Embrace the Mud

Embrace the Mud

Empowering you to live and love authentically by building a life true to who you are. ✨ You are here for a reason. You are unique and brilliant and divine.

The essential theme here is AWAKENING,
as you live and learn and grow through joy and sadness,
triumph and struggle,
to Your Purpose...
to begin to deeply know and love yourself,
to understand that you matter, your life matters, your dreams matter. You are here to contribute what ONLY YOU can. Life is a SACRED journey and process of awakening- awakening to your reality as LOVE,
as a unique e

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 03/09/2024

Wholeness isn’t about being perfect—it’s about accepting every part of yourself and growing from that place of self-love and authenticity. 🌱✨

In my latest podcast episode, I explore what it truly means to be whole, featuring insights from various experts who have studied wholeness deeply. 🎧 Curious to hear different perspectives on living a more complete and fulfilled life? Tune in now—link in bio!


Not all of us are meant to live conventional lives. In fact, I believe most of us aren’t, but many conform out of fear or a sense of obligation. Yet for some of us, there’s always been a pull in a different direction—a voice inside that says, "This isn’t the path for you." The norms just never seemed appealing, and we couldn’t help but question the status quo.

From the time I was a kid, I tended to go against the grain in both thought and action. This instinct to forge my own way has led to a life that’s been messy, yes, but also incredibly rich and fulfilling. It hasn’t always been easy, and there have been times when staying true to myself felt like the hardest thing in the world. But no matter how difficult it was, I knew I couldn’t betray that inner calling.

There’s a special kind of beauty in carving out your own path, in choosing a life that’s aligned with who you truly are, even if it doesn’t fit neatly into the conventional mold. It’s a life filled with depth, growth, and authenticity.

So here’s to those who have chosen the road less traveled, to those who have dared to live their truth in a world that often encourages conformity. It takes courage, but the rewards are immeasurable. Cheers to making your own path and living a life that’s authentically yours. 🌟

3 Hidden Effects of Burnout and How to Overcome Them — Mud Coaching 02/09/2024

New on the blog this week!

3 Hidden Effects of Burnout and How to Overcome Them — Mud Coaching Burnout is a term we hear frequently in today’s fast-paced world, especially in conversations about work, mental health, and the pressures of modern life. While we often discuss burnout in terms of exhaustion and overwhelm, the effects go far beyond just feeling tired.

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 02/09/2024

Most of us go through life disconnected from our authentic values, often without even realizing it. Living in alignment with your true values takes courage, but it’s the key to a meaningful and fulfilling life.

In this carousel, I’m sharing why so many of us struggle with this disconnect, how to identify your core values, and why it’s important to refine them as you grow.

Ready to dive in and start living a life that truly reflects who you are? Swipe through to learn more. 💫


For most of my life, I’ve let the fear of what others—yes, even strangers—think about me hold me back. 🙃

I compromised my happiness, well-being, and success because I was so caught up in how I might be perceived.

This struggle was rooted in a deep rejection wound from childhood, driving my need for approval and making me afraid to be fully myself.

But I’ve vowed to never let that fear control me again. I realized that caring more about others’ opinions than my own truth was costing me my joy, peace, and authenticity. Life is too short for that.

Healing began with being brutally honest with myself and accepting every part of my story—flaws, strengths, and all. When I align with my true self, everything flows naturally. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Now, I lean into Authentic Alignment and help others do the same. Because when we care too much about what others think, we lose our own voice. But when we live in alignment with who we truly are, that’s when the magic happens.

If you can relate—if you’re worried about what others think, maybe because of your own rejection wounds—know this: You deserve to live fully, unapologetically, and authentically you. 💪✨


Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 27/08/2024

✨ New blog post alert! ✨

Resentment and Self-Betrayal: How to Stop Abandoning Yourself

If you’ve ever felt stuck in cycles of disappointment and frustration, this one’s for you. Head over to the blog to dive deep into the truth about resentment and how you can reclaim your power by aligning with yourself. Link in bio! 💖

Resentment and Self-Betrayal: How to Stop Abandoning Yourself — Mud Coaching 27/08/2024

New on the Blog!

Resentment and Self-Betrayal: How to Stop Abandoning Yourself — Mud Coaching Resentment is one of those emotions that can quietly fester and grow, gradually eroding the foundations of our relationships and inner peace. Do you often find yourself feeling frustrated or hurt because your needs aren’t being met? Are you stuck in a cycle of disappointment, blaming others for yo...

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 26/08/2024

The secret to authentic alignment? Radical self-honesty. 🌟

It’s not always easy, but it’s the key to living a life that truly reflects who you are. Swipe through to learn why self-honesty matters, how to practice it, and the incredible benefits it brings. Ready to align with your true self?

