Joy T Darden

Joy T Darden

Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Joy T Darden and I am a lover of God and people. Welcome! You are now traveling with me on my journey.

My name is Joy T Darden and I am what most would not call a professional motivational coach, counselor, or consultant but I am merely a vessel being used by God to inspire, instruct, and influence others to be your best YOU. Simply based on what I've learned through my life experiences and my life-long journey with God. I am an Inspirationalist, Inspirational Writer, Author of Unspoken Testimony M


Don't know who this is for...

This is my season for favor. This is my season to reap what I have sown. Breakthrough is on the way. Blessings are coming. Overflow, increase, prosperity. I believe and receive it!


Thank you God for loving us so much! Your perfect love casts out all fears. It sustains us. Thank you for what could have, should have, or would have happened to destroy or killed us, but didn't. You're more than enough. Your grace is sufficient. Thank you, Jesus!


God will perfect that which concerns you. There's nothing the enemy can do to stop you. Count it all joy. Expect blessings and miracles, BAM!


It is by God's power and might we're amongst the living today. It is by His grace we breathe the air he made. It is by His mercies we have been given another chance. We didn't deserve it. We made it. Tell God, "Thank you."


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. (John 1:1-2)


God, you are good and your mercy endures forever!


For somebody... (and me)

Good morning God. I'm thanking you in advance for what you will do, have done, and are doing. I haven't lost my patience with anyone or let anyone strike a nerve with wrong intentions yet. I haven't gotten irritated or distracted, spoke bad of or gossiped about anyone yet. I haven't had evil thoughts with bad intentions yet. But in a few minutes I'm about to get up and I'm going to need lots and lots of help. Thank you in advance Lord for your help. It's handled!


Lord, I'm so in love with you. You are my everything!


Good morning God! Thank you we didn't just happen to wake to see the sun rise today. Nor did we happen to see a brand new day. Your mercy woke us up. Your grace kept us. Thank you Your mercies are brand new everyday. Thank you for making ways out of no ways. Thank you for your grace that sustains us. We're here. We made it, by your grace. Thank you Jesus!


Sorry it's a little long... Welcome to December!

During December, the final month of the year, many of us will begin to make declarations for a better year ahead desiring different outcomes, better results, success, joy, happiness, favorable health or whatever it is our hearts desire in search of a better year than before.

Yet throughout the year, many of us may have gone through a hard season of losses, fiery trials, difficult challenges, unexplained financial struggles, and anything that could have gone wrong where hope was lost but…you’re still standing. By the grace of God you made it.

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Seasons change and are consistent, constant, and continuous. Always keep in mind, just as there are four seasons which occur every year in order with varying characteristics that will cause changes in the environment around us, so will seasons in our life. Maybe not in that order but they are consistent.

Your spiritual temperance will be inconsistent; hot, warm, lukewarm or cold. Life happens. With every new level through each season God takes us, there will be new devils to deal with. We mustn’t be surprised by it. But be prepared for it.

The enemy doesn’t fight fair when he knows there’s a shift in the atmosphere with extraordinary expectancy of miracles. He knows God has greater coming.

He will do everything and I mean everything in his power to convince you to quit and give up. Don’t you dare do it. You will be tried, tested, and proven. To build character. To build your faith. God’s faithfulness will indeed be proven.

Rain falls on the just and the unjust. Storms will come. God is faithful. Shifting seasons are par for the course. Dry, waiting, spiritual warfare, trials, or test seasons will come. Stay the course. Don’t get weary in well-doing. For in due season, you shall reap a reward, if you faint not.

When the enemy wages war tell him, “Get outta here with that mess. I'm suited up with the Sword of the Spirit and the Word of God. I’m ready for battle. Bring it!”

Pick your battles today. And remember, shifting seasons are necessary. Stay ready!


