The Echo Chamber with Bill Eigel

The Echo Chamber with Bill Eigel

The Echo Chamber is Missouri's source for political news and updates for state politics. Tune in to The Echo Chamber with Bill Eigel!

Want to know what is REALLY going in Jefferson City after the campaign ends and governing begins in the state capital?


The picture below is a of a rally that took place on Friday, October 1st where hundreds came together at Shaw Park in Clayton to demand Mike Parson call us into Special Session to end the Covid Craziness plaguing our state (that’s me speaking to the crowd!).

Our message was clear.

No more mask mandates.

No more vaccine mandates.

No more shutdowns or quarantining of healthy people; no more the layoffs over vaccines and no more disruption to our kids education and lives; no more of the insane government spending to benefit the bad actors in the Covid Crazy world, and NO MORE unconstitutional mandates done in the name of any virus.

All of it must stop.

Mike Parson must call us in to Special Session since he will not put a stop to this himself.

Can you spare a minute to help William Eigel? 22/09/2021

Stop this insanity. Stop mandating masks on our kids while they are at school. This is such a disappointment for Fort Zumwalt School District and the Board Members should be ashamed of themselves for giving in to the culture of "Covid Craziness"
One more reason to support school choice in our K12 system.

Can you spare a minute to help William Eigel? NO MORE MASKS FOR FORT ZUMWALT SCHOOL DISTRICT!!!!


I love my new Make Missouri Free hat! Thank you Rick Brattin!!!


Joe Biden is NOT your boss and doesn't control you.

Like my page for more life hacks.

Tune in to The Echo Chamber every weekday from 2-4 pm on Real Talk 93.3 The Voice of Freedom.

Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio 10/09/2021

We are all worried about our rights this morning, including this little gal. Joe Biden has done more to wreck our Republic in 8 months in office than perhaps all previous government officials of my lifetime combined.

Never has a sitting American President so directly challenged the personal freedom and Liberty of our Republic since our Founding. That is as remarkable as it is frightening. How will we sustain 3 more years of this mess in the White House?

The States must reign in the federal government.

Solutions will not come from Washington DC.

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic values which thinks nothing is worth war is much worse. The man who has nothing for which he willing to fight, nothing more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the actions of other men better than himself.”

— John Stuart Mill

Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio SonRise with Jeanne Vogt - As a lifelong resident of the St. Louis Metro area, Jeanne Vogt has served the community in many different avenues but always with the same thread. Providing leadership, encouragement, and inspiring others is just part of Jeanne’s DNA whether preaching a message, selling...

Republicans explode with fury over Biden vaccine mandate: 'Absolutely unconstitutional' 10/09/2021

Today Joe Biden declared a national vaccination mandate for anyone employed in a business with over 100 employees.

This step is reflective of an administration that places no value on personal liberty or constitutional law. There is no basis or justification for this destruction of private liberty.

As a Missouri State Senator, my stand is this: the federal government in Washington DC has no authority to make this mandate and it is unenforceable in Missouri. I would encourage Missouri citizens and businesses to not comply with any such order being handed down from Washington DC.

Neither government NOR private business has the authority to mandate private health decisions for citizens. Period. Stop this covid-madness.

Tomorrow I will be joining my colleagues in the Missouri Senate in calling on Governor Parson to call for a Special Session of the legislature to ban vaccination mandates.

Republicans explode with fury over Biden vaccine mandate: 'Absolutely unconstitutional' Republican members of Congress and state governors responded to news Thursday that President Joe Biden will force employers with more than 100 workers to require coronavirus vaccinations or test employees weekly.


This week will mark the 1 month anniversary of The Echo Chamber on Real Talk 93.3!! If you love America, Missouri, conservative values, and cherry pie follow us here on the Echo Chamber to find out what is REALLY going on in Jefferson City.

Our first month has been HUGE. We've had over 50 separate guests come on our show during our first month of production--including statewide officeholders, US Congressmen, state senators, representatives, constitutional scholars, grassroots activists, lobbyists, candidates, business owners, former legislators...the list goes on and on! It's only our first month!

