Kaizen Apps

Kaizen Apps

The Premier Mobile & Web Application & AI development Agency.

Experimental AI tech lending a helping hand to fruit producers in Japan 22/05/2022

Researchers in Japan have been conducting experiments using robotics and artificial intelligence to alleviate fruit farmers’ reliance on scarce labor while supporting those who are aging and have no successor.According to Tokyo-based consulting company NTT Data Institute of Management Consulting Inc., which oversees the experiments, a robot cargo vehicle automatically follows workers as they harvest pears, transporting the fruit to a designated location.

Kaizen Apps finds this very useful to farmers as the robots are reducing their physical burden.

What other things do you think an AI can be useful in farming?

Experimental AI tech lending a helping hand to fruit producers in Japan Machines are providing farmers with information on the best time for fruit to be harvested, based on data from photographs.

ServiceNow BrandVoice: Chatbots: Not Just For Customers Anymore 21/05/2022

It could be argued that chatbots are the number one application of AI in any enterprise. Their broad acceptance by those who prefer virtual customer service over long telephone waits has made chatbots the go-to channel for tech-savvy customers.Virtual agents play a vital role in delivering a better employee self-service experience because they offer personalized conversations. Unlike other self-service tools, a virtual agent can be quickly trained as business or services change. Kaizen Apps believes that no matter what your industry or how big your business is, a virtual agent strategy can help you create great experiences for your team. 😎

How do you think will employees react with having AI as a virtual co-employee?

ServiceNow BrandVoice: Chatbots: Not Just For Customers Anymore Employees struggle to get quick answers to a wide range of topics across multiple departments. A chatbot can fix all that.


Digital Future: The evolution of workforce and technology trends that are now shaping the new world

Artificial Intelligence: The New Power in Digital Banking 19/05/2022

AI has the potential to transform all aspects of banking – from the way we save to the way we invest and spend – making possible a model of banking that is smarter, faster and more customer friendly. AI technologies are presenting banks with opportunities to fundamentally improve the products and services they offer to customers. 😎

Kaizen Apps believes that Artificial Intelligence can transform different aspects of all types of businesses.

What aspects of your business can AI help transform?

Artificial Intelligence: The New Power in Digital Banking As the sophistication of artificial intelligence and intelligent algorithm technologies has increased, they now have the potential to revolutionize traditional banking models and deliver a shift to digital banking which is faster, more agile, and more customer centric. AI has the potential to transf...

NIA Grant Launches New AI, Aging, Alzheimer’s Research Center 18/05/2022

The University of Massachusetts Amherst and Brigham and Women’s Hospital announced the launch of the new Massachusetts AI and Technology Center for Connecter Care in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease (MassAITC). The center will pursue improving in-home care for older adults and individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. 👍

Kaizen Apps believes that the center will close gaps in interdisciplinary research by gathering data on the perspectives of patients, caregivers, clinicians, behavioral scientists, and other stakeholders.

What is your insight in involving AI in Aging and Alzheimer’s Research?

NIA Grant Launches New AI, Aging, Alzheimer’s Research Center The new center at UMass Amherst will allow researchers to study the use of AI in improving Alzheimer’s at-home care.

Chatbots Allow Educators to Delegate Repetitive Tasks and Focus on Teaching 17/05/2022

More educational institutions have embraced chatbots, the engaging tech tool commonly used by many businesses to provide cost-efficient customer support. It’s been five years since an AI-enabled chatbot called Jill Watson fooled many students in an artificial intelligence class at Georgia Tech into thinking they’d been interacting with a human teaching assistant all semester. 👍

Kaizen Apps' hope is to make sure that we get this accessible and available to anyone with a basic smartphone, so that people can learn even if they can’t get to a school.

What other things do you think that chatbots can help in teaching?

Chatbots Allow Educators to Delegate Repetitive Tasks and Focus on Teaching AI-enabled chatbots are taking on the roles of tutor, college adviser and school administration assistant.