Father God, there is so much we have to be thankful for. We have ability, agility, and activity in our limbs. Sound minds and beating hearts. Brand new grace and mercies bestowed upon us. We didn't deserve it. Thank you for Your faithfulness. Thank you for waking us from the setting to the rising of the sun. We're grateful. Thank you, Jesus.


Sending a huge Thank You to my followers, those who like my page, and family and friends for your wonderful support! Thank you for the comments and engagements that warm my heart. You all are a blessing. I truly appreciate you all. Thank you!!✝️❤️


God, we thank you just because You are just that good to us. We may not feel blessed when trials overtake us. We may not feel we have what we want when we don't get what we prayed for. We may not feel things are working for our good when situations seem impossible to overcome. God, we STILL give you glory. No matter how we feel when the good or bad comes, we won't complain. All things will work for our good. You promise. Victory is ours says the Lord. VICTORY in the midst of trials, in our finances, in our families, in our health, and in our circumstances. There is VICTORY everywhere we go. We claiming it, in the name of Jesus! Thanks be to God. When we can't trace You, we gone trust You. Thank you, Lord. To God be the glory!


Today is a good day. We're alive. We're up. We made it by the grace of God. His mercy endures forever. He's an on-time God. Ain't God good!


When the hand of God is on you, what God has for you is for you.

Remember that!


Good morning God. Thank you for going before us making the crooked places straight. Thank you for preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies. Thank you for answered prayers before we ask. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for showing up, showing out, and showing off. Lord, if we had ten thousand tongues we couldn't thank you enough for all you've done, will do, and are doing in our lives. We have no requests. We just want to say, Thank You, Jesus!


I felt this in my spirit...

God makes everything all right. We gone be alright. Believe that.


God you are welcome in this place today. Have your way Lord. Have your way. Whatever you're doing in this season please don't do it without us. We're available. Fill our cups. Keep using us until you use us up. Speak to our hearts. Have your way in this place. Let Your will be done. The enemy don't stand a chance. He can do us no harm. We got the victory. You promise. Our worship belongs to you, O God. No matter what comes today, we gone act like it's already done. In the mighty name of Jesus!


Sometimes God will put a Pharaoh in your life for you to find the Moses within you. He will bring out of you all He put in you. Remember Moses? Among other things, he stuttered. God used him for his glory. Don't let your circumstances get the best of you. If God used Moses, he can certainly use you. He can take your broken mess and give you beauty for ashes. Everything He does is for his glory. Believe that. God chose you. You're in good hands. You're in good company. Whatever Goliath or Pharaoh you're facing, God has equipped you to overcome it. Count it done. Believe God for the outcome!


Dear God, no matter how you bless us, in and out of season, You've blessed us more than enough. You are the God of more than enough. Every need has been met. There is no lack. We want for nothing. Your grace is sufficient. We are blessed and highly favored. Glory to God. We give You praise!


Lord God, Thank you very much!


Don't know who this is for....

I got time today. God don't play about His children. Devil, this has been a year where I've not said much. It's coming to a close next month and I still don't find a need to say much. The remaining time of this year I will not fight you devil at your level. I will end this year strong. I turned the battle back to the Lord. It's His, not mine. I'm turning the battle at the gate in 2024. I want all God has for me and more. I will not quit. I won't give up. Today is the beginning of my season of grace and favor. God said it. I believe it. It's settled. Next month the manifestation of God's power will show Himself strong. God has a plan and I'm a part of it. Blessings on top of blessings will overflow in my life. The grace of God will find me in 2024. Believe that. I will stay ready so I don't have to get ready. I count it done. In the mighty, matchless name of Jesus!

Isaiah 28:5-6


God, we give you a right now praise for brand new mercies we didn't deserve. We give you glory. Every prayer may not have been answered or every situation may not have worked out like we wanted. We’re praising you anyhow! We give you glory. No matter what happens today, we shall praise Your name!


The same God right now is the same God back then. If He did it before, He'll do it again. God never changes. He's the same yesterday and today and forever. Tell God, Thank you!


God done did it again!


