Heartfelt Elopements

Heartfelt Elopements

A heartfelt officiant (Julia Albertson) offering unique elopement + wedding ceremonies in the mounta

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 04/01/2023

What a year! *almost* 100 couples. So much love. So many incredible hikes. Clients who turned into friends. The year ended with lots of pain and sadness due to the unexpected loss of my dad. But overall, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for this role that I do my best to uphold with integrity and great care and all of the amazing people that I get to cross paths with. I can’t wait to be back in the swing of doing what I love ❤️ Thank you for a great 2022!

👫: A+C
📸: Amy with Elope Outdoors


Oh ya know, just the vibe for all of October 😁🥰🤩🤗 Love is the *best*

👫: Ashlee + Jon
📸: Jenny w/

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 23/08/2022

There’s no right/wrong way to get married. Butttttt… you can ditch the stress of doing what is *expected* for your big day.

You can elope in the mountains. You can bring your dog(s). You can have a cake or pie or pizza! You can have the most epic or the most relaxed day filled with things that truly bring you joy.

You can make your day exactly what you’d like it to be. And that, my friends, is pretty dang cool if you ask me.

👫: Cindy + Franko
🐶: Phillip
🙋‍♀️officiant: me!
📸photography: Amy with

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 26/07/2022

My favorite ceremonies are the ones where I feel like I’m hanging out with friends I’ve known forever 🥹❤️

👭: Rebekah + Caroline
📸: Amy w/

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 11/04/2022

“I am not at all exaggerating when I say that Julia was an absolutely perfect officiant. She is so warm and generous, considerate, worldly, professional, and deeply insightful. And, in addition to this, my partner and I are q***r and nonbinary and Julia didn't once mess up pronouns. And that is rare. I would literally recommend Julia to any and every person seeking an officiant; she is amazing, exquisitely so. Thank you, Julia, for a beautiful and gorgeous ceremony. You made our elopement magical, and we are grateful to you. You are a special person, a light amidst the whirlwind of life.”


Sarah + Marquis’ elopement was beyond special. It’s hard sometimes to find the right words to express the feeling of getting to witness humans in such a significant moment in time. Sometimes I really struggle with humanity (who doesn’t?) but folks like these two leave me with the knowing that there sure are people that are just good down to the bone.

📸 by the always amazing Alexander Lefler


Hi 👋 I’m Julia, a humanist celebrant wedding officiant based in the mountains of Asheville, NC⛰. I craft moving and unforgettable ceremonies that honor and celebrate love.
Visit 👉 www.heartfeltelopements.com to learn more✨

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 30/03/2022

How to know if you love your job…. 🤣🥰😍🤩 forever cheesin’ and making heart eyes at all of the magical couples I get to spend time with✨

📸: .photography
🎥: .media


Hi angels! It’s me, checking in again after months away❤️ I feel like after each winter, I re-emerge with some sort of IG statement about what a doozy the months prior were, and this post is no different 😅 (identifying patterns is cool!)

I have had quite experience due to “mold illness” over these last 6 months, and while I am farm from recovered, I am starting to feel like a semi-human again after some time at the beach and some real good rest.

I have had a few pre-spring ceremonies that have filled my cup (and my heart!) and have me so excited for the months ahead. Crafting the soulful + sacred words of love brings me so much joy and I just can’t wait to connect with my upcoming couples and the people who helped make their big day possible!

Yay! Anyone else feeling born again as we enter spring? 🌸🌼

📸 by the magical

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 24/11/2021

When two people meet with oceans between them just a few weeks before a global pandemic but it’s completely and totally meant to be🙀✨  

And me, never not inspired by those who choose to fight for love, who stumble upon love, who give up on love entirely only to find it when they least expect it.  

Lasting love must be cultivated. It requires staying willing to open yourself up to your darkest parts, examine them fully, and work— work to understand yourself, your partner, each other’s needs, and how to communicate healthfully. Lasting love is not easy, but in the end, love that was shared honestly and openly with your person is, without a doubt, utterly and endlessly worth it♥️ 

My books are now closed for winter, but I am currently booking for spring-fall 2022! If you know me, you know that I am eternally rebelling against the imposed belief that we must be constantly glued to these devices 🤪 so please, no DM’s for service inquiries! My website contact form is best.  

