

Certified Ketogenic and Carnivore Health Coaching


Always Remember….😅

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 10/08/2024

Your doctor gives you cool swag bags when you have cancer!

Also I ate some fish & shrimp today. Follow me for more inspiring content 😂


We just found our way back together. No way are we going to let cancer ruin our good time 💪❤️

You’re stuck with me for a LOT of years yet Nick Lucas 😜


Cancer food 🥩🍤💪

Cancer loves growth. So my first order of business after hearing the stupid C word come out of my doctor’s mouth was to assess my diet and adjust accordingly.

With existing cancer, it’s important that you limit the amount of energy coming in. That means VERY low carb, low fat, moderate protein. This is also a situation where therapeutic water fasting can be beneficial. 💧

Since I already eat carnivore, my goal is to start counting macros again to make sure that I am moderating my protein intake while keeping dietary fat low. I will alternate between low energy days and water fasting days. Because I’m not overweight this could be a challenge as I do not have much excess weight on the body to lose.

It’s important to note that this is NOT a protocol meant for people wanting weight loss. It is meant to slow the growth of cancer cells. I fully expect to lose both body fat and lean mass during this protocol. And that’s okay. I can gain it back in a healthy way once I am in remission.


•First appointment with my oncologist & surgeon is scheduled for the 7th. We will discuss surgical options, radiation, chemotherapy, prognosis, etc.

•I feel fine other than I am VERY fatigued, but that isn’t any different than I’ve felt for quite some time now. I’ve struggled with severe fatigue for the better part of a year or more. I am not sure now whether it is because of the cancer or my depression or else going on in my body.

•I am still in a bit of a state of denial. It’s hard to explain how I feel about this diagnosis. But I am very optimistic that this will just be a bump in the road and that I will have a full recovery.

•We are so grateful for those who have reached out with encouragement and support. We have a set up to help with medical and household bills during this difficult time if you feel led to contribute. I have the clickable link available in my bio, or comment below and I will send you the link 💕🙏🏼


Keto Bourbon Chicken 🥡🥢

Recipe by

Today my daughter requested Panda Express but I knew I could make something healthier and even more delicious!

This recipe is super simple and takes just a few ingredients, no bourbon required 🙌🏻

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 23/07/2024

CONGRATULATIONS to our amazingly talented, beautiful, and sweet girl Brinson Genevieve!

She auditioned for and was selected for three Rec Performing Groups for the upcoming competition season at The Dance Refinery! I can’t wait to get a taste of what being a “dance mom” is all about after so many years of show choir! Let’s go!! ❤️❤️❤️


A common theme coming up in my client calls right now.

“I’m feeling great! I’m just disappointed that I only lost x pounds in x weeks…”

Stop right there and reevaluate what you just said if this is you.

1- You feel great!

These are both excellent things! Do not let the rate at which you are losing weight make you lose sight of what all you’ve accomplished!

Rate of weight loss isn’t linear. You didn’t gain the weight overnight. You aren’t going to lose it overnight either. And I’m sorry to say it’s never as easy losing weight as it is gaining it 😓

So give yourself GRACE. Celebrate your victories. Never weigh yourself more than once a week (I suggest weighing on the same day and at the same time weekly for most consistent results).

And remember that your new lifestyle isn’t a sprint. It takes time to build healthy habits and to reap the benefits. It won’t happen overnight, but if you stick with it I can promise you that you won’t regret starting 💪❤️

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 07/07/2024

None of us are getting out of this alive, so we may as well live every day to its fullest while we still can ❤️

Money, people, and jobs come and go. But every single day we wake up with two absolutes: our health (good or bad) and our ability to make the most of our current circumstances.

On December 31, 2018 I made the decision to stop throwing my life away on meaningless garbage 🗑️ and instead began taking critical steps to regain control over my health. My journey hasn’t been perfect and certainly hasn’t come without its hitches. I don’t have a “perfect” body, I still struggle with bad joints, C-PTSD and occasional IBD flares, but I’m LIVING every single day with purpose and intention.

We all have a choice when we wake up every day. What will you choose?

Ready to take control of your life? 👊🏼

I offer one on one keto & carnivore coaching for weight loss and healing.  All of my packages come with custom macro calculations and supplement recommendations based on your specific goals. 

