Universal Healing

Universal Healing

Universal Healing is an ancient, primordial healing technique spanning back several millenniums.


The astrology of the week plus spiritual messages!


A moment of reflection !


FB live rescheduled for tomorrow at 8 pm! for Lions Gate!
I'm teaching at Lily Dale Assembly, Inc. tonight!


The astrology of the week & spiritual messages


Trump survives under the Light of the Moon's (exact) Quarter Square

Incredibly….Donald J. Trump survived an assassination attempt today as the moon and sun made a perfect 90 degree angle to each other at 6:14 pm EDT. This astrological moment, a square, is THE moment of the whole year which triggers the action necessary to balance the forces which threaten security.

And it happened today, during a rally in Butler Pennsylvania, Miraculously, the 45th President had the presence of mind to move from terror to defiance in the blink of an eye, blood trickling down his cheek, defiantly lifting his arms (in a 90-degree angle) shouting, `Fight! Fight!’

The Secret Service Agents reacted instantly to the shots….by protecting him and whisking him to safety and medical treatment. According to the reports of this writing, Trump is ok, the shooter is dead, along with a participant at the rally.

What a moment!

The quarter moon captured by the sun square moon connection was this: Balance ( Libra) whatever is necessary in order to maintain security ( Cancer.) From the perspective of the USA chart, we ARE a Cancer country, born on the 4th of July. Today is a critical day in the narrative of our country. Libra energy in the USA chart is activated by Saturn which represents law and order. The Secret Service Agency is considered to be the premier law enforcement agency in the world, and, yes embody the energy of Saturn (authority) in Libra in the USA chart

In that exact moment when the shots were ringing, the cosmic message was ‘ do whatever is necessary to protect and defend ‘Cancer’, stability, security and homeland.’ The sabian symbol (which I wrote about in the last newsletter) is ‘ a rooster heralds the dawn.’ A new day was dawning in that moment.

Many are saying how lucky is Trump! How did he manage to literally dodge bullets around his head?

Fate some may say. I would say absolutely, divine grace was at play today for Mr. Trump. There IS a planet of luck, and its name is Jupiter. Amazingly, Jupiter in the sky is in Gemini, Trump’s sun sign. It’s only there once every 12 years. And there is another lucky aspect. That Libra moon, representative by the Secret Service, was positioned on Trumps natal lucky Jupiter in his chart.

The sun, in Cancer, was also positioned upon Trump’s career/leadership planet, Saturn today. It’s only there once a year. The sun `enlightens’ and protects wherever it falls. In this case, its illuminating Trumps’ `mission.’

The OVERALL theme of today’s shocking news is being reflected in the sky by another more foreboding aspect, the Mars Uranus conjunction. Mars represents war, violence and action, while Uranus represents sudden surprises. These two planets are ALSO connected with the fixed star, Algol, which represents violence, and horrifically ‘beheading.’ Trump escaped today’s horror with an injury; a bullet nicking his ear.
All three celestial bodies are coming together in the sign of Ta**us and will be exact at the opening of the Republican National Convention this Monday. Donald J. Trump’s chart is directly being affected by this rare configuration, because is a Leo Rising. Ta**us and Leo energy are signs which are 90 degrees away thereby creating an angle of tension and action. No doubt this `bigger’ cycle can represent an on-going threat to Leo Rising Trump. But from his actions today, it also seems to have galvanized his indomitable spirit. Stay tuned, however, to the peak of this Mars Uranus conjunction, for more `surprises’ during the convention.

Fortunately, this was an unsuccessful attempt on Trump’s life. The only other time we experienced an unsuccessful assassination attempt of a President was on March 30, 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley. That event inspired Nancy Reagan to hire astrologer Joan Quigley to guide the remainder of the Reagan presidency. She said of the hire, ‘ I only wanted to keep my husband safe.’ Astrology in the White House certainly did assist the Reagan years considering his nickname, the `Teflon President.’

Prayers extended to Donald Trump, and to the family of the slain, and to the USA!


The Astrology of the Week plus spiritual messages

substack: https://substack.com/home/post/p-146152516



The astrology of the week plus spiritual messages


Happy Summer Solstice!

That magic moment of Solstice occurred today at 4:51 pm EDT, when the sun begins its trek through the sign of Cancer ushering in the summer season. The word, solstice, means standing still. It’s as if the sun makes a U-turn in the sky and begins climbing backwards as we begin to see less daylight. The drum beat towards the WINTER solstice begins when the movement reverses and longer hours of sunlight resumes.

Just when summer BEGINS, we are reminded that the long days of daylight, and warmth begin to ebb.

The natural cycles remind us how darkness always holds the promise of light, reciprocally, the light gives way to darkness.
I am sure many might welcome a blast of artic air to counter the recent scorching heat pounding much of North America. Astrology cycles are like all natural cycles; they circle around and round with regularity and rhythm.

The sabian symbol of the summer solstice is always the same, reflecting the degree of 0 cancer, “a flag furled and unfurled on a vessel.’ This solstice is the changing of the guard, the time of reestablishing one’s security, changing allegiances and firming up one’s goals. It’s always good practice to reflect on one’s goals for a new season. What are your goals for the next three months of summer? Think about having a `good time’, which is the gift of summertime. This year’s fun may be integrated with `learning’ because of the 2024 emphasis upon Gemini.

