Spring's Blossom Aromatherapy

Spring's Blossom Aromatherapy

Hand-crafted, custom-made aromatherapy blends for supporting wellness.


Let go of stress
A friend of mine shared with me how excited she is for the Spring and for summer break, but she just can't let go of the stress.

Sometimes between the family, house management and other obligations, we get caught in a loop of endless stress.

We all deserve to enjoy the Spring time and the summer sun, to relax and spend some down time.

I came up with a stress relief inhaler to quit the mind from the chaotic thoughts and calm down our body.

She informed me of a better feeling of "order" in her thoughts, more control of her feelings and body.

Enjoy the sunny days


Happy May,

As spring is in the air, I am excited for new collaborations with other people, and to attend workshops about allergies and how to help our body to manage health and mind hardships.

I attended a fascinating workshop about asthma and cough natural remedies. Now I have a better protocol towards dealing with allergies.

I am also working with a friend on developing an inhaler to balance the mind and body from Yin and Yang perspective and I can't wait to hear how effective it is.

I wish you all enjoy the nice sunny day.๐Ÿ˜Ž


It has been a long time since I posted here.
It has been a busy time, as I completed my certification requirements and had participated in a health fair.
Between kids, studying and preparations for the fair there was no time to post.

The spring is in the air and this is the season of allergies for some people. It is hard to manage the day while dealing with allergies. There is a way to support the body, reduce allergy reaction and strengthen the body with Essential Oils.
I usually go about it by using an Essential Oils inhaler during the day and room spray before bedtime.
In that way I support my immune system, reduce my allergic reaction and enhance sleep so my body will be able to manage the allergies and recover.

Now I'm a certified Aromatherapist ๐ŸŽ‰
I will keep learning and expend my knowledge so I can better understand how to keep relieving pains and other issues that interfere with daily life.

I wish you all a happy spring with lots of flowers and less allergies ๐ŸŒท


Hey there!
With winter in full swing, I've been thinking about those oils that bring warmth and healing during this season. One essential oil that instantly comes to mind is Ginger. ๐ŸŒฑ
Let me take you back to a memorable adventure my husband and I had when we were traveling around the world. We found ourselves in a remote house by the beautiful Amazon River. ๐ŸŒŽ We had plans for a week-long stay, but f just two days into our journey, my husband fell seriously ill, battling a high fever and weakness. The journey to the nearest hospital was an epic one, involving a full day on a boat and half a day in a car adding the time for the boat to come pick us up โ€”about three days in total! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
But here's the fascinating part: while we were far from conventional medical help, the local folks shared a natural remedy with usโ€”chewing on Ginger root all day. ๐ŸŒฟ And you know what? It worked wonders! Not only did it improve his health, but it also helped bring down his fever. By the time we arrived at the hospital, my husband didnโ€™t need further medical aid.

During my Aromatherapy certification program, I delved deep into the world of essential oils, and let me tell you, Ginger oil quickly became one of my favorites. ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’ซ
There's something magical about Ginger oil. Just a whiff of it and you're greeted with this warm, energizing sensation, almost like it's coaxing your body to move freely and shake off stagnation. ๐ŸŒŸ Not to mention, it's a pro at reducing inflammation, especially in those troublesome joints and the digestive system. ๐Ÿ™Œ
And here's where it gets even better: Ginger oil acts as a diaphoretic, meaning it helps your body flush out toxins and lends a hand to your immune system ๐Ÿ’ช. With all these incredible qualities (and there are plenty more), it's no surprise my husband recovered with the help of Ginger. (Well, that and his youthful vigor at the time! ๐Ÿ˜„)
So, if you're looking for a natural way to invigorate your body and support your overall wellness, Ginger oil might just be your new best friend.
Ready to experience the incredible benefits of Ginger oil for yourself? Don't hesitate to reach out to me for custom Ginger oil blends tailored to your needs. ๐ŸŒฟโœจ
Whether you're bracing for the cold and flu season, seeking relief from joint pain, looking to improve your digestive health, or simply want to reduce gas and bloating, Ginger oil has got you coveredโ€”and then some! ๐Ÿ’ช
Get in touch today to discover how Ginger oil blends can support you on your wellness journey. Let's tackle those health challenges together and embrace the power of natural solutions! ๐Ÿ’š


"Hey everyone!
This week is turning out to be super exciting as my friend, Kristie Rose, and I gear up for something special!
Iโ€™m diving into the world of aromatherapy, and I can't wait to share it with you all. ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ’†โ€โ™€๏ธ

We'll be hosting an event to support the body and mind using Acupuncture and Aromatherapy.
For me, itโ€™ll be my very first aromatherapy event, where I'll connect with awesome new people and dive deep into the wonderful world of essential oils. Iโ€™m going to talk about how these oils affect our bodies and how they can help us deal with those pesky aches and pains.