What is a chatbot? Simulating human conversation for service 15/05/2022

A chatbot is a software application designed to simulate human conversation with users via text or speech. Also referred to as virtual agents, interactive agents, digital assistants, or conversational AI, chatbots are often integrated into applications, websites, or messaging platforms to provide support to users without the use of live human agents. 😎

Kaizen Apps can create a chatbot job for your business.

What is your insight in Chatbots and AI hand in hand to better improve businesses?

What is a chatbot? Simulating human conversation for service Coupled with artificial intelligence, chatbots are seeing massive growth in use in an expanding array of domains, from customer service to employee interfaces.

10 Unique and Creative Ways Businesses Are Recruiting Right Now 14/05/2022

Recruiting new employees isn’t only about locating job candidates. It’s about finding the right ones. But waiting around for your Facebook post to gain traction or hoping you’ll get responses to your career page isn’t as productive as a layered approach. Some companies use creative recruiting tactics to attract qualified candidates. Check out their techniques and see if one of these ideas fits into your strategy. 👍

Kaizen Apps suggests you to take a unique approach to recruiting that fits your brand and extends your reach. Market your business across multiple channels and use technology to save time.

What unique approach in recruiting can you think of?

10 Unique and Creative Ways Businesses Are Recruiting Right Now Need unique ideas to attract job candidates? Use these examples to fuel your hiring efforts.

Why freelancers are gradually choosing coworking spaces to do their jobs 13/05/2022

As a freelancer, you can vastly contribute to the growth of a business without having to be in an office and according to various surveys and experts, freelancers represent over 35% and 40% of the workforce at the moment. It is also predicted that by 2030,
freelancers could represent over 80%of the global workforce. Coworking is the future of workspaces as it allows freelancers and other professionals to have an all-inclusive space where they can concentrate, be more productive and ultimately achieve their full potential.💡

Kaizen Apps can help you work more efficiently as a freelancer with
chat bots and AI technology.

Do you prefer working as a freelancer or in an office set-up and why?


Why freelancers are gradually choosing coworking spaces to do their jobs The traditional orientation that people had about work was resuming in the morning and closing in the evening, expecting a remuneration at the end of the month. However, work-life has shifted from that phase and people can now work whenever they want and wherever they choose to work. This means that...

Lawmakers Push Agencies to Establish U.S.-Israel Artificial Intelligence Center 11/05/2022

Bipartisan legislation introduced in both Congressional chambers would require multiple federal agencies to form the U.S.-Israel Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Center—a new hub for the two nations to collaboratively push forward the rapidly evolving technology. If passed, the bill would authorize to be appropriated $10 million to fund the center for each of the fiscal years 2022 through 2026. 😎

Kaizen Apps believes that all other nations should also adapt to this new technology.

What is your opinion on the two nations' collaboration in advancing research in AI technology?

Lawmakers Push Agencies to Establish U.S.-Israel Artificial Intelligence Center Congress would put forth millions to fund the newly proposed collaboration.

Japan races to hire 270,000 artificial intelligence engineers 10/05/2022

TOKYO -- Already behind other countries in nurturing the IT professionals indispensable to a digital transformation, Japan in 2030 is expected to have 270,000 artificial intelligence and Internet of Things jobs that it will be unable to fill. Demand for graduates with STEM degrees will increase. In the U.S., STEM graduates from Stanford and other big-name universities find work at a Big Tech corporation or start new businesses. 😎

Kaizen Apps believes this will be a great opportunity for future graduates and also for AI industry.

What is your opinion in the advancement of artificial intelligence in different types of industries?

