Baintree Enterprises

Baintree Enterprises

Digital Marketing and Consulting is What We Do, Helping Women Achieve Independence and Stability Through Business is Who We Are.


"The best is yet to be."


Fill in the blank: "By this time next year I want to achieve ______."


It's Friday the 13th! 😱

Are you superstitious?

Either way, we hope this week's quick tip will help you out ⚡️

QUICK TIP: Schedule your day to reflect your priorities

Are you trying to get or stay in shape? Set aside 30 minutes every day to exercise

Are you trying to eat healthier? Schedule time to plan and prepare your meals each week

Are you trying to grow your business? Spend an hour (or even 20 minutes) every day doing something that pushes you toward that goal!

Be intentional about reserving time for what matters most to you - no matter what it is!

Start small, and soon you will have created a habit.


“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
– Theodore Roosevelt


We hope you've enjoyed this week's focus on Modern Entrepreneurship!

Please take some time this weekend to reflect on these concepts and take action! Let us know how it's going as you do!


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Modern Entrepreneurship #3

The 3 phases of building your legacy:

1. Income: create surplus income (usually with a business)

2. Growth: reinvest surplus income to generate more income

3. Wealth: protect assets and create passive income

Each phase will look different. In the first phase, you'll need to be very hands-on, doing the work yourself and learning about your business.

The second phase is where you'll start expanding, introducing new products, delegating tasks to others, and creating predictable income.

In the third phase, you start thinking about diversification. Can you repeat your success in other areas? Here, you'll be more focused on a people-centric strategy and an investment mindset - you'll get to focus more on the big picture and the long term.


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Modern Entrepreneurship #2

The three legs of successful action:

1. Knowledge: the facts, techniques, systems, and standards that pertain to your objective - that's what our weekly focuses and trainings provide!

2. Community: the people you surround yourself with, your support system - our page and groups are a key component of your community!

3. Strategy: the way you go about accomplishing your goals; how your goals, beliefs, and identify drive your implementation

All 3 of these pieces are essential to building a business and changing your life. Think about your strengths and what's missing in each of these categories and let us know what support you need!


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Modern Entrepreneurship #1

This week, we'll take a deep dive into Jeff Lerner's theory of the fundamentals of modern entrepreneurship. We feel that this is an outstanding model to base your business and actions on.

"To feel fulfilled, we must find our purpose and live it out." - Jeff Lerner, the source of this week's lesson

Jeff believes there are 3 specific ways that fulfillment manifests which ultimately direct us toward success. He calls them the 3 P's:

1. Physical: Building, maintaining, and optimizing your body and mind
2. Personal: Relationships involving direct connection and impact
3. Professional: Relationships involving indirect connection and impact, a.k.a. your "Value Exchange" with the world

Together, the 3 P's create a basis for living your life with purpose and feeling fulfilled every day.

In order to hold yourself accountable, it is important to create KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) in each area: physical, personal, and professional.

Take the time to write down a few KPI's that fall under each of the 3 P's that are most important to you. Strive toward those KPI's every day - it's okay if they change as you better yourself!

Let us know what some of your KPI's are in the comments!


“I’m not going to continue knocking that old door that doesn’t open for me. I’m going to create my own door and walk through that.”
— Ava DuVernay


What topics in digital marketing would you like us to cover next? Let us know in the comments below.

We're here to serve you!


“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”
— Robin Williams


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Intro to Copywriting #4

We'll wrap up this week's focus topic with the 11 most important elements of copywriting:

1. Urgency: Content that causes its audience to adopt an attitude of speed will be more likely to generate a conversion.

2. Connection: Make sure your audience can relate to the content; use language to make them feel closer to you.

3. Specificity: Clearly define the next steps or deadline that the audience must follow to take action.

4. Transformation: People seek out content with the expectation that something will change as a result of them consuming it - make sure to highlight what that change will be!

5. Exclusivity: We've already covered this one, but make sure you're producing something unique that can't be found anywhere else!

6. Reciprocity: People tend to respond to positive actions with positive actions. Provide your audience with some value for free before trying to sell them something.

7. Social Approval: Once you have testimonials from happy customers or clients, use them! Social proof is very powerful and makes people more comfortable with taking action.

8. Affection or Affinity: People tend to connect with those who are similar to them in some way. You'll often find that your target audience is a reflection of yourself - use that knowledge to relate to them and communicate with them!

9. Authority: Establish your authority with your audience - why should they be looking to you to solve their problem or pain point?

10. Commitment and Consistency: Produce content that flows logically and makes sense to the reader. Use consistent language and be a reliable source of good information for your audience.

11. Scarcity: The idea that something is fleeting or limited is a strong motivation for people to take action. Try to work this into your materials where it makes sense.

We hope you've enjoyed our intro to copywriting this week! As always, let us know your progress and feedback in the comments and stay tuned for our next topic!


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Intro to Copywriting #3

Today we're going to walk through the 14 main copywriting techniques.

