Chicken crossing farm Videos

Videos by Chicken crossing farm. we are a small farm focused on regenerative agg, in way of small row crops chicken and myotonic goats

Other Chicken crossing farm videos

We brought home a new friend today! Our young farm hand is definitely enjoying her and will make sure she's extremely welcomed.

The goats enjoyed getting a little time outside of the fence today! We still have a little green grass left for them to munch on.

Come see our table as well as many others at The Barns at New Market in Charlotte Hall 9-2.

Good ole crush #myogoat #faintinggoats #faintinggoatbreeder #faintinggoatfarmer

Just a reminder the meat chickens are growing fast! They will be moving out to grass this week and will be finished on grass with free choice grain

Kicking off the 2023 show season with a bang! Had a ton of fun this weekend, still have a few more classes to go then we pack up and start getting ready for the next one in late June! #showgoat #myotonicgoat #2023showseason #livestockshow

Opal sure is cute! #faintinggoats #babygoats #youngfarmers

The old girl was putting in work got the ground all disked up for the potatoes yesterday before all the rain