Ryerson Financial Group

Ryerson Financial Group

Get Out of Debt in Half the Time or Less * Save for College * Build Generational Wealth * Retire Tax-FREE

Gas station scam might make you pay for other people's gas. Here's how 24/08/2024

If you are using a debit/credit card, ALWAYS get a receipt

Gas station scam might make you pay for other people's gas. Here's how Here's also how to spot and avoid gas pump switching and other gas station schemes.


Your business is always evolving. Wouldn’t it be great to have access to a financial product with the flexibility to evolve with it? Now you do! Our new Revolving Line of Credit provides the MAX loan approval, and a fixed loan term up to 36 months – plus the flexibility to pay down or borrow additional funds on an unlimited basis! You only pay for what you use and you’re in complete control based on your unique business needs that may change over time! And, it provides early payoffs without penalty anytime during the loan! Learn more - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery


In today’s environment of inflationary instabilities and supply chain disruptions, it's crucial for business owners to be financially prepared to pivot at any moment. Quick access to affordable capital is essential to keep pace with these challenges. We understand these evolving needs and have introduced a new Interest-Only Revolving Line of Credit to help businesses adapt as quickly as the market changes. It allows you to pay only the interest on your outstanding balance for up to a year. During the revolving period, you can draw funds or make partial principal payments as often as needed, ensuring you stay in complete control of your finances as your business’s needs change. Learn more - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery




Just hear me out....

Retirees Dont Have To Pay Taxes on These Kinds of Income 26/04/2024

"The best time to start planning for a tax-free retirement was 20 years ago. The second best time is today" - Guyfucius


Retirees Dont Have To Pay Taxes on These Kinds of Income You can't always avoid taxes, but on these income sources, you won't pay as much as you expect.


As parents, one of our greatest hopes is to provide our children with the invaluable gift of a quality college education. But in today's climate of soaring higher-ed costs, turning that aspiration into reality can feel like an almost insurmountable challenge.

The average price tag for a four-year degree now tops $100,000 at many universities – and that's before factoring in room, board, textbooks, and all the other expenses that quickly pile up. With numbers like these, it's no wonder so many young adults are forced to start their careers buried under a mountain of student loan debt.

But what if there was a smarter, more strategic way to get ahead of those crippling costs? A solution that allows you to build a robust college fund years in advance, while taking advantage of powerful tax advantages to make your money work harder and go further?

Indexed universal life (IUL) could be the game-changing answer you've been searching for. By putting savings in this unique financial product well before your child is college-aged, you're able to accumulate cash value that grows entirely tax-deferred over time. No annual taxes chipping away at that growth like with typical investments.

Then, when it's time to pay tuition, housing, meal plans, or any other education costs, you can simply take out tax-free policy "loans" against that accumulated cash value. No more raiding retirement accounts and paying penalties, and no more going into debt up to your eyeballs.

As the exorbitant costs of higher education continue spiraling outward, having a tax-advantaged plan in place is absolutely crucial for making your child's college dreams a reality without the financial nightmares. Don't leave it to chance – start exploring solutions like an IUL today.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


"Let me tell you something you already know... The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers, saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that, and you ain't a coward. You're better than that."


As you look ahead to retirement, it's only natural to have some trepidation about the road ahead. After all, these golden years represent the culmination of a lifetime's worth of hard work, sacrifice, and careful financial planning. The last thing you want is for all that effort to be undermined by an uncertain future.

But when you really stop and think about it, what could be more important than ensuring you have the resources to live out your retirement exactly as you envision? A comfortable lifestyle free from financial stress or constraints? The ability to enjoy your hard-earned leisure time to the fullest, without constantly worrying about depleting your nest egg too soon? The freedom to embrace each new day, adventure, and milestone on your own terms?

That's precisely what you can achieve by making indexed universal life (IUL) a cornerstone of your retirement planning strategy. This uniquely versatile financial tool offers an array of benefits that can provide unparalleled peace of mind and financial security as you enter this new phase of life.

For starters, the tax-deferred cash value growth in your IUL can be accessed through tax-free loans or withdrawals, giving you a reliable source of supplemental retirement income that the IRS can't touch. And because those loan proceeds are structured to pay out for as long as you live, you never have to worry about outliving your savings.

But the protections don't stop there. An IUL also provides a valuable death benefit to care for your loved ones, as well as the ability to tap into your policy's cash value if faced with a disability or other unexpected life event.

When it comes to your golden years, you deserve to feel empowered, not constrained.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


In today's ever-changing, fast-paced world, true peace of mind can feel like an elusive luxury. Between economic volatility, social upheaval, and the constant stream of uncertainty, it can be hard to feel truly secure about the future – especially when it comes to protecting the well-being of our loved ones.

But what if I told you there's a way to achieve that precious sense of stability and safeguard your family, no matter what curveballs life decides to throw? A financial solution that can provide an unparalleled level of protection and preparedness, empowering you to face the unknown with confidence.

That solution is indexed universal life (IUL) – a versatile tool that goes above and beyond the typical life insurance policy. Yes, it provides the crucial death benefit to replace lost income and care for your loved ones. But it also accumulates a cash value that you can leverage in your lifetime, giving you a financial safety net for a wide range of needs.

Worried about how your family would manage if you were to become disabled and unable to work? The cash value in your IUL can provide a tax-free income stream to keep them afloat. Concerned about leaving behind a legacy for your children and grandchildren? The policy's death benefit ensures they're taken care of.

And perhaps most importantly, the tax-deferred growth and tax-free access to funds gives you the freedom to prepare for retirement on your own terms, without worrying about money running out. It's an invaluable sense of security in an unpredictable world.