Japan races to hire 270,000 artificial intelligence engineers Nation has 4th largest number of IT workers but in wrong disciplines

Promising results from study on AI-based chatbot for anxiety, depression in Spanish-speaking university students 09/05/2022

The study took place in Argentina and showed promising evidence for the usability and acceptability of the mental health chatbot, Tess.The study's objective was to evaluate the viability, acceptability, and potential impact of using Tess, a chatbot, for examining symptoms of depression and anxiety in Spanish speaking university students. 👍

Kaizen Apps belive that chatbots are a novel delivery format that can expand the mental health services offerings and facilitate early access to those in need.

What is your insight in having this kind of chatbots in US universities?

Promising results from study on AI-based chatbot for anxiety, depression in Spanish-speaking university students A study conducted by researchers at Palo Alto University has shown artificial intelligence-based chatbots to be effective as a psychological intervention in Spanish speaking university students. The study took place in Argentina and showed promising evidence for the usability and acceptability of th...


5 applications for artificial intelligence in the warehouse and distribution center

New Artificial Intelligence Tool Accelerates Discovery of Truly New Materials 07/05/2022

New artificial intelligence tool accelerates discovery of truly new materials. The new tool has already led to the discovery of four new materials including a new family of solid state materials that conduct lithium. 👍

Kaizen Apps belive that this tool is an example of one of many collaborative artificial intelligence approaches likely to benefit scientists in the future.

What is your opinion on this new dicovery?

New Artificial Intelligence Tool Accelerates Discovery of Truly New Materials The new artificial intelligence tool has already led to the discovery of four new materials. Researchers at the University of Liverpool have created a collaborative artificial intelligence tool that reduces the time and effort required to discover truly new materials. Reported in the journal N

Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Drug Discovery Global Market Report 2021: COVID-19 Growth And Change To 2030 06/05/2022

The global artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market is expected to grow from $0.36 billion in 2020 to $0.47 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.6%. The artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market consists of sales of AI for drug discovery and related services.😎

Kaizen Apps believes that major companies operating in the AI drug delivery market are adopting strategic collaborations to research and are gaining significant popularity in the artificial intelligence in drug discovery market.

What is your insight AI's evolution in different types of industries?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Drug Discovery Global Market Report 2021: COVID-19 Growth And Change To 2030 Major players in the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market are IBM Corporation, Microsoft, Atomwise Inc. , Deep Genomics, Cloud Pharmaceuticals, Insilico Medicine, Benevolent AI, Exscientia, Cyclica, and BIOAGE.New York, Sept. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Reportlinker.com announces t...

3 Top Artificial Intelligence Stocks to Buy in September | The Motley Fool 05/05/2022

Some companies aren't just implementing AI into their services; they're actually using AI as a foundation for some of their services. Investors who are looking for technology companies that are already succeeding in using AI to accelerate their businesses should consider buying CrowdStrike Holdings (NASDAQ:CRWD), Lemonade (NYSE:LMND), and Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). 👍

Kaizen Apps believes that it would be worthy to invest in AI services right now.

What is your opinion on AI-focused companies having the potential to remain great wealth-building stocks for years to come?

3 Top Artificial Intelligence Stocks to Buy in September | The Motley Fool These AI-centered stocks deserve your attention right now.


1 Artificial Intelligence Stock With Over 95% Upside, According to Wall Street

Top 7 Decentralized Applications (DApps) in the Crypto World 03/05/2022

Top 7 decentralized applications using blockchain technology are boosting the crypto market.DApps, or decentralized applications, are applications, tools, or programs that run on the decentralized Ethereum Blockchain.😎

Kaizen Apps believes that Dapps have emerged with unique characteristics that offer them the potential to become self-sustaining resources by allowing stakeholders to invest in decentralized applications development.

Which decentralized applications do you think is the best and why?

Top 7 Decentralized Applications (DApps) in the Crypto World Decentralized Applications (DApps) are one of the most intriguing phrases in the Blockchain business right now. DApps, are applications, tools, or programs that operate on the Ethereum Blockchain.

