Olivia A King Writer

Olivia A King Writer

The home for the works and thoughts of writer Olivia A. King. A place for the things that inspire her.

You can also find information on her upcoming releases and little snippets of stories.


I've been crazy busy lately. It's been torture.

New stories coming soon.


Writing today.......


She looked at him, that sparkle in her eyes and the smile on her lips like she did every time he walked into the room. Like he was cake and she wanted a slice. She leaned forward over the table.

“Hi, honey.” She said resting her chin on her hands. The smile spreading wider. “I have a surprise for you!”

She pushed herself up from the couch and ran from the room toward their bedroom. Her sheer nightgown flowing behind her. He heard her open a door and close it and the sound of her skipping back down the hallway. Her hands were behind her back.

“I got you a present!” She ran up to him and kissed him on the lips. His lips tasted like mint menthol ci******es. She hated that smell and taste on anyone else but he made it into something that turned her on.

She pushed him into the couch she had just got up from. She crawled into his lap and put the small package into his hand.

He turned the small jewelry box over and then gave it a good shake. “You know I don’t wear anything.”

She smiled and took the box from his hand and opened it showing him the velvet lined inside. On the pillows was a silver key with a gold tag that said “Home.”

His eyes that had look a tired before opened wide and a smile spread across his face. “We got the house!!!!! He laughed and pulled her into his chest. Taking her by the chin and planting soft kisses all over her face. Planting one final kiss on her lips he laughed. “I’m ready to carry you over that threshold. But tonight I am going to carry you to bed.”


"There are no easy ways to talk about su***de with your friends."

My friend turned to look at me. One eyebrow raised. "What do you mean?'

"I mean, you can't just tell your friends you want to die. If you don't go through with it you are just being dramatic. If you pick the wrong friend they could encourage you. If you pick a friend who is really scared you might - they might call the cops. There is no easy way to tell someone you want to die."

My friend looked back to the moon.

"Are you telling me you want to die?"

Without looking at her I whispered, "It depends on what kind of friend you are."


Atlanta always held a bit of an appeal to me. The night life, music, and atmosphere that always brought something new.

Driving up to the venue was a little nerve-racking. Parking was a small lot on the side of the old dilapidated looking bar. Already filled to max capacity and still more people trying to look for spots. I knew better. I knew to part by the construction site and walk the three blocks back.

I was going to do it. Even in my black leather combat boots. Honestly, I would have walked barefoot over broken glass to see them.

My favorite band was playing and my boyfriend had score us tickets. It was the best birthday present I think I had ever received. Those tickets sitting in my hand seemed to glow. A few days after giving them to me that same boyfriend who had gifted me the chance to be in the same room as Halestorm broke up with me. He never told me why. Just ghosted me. That's ok thoough I still had the tickets.

So here I was. Feet throbbing standing in line and screaming out lyrics with the rest of the crowd around me. No music. Just a hundred or so people getting pumped to see some bad ass female lead bands. A total stranger behind me screaming "A little evil goes a long, long way." A woman towards the front selling shirts that said Sisters Insane threw one into the line causing everyone to jump. The air felt electric. The ground vibrated and it swept you up in waves.

Once the doors opened and the crowd flowed in you felt it. Something big was going to happen. The two bands before Halestorm twisted the crowd into a spring. We bounced off each other, danced with strangers, we touched and kissed and felt the world shift.

Between bands we talked and screamed. Some of us smoked and the smell of w**d sifted through the bar. As the band before Halestorm finished and left the stage the room got quiet. You could hear a pin drop.

Out of the darkness of the backstage you could hear drumsticks striking wood. The sound of heels clicking on floorboards as Lizzie walked up to the mic. One hand on her guitar and the other pulling the mic to her lips she giggled "Hello, freaks."

The room exploded in cheers and screams. The song "Freak Like Me" rattled the rafters. The guitar and base picking the crowd up and dropping them down. Bodies rammed into each other to the drumbeat.

I have never been a part of an o**y. I don't know what that is like. This has to be better than that. A hundred or more people connected in the music. Everyone caught in the beat and not giving up even if you took an elbow to the face. Which I did. I felt my lip split. Then I felt a strong arm wrap around wrap around my waist and pull me back into someone.

Slender fingers lifted my face up. Black hair. White goth makeup. Not much else to see as I still swayed to the song. He brought a bar napkin to my lip and kissed my forehead. Leaning down in a load whisper he said, "Sorry for the elbow. How about a drink and my number is on the napkin."

Photo Halestorm at the Masquerade in Atlanta, Ga July 24th 2013


I am back and I have missed you all!!!!!! (I could post a few days ago but missed my notifications.)

Now, who's ready for a short story tonight?


Hey guys, I know I promised 2 stories today. However, it's not letting me post photos. SILLY FACEBOOK BEING SILLY. As soon as it will allow I will post them first thing tomorrow.

2020 Continues to be Rough 12/07/2020

As if 2020, in all it's grand f**kery, couldn't possibly have any more cruel jokes in hand, my dear friend Little Red Fox Cosplay had her storage broken into. She lost tools, supplies, prints, and so much more. Today I am dedicating to her with two short stories based on two of my favorite cosplay shots of her. Most of all help out my confam, I would be forever appreciative!

