Bart Teeters for Indiana

Bart Teeters for Indiana

Please join us in improving the lives of all Hoosiers and Americans. By making government and campai


Wow Delaware County really has some seditious elected officials. Mr. Webb needs to resign. In their hearts believe it doesn’t make it true.

Cameron Grubbs thank you for highlighting this for us, the public

Benefits Lapse for Millions as Trump Fails to Approve Bill 27/12/2020

Our govt stinks. Dems care more about fundraising than the people. GOP cares more about owning Dems than the people. White House wants something, Congress says no. Congress wants something and White House says no. All the while, the American people continue to suffer. This was a problem long before Trump or Pelosi and it’s time the people take back this country. We have 2 years to put our disagreements aside and elect representatives that truly are of, for, and with the people. That truly represent the common person. No more big money interests. Protect the worker, the small business owner, the poor. Help move the human race and the AMERICAN DREAM forward. You can’t shut down the country to protect people and then not follow up with the economic protections these people deserve and have paid for.

Benefits Lapse for Millions as Trump Fails to Approve Bill Millions of Americans will see their unemployment benefits lapse, at least temporarily, after President Donald Trump let Saturday night pass without signing a $900 billion bipartisan coronavirus stimulus package.

'I thank God everyday': After long battle with COVID-19, Scott County Sheriff grateful to be back at work 26/12/2020

'I thank God everyday': After long battle with COVID-19, Scott County Sheriff grateful to be back at work After a nearly month long battle with COVID-19, Scott County Sheriff Jerry Goodin says he's recovered and is back at work.

50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says 20/12/2020

Interesting read. I know there will be disagreements here from my conservative friends. But I think if an economic system continues to only allow 10-15% of participants the opportunity to create wealth, we need to fix that system.

50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says Tax cuts for the wealthy didn't boost the economies of the U.S. and 17 other countries — but they did worsen income inequality.


We need to take the best working ideas from around the world and implement them here in the United States. Protect our people, make capitalism work for everyone, and become the best country in the world once again! We will prosper!


Some see things the way they are and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not?
-Robert Francis Kennedy


My daughter now know it’s possible!


It is time for the United States to stand up and guarantee all possible healthcare treatments to its citizens without fear of being economically ruined. And the voters said so.


A blank page of America starts anew. Have faith!


“I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms."- Alan Greenspan

Currently we are in an oligarchical capitalist economy where like their version of communism, it works in theory but human greed gets in the way.


Stay tuned folks. It will be a few weeks, but big things are coming. Something exciting!


Congratulations to my opponent Gary Girton! The people have spoken and overwhelmingly made their choice. I want to thank the people of the county that supported me and wish our government officials well in their new terms.


It is imperative to show the stats quo that we can make races competitive. Vote Julie Morgan Snider for IN House 33.


Still waiting on a plan from the opposition. They refused to debate us. Why?


Vote Teeters and Thornburg for Commissioner this Election Day! Vote a clear conscience!


A woman who will bring honor back to the clerk’s office. Vote for Vickie!


Love the support from the locals in Lynn! They are


If anyone wants my yard sign let me know.


Small victory for veterans today! We were able to get the decision tabled and are currently looking for a better location for COVID-19 testing for the Health Department so we don’t have to move the VSO.


Check out our upcoming Candidate Series full of local leaders who would love to earn your vote! We'll have live discussions with them on these Thursdays at 7:30pm right here on this page.

Sarah Vitale & Jason Donati will be your hosts.

The election is just 2 months away on November 3rd so make sure you've registered to vote by October 5th at

10 Bart Teeters for Commissioner Randolph Co. - Eastern Dist.
17 Sue Errington for State Representative District 34

1 - Todd Donati for Delaware County Commissioner - District 2
8 - Ari Hurwitz for Delaware County Council - At Large
15 - Jeannine Lee Lake for Indiana - US Representative IN-6
22 - Julie Snider for District 33 - State Representative District 33
29 - Ralph E. Dowling for Delaware County Council - At Large



Randolph County Veterans Service Office is going to be replaced with a COVID-19 testing center.

The location of the new VSO will be located upstairs in a small room with no direct restroom access. Forcing 90 year old veterans to go to an office not handicap accessible, except for elevators which cannot be used during certain emergencies.

And who thinks it is a good idea to put a COVID-19 Testing Facility near the Journey Home, WIC, or Head Start? They would be in the same building!

But the real shame is how the downtrotten, especially our veterans, continued to get pushed over by the local government.

SIGN THE PETITION! here----->>
...and join the fight at the COMMISSIONERS MEETING on TUESDAY @ 9:00 a.m.

Timeline photos 23/08/2020

Don't miss out on all of the fun! There is still time to form a team for this awesome event!!! Please message me for more information.