Government bids to lead the way on AI with 10-year ‘superpower’ plan 02/05/2022

A 10-year artificial intelligence strategy has been outlined by the Government in a bid to make the UK a global science superpower and lead the way on how it should be regulated.Ministers want to make the country a global leader in the governance of AI, as well as building confidence in the ever-growing technology, by publishing a white
paper on possible regulation. 👍

Kaizen Apps believes that artificial intelligence technologies generate billions for the economy and improve our lives.

What is your opinion on UK's aim in being a global leader in the governance of AI?

Government bids to lead the way on AI with 10-year ‘superpower’ plan The UK’s first National Artificial Intelligence Strategy has been launched.

AI Chatbot Provides Emotional Bonds for Users in China 01/05/2022

Chinese researchers developed a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence (AI) system to create emotional bonds for users with its 660 million users worldwide. With the emotional computing and empathy module, it can understand emotions, giving the impression of a warm-hearted conversation. The chatbot can listen, analyse, reason, and help people clarify their true feelings through professional deconstruction skills. It can guide the discussion, ease the mood and keep the conversation from coming to a dead end. 😎

Kaizen Apps believes that the app cannot replace human counsellors, but it can help people when they need an emotional outlet, support and company late at night or in the early hours.

What's you thought about emotional AI?

AI Chatbot Provides Emotional Bonds for Users in China To provide companionship and emotional bonds for isolated women users, Chinese researchers developed an AI chatbot that can interact with users via texts, voice and photo messages.


OpenAI can translate English into code with its new machine learning software Codex

The Difference Between Traditional Chatbots and Conversational AI 29/04/2022

Chatbots made their debut in 1966 when a computer scientist at MIT, Joseph Weizenbaum, created Eliza, a chatbot that was based on a limited, predetermined flow. Eliza could simulate a psychotherapist's conversation through the use of a script, pattern matching, and substitution methodology. Conversational AI, on the other hand, relies upon natural language processing (NLP), automatic speech recognition (ASR), advanced dialog management, and machine learning (ML), and is able to have what can be viewed as actual conversations.

Kaizen Apps believes that Conversational AI is not only very effective at emulating human conversations, it has become a trusted form of communication in businesses.

How do you think can a Conversational AI improve your customers' experience in your business?

The Difference Between Traditional Chatbots and Conversational AI The history and use of conversational AI, and the ways conversational AI is being used outside of typical chatbots.

How intelligent AI chatbot technology is transforming the higher education admissions process – FE News 28/04/2022

Enabled by AI technology provider Futr, Aberdeen University launched its first chatbot service this year to demonstrate how digital transformation can bring innovation to a traditional and often cumbersome process. The newly designed process resulted in less pressure on busy phone lines, therefore freeing university staff to focus on more complex queries.

Kaizen Apps believes that Aberdeen University did the right decision in using AI chatbots with the clearing process.

What process in your business do you think an AI chatbot can be of great help to your business?

How intelligent AI chatbot technology is transforming the higher education admissions process – FE News – How intelligent AI chatbot technology is transforming the higher education admissions process


16 Business And Industry Functions Being Transformed By AI

What is a dApp? Decentralized Application on the Blockchain 26/04/2022

Decentralized applications are a piece of so ware that communicates with the blockchain, which manages the state of all network actors. The interface of the decentralized applications does not look any different than any website or mobile app today. The smart contract represents the core logic of a decentralized application. Smart contracts are integral building blocks of blockchains, that process information from external sensors or events and help the blockchain manage the state of all network actors.👍

Kaizen Apps can help you on Solidity decentralized application contract coding and Chatbot jobs.

Do you know how much decentralized apps can help you with your business?

What is a dApp? Decentralized Application on the Blockchain Definition dApp: applications that runs on a P2P network of computers rather than a single computer. Not controlled by any single entity - Ethereum, Bitcoin

How Much It Costs to Develop a Business Application 25/04/2022

When it comes to custom web or mobile application development, the size, scope, and needs of your project will ultimately determine the cost.The important thing is to be realistic and detailed about your needs when talking to a developer to get an accurate picture of the necessary budget. 💡

Kaizen Apps has the best software developers who will give you the most value and best product for your money at a lower cost.