All of my meal plans are made keeping your goals and preferences in mind (no cookie-cutter meal plans!). You will have unlimited email support directly with me.  I’m here for you!I offer one on one keto & carnivore coaching for weight loss and healing.  All of my packages come with custom macro calculations and supplement recommendations based on your specific goals.  All of my meal plans are made keeping your goals and preferences in mind (no cookie-cutter meal plans!). You will have unlimited email support directly with me.  I’m here for you! 💪

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 06/07/2024

Now that’s what I call ‘Merica 🥩🍖🙌🏼


Nothing feels better than climbing into a made bed with freshly washed linens. ♥️

By the way, THIS is how you know you’re officially OLD 😜

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 05/07/2024

Best day ever with my favorite people ❤️

My heart is so full 🥰


You’re never too old to rock a bandana, oversized romper, and a simple belt. It’s fun being me 🤗

I love exploring new looks 🌿🌿🌿


Enjoying the gentle sounds of the storm and the peace that comes with solitude on a lazy Saturday afternoon 🌧️🏡☺️

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 25/06/2024

I’ve been using Colostrum for years to boost my immune health and optimize my healing. And today I’m super pumped because my friends at Equip just made my daily dose sweeter 💕

SAVE 20% on delicious Colostrum Gummies (sweetened with Allulose, a sweetener that has been scientifically proven to enhance the activity of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptors) when you use my code:


Improve your immunity, gut-health and recovery with nature’s first fuel, Colostrum – now in convenient and delicious gummy form!

Supercharge your gut health, boost immunity, and revitalize your hair and skin with Core Colostrum Gummies.

Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals in nature, packed with vital nutrients for optimal health.

Our proprietary production process ensures all nutrients stay intact providing 1g of cold-processed colostrum per serving.
Calf-first promise. Sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows in the U.S.

Repair intestinal damage and improve connective tissue health with growth and signaling factors.

Help fight respiratory infections and support intestinal health with lactoferrin.

Help bolster your immune system with cytokines and proline-rich polypeptides.

Let me know if you need the link! 💕💕💕



Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 16/06/2024

What can I say other than I’m a pretty lucky girl to have these three AMAZING men in my life ❤️

Happy Dad’s Day to my faves! Gramps, Papi (Dad), and Nick. I love all three of you big time 🥰


I totally didn’t s**t my pants while assisting my DDS with an extraction…🥴🙈🤭

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 11/06/2024

Countless hours of hard work over the span of a year all tied up into one perfect day for my baby girl. We are so proud of Brinson Genevieve for finding her passion. We love watching her on stage! ❤️


And that’s a wrap at 💃🕺🏻🎶 🪩

I have so many happy memories and honestly I could write a novel about all of our experiences together over the years.

I couldn’t think of a better way to finish off an amazing 15+ years of being a Whiteland Warriors family than with the annual Elementary/Middle School show choir camp performance today! I am so proud of all of the students for their hard work 🤠

I’ve had the honor of watching this program grow and blossom in so many ways over the years. To say I am humbled to have been part of such an incredible organization is an understatement. And while my time here did not end like I had planned, I hope you all know that I will carry all of our happy memories with me forever.

Thank you, Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation for being such a wonderful place for our family. We will miss you! 💙🤍🧡

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 05/06/2024

After trying several companies, I have officially become obsessed with ! 💙💙💙

Their nontoxic whipped tallow lotion is so dreamy! They also have balms, beard, oil, body scrubs, candles, pain rubs and more! Their whipped face lotion saved my skin in Puerto Rico! 🌴🦎☀️

➡️➡️ SAVE with my code autumn_lucas

Head on over to their site to shop, or comment below and I’ll send you the link 👇


Our Dinner Crew for the week! Love love love these people!!!

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 31/05/2024

Formal Night Part 2️⃣

I’ve basically lived off garlic butter escargot & shrimp all week, and my burps prove it 🙈🤢🥴 Clear a path! 😂

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 31/05/2024

I literally can’t dance but at least the dress was 👌🥰😂

Closed out our group activities with an evening in The Roaring Twenties!


