wife and 3000 of my closest friends.

Until next year (fingers crossed).

Make someone better today.

Jason’s Story

Jason's first official speaking gig was at age five when he emceed his local community talent show telling jokes between acts. Since then, he has worked with leaders in over 40 states and spoken to half of a million people.

After graduating from Oklahoma State University, Jason has worked as a substitute teacher, Uber driver, trivia jockey, animal pharmaceutical salesman, speaker, and leadership trainer. In the Spring of 2019 he decided to stop using vacation days to do what he loves and start his own leadership development company. For the past five years he has been helping people become stronger communicators, teammates, and servant leaders. Now, he devotes all of his time and effort to that endeavor.

​Whether you're looking for a dynamic story-teller to bring an engaging and hilarious message to your next event, need curriculum designed to meet specific objectives, or want to fine tune your presentation skills, Jason can help you or your business succeed. Fill out the form below to work with Jason.

Videos (show all)

Not Your Typical Teacher Appreciation Week Post
Help Requested
Coast to Coast
How to Run an Engaging Chapter Meeting