Wishing everyone a lovely and safe time with family if you’re celebrating this week.  

In Gratitude,  

👫: Ashley + Jake  
🎥: .media

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 10/11/2021

As we begin the slow process of journeying from fall into winter, I find myself reflecting on the whirlwind of the busiest wedding season yet with gratitude and love in my heart. It’s always a continuous process for me, no matter the line of work I find myself in or how much I enjoy it, to do my best to stay present and in alignment with what I’m doing so that I don’t become jaded or succumb to burnout. Despite many blips of struggle this past summer, I feel so beyond lucky for the moments of connection that I’ve gotten to experience, not just with all of the amazing couples I work with, but the vendors as well. This industry is intense a lot of the time, and it takes work and reflection to make sure that we’re staying authentic and true to ourselves. I learn from all of you who show up in life in this way, and it inspires me in the best ways


As someone who has struggled deeply with debilitating OCD and anxiety for the majority of my life, holding space for people‘s biggest and most important and most meaningful day sometimes feels like a really big weight to carry. In the name of total transparency, I debated whether or not I should actually include that first sentence. But I think this type of honesty and vulnerability is extremely important, especially in this modern digital world where curated social feeds are the norm.

As an officiant, I have also always felt that I am in the role that I am truly meant to be in— holding space for and with humans, especially in the name of love, feels incredibly important and right in my bones. And I genuinely love what I do. Within the moments of ceremony, I never question if I am the right person to hold the space and it always feels like an enormous gift in the end.

But there still are days where the weight of the responsibility feels as if it’s beyond my capabilities. But, despite the struggle and some darker internal moments, I am granted the clarity of my truth: that I am completely uninterested in representing a false narrative of what life, love, and this multifaceted human experience is. And I am utterly and completely interested in sharing what is honest, vulnerable, and real.

I could list you 8 million things about my job that are incredibly wonderful and rewarding and fulfilling. And, I will also tell you that it’s hard sometimes. That this role can be challenging simply because of the responsibility, but also, being a human in the world also is challenging sometimes.

My hope in sharing these less than cheery truths, is that you’re left not feeling sad or uneasy, but rather that you feel less alone in the experience of being alive. May we all get to share in the knowing, from time to time, that even in our lowest lows, we are strong and capable and resilient. Sending love.


Big wedding. Small elopement. Fancy clothes. Casual clothes. Intentional ceremony. A script you found online read by a friend. In the wilderness. At a courthouse.

In a world where there are too many “shoulds” that have been imposed on us, there is great freedom in the realization that your day gets to be an authentic representation of you and what feels right, regardless of what that looks like.

Jennifer and Jason did it their way, with the ones that mattered most, outside as a reflection of their love of the earth, and together, as they were always meant to be♥️


Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 21/09/2021

My work is what grounds me. I feel SO incredibly lucky to say that honestly, and I know this isn’t the reality for many people. After a whirlwind of two weeks away from ceremonies, getting to step back into this sacred space with Chris and Grace’ elopement (alongside one of my most favorite photographers nonetheless!) filled my cup and nourished my soul. Getting to witness two wonderful humans in love while being held by the beauty of the earth…. what a gift!

👫: Grace + Chris

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 26/08/2021

Taking a little pit stop in the midst of all the chaos to say hello✨👋 Looking back at these photos totally activated the water works for me 🥺🥲 These ladies share such a palpable love and sweetness, that I had to keep reminding myself to stay grounded so that I didn’t get lost in my own emotions during their ceremony. Le sigh. I am just so grateful for the gift of holding space for love. Being a human can be really hard. But I never ever ever doubt the profoundly healing impact of love. And I hope you don’t either♥️ 

👭: Lou + Shannon  


The best and simultaneously hardest part of my job is getting to spend time with incredible human beings, in one of the most loving moments of their lives. How is it hard? Only because it feels like I give a piece of my heart to each person that I hold space for... and in that moment, I really get to witness them for who they are, and I simply can’t help but fall in love!  and then we all say goodbye...