Let’s dive in together! 💪


What does it mean to live an aligned life? 🤔

For me, living an aligned life means harmonizing who I am at my core with the way I live each day. It’s about making choices that reflect my deepest values and passions, and nurturing relationships that resonate with my true self. When I live authentically, I don’t just go through the motions—I thrive.

My actions become a true expression of my inner self, and every step I take feels meaningful. This alignment brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment that’s hard to find elsewhere.

But how do you know if you’re truly living in alignment? Ask yourself:

- Are your daily actions a reflection of your core values?
- Do your relationships support and uplift your authentic self?
- Are you pursuing goals that genuinely matter to you, or are you following a path that others have set?

Reflecting on these questions can reveal where you might need to realign. Living authentically isn’t always easy, but it’s incredibly rewarding. It’s about finding the courage to be true to yourself and making choices that honor who you are.

It’s important to remember that living an aligned life isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress and authenticity. Embrace the journey, and let your true self guide you toward a more fulfilling life.

How are you aligning with your true self today? Share your thoughts or experiences below. 💬✨

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 07/08/2024

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, helping to resolve conflicts and build trust. But remember, being a great partner isn’t just about forgiveness. It’s also about effective communication, empathy, and mutual support. 🌟💖

Struggling with forgiveness can lead to unresolved conflicts and resentment, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Successful relationships thrive on a blend of forgiveness, open dialogue, understanding, and respect. 🤝

Let’s strive to be partners who forgive, communicate, empathize, and support each other through every high and low. Together, we can create stronger, more loving connections. 💪❤️


What’s it like having a Disorganized Attachment Style? 🧐

Experiencing a Disorganized Attachment Style (or Fearful-Avoidant Attachment) feels like being caught in a storm with no clear direction.

It’s as if my heart is a compass spinning wildly, unsure whether to seek closeness or retreat into solitude. Relationships spark an inner tug-of-war between wanting deep connection and fearing it intensely.

I crave intimacy but am haunted by the fear of being engulfed or rejected. Each encounter can feel like stepping onto unstable ground, where I am simultaneously drawn to and terrified of emotional closeness.

This internal conflict leaves me feeling like I’m navigating a turbulent sea, desperately seeking safe harbor but uncertain if I’ll ever find it.

It’s no wonder I have a recurring dream of being swallowed up and pummeled by a tsunami and then abandoned on the ravaged shoreline. The perfect symbolism for the dual-fear nature of the fear avoidant: engulfment & rejection.

Luckily, attachment styles are not fixed, and, with awareness and a bit of healing, it’s possible to cultivate trust and experience secure attachment. ✨

Do you know your attachment style? What’s it like for you?


Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 30/07/2024

Hey, superstar! 🌟 Just a friendly reminder: you’re doing an amazing job, even if it doesn’t always feel that way.

Give yourself some credit and a big hug—you’re doing your best, and that’s more than enough! 💖✨


What does it mean to you to be EMPOWERED?

The times in my adult life when I felt the unhappiest, the most powerless, the most uneasy, weren’t the times when I had little money, no friends, big relationship struggles or a lack of direction.

They were the times when I believed things needed to be a certain way and people needed to feel, say and act in certain ways, for me to feel at ease. The times when I was most dependent on things outside of myself for my sense of inner peace and joy.

I allowed the outer world to run my inner world, because I believed I had no choice.

Whether life is operating according to my preferences or I find myself alone, in undesirable company, broke or lost, I’ll never give my power away like that again, to anyone or anything.

I am the guardian and steward of my own inner state and happiness. Knowing that has made all the difference for me. It has enabled me to step into my power, to cultivate wholeness, and to find true freedom.

This is what personal power means to me. 💫

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 16/07/2024

Research from the Gottman Institute reveals that the number one predictor of divorce is contempt. This toxic behavior erodes the connection and respect in a relationship.

But what fuels contempt? Often, it’s a set of beliefs about your partner that diminish their worth. Viewing them as inferior or unworthy leads to a distorted perception clouded by resentment and blame.

Be mindful of the stories you tell yourself about your partner. Protect your relationship by avoiding thoughts that reduce them to negative labels. Embrace understanding and respect to nurture your bond. 💛



My focus right now: Living in Alignment 🙌

Living in alignment with your own truth, needs, and desires not only enriches your personal journey but also elevates your relationships. When you are authentic and vulnerable, you invite the same level of sincerity and openness from others. This authenticity acts as the cornerstone for deeper intimacy in relationships, where true connections flourish.

As you become more attuned to your own dreams and desires, you naturally foster environments where genuine relationships thrive, and where profound intimacy becomes possible. This journey isn’t just about self-discovery; it’s about creating a space where everyone can feel safe to be their true selves, deepening bonds in a way that only authenticity and vulnerability can.

How can you enhance alignment in your life and relationships?