My game plan? Well, I'll be whipping up custom essential oil blends, tailored to your specific needs. It's all about finding that perfect match to support you in your daily life. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’ง
Plus, I'm teaming up with the amazing acupuncturist specialist, Kristie Rose!
Fun fact: I was once her patient, and now I get the honor of collaborating with her.

So, mark your calendars, folks! This event is going to be a blast, and I can't wait to see you all there. Thursday, February 15th 6- 7:30pm ๐ŸŽ‰


Aromatherapy involves healing through the use of aromas, which are volatile compounds derived from plants.
Most of us often use aromatherapy unintentionally in our daily lives, such as when cooking with spices, which contain the plants' volatile materials. Certain spices help in healing inflammation; for instance, Thyme possesses anti-inflammation (as a strong antioxidant) and antibacterial properties effective even against antibiotic-resistant bacteria (Thymol component). Others, like Ginger, aid in digestion, while some increase appetite, some people drink herbal tea the aroma and plant extract affect the bodyโ€™s systems, when we use perfumes or other scents that we like, and so on.
Essential oils are concentrated extracts made from various parts of plants. The plant uses these oils as protection from insects, predators, bacteria, fungi and more. in aromatherapy we use that oil for healing the body and mind. EOs are active ingredients that interact with our body's chemistry, reacting with receptors in our brain and entering our bloodstream. EOs can affect our body in a short time after we smell or apply them on our skin.
They can assist the body in fighting bacterial infection, fungi, viruses, relieve pain, regulate digestion, rejuvenate tissues and address other physical issues. For instance, Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol known for its anti-inflammatory properties and alleviates allergies by suppressing histamine release and cytokine production (Edris 2007).
Mentally, EOs can help relieve stress, regulate emotions, calm the nervous system, uplift mood, among other benefits. For example, Sweet orange peel EO can calm tension, an overwhelmed mind and anxiety.

Aromatherapy has been used by humans since ancient times, thereโ€™s several ways to use EOs. Diffusing - When we inhale a scent, it travels to our brain, connects to our receptors, it can bring back memories and feelings, potentially leading to healing by evoking these memories and physical affecting our chemical reaction. Appling on the skin- Applying on the skin - The oils pe*****te the skin, entering the bloodstream and interacting with relevant cells, Thyme for example can damaging the vires cell wall or interior, Tea tree does the same thing with fungi. Orally intake- where the EO is being digested.
As essential oils are concentrated, we need to use them only gently on our skin, only when they are blend with bass oil (like almond oil, olive oil, jojoba, or other oils).


Happy Sunday :)
My son was complaining lately having difficolty sleep. Between puberty and the seasonal change, he needed some support.
I researched about oils that can help you relax and are suitable for kids. I blended Essential oils that includs Chamomlie, as it has been so effective for my son in his tea.
The aroma of the Chamomile and the soothing effect of the oil are so helpful. I always keep in mind that enjoing the aroma is a big part of the healing effect of the blend. Good night and sweet dreams ๐ŸŒ™


This week went by so fast...
Lately I feel so low in energy, with the winter half behind us, with flu and colds that my family experienced. I talked with some friends that felt the same way and decided to do something to support me and them.
I gathered Essential oils that support raspatory and cold symptoms, about oils that uplifting and energizing, and lastly about oils that support Immune system.
I came up with Essential oil blend that support the respiratory and immune system, with its Frankincense oil, and uplifting with its Sweet orang oil.
I hope it'll help us see the spring that is just around the corner while enjoying the snow :)
Enjoy the week and the winter with all the good things it brings with it, stay healthy and energized!


Last week started off with my youngest daughter's getting a cold.

I immediately prepared some "Cold-No-More for kids"- an Essential oil blend to relief cold and flu symptoms. I also added my mother in-low's chicken soup.
I love the effect of the Frankincense as an antibacterial, relieving mucous, congestion, and stimulating the immune system.

Boy it was a rough week - sleepless nights taking care of my daughter, then catching the cold myself. I ended up making "Cold -No-More for adults" for myself. The only difference from the kid's blend by adding Ginger oil. While Ginger oil helps with boosting energy, it is not suitable for kids.

Now we are all feeling well and starting the new week stronger.
I wish you all, a healthy and good week.