It’s a constant reminder for me, that I don’t need to become best friends with every kind human that I cross paths with, and to simply appreciate that fleeting moment and our time together for what it is. But I would be lying if I didn’t say that every couple I have officiated for has a special place in my heart for always.  

👫: Cassie + Joe  

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 21/04/2021

These two have a dream of growing old and feeding the ducks together 🥺🦆💕  
And if that’s not love, than I don’t know what is!   
👫: Kara + Michael   


the moon is responsible 
for pulling tides 
out of still water 
i am the still water 
and you are the moon 
~rupi kaur  

Still reeling (in the best possible way) from Amber and John David’s ceremony this weekend. And just so in love with this wonderful shot by with .  



Hi! Hey! Hello! 👋  

Just me poppin’ on here in my usual social media fashion of large gaps of time without content and absolutely zero consistency... oops 🙃 If you happen to scroll past this post in your feed, I hope that it finds you well, grounded, and hopeful!  

Personally, I am *feeling* this tail end of winter funk (stagnation, imposter syndrome, self doubt etc.) but I am doing my best to keep myself moving and stay heart-centered. Anytime there’s a bigger gap in holding space for ceremonies (quite common in the winter months for me) I have to really dig deep to find motivation. I thrive so much when I am in the energy of other peoples love, that I often feel a bit aimless when I’m not officiating!  

Sigh. I am so grateful for what I do and I am excited to be busy again in the near future! One way that I have been keeping myself ‘moving forward’ during my slow time has been by taking long walks as often as possible! I am averaging around 5 miles and sometimes making it up to 10 a day! It feels so helpful right now.  

Are you feeling the pre-spring blues? What are you doing to keep yourself going? Remember (and I say this because I need the reminder): -Real life is always happening now, even if you’re feeling stagnant.  
-Striving for perfection is a lost cause.  
-Be gentle with yourself.  
-Every effort counts, no matter how small.  



Timeline photos 09/04/2020

Hey sweet friends. I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I miss you. I miss holding space as an officiant and as a yoga teacher. I can’t wait to connect and play and love in person again. ⁣

I know that we’re all eagerly awaiting “normal”... and I sure do hope that time comes sooner than later. But I want to encourage you to do your best to really be present in your life right now, exactly the way that it is, even if it’s not in the ideal way you imagine. ⁣

There is so much fear, sadness, and confusion happening and it’s truly impacting us all. I think we’re all reaching and grasping at the memory of normal, of life as it was, and waiting desperately for those days to return. I believe they will. And I believe the ache and the longing for those times is completely normal and valid. ⁣

In the midst of those feelings though, can we also lean in to them and recognize that this... this weirdness, this newness, this bizarre and scary reality IS our lives right now. And as much as we may want to push it away and resist it, can we still, even if it’s just for short fleeting moments, find a glimmer of gratitude and presence for what is?⁣

My hope is that we all navigate this time with grace and deep inner strength, even if it’s layered with fear and anxiety and desperation. I pray that lives are spared and that clarity and resolution comes soon. I keep in my heart all of the people who are working the frontlines and those who are nearing the end of their time and the families who must grieve for them at a distance. ⁣

Honor, grieve, celebrate, hate it all, start over, try again, love more, cry, practice patience, go for walks, play games, talk to loved ones, pray, meditate, move your body... this is the process. And all we can do is our best. ⁣

Sending love. ⁣

Local LGBTQ community reconfigures weddings 10/02/2020

It was an honor to be interviewed by Able Allen for the Mountain Xpress✨ alongside other awesome humans. To quote my beautiful friend Lucky Penny Creative:

“I always say hosting a wedding is a privilege, but getting married is a right. And for us, it is taking that right and then breathing life into it.”


Local LGBTQ community reconfigures weddings For more than a decade, Jeanne Sommer of Hidden River Events has been hosting and presiding over same-sex partnership ceremonies on her farm in Swannanoa. “It doesn’t matter if it’s heterosexual or same-sex,” she says. “The ethics of good loving are what matters.” Since 2014, when a fede...