1. Know your target audience - do your research!
2. Set the right tone and use consistent language throughout all your material
3. Create titles that are attention-grabbing and relevant - this is also important for SEO
4. Develop a connection with the reader - talk directly to them and relate to them
5. Use strong action verbs and avoid tentative language
6. Make comparisons and use examples to clarify and reinforce concepts
7. Use numbers in headlines and include real data to backup your claims - people love numbered lists!
8. Anticipate your audience's objections and address them in your material
9. Practice your persuasiveness - check out some books on how to be more persuasive
10. Tell stories! Keep them intriguing and tie them back to your main idea
11. Ask questions that will lead to positive answers and have your audience nodding their heads in agreement
12. Write how you speak - make it simple and clear, you don't need to sound like a PhD candidate unless your audience is PhD candidates
13. Emphasize the main topic repeatedly and support it with different techniques listed here
14. Sell the benefits and experience rather than focusing on the thing itself

Try putting these into practice! It may take some time and trial and error, but you will only get better the more you do it! Let us know how it's going in the comments!


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Intro to Copywriting #2

Let's dive a little deeper into copywriting strategy.

There are 3 basic rules to follow when writing copy:
1. Inspire the reader
2. Create a relationship with the brand (or with you personally)
3. Motivate the reader to take action on the product or service

Any time you write marketing materials, make sure that each of these rules is followed before publishing it.

There are also some other elements to consider when putting together a copywriting strategy:

- Research: In order to satisfy the audience's needs and wants, the content needs to be relevant and high quality. This involves researching both the subject of the content AND the audience themselves - what problems are they trying to solve and how can you help them?

- Goals: Try to establish goals and a path for your customer to take through your marketing materials. Establishing a calendar for releasing your content is a great way to approach this. You should be walking them down the path in a way that makes sense.

- Exclusivity: Avoid producing content that can easily be found elsewhere. In order to stand out and build trust, you need to bring your unique perspective to your copy. Make sure that a majority of information you give to your audience is new, relevant, and unique.

- Optimization: We'll discuss search engine optimization (SEO) in greater depth later on. For now, just know that it is an important exercise to go through when copywriting - it's how your content gets pushed to the first page of Google, YouTube, etc.

- Analytics: The work does not end when the post is published. It is important to monitor metrics closely to see which content is working well so you can replicate things that work and avoid wasting time on things that don't work.


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Intro to Copywriting #1

Let's start with a simple definition. Copywriting is defined as the activity or occupation of writing the text of advertisements or publicity material.

In other words, it's the strategy of creating persuasive content for marketing and sales purposes with the goal of increasing conversions and sales.

Some examples include ads, emails, web pages, and some blog posts. The words on the page are called 'copy' and the person who produces them is the 'copywriter.'

The goal of copywriting is to convince your target audience to take some sort of action, whether that be entering their email address, buying a product or service, scheduling a phone call, or something else.

Good copywriting may just be the missing piece in the puzzle of your business' success. There is tons of research out there showing the impact of choosing the right words for the right people to see.

Now that you know a little bit (or maybe a lot) about copywriting and why it matters, we'll start to get into some tips you can use to write more effective copy. Stick around and as always, let us know your thoughts in the comments!


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Intro to Copywriting

This week, we wanted to introduce you to one of the most critical skills any business owner can have: copywriting.

You've probably heard the term before - maybe you're already great at it! No matter your level of experience, we bet you'll gain something from following along this week.

Let us know what you think when you hear the term "copywriting" in the comments and stay tuned for some great lessons!


“Be courageous. Challenge orthodoxy. Stand up for what you believe in. When you are in your rocking chair talking to your grandchildren many years from now, be sure you have a good story to tell.”
-Amal Clooney


We hope you've found this week's focus on brand storytelling valuable. Now, it's time to take some action.

We challenge you to apply the steps we've laid out for you to your own business. Try out some ideas in the comments below - you might get some great feedback!


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Brand Storytelling #4

We hope you've been enjoying this weeks focus on brand storytelling. Now, it's time to get to the good stuff. Here, we'll outline a proven, step-by-step strategy for brand storytelling. Get ready to follow along and think about your own story!

The 5 Pillars of Brand Storytelling:

1. Who You Are: Your story should start with a simple and genuine connection between your roots and what you do now. Talk about where you came from, how that impacted the work you're doing now, and who the important people in your life are. This builds trust with your audience and we often find that it gives business owners a newfound confidence because it reinforces the purpose behind what they do.

2. Why You Do It: If you tell your story right, this part should be obvious to your audience. We find it helps to break the "Why" up into observations (struggles and challenges you saw) and realizations (ideas you had about how to make it better). Here, you start to establish credibility, reliability, and hope for your audience.

3. What You Do: Tell your audience enough about your product or service to get them interested, but not so much that it turns them off. Use these questions as a filter: Is it clear? Is it succinct? Is it thought provoking? What is the benefit? A simple, clear statement builds interest and makes your audience want to engage and learn more.

4. How You Do It: Have a specific name and clear steps for your method. Clear articulation of a framework shows people that you've put time and effort into developing it, giving people more confidence to buy from you.