Enjoyed this post? Subscribe to my newsletter, ‘Questions for Soul,’ and receive weekly prompts like these directly in your inbox. Link in bio 🩷

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 08/07/2024

Embrace the Mud Podcast: Episode 118 (7 minutes)
Trust Your Voice in Relationships

Click link in bio to listen. 💛

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 24/06/2024

Another year around the sun!
It’s incredible really, to be alive and all.

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. 🎂🎉🌟

I’m one lucky lady and I know it.
Sending so much love to y’all!


Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 22/05/2024

Do you find yourself constantly striving for the perfect relationship? Are you often critical of your partner or yourself when your high standards aren’t met? Do you worry that any flaw or mistake could mean your relationship is doomed? If these questions resonate with you, tune in to today’s episode of the Embrace the Mud Podcast: Letting Go of Perfectionism in Relationships.
🎙️Link in bio.


Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 20/05/2024

From my blog post:
8 Questions to Help Get Your Needs Met In Your Relationship.

(To read the full post, please visit my blog—link in bio). 💛

“You do not need someone to meet your needs so that you know you’re worthy of love or that you are enough. You need them to meet your needs so that you can feel loved by and connected to them—not to yourself. There is no substitute to your connection with yourself.”

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 08/04/2024

💖Our 2-Year Anniversary💖

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” —Emily Bronte

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 08/04/2024

Love is gentle and kind. Remember this when you’re angry, upset or disappointed. This will enable you to move from disconnection to connection rather than creating more distance, which is the opposite of what you truly want.

Simply… remember love.



Today I have eyes that see, ears that hear, legs that can walk, no pain, no tragedy, no personal heartache. I have love and friendship and family. I have a God that loves me.

Today it’s easy to be grateful.

Last night I was in a lot of pain (nothing serious). I didn’t feel grateful. I honestly felt angry and sad and impatient.

Today I’m as grateful as I am because of that pain, though. I was up half the night thinking about how WONDERFUL it is to get to wake up pain-free most days— so many people don’t. I told myself, when this passes, I’ll never take a pain-free day/night for granted again.

I’ll try not to but let’s be real, I probably will.

But not today. Today I’m so so grateful for all of it— the health, the love, the beauty, the peace… And the pain, because if I didn’t know it, I wouldn’t know joy. If I didn’t know it, I wouldn’t know peace. If I didn’t know it, I wouldn’t know love.

So grateful for everything.

I’m especially grateful for God today!

Happy Easter, friends! ✝️🐰🐣


You’ve got to have your own back. 🧡

Apart from your relationship with God, your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have. Make sure it’s one built on trust and respect. Your body, mind and heart depend on your fierce and consistent love.

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 26/03/2024

Poetry time!

Photos from Embrace the Mud's post 16/03/2024

And once in a while you catch wind of the reality that right now, in this very moment, on this very day, you have everything you need and you’re okay. And you exhale.

Those moments of deep peace are golden. I hope you are living in that peace today.



Let’s kick the week off by remembering—a defended heart and life may give you a sense of control and security, but it will not give you fulfillment, joy, or connection.

Live consciously. Be present. Soften. Be brave. Face your fear. Open to experience. Trust.


Have an amazing week!


🌟 **Day 29: The Power of Self-Love** 🌟

Option 1: Today marks a new beginning on your journey of self-love! 💖 Make a commitment to continue prioritizing your well-being and embracing your inherent worth. By nurturing self-love, you cultivate a deep sense of empowerment and resilience that propels you forward with confidence and grace.

Option 2: Together, let’s make a pledge to prioritize self-love and well-being! 💑 Jointly commit to nurturing your individual selves and your relationship by embracing the power of self-love. By honoring your needs and supporting each other’s growth, you create a foundation of love and strength that sustains you through life’s journey.

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Last night, @ryan_ross and I pulled off a magical surprise 40th birthday dinner for @hellomakenzi! A huge thank you to C...
The Gottmans on The Diary of a CEO podcast@steven
🌟**Day 8: Acceptance** 🌟#loveboostchallenge Are you participating in the challenge and joining us in strengthening your ...
🖌️ **Day 3: CREATIVITY**🖌️#LoveBoostChallenge Are you participating in the challenge and joining us in strengthening you...
Also… start listening to the Embrace the Mud Podcast! 🎙️5 min daily episodes for busy people who are committed to master...
🌈 **Day 3: BOUNDARIES**🌈#LoveBoostChallenge Are you participating in the challenge and joining us in strengthening your ...
🌟 **Day 3: Affirmation** 🌟#LoveBoostChallenge Are you participating in the challenge and joining us in strengthening you...
🌼**Day 2: Expressing GRATITUDE**🌼#loveboostchallengeAre you participating in the challenge and joining us in strengtheni...
🌟 **The Love Boost Challenge kicks off today!** 🌟Each day, we’ll share our journeys of self-discovery, empowerment, and ...
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Say it with me! Out loud 3 times. 🩵#selfrespect #fragility #selfbetrayal #affirm #sayitwithme #repeatafterme