Our reach is also HUGE! Interest in our show is off the charts! In just the first 30 days, we have reached over 60,000 people on our digital page and our broadcast over the air is available to more than a million possible listeners. With now over 2,000 committed followers of the program, I'm very grateful for everyone's support!

Thank you to everyone who's interest in the proper role of government and real Republican leadership for Missouri has helped The Echo Chamber get off to a fantastic start!

Also a special thank you to my sponsors and advertisers--I literally could not do this without you!!!

Thank you and as always--let me know what is on your mind!!


Let's Get Missouri Growing Again!!

Step 2: Eliminate the Personal and Corporate Income taxes in Missouri!

What a better way to celebrate Labor Day Weekend than to call for a tax code reform that let's YOU keep more of what YOU produce? In my time in the Senate I've sponsored and passed some of the biggest tax cuts in state history. But we need to match where states like Texas, Florida, and Tennessee are already leading.

We will phase this tax out slowly as we call for additional reforms to our state budget (stay tuned!).

No more punishing everyone who works just for producing!!!!

What tax do you think we should cut or eliminate?? (btw, Step 1 is to eliminate personal property tax)


Welcoming Mark McCloskey to The Echo Chamber studio today! Call in with your comments and questions today at 636-224-6300!!


Let's Get Missouri Growing Again.

Step 1: Eliminate the most regressive, burdensome, and unpopular tax in Missouri--Personal Property Tax.

You already paid tax on your vehicle--it's time the government recognize you own it. We have one of the highest rates of PPT in the country, adding insult to injury.

After the gas tax increase debacle, Republicans in Missouri owe its citizens a big TAX CUT.

Government at ALL levels--federal, state, and local--have record revenues coming in. Time to give back to Missouri citizens in what would be the largest tax cut in the history of our state.

End the Personal Property Tax!!!!


Welcome to a new week!! Today on the Echo Chamber: Monday Polling for State Senate District 2 and Initiative Petition Reform!

We will hear local perspective from St Charles County Councilman and business guy Joe Brazil, Jennifer Ann from the We The People movement, and Jim Lembke from The 100!!

Call in and join the discussion at 636-224-6300! See you soon!!!


Hot takes for the Week of 8/30/2021!!

1) Joe Biden presidency in chaos with the ongoing disaster of Afghanistan. Dems who were quick to denounce Trump for mean tweets now have a crisis of conscience at hand--with an actual dereliction of duty and gross incompetence facing them from a President of their own party, will they place country over party or will they continue to support Joe Biden? This is such an ironic turn of events.

2) Republicans will determine the course of Missouri in at least the near and medium term horizons. Republicans want a prohibition on mask mandates (especially on kids in schools), a prohibition on vaccine mandates, lower taxes (and better roads--yes, you can have both), a reign in on the tyranny of certain local governments like St Louis County, and election integrity. Those are the issues that will drive 2022 in the Show-Me State.

3) Odds of Republican takeover of the US House in 2022: 95%

4) Odds of Republican takeover of the US Senate in 2022: 60%

5) Odds that Democrats will not hold a single statewide office in 2025: 98%

6) The Missouri Legislature will ban mask mandates by all government entities during the next regulation session that will begin in January.

What hot take do you have for this week? What issues would you like to discuss on The Echo Chamber this week??!


Welcome to Thursday, August 26th! We are getting so close to the weekend!!!!

News and analysis on the very latest going on in Missouri politics! We will hear from another St Charles County State Senate candidate for 2022 trying to make the Missouri Senate a place that doesn't pass tax increases!

We will also hear from David Gregory who is running to be Missouri next Auditor, and also Dr. Mary Byrne will join us to talk about Critical Race Theory and how to stop it!!! Here is our guest schedule below:

2:03 Joke of the Day (Don't Miss it!😄🤓)

2:06 News of the Day!!

2:20 Justin Hill -- State Senate Candidate District 2

3:03 Dr Mary Byrne -- Critical Race Theory

3:20 David Gregory -- State Auditor Candidate

See you soon on THE ECHO CHAMBER with Bill Eigel!