5. Social Proof: The most powerful form of social proof you can use is telling a client's story. Try to find a client who has a lot in common with your audience. Do some research on your audience to find out who they might relate to best. Explain exactly how you helped a similar client or customer. This adds reliability and demonstrates the value in what you do.


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Brand Storytelling #3

So why are we spending a whole week talking about storytelling?

Well, great brand storytelling has been shown to attract more clients, increase revenue, and broaden your impact.

People feel much more comfortable buying from people than they do buying from companies. Make sure that YOU are the center of the story of your business.

Your unique story needs to shine through in all of your branding. It's not just a positive mental exercise, it's a critical tool for your business.

What story are you going to tell?


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Brand Storytelling #2

Don't mistake your branding for your brand. Your branding is the external representation of your brand.

We see so many business owners waste tons of time obsess over branding - logos, colors, visuals - because they haven't taken the time to understand their brand first.

In order to communicate your story consistently and effectively, you need to have at least a high-level understanding of your brand.

Branding has to emerge from your brand, and your brand comes from your story. So, your story is the place to start.

Once you have a clear story, you know your brand. And once you know your brand, the branding materials are easy to produce.


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Brand Storytelling #1

Let's start with the basics. A brand has 3 components:
1. What you're known for
2. What you make a conscious effort to stand for
3. What other people say you're known for

That last one intimidates a lot of business owners because they feel they don't have control over it.

But here's the kicker: you DO have control over what others say about your brand. When you are able to tell your story in a powerful way, you are able to control how others speak about you.

Remember: Your story IS your brand. Everything you put out into the world should stick to the theme of your story.

So start thinking about those three things - what you're known for, what you stand for, and what others say about you. Feel free to share them in the comments below and ask for feedback! Once you figure that out, you'll be ready for the next step.


FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Brand Storytelling

Storytelling is extremely important when crafting marketing materials for your business. It is usually the first step - or the missing piece - in a successful marketing campaign.

This week, we're going to walk you through a simple step-by-step process to develop a great story for your brand. Stay tuned!


What's the first step toward true freedom and happiness?

Find. Your. Calling.

We know it sounds like a cliché, but we cannot stress the importance of finding what you truly love to do enough.

Starting and running a business takes a lot of time and effort. If you can't connect your business to a higher purpose, you're going to have a hard time devoting the time and effort it requires to truly be successful.

Let us tell you from experience that when you can find a way to turn a passion into a business, your life will forever be changed for the better.

Stay tuned for tips on identifying your purpose and your passion - we know how difficult it can be! It may change over time - that's okay too! What's most important is to set up the framework and start somewhere!



One of the biggest mistakes we see marketers making: lack of continuity.

Walk yourself through your marketing materials as if you were a potential lead - do you get the same feeling throughout the whole experience?

If not, it's time to make some changes.

Your branding, tone, and language should be consistent every step of the way. This helps build trust and authority with your audience and makes them more likely to spend their hard-earned dollars on your product or service.


"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

This is one of our favorite quotes, because it means YOU get to control who you become.

All you have to do is surround yourself with people you aspire to be like.

In today's virtual world, you don't even need to know those 5 people.

Consume content from the people you respect. Interact with like-minded and motivated people.

We are here to provide the platform for you to do that - take advantage of it!


Let's take a step back - who are we?

We are Baintree Enterprises.

We believe that financial security is the key to improving people's lives in every aspect - personal, physical, and professional. Our goal is you help YOU take control of your life and have the freedom to spend your time how YOU want to.

We also believe that the fastest and easiest way to financial security in today's world is through digital marketing and education - so that's what we focus on!

Whether you already own a business, have an idea for a product or service, or want to do what we do and help others with their businesses - this is the place for you!

We offer resources, tools, training, and groups of like-minded individuals to guide you throughout this journey. It will take time and some effort on your part, but if you're reading this, you're off to a fantastic start!


Happy Weekend Everyone!

Today, remember the importance of taking care of yourself.

Do something that makes you smile and energizes you every single day - and make it a priority!

You will be so much more productive and creative when you do this simple thing, and you'll be able to work toward creating the life you envision for yourself!



Tell. Your. Story.

Your story should be the fuel behind everything you do in your business.

Let's start with a simple exercise:

1. Why did you start your business - what problem are you trying to solve for yourself and others?

2. Identify one theme that kept showing up throughout your life - freedom, independence, storytelling, etc.

Make sure these two answers line up with each other. Your theme and your mission should be the root of everything you do, from the content you produce to the products you promote.

Comment below to start clarifying your story and guiding theme!


"The most unhappy people on Earth are people who dream and never execute. Don't let that be you."

So much of the battle with new business owners and entrepreneurs is just getting started.

Sure, things aren't going to be perfect from the beginning. But you won't have anything to improve and optimize if you don't start somewhere!

Let this be a reminder: do not let minor details slow you down.

Once you get going, you'll have the time and resources to go back and adjust your messaging and strategy as much as you need to.

If you're stuck, we're here to help!

Comment below if you're ready to change your life one small action at a time!

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‼️ INTRODUCING THE BAINTREE WEEKLY CHALLENGE ‼️Every Monday, we'll post a challenge for the week ahead.The goal? To trai...