Do you agree that Custom Development is Worth the Cost?

How Much It Costs to Develop a Business Application When it comes to custom web or mobile application development, the size, scope, and needs of your project will ultimately determine the cost.

World first for AI and machine learning to treat COVID-19 patients worldwide 24/04/2022

Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and 20 other hospitals from across the world and healthcare technology leader NVIDIA have used artificial intelligence (AI) to predict COVID patients' oxygen needs on a global scale.The technique, known as federated learning, used an algorithm to analyze chest X-rays and electronic health data from hospital patients with COVID symptoms. Once the algorithm had "learned" from the data, the analysis was brought together to build an AI tool which could predict the oxygen needs of hospital COVID patients anywhere in the world. 😎

Kaizen Apps believe this is a great discovery in healthcare industry.

Do you agree that this would be a great help in treating COVID patients around the world?

World first for AI and machine learning to treat COVID-19 patients worldwide Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and 20 other hospitals from across the world and healthcare technology leader NVIDIA have used artificial intelligence (AI) to predict COVID patients' oxygen needs on a global scale.


Why the Demand for Application Development Security Skills Is Exploding

Artificial intelligence is taking over real estate – here's what that means for homebuyers 22/04/2022

Real estate companies are increasingly using artificial intelligence in every aspect of buying, selling and home financing. Algorithms can now go through millions of documents in seconds, looking through property values, debt levels, home renovations, and even some of a homeowner’s personal information. 😎

Kaizen believes that AI technology can be of great use to different types of industries and businesses.

What other things do you think an AI can do for your business?

Artificial intelligence is taking over real estate – here's what that means for homebuyers Real estate companies are increasingly using artificial intelligence in every aspect of buying, selling and home financing.

How AI Will Completely Change The Way We Live in the Next 20 Years 21/04/2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) could be the most transformative technology in the history of mankind—and we may not even see much of this sweeping change coming. Aspects of AI development deserve our scrutiny and caution, but it is important to balance these concerns with exposure to the full picture of this crucially important technology’s potential. 😎

Kaizen Apps has become adaptive to AI technology and meticulous in creating one.

Do yo have a positive or negative insight about AI technology?

How AI Will Completely Change The Way We Live in the Next 20 Years 'We often overestimate what technologies can do in five years, and underestimate what they will be able to do in 20,' writes Kai-Fu Lee



Learn How Machine Learning Can Help Your Business 19/04/2022

The business world is changing all of the time and smart entrepreneurs are always looking for a way to gain an advantage over the competition. As of 2019, 47% of businesses had implemented at least one machine learning capability in their businesses, because machine learning has so many applications. Not only can it lighten the workload on human employees, but it can help you optimize your ad spend, streamline your operations, and so much more. 💡

We at Kaizen Apps believe that AI technology can help improve your business.

Have you considered AI for your business to compete with other entrepreneurs?

Learn How Machine Learning Can Help Your Business Get up to speed with one of today's top technologies.

Starting Your AI Security Journey With Deep Learning 18/04/2022

AI security is about having the right tools, but also about having the right information. Many business or agency leaders aren’t sure where to start their AI security journey. By using deep learning, you can decrease both your risk and the time spent on detecting threats, which allows your team to focus on work that needs the human touch. 👍

Kaizen Apps can help you determine what type of AI security or technology is right for your company.

Why do you think is deep learning a good Option for cyber security?

Starting Your AI Security Journey With Deep Learning Artificial intelligence and deep learning can help gather cybersecurity information faster than humans can. See how this form of AI security works.

Mobile Application Development Market Growth Factors, Product Overview, Segmentation and Forecast Study to 2031 17/04/2022

The Mobile Application Development market report states about the product considering price level, demand and supply, nature of the transaction and market trend of product. Global Mobile Application Development Market research report 2022-2031 focuses on the major competitors and constraints for the industry key players and sectional analysis of the market trades, value share, size assessment, forecasts and geographic regions of the market to help you with setting up new business trends. 😎

Kaizen Apps can help build the mobile app you need for your business.