It's an honor to be given the Couple's Choice Award via WeddingWire for 2020! I could've never imagined just how full my heart would become through starting and building Heartfelt Elopements

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 31/12/2019

To be honest, dear friends, I am ready to put this year behind me. 2019 has been a whirlwind of all the things— plenty of love, hardship, beauty, and growth. ⁣

As we continue to navigate uncertainty, my wish for us all this coming year is that we continue to open ourselves to love, in all of its many forms. It’s my belief that underneath all of the pain, all of the fear, and all of the grief that we all experience at some time or another, lies a boundless and unbreakable love that is our most authentic expression of being human. ⁣

Holding space for so many beautiful couples this year has left a mark on my heart that I could’ve never imagined, and in the most beautiful way at that. I have you all to thank for this invaluable gift. From the deepest place in my heart, THANK YOU. ⁣

May we all continue to put one foot in front of the other in the name of love and learning. May we all cut ourselves some slack in the spirit of being gentler towards ourselves. And may we all move forward without fear and with a deep knowing of our own resilience. ⁣

Sending love to all. Happy New Year. ⁣

👭Kate + Naycia ⁣
📸 @ Asheville, North Carolina

Timeline photos 12/12/2019

Dear ones, I have been a little absent on here lately. Truth be told, it’s been a trying time for me. We are in the midst of navigating some personal things that have left me feeling out of sorts. Regardless of the turmoil/uncertainty, I am doing my best to trust. I stumbled upon this prayer last night, and I’ll leave you with it, in case you need it too: ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
A Blessing for Exhausted Times⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
by Leah Robberts-Mosser⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

For you who are overwhelmed, may a simplicity of heart be yours.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
For you who are hungry, may you have bread and you who are thirsty have drink. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
May you who have no place to lay your head have a home. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
And may you who are tired find rest.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
You who are frustrated, may serenity find you. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
And may you who are angry have a fire that fuels you, instead of one that consumes you.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
You who are afraid, may your heart be held close by God.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
You who are fearful and filled with dread, may you face your fear and act anyway. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
And you who are dead with decision, may the Way-maker make a way where there seem to be no way. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
May you who are stranded and alone be surrounded and held fast by the angels who wing their way to your side.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
May you who are in debt have relief. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
You who are facing defeat, may this ending be a new beginning. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
You who are nearing an end, may resurrection come. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
You who are sad, may you know that Jesus wept too and that your tears are so precious, God keeps them in a bottle, or so the Psalmist says. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
May you who are wrecked with grief be raised to new life.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
And may you who are bound, trapped by something that has a hold on you, hear the voice of Jesus say, “Unbind him, let him go; unbind her, let her go; unbind them, let them go.”⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
May you who are hurt be healed.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
And may you who are misunderstood be seen. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
May you who are wrecked be restored.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
And may you who face enemies that tower over you, have the faith of David so that giants come crashing down. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
May you, who were made in the very image of God, know love.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Photography by Sarah Whitmeyer Photography with Elope Outdoors : Asheville

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 22/11/2019

I love these images of the signing of the Ketubah, the Jewish marriage contact, at Dani + Emmit’s wedding♥️ ⁣

It was a real joy to craft a beautiful interfaith ceremony for them, where we could honor both Judaism and Christianity and the common threads that they share. ⁣

Here’s an excerpt: ⁣

“We hold close to our hearts that though there are many different ways to honor and commune with God, a common thread among them is to live our lives with love, courage, kindness, and forgiveness.” ⁣

📸 ⁣⁣⁣
🏰 ⁣⁣⁣
📽 ⁣⁣
🌸 ⁣⁣⁣
🎧 DJ Dave Banks @ Westglow Resort & Spa

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 13/11/2019

It got down to 15° last night where we live! So in honor of winters early arrival, here’s a throwback to Ashton and Eric’s mountaintop elopement from just a few weeks ago when it was still warm. ⁣

I’ve learned to love winter over the years, but sometimes this Miami girl still struggles with needing to scrape ice off of the windshield... 🤷‍♀️🥶⁣

Wherever you are, I hope the love that’s in your life makes you feel cozy and warm, no matter how cold the temps are! ⁣

📸 with ⁣

@ Blue Ridge Mountains

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 08/11/2019

Just some pretty humans who are very in love to make you feel the warm fuzzies inside 🥰 ⁣