14 years between then & now. We’ve traded brew fests and takeout for water and steak, sofa lounging and sleeping in til 11am on the weekends for weekend hikes and exploring the world! 🌎

Sure we had fun in our 20’s, but we are absolutely thriving now! Our bodies are older but happier (sans a little arthritis 😂), and our relationship has never been stronger.

The biggest difference? We made ourselves and our health a priority! We swapped junk food and being relatively sedentary for feeding our bodies and souls with real food and quality life experiences.

A LOT has changed in our lives over the years but one thing is for certain; today would have been possible had we not challenged ourselves to make BIG changes in our lifestyle choices.

To date we’ve gained and lost over 300 pounds together and marked several adventures off our bucket list.

Maria Wojcik Emmerich and Craig Emmerich are changing lives! They not only taught us how to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, they literally brought my one and only true love and I back together.

If anything is holding you back from starting your journey I strongly encourage you to stop making excuses and just go for it! We do not feel deprived, we love the way we eat, and most importantly we love the way we FEEL…and it’s all thanks to the Emmerich’s and their support!

Not sure where to start? I highly suggest at least reading the book Keto & joining the Platinum membership. The information and support you will receive is incredible! I’m almost 6 years into my journey with the Emmerich’s and I still make it a priority to jump on our live weekly meetings. The amount of support we receive from them is amazing and truly helps keep us going.

If we can do this I KNOW you can too! Don’t wait another minute. You owe it to yourself to live your best life just like we are!

DM me for the links to ‘s books and services ❤️

Interested in private coaching with me? I offer one on one coaching to help you reach your goals! 💪

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 30/05/2024

Fell in love with Puerto Rico today! We will definitely be back!


How did I get this lucky? 🥰

If you don’t know our story, just know I will never take another second with this man for granted. I’m so proud to be by his side! ❤️❤️❤️

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 29/05/2024

If you told me 6 years ago that one day I would be traveling the world while working a job I LOVE I would have called you crazy!

I was riddled with autoimmune diseases, had severe IBD (I’m talking 35+ bathroom trips a day), anxiety & depression, fertility issues, struggling with alcoholism, and ready to give up on myself. I despised my job, I was overweight, stuck in an abusive relationship, and I was missing out on my children’s lives 💔

The difference between then and now? I forced myself to get uncomfortable and I took control of my life back! I completely changed my mindset, my diet, my lifestyle and my priorities. Today I am 70+ pounds lighter, sober, physically healthier than I’ve ever been, I’m happily married to the man I love, I’m able to enjoy my girls’ activities, I can travel without wearing a depends, and I became a certified health coach so I can help other people heal and take their lives back too! 🙌

Today I celebrate gratitude for my health and my life. Because I’m worth it.

And so are you ❤️

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 28/05/2024

And just like that, the two that gave me purpose and changed my entire world forever are 20 years old! ❤️

To say I’m proud of Summer & Skyler would be a massive understatement. From barely 2lbs & clinging to life, to being Forensics & Music/Theater majors and every single accomplishment in between they have blown me away with their strength, courage, determination, dedication, kindness, humor, and love for life.

I love you ._ & .marie75 . And even though I cannot be there today to hug you, know you’re on my mind 24/7 (and 2000+ people on my cruise ship are probably tired of hearing me talk about you 🤣🫣🤷🏻‍♀️)

Photos from __authenticallyautumn's post 27/05/2024

Meeting and hugging the person who literally saved your life for the first time just hits different ❤️

I am eternally grateful for & . They not only gave me the tools and support I needed to reclaim my health, they also gave me the one in a million opportunity to leave a career that did not bring me joy so that I can wake up every day knowing I am actually making a difference in the lives of millions of people all over the world!

My biggest tips for success:


2-Weight loss happens in the kitchen, NOT in the gym.

3-Give it TIME. Years of poor nutrition and unhealthy living takes time and consistency to undo. The journey is not linear. Never give up.

4-Get uncomfortable! Change doesn’t happen until you challenge yourself.

5-Find a career you love! I walked away from dentistry because it was monotonous and did not bring me joy. Now I work from all over the world helping others discover health and happiness!

You have the power to change your life. All you have to do is go for it! ❤️❤️❤️

Find all of Maria & Craig’s support and resources at KetoMaria.com

And if you are looking for a one on one health coach, send me a DM. I would love to hear your story! ❤️

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