What features do you need for your business' mobile app?

Mobile Application Development Market Growth Factors, Product Overview, Segmentation and Forecast Study to 2031 Pune, Maharashtra, India, September 2 2021 (Wiredrelease) Prudour Pvt. Ltd –:Technological Innovation In Mobile Application Development Market is one of the most comprehensive and latest additions to Tech Market Reports (Market.us) Reports Database. The Mobile Application Development market report...


OpenAI can translate English into code with its new machine learning software Codex

How AI Can Boost Sales for Your eCommerce Businesses 15/04/2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things about the world as we know it. And for many, the best way to survive is to adapt to the new normal. One of the changes that small business owners had to adapt to is to use innovative measures. The pandemic has also given small business owners a chance to explore new avenues for their continuous business growth, such as offering live streams instead of traveling to meet business contacts. 💡

Kaizen Apps can play a significant role in helping your company afloat during such a difficult time thru AI technology.

Are you ready to adapt to the new normal and use AI Technology for your business?

How AI Can Boost Sales for Your eCommerce Businesses From handling orders to keeping track of your finances, AI technology can help you get more sales and grow your e-commerce business even in a pandemic.

Council Post: 16 Business And Industry Functions Being Transformed By AI 14/04/2022

Nearly every industry has been touched by artificial intelligence. Consumers may think businesses primarily use AI for targeted marketing, but there are actually many functions across industries being impacted by the technology. AI is helping companies protect employees and customers, maintain their stock, develop new products and services and more.💡

Kaizen Apps can help develop AI technology for your business.

What do you think will be the primary use of AI in your business?

Council Post: 16 Business And Industry Functions Being Transformed By AI AI is helping companies protect employees and customers, maintain their stock, develop new products and services and more.

OpenAI can translate English into code with its new machine learning software Codex 13/04/2022

AI research company OpenAI is releasing a new machine learning tool that translates the English language into code. The software is called Codex and is designed to speed up the work of professional programmers, as well as help amateurs get started coding. In demos of Codex, OpenAI shows how the software can be used to build simple websites and rudimentary games using natural language, as well as translate between different programming languages and tackle data science queries. 💡

Kaizen Apps can create an AI uniquely designed for your business.

How do you want an AI technology to work for you?

OpenAI can translate English into code with its new machine learning software Codex Translated English into code with AI.

Videos (show all)

Transportation and AI: The Future of Autonomous VehiclesThis video discusses how autonomous vehicles powered by AI can e...
Education and AI: Personalizing Learning ExperiencesThis video delves into how AI can personalize learning experiences, ...
Retail and Customer Experience: The Power of AI-driven PersonalizationThis video explores how AI-driven personalization ...
Financial Services: The Role of AI in Investment and AdviceThis video explores how AI-powered algorithms can provide mor...
Improved Healthcare: The Role of AI in Diagnostics and TreatmentThis video explores how AI-driven diagnostics and treatm...
Job Disruption and Transformation: The Role of AIThis video discusses how AI can automate repetitive tasks, leading to j...
AI in Public Services: Transforming Government ServicesThis video explores the use of AI in government services and its ...
AI in Environmental Services: Monitoring and ConservationThis video explores how AI is utilized for environmental monito...
AI in Journalism: Revolutionizing News Reporting and Content CreationThis video explores the use of AI in news reporting...
AI in Human Resources: Transforming Talent Acquisition and Employee EngagementThis video explores the impact of AI on ta...
AI in Insurance: Automating Claims and UnderwritingThis video explores the role of AI in automating insurance claims pro...
AI in Customer Service: Chatbots and Virtual AssistantsThis video explores the use of AI-powered chatbots and virtual as...


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