Repeat after me...

I'm not defined by my past. I am a child of God. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know whose I am. I'm more than a conqueror. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

Be encouraged today. God made a way out of no way. Praise God! You're still standing.

Good morning!


My current mood... who's with me:

I'm expecting something extraordinary to happen to me today. God gone wreck the "mess" out of me. He gone shake some things up. He gone pour out a blessing of good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over. In. That. Order. I believe and receive it!


Happy Thanksgiving!


We don't know how God but we gone act like it's already done. You said, victory is ours. It's settled!


God, if you never do another thing for us you've done more than enough. Grace, mercy, favor. You granted, we didn't deserve it. You did it anyway. You are the God of more than enough. Don't get it twisted. Everything You do is over the top. El Shaddai, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom. You are mighty! You do all things well. You don't miss a beat. Pressed down, shaken together, running over, good measure. Blessings on top of blessings. God you are good! Thank you Jesus!


I felt this...

It's already alright. God promises, it's gonna work out.


God is still good!


God's got a blessing with your name on it!


Good morning God. You done did it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Woke us in our right minds with a portion of our health and strength, beating hearts, and working limbs. Thank you in advance for turn around. You don't waste a thing. The devil cannot do a thing without your permission. You have all power and authority. You have given us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions. We come against every plot, trick, plan, or scheme the devil and his minions will try and stir up today. Weapons may form but they will not prosper. You've already handled it. We walking in victory. We love you sooooo much Lord. God, we give you glory!


Somebody give God a right now praise!

We're here. We're up. We're so glad we were on the wake up list this morning. We're blessed and highly favored. Thank you for activity in our limbs, blinking eyes, and beating hearts. We made it by Your grace. Thank you, Jesus! If we had ten thousand tongues we couldn't thank you enough. Glory!! Hallelujah!


Thank you Jesus for blessing me!


God we're grateful, grateful, grateful. Your grace saved us, from the setting to the rising of the sun. We woke on top of the ground and not the ground on top of us. We're not laying on a cooling board to meet Jesus. We rose from four corners of our bed and not laying in four corners of a grave. Thank you Jesus! Your mercies are brand new everyday. Our work here is not done. You favored us. You did it again! We magnify Your name. We give you glory! And let the church say, Amen and amen!


Father God, I come to you with a humble heart, giving glory, honor and praise to Your name. While we may never understand it all, we know, You are in control. Father, I ask that you cover every family, friend, and foe with the blood of Jesus. Place a hedge of protection around us. Weapons may form but they will not prosper. Jesus be a fence all around us. No matter what our situation or circumstance may look like today, we know You've already turned that thing around and worked it out in our favor. We praise you in advance for victory. We count it done. We give You glory. in Jesus' name. Amen and amen!


When nothing goes right and you feel like giving up, God will get you all the way together. Because he is altogether good, altogether sovereign, and all together faithful. The devil is irritated because God's plans are irreversible. Whatever God says you can have, it's already yours. Whatever God says you can do, it's already done. Nothing is too hard for God. He works ALL things together for His good. Don't worry yourself, love. God will come all the way through for you. He got it handled. Remember that.


God, you've been so good.

And let the church say, Amen!

My Story

Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Joy T Darden and I am what most would not call a professional motivational coach, counselor, or consultant but I am merely a vessel being used by God to inspire, instruct, and influence others to be the best version of yourself. Simply based on what I've learned through my life experiences and my life-long journey with God. I am an Inspirationalist, Inspirational Writer, Author of Unspoken Testimony Memoir: Secrets of a Southern Girl, blogger at and, pain advocate, and entrepreneur. I am the Owner, Founder and Designer of Jonnay Designs LLC, JTD Inspirational Collections, and Owner/Operator of ecommerce online store. Welcome! You are now traveling with me on my journey.

Follow me on Twitter: @joaynn510, @JonnayD, Instagram: @joaynn510, Pinterest: @joaynn510.

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