Because the ‘fun’ planet, Jupiter, is now in Gemini, we all may have more interest in expanding our knowledge base. Think of Jupiter as ‘Santa Claus’, and Gemini as words, learning, travel, writing, speaking, networking.

Have you made any fun plans yet to learn something new? Perhaps explore some of the offerings at Lily Dale Assembly, or Fellowships of the Spirit this summer! The classes I will be teaching at both amazing centers of spiritual knowledge are listed on my website under ‘products.’

So dear friends’ welcome summer TODAY….and tomorrow at around 9:08 pm EDT on FRIDAY the 21st, accept a new perspective with the Full Moon’s light! It’s rare to have a full moon within hours of a solstice, but this year we do. The result? An emphasis on finding our personal center of authority, safety, and security. The full moon is asking us to balance the (sometimes) contradictory demands of career and family. Every full moon demands we balance the opposing energies. ‘Find’ the peace of home within…during the next week of illuminating, full moon energy. It helps to know what area of life will be revealed. If you need a natal chart, then check out the (free) offering of a birth chart at the my website, “cassandrajoanbutlerDOT.com.’


The astrology of the week plus spiritual messages



Astrology of the week & Spiritual messages


The Astrology of the week plus spiritual messages



What do you get when you mix Venus with Jupiter with the Sun? One heck of a doorway towards LUCK! EXPANSION! OPTIMISM!

Let’s talk about ‘luck.’ Do you believe in it? Have there been times when everything went nicely and smoothly? Have you ever gotten an unexpected windfall? Do we create our own luck?

Well, I believe that all is true ….and can certainly anecdotally credit a Jupiter transit in my own life and the lives of my thousands of clients(!!) with how Jupiter can and does EXPAND the part of the chart it connects to. And some people just seem `lucky’ , especially in the face of adversity because they are good at navigating adversity and turning lemons into lemonade!

I believe that beliefs are a part of this lucy scenario! Pollyanna had a GREAT attitude in spite of (maybe because of) her circumstances….So did the great original teacher , Dr. Normen Vincent Peale, when he wrote , ‘ the Power of Positive Thinking,’ so very long ago.

I think that the concept of luck, as a Jupiter gift is not getting whatever it is we ';want' but navigating the skills in how to attract what we need.

If Hope springs eternal, then even in the face of adversity the gifts of Jupiter can and does open our eyes to possibilities,

So open up to a sense of greater possibilities on Saturday, where 18 degrees of Ta**us falls in your chart. The Sun will illuminate your personal values and help you make a plan to attract and ground what truly matters in love or in goals. It's a doorway I hope you become aware of and celebrate!

As i write this I am waiting to board the Alaska cruise...a teaching opportunity for me, shared with so many wonderful healing and spiritual people. Travel expands our awareness, another Jupiter concept! I invite you to register for my Jupiter zoom class as I am teaching it aboard ship!

It's scheduled at 1:00 pm EDT through the Organization of Professional Astrologers. Here is the link:https://opaastrology.org/cart/

I hope to See you Sunday the 19th at 1:00 pm EDT!


the astrology of the week plus spiritual messages


The Astrology of the week!

LINK for the Jupiter in Gemini! : https://cosmicintelligenceagency.com/shop/up-next-webinar/jupiter-in-gemini/


The Astrology of the week plus spiritual messages



Join us 4/21/24 for our Sunday Service at 10:30 am at the Assembly Hall for our In-Person and Hybrid service when renowned Astrologer and Practitioner of Spiritual Development and Bodywork, Cassandra Joan Butler will be our inspirational speaker and message server. Speaker portion will be aired Facebook live. Find the Zoom link to attend our entire Church Service at www.churchofthelivingspirit.org
Join us for free coffee and treats with $10 mini readings available immediately after church at the Lily Dale Fire Hall. Everyone welcome to attend.


2021: You're not vaccinated?!? OMFG. WTF. You realize you are responsible for overflowing hospitals, are an ELDERLY KILLER, ***SELFISH*** , deserve to die, probably a Trump voter. In fact, my fe**sh is examining reels of dead people who didn't take the shot, DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE THEM!? SHAME!! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE MEANWHILE I'LL GET ***ALL*** MY BOOSTERS.

2021-2023: (people with rapidly-developing cancer, heart disease, behemoth fertility dysfunctions, obscure diseases, dying suddenly.)

2024: (same people) You are sooo smart for not getting that shot, bro.





The astrology of the week plus spiritual messages


the astrology of the week plus spiritual messages

Videos (show all)

Cosmic connections with Cassandra Joan Butler Agent 56
Meditation for 8-8 & Lions Gate
Cosmic Connections with Agent 56 Cassandra Joan Butler
Cosmic Connections with Agent 56 Cassandra Joan Butler
Cosmic Connection's with Cassandra Joan Butler Agent 56
Cosmic Connections with Cassandra Joan Butler Agent 56
Cosmic Connections with Cassandra Joan Butler Agent 56
Cosmic Connections with Cassandra Joan Butler Agent 56
Cosmic Connections with Cassandra Joan Butler Agent 56
Cosmic Connections with Agent 56 Cassandra Joan Butler
Cosmic Connections with Agent 56 Cassandra Joan Butler
Cosmic Connections with Cassandra Joan Butler Agent 56