Welcome to Wednesday, August 25th! Big day on The Echo Chamber today!

News and analysis on the very latest going on in Missouri politics! We will hear from TWO State Senate candidates for 2022 trying to make the Missouri Senate a place that doesn't pass tax increases! We will also hear from Missouri's premier policy thinktank The Show Me Institute! Here is our guest schedule below:

2:03 Joke of the Day (Don't Miss it!😄🤓)

2:06 News of the Day!!

2:32 Patrick Ishmal -- Show Me Institute

3:03 Jay Eggleston -- State Senate Candidate District 12

3:32 Bryan Spencer -- State Senate Candidate District 10

See you soon on THE ECHO CHAMBER with Bill Eigel!


What questions would you like to ask Senator Bill Eigel on The Echo Chamber? Vaccine Mandates? Afghan mess? The Meaning of Life?


Our kids shouldn’t be forced to wear masks while in schools. Our businesses shouldn’t be forced to lose customers because government wants to pursue the worthless politics of mask mandates.

Mask mandates ARE economic shutdowns! Stop the insanity from the Left and the COVID terrorists who are politicizing a virus!!!


Ok, here's the list of disasters we've endured since Biden took office---you make the call--which is the worst and WHY???

1) Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

2) Southern US Border in Chaos

3) Worst consumer price index inflation since Carter administration

4) Gas Prices up more than $1.00 per gallon since January

5) COVID terrorists still demanding lockdowns and mask mandates

6) Biden is doing a good job. At this point he could run over a group of pedestrians driving blindfolded in his SUV and I would still approve of the job he's doing because he isn't Donald Trump.

It's ONLY been 8 months!!!

Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio 19/08/2021

Have a helper for today show prep! Lots to talk about today on The Echo Chamber with Bill Eigel!

What do you want to hear about and discuss?!?

Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio SonRise with Jeanne Vogt - As a lifelong resident of the St. Louis Metro area, Jeanne Vogt has served the community in many different avenues but always with the same thread. Providing leadership, encouragement, and inspiring others is just part of Jeanne’s DNA whether preaching a message, selling...

Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio 18/08/2021

Tune in to the Echo Chamber tomorrow to find the answers to important geo-political concerns such as:

* Which Missouri Senate Republicans voted to expand Obamacare in Missouri after promising never to support Obamacare during their campaign?

* What are folks within the grassroots doing to stop the spread of Critical Race Theory in the Francis Howell School District in St Charles County?

* What do our friends at the American Conservative Union (the CPAC folks) think about our Republican voting records here in the state of Missouri?

* Why is my dog dressed as a giant taco?

All these questions and more tomorrow on the ECHO CHAMBER from 2-4 PM on Real Talk 93.3 The Voice of Freedom!

Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio SonRise with Jeanne Vogt - As a lifelong resident of the St. Louis Metro area, Jeanne Vogt has served the community in many different avenues but always with the same thread. Providing leadership, encouragement, and inspiring others is just part of Jeanne’s DNA whether preaching a message, selling...

Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio 17/08/2021

Ok, folks--here is your chance to STUMP THE SENATOR! Ask me anything you would like me to answer on The Echo Chamber. If you can avoid profanity, no topic is off limits! Post your questions and comments here if you think you can stump me and/or leave me speechless! Need some motivation, here are my hot takes:

1) Joe Biden is 100% responsible for the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan and while we argue that this is like Saigon or not, the people left in Afghanistan won't be able to tell the difference.

2) If you support raising any taxes then you are not a conservative or reform-minded Republican.

3) Prego spaghetti sauce and Cane's chicken sauce mix to form a fantastic dipping sauce.

4) Tax dollars in education should follow the student, not the institution.

5) The Democratic Party has no winning message in Missouri in 2022.

6) Mask mandates are economic shutdowns and should not be permitted in Missouri.

