Waldrep Mediations

Waldrep Mediations

Waldrep Mediations offers cost-effective Family Court mediation services throughout the Lowcountry.

Mediation via videoconferencing is available for all other areas of South Carolina.


Don’t spend your summer with a cloud of contested litigation hanging over your head. Waldrep Mediations has available dates in May and June to settle your Family Court case and save you thousands in attorney’s fees.


Are you or someone you love involved in costly and stressful Family Court litigation? Waldrep Mediations can help resolve contested issues and restore normalcy to lives affected by the chaos of divorce and custody actions. Mediation is a confidential and cost effective way to settle your case on your own terms. Dates available in March and April.


Don’t carry the stress of contested Family Court litigation into the new year.
Let Waldrep Mediations settle your case. Available dates in October and November.


Mediation doesn’t have to cost a fortune! Waldrep Mediations offers reasonable rates to accommodate litigants who are seeking a cost-effective resolution of their family court disputes. Available dates in June and July so schedule a mediation today.
