Power of Praise Ministries

Power of Praise Ministries

With Rev. David Weru Kiama


Psalm 50:14...God is looking for a Thanksgiving offering, not money or anything tangible, but an appreciative heart.
This far God is Ebenezer, glory and honor to Him, who's able to do exceedingly abundantly above all.


Jesus is Lord at all times; I feel to Prophecy to those who believe; Month of MAY...MAY all your fears be turned to a Miracle; manufactured by the Holy Spirit...
Luke : 1 : 37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible.
This is the Answer the Angel gave Mary mother of Jesus when she couldn't understand how she could conceive without knowing a man. Lockdown issues are there but God Has no Lockdown vocabulary. Your Visitation is knocking at your door in Jesus Name. I love you all my dear Friends. Rev. David Weru Kiama


Those in Washington State Seattle are most welcome @ Renton All St. Life Tower