7) Vaccinations--especially experimental vaccinations--are a personal choice and should not be mandated. (note: I'd be curious to find anyone that supports Right-To-Work legislation but is ok mandating vaccinations)


Real Talk 933 – Conservative Talk Radio SonRise with Jeanne Vogt - As a lifelong resident of the St. Louis Metro area, Jeanne Vogt has served the community in many different avenues but always with the same thread. Providing leadership, encouragement, and inspiring others is just part of Jeanne’s DNA whether preaching a message, selling... 13/08/2021

Just finished recording the first week of The Echo Chamber! What a week! We had state senators, state representatives, congressmen, and statewide office holders all stop by The Echo Chamber for a visit!

What questions would you like me to answer on the Echo Chamber???

Good, Bad, or Ugly—let me know your questions or comments and you just might find your question being answered on The Echo Chamber!!!


Due to the storms ⛈⛈ of yesterday in St Louis, our first day will not be until this Wednesday, the 11th! Sorry for the delay but Mother Nature 🌎🌎 had other ideas!💡💡 Looking forward to visiting with you on Wednesday!

Photos from The Echo Chamber with Bill Eigel's post 07/08/2021

What a night at the Defense of Liberty event with Candace Owens!

“If America falls, the world will darken”. — Candace Owens, August 6, 2021, Defense of Liberty Event

Thank you to everyone who attended and took part—all 1,200 folks that came from around Missouri (and Illinois! ☺️) to hear our message of Liberty and freedom! Thank you also to my co-host—Paul Curtman—and all the volunteers and staff that made this one of the biggest political events of the year in Missouri.

Folks described the event as “The CPAC of Missouri”!!

Candace Owens was spectacular—-and the Republican US Senate candidates did a great job also!

Don’t give up the fight for our Republic—no matter how things look, never give up!!!

“I believe that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and that there is value to each and every life”. — Ronald Reagan

I hope you will join us for our next event—stay tuned for more announcements!!!


Hot Takes for This Week:

1) No one should be forced to inject themselves with anything they are uncomfortable with at the cost of their job and/or livelihood. If you are willing to make someone else's health decisions for them, you are exhibiting tyrannical behavior.

2) Before all the Pro-abortion folks go nuts...abortion is not a health decision. It is the taking of life of an entirely distinct and separate individual. No liberty grants you the right to take another's life except in self-defense.

3) If you believe in muzzling kids with masks in schools, you have forgotten what it is like to actually be a kid and have to learn in those classrooms. There is no justification for forcing kids to where a mask in schools and this practice should be outlawed in all public schools or institutions receiving government support

4) Afghanistan will be remembered as one of America's major foreign policy debacles thanks to how Joe Biden handled the exit.

5) It'll be a long time before anyone blames mean tweets for their decision on who to vote for President again.

6) If you support tax increases, you should not be the Republican nominee for a major political office. Plenty of openings on the Democrat side of things for that mentality.

What issues do you want to talk about???

Video, police testimony completely derail St. Louis Health official’s claims of racial slurs, assault 05/08/2021

One: Faisal Khan is a liar and should resign immediately from any role in public service.

Two: Mask mandates ARE economic shutdowns and are not warranted. At this point, they present a far greater threat to our economic livelihoods and school learning environments than any danger presented by the COVID virus.

Video, police testimony completely derail St. Louis Health official’s claims of racial slurs, assault St. Louis County Health Dir. Dr. Faisal Khan accused a crowd at a council meeting of hurling racial slurs at him and physically accosting him.


One week from today!!


Scott Faughn always refers to me as The Senator from Tax Cuts. I'm very proud of that--watch my interview below!

ACU Ratings 01/08/2021

So the major mission of The Echo Chamber is to let you know what is REALLY going on in Jefferson City.

Do you know how your senator or representative is voting once campaign season is over?

Well, the American Conservative Union (the folks that put on the annual CPAC event) grades every legislator in the state of Missouri and is one of the leading authorities on who just talks about being "conservative", and who walks the walk

Follow this link today and see how your legislator did! Are they who you thought they were????

ACU Ratings The best way to evaluate the voting records of 15,000 US lawmakers.

Videos (show all)


Opening Hours

Monday 14:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00
Thursday 14:00 - 16:00
Friday 14:00 - 16:00