Sometimes when I’m having a weird day or wake up in a bad headspace, I look at pictures of some of the couples I’ve worked with and it reminds that there’s so much in life to be grateful for. Is that weird? I suppose I don’t really care if it is... it’s so easy to get all caught up in what’s not working, that sometimes you just need to admire what is. Sometimes it’s just good to acknowledge the beauty of being in love. ⁣

👫 Kelsey + Josh ⁣
📸 with @ Blue Ridge Parkway

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 06/11/2019

I have always experienced life as a sacred little thing. I see profound and deep meaning in the simplest of moments. I suppose in many ways, that’s why holding space for ceremony comes so naturally to me. ⁣⁣
Ceremony’s could so easily just be something you check off the list and get done, without leaning in to the pure magic of the moment where you’re vowing to commit your heart and your willingness to another human for as long as you live on this earth. If just “getting it done” is what resonates most with you, then I think that’s a beautiful truth for you to own, and you to get to do it your way. ⁣⁣
For me, it’s impossible not to feel the tingle of magic in the moment of such sweet commitment. In ceremony, it’s as if we get to glimpse into something beyond this world, perhaps into our own essence, where we can feel in our hearts and in our bones that what we’re truly made of us is something like pure unconditional love, and where we get to finally understand that learning and knowing love and forgiveness is why we’re here on this earth together. At least this is how I feel it, in these most sacred of moments. ⁣⁣
Regardless of how you choose to celebrate your wedding day, whether it’s filled with sacred ceremony, a quick trip to the courthouse, on a mountainside, in a church, in a temple, in a giant fancy shmancy venue, or in your own backyard, I hope that you feel in your heart that love is important and that you deserve it and that this whole life thing is incredibly fleeting. So if you find love, hang onto it and cherish it, as if it’s what you came here to do. ⁣⁣

👫 Dee + Matt ⁣

@ Western North Carolina

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 23/10/2019

Still swimming in a puddle of love from these lovelies wedding last Friday♥️. Every once in a while, you come across two humans and think “damn. these two definitely belong together.” It was such an honor to be their space holder. ⁣

💒 @ Yesterday Spaces

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 10/10/2019

Have you ever seen a more adorable and perfect trio of pea pods ever??! No, you have not! Maggie, Brandon, and little Jamison are IT! And, there’s one more on the way! Ugh, I just adore them all ❤️❤️❤️⁣⁣
It’s peak wedding season, y’all! My brain is kind of exploding out of being so busy, but still, I am so incredibly grateful that I get to be a space holder for all of this love! I’m very much looking forward to the “Davis Family Tornado” that’s making its way in to town tonight. Spending time with my loved ones is one of my favorite ways to recharge and fill my cup. Happy Fall! ❤️🍁🍂 ⁣

📸 by with

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 28/09/2019

Idk what it is about Michelle and Ryan that just makes me want to cry... in the best way ever! I love all of my couples, truly, but something about this pair just captured my heart from the moment I met them. ⁣

I wrote their vows for them, which, though wonderful and sweet, doesn’t usually evoke a deep emotional response in me. But hearing them say those words back to each other totally activated the water works! They truly share a palpable love that is just such a joy to witness! ⁣

Alright, back to work! I’m currently putting the final touches on the Mara + Adam ceremony that’s tonight at Hi-Wire Brewing! Gosh, I just love love! ⁣

📸 Meghan Rolfe Photography ⁣
👩‍💻 Elope Outdoors : Asheville ⁣

Photos from Heartfelt Elopements's post 27/09/2019

Ughhh flowers on flowers on flowers and love on love on love! Tbh, Jazmine just looks like she belongs in an eternal garden of flowers, am I right?!? ⁣

Don’t get me wrong, I *LOVE* holding space at weddings/larger productions. But the ease and flexibility of elopements is just so much fun. You get to play and create in such cool ways. And what’s more awesome than frolicking around a ma and pop flower farm? ⁣

Sigh. I’m so ready for real fall, but summer, I will miss youuuuuu! ⁣


📸 Meghan Rolfe Photography ⁣
🌺 Lady Luck Flower Farm ⁣
👫 Jazmine + Kevin