2020 Continues to be Rough Well, just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any worse... Yesterday my storage unit was broken into. The timing of the whole thing is so bad it is almost laughable, too. I had just recently moved a...


Nights like this were rough. Her whole body desired something. Something it couldn't have. Why HIM? Why did she want the one man who wished she was dead.

She reached into her bedside table. Opening the out of date Motorola Razr she powered it on to read the last message she had sent him. Holding her thumb on the power button she was blinded by the white M on the black background


She read it three times. Crying harder each time.

They hadn't talked since then. She didn't have the balls to apologize and he probably wished she would just disappear. She closed the flip phone and tossed it back into the drawer, not even bathing to slide it back into place.

"The thing is I don't hate him. It breaks my heart that he isn't here for me to tell him I am sorry. Maybe I will text him tomorrow." She mumbled.

For a while she gazed in the direction of the glowing TV before she fell asleep to the sound of her desk fan whirring; the sound providing just enough comfort to relax and drown out her thoughts.


Accurate for 2020.


What has been your cheapest favorite vacation?

Sacred ancient 'solstice' tree destroyed in 'arson attack' 11/07/2020

Sacred ancient 'solstice' tree destroyed in 'arson attack' The 40ft-high Whiteleaved Oak near Eastnor Castle in Herefordshire, which believes say possesses powers which made it 'venerated by spiritual devotees' has gone up in flames.


Image: A close up of a woman with her face in her hand as a tear rolls down her cheek.

Text: The mean admin at W.A.W. said I should be writing.

Photos from Olivia A King Writer's post 09/07/2020

Feeling inspired by my girlfriends today! Sometimes that's all a girl needs to get motivated.


"Rosie," screamed the foreman from the balcony in front of her office looking out over the factory floor.. "I know you're tired, Sugar. But, 2020 needs you."

"What are you talking about? I'm going to need you to stop drinking the sauce, Henrietta. I'm doing the work right here in 1942. I'm keeping the moral moving. They love me here. Here I'm not JUST a dame. I'm the face of the push. The motivation to get up in the morning." Rosie screamed back. Her hands in her pockets and her sweat beading on her face.

"Baby, come on up. I've got something to tell you." The foreman waved at her to come up to her office.

Rosie shut down her lathe machine. The whirring sound going quiet and she knew that this was probably the last time she was going to see the old girl for a while. She kissed the tips of her fingers and then slid them across the smooth metal surface. A faint red line smeared across the surface

Putting her hands in the pockets of her overall pockets Rosie walked across the concrete floor. Her sensible heels click-clacking as she watched the other ladies at their machines. Not a man in sight, here were women, driving and supporting the war effort. Women who were once relegated to sitting at home taking care of babies and homes working hard at machines. Every single one of the keen in their own ways. Makeup, bandana's, jumpsuits, and pants. This was the sight that made Rosie smile. She walked up the stairs and when she reached the top looking out over the floor. She felt her heart swell up with pride. Women were making the way here.

She walked into Hen's office and closed the door. Her boss sat behind a long polished desk. Piles of papers and a drawing of a B-24 Liberator her oldest boy Tommy had made sat in a frame on the end of the desk. A small white box sat in the middle of the desk. A real stand out in the dim room.

"Hen, I have a quota to make before the end of the day and I'm already behind because I had to wait for maintenance to fix a wheel," Rosie said leaning back against the door.

Hen stood up and came around the desk and motioned for Rosie to take a seat. She took the bo in hand and opened it. Slowly pulling out first a red pair of heels that she sat on the desk. The heels were higher than any Rosie had ever seen. They were gorgeous. Candy apple red and so shiny they reflected the light. Next a crisp dark blue jumpsuit. A white top that looked like it had been made from marshmallow fluff. Lastly, she pulled out a red bandana and handed it to Rosie.

"Rosie, I know you're about to think I'm crazy. Hear me out. There are some applesauce things a happening in 2020. Wanna know how I know? Time travelers Yeah, look at me like I'm nuts. I thought so, too. Until they handed me this little thing here. Hen pulled out a smooth black, extremely, flat gizmo. Pressing a small button the device started to play highly colored moving pictures. Pictures of women with their fists in the air. Moving pictures of people marching wearing masks. Signs saying Black Lives Matter. Snippets of sick people in hospital beds. The images and moving colors were overwhelming. For an hour she watched. Then the screen faded to black and read "2020 needs you for a new kinda war, Rosie. Come train your troops."

Rosie shot up from her chair and grabbed the pile of clothes from the desk. Clutching the heels to her chest.

"Sign me up!" She said. "Tell me what I need to do to help the future!!!"

Original Photo by Don Cooper
Rosie Model Tatiana Sofia Begault


Oh! It's gonna be a girls night!


It's my birthday month! Starting it of with Tattooed Amazon!


Getting writing done the easy way today. Plus dessert! Look at me multitasking!

Official & Original Deadpool Gear 29/06/2020

Guys..... pst..... so like my human I inhabit... you know that living body, has a birthday coming up. She's asking for human sacrifices...... or this. I have special sacrifices planned. So someone please get her this.

Official & Original Deadpool Gear Official & original Deadpool apparel, collectibles & more, delivered to your door (or favorite mailbox) every quarter.


Sometimes you get something pretty. Sometimes you get something vulgar.

How about this time you get both.

📷 Don Cooper Photography


I don't think I will murder any characters today.

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