When it comes to protecting what matters most, peace of mind is priceless. With an IUL, you can rest easy knowing your family is covered, no matter what the future may hold.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


As parents, we want nothing more than to give our children every opportunity to succeed – including the life-changing gift of a quality college education. But in our zeal to secure their futures, it's all too easy for our own long-term financial needs to fall by the wayside. Caught in the middle of saving for their schooling and saving for our own retirement, we end up having to juggle a dizzying array of competing priorities and deadlines.

It's a common dilemma that leaves many families feeling perpetually stretched thin, always wondering if they're making the right choices to protect both their children's dreams and their own golden years. How do you strike the right balance and ensure you're not compromising one goal for the other?

The solution lies in a streamlined financial strategy centered around a powerful tool: indexed universal life (IUL). This unique product allows you to tackle both your kids' college funding and your retirement planning in one fell swoop, providing unparalleled versatility and efficiency.

On the college front, the tax-deferred cash value growth in your IUL can be accessed through tax-free policy loans and withdrawals to pay tuition, room and board, and other expenses – no need to dip into retirement accounts or take on burdensome student debt. And when it comes time for you to retire, that same cash value can supplement your income streams, ensuring you have the resources to live out your golden years to the fullest.

It's a win-win that allows you to optimize your limited financial resources, rather than having to choose between your children's future and your own. With an IUL as the foundation, you can rest easy knowing all your bases are covered.

Parenting is full of tough choices, but your family's financial security doesn't have to be one of them. Explore how a streamlined strategy can help you do it all.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


As you look ahead to your golden years, the vision of your retirement may include traveling the world, pursuing long-held passions, spending quality time with loved ones – the freedom to live life to the absolute fullest. But for many, that dream can feel more like an unattainable fantasy than a realistic goal, especially with the constant worry of whether their savings will go the distance.

The sad reality is that far too many retirees end up resigning themselves to a life of just getting by, their budget constantly constrained by concerns over outliving their nest egg or the steady erosion of taxes. But what if there was a way to not just survive retirement, but truly thrive in it?

The answer lies in the unique capabilities of indexed universal life (IUL) – a powerful financial tool that allows you to create a tax-free income stream designed to last your entire lifetime. By taking thoughtful advantage of this solution's cash value growth and loan provisions, you can supplement your other retirement income sources with a steady flow of funds that are completely free from the taxman's grasp.

Imagine the freedom of knowing a sizeable portion of your retirement income will never be subject to taxes, allowing you to stretch your savings further and live out your golden years to the absolute fullest. No more having to pinch pennies or make difficult tradeoffs – just the ability to embrace each new day, adventure, and milestone without financial constraints.

With smart, forward-thinking planning centered around an IUL, you can make that vision of a truly fulfilling retirement a reality, not just a distant dream. It's time to take control of your financial independence and start living life to the absolute fullest.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


In these uncertain economic times, finding the perfect balance between growth potential and safety for your hard-earned savings can feel like the elusive Holy Grail. On one hand, you want your money to be working hard, steadily compounding in value to fund your dreams and secure your future. But on the other, the prospect of exposing that hard-earned capital to the market's dizzying ups and downs is enough to keep even the most seasoned investor up at night.

Must we really resign ourselves to choosing between playing it safe with low-yielding, risk-averse investments or gambling on volatile market-based options? Absolutely not. There are smart solutions out there that allow you to have your cake and eat it too.

Enter indexed universal life (IUL) – a uniquely versatile financial tool that combines the growth potential of market-linked investments with robust protections to shield your principal from volatility. By linking the cash value growth in your IUL to the performance of a market index like the S&P 500, you can participate in upside market movements. But when the bears come out to play, your hard-earned savings are safeguarded against losses.

It's the best of both worlds – the opportunity to grow your wealth at a meaningful pace, with the peace of mind of a sturdy safety net underneath. No more white-knuckle moments watching your portfolio get hammered by the market's turbulence.

And the benefits don't stop there. An IUL also provides powerful tax advantages, allowing your money to compound on a tax-deferred basis and giving you access to tax-free funds down the road. It's a holistic financial solution that truly checks all the boxes.

In today's uncertain climate, you don't have to sacrifice growth for safety or vice versa. Explore the unique capabilities of an IUL and discover how you can have both.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


As parents, our deepest hope is to give our children every opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. And for most of us, a big part of that dream includes providing them with a quality education that will set them up for lifelong success.

But with the staggering costs of higher education these days, that noble aspiration can feel more like an impossible financial hurdle than a realistic goal. The average price tag for a four-year degree now exceeds $100,000 at many universities - and that's before factoring in room, board, textbooks, and all the other expenses that quickly pile up.

It's no wonder so many young adults are forced to start their careers buried under a mountain of student loan debt, struggling to gain their financial footing. The very thing we want most - to give our kids a strong educational foundation - can end up saddling them with a crippling financial burden that holds them back for years to come.

But what if there was a way to get ahead of those skyrocketing costs and give your child the priceless gift of a debt-free college or vocational education? A strategic plan that allows you to build a robust, protected universal education fund well in advance?

Indexed universal life (IUL) could be the game-changer you've been searching for. By utilizing this versatile financial product, you can accumulate a sizable cash value that grows tax-advantaged over time. And when it comes time to pay tuition, you can simply take out tax-free policy loans against that cash value, without tapping into your retirement savings or taking on high-interest student loans. Best of all, you DO NOT have to pay back these loans, if you desire.

As parents, we want nothing more than to see our kids thrive. A well-crafted college and vocational education funding strategy using an IUL can make that dream a reality, setting them up for a lifetime of prosperity instead of debt.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


We all want our money to work as hard as we do, steadily growing our wealth over time so we can provide for our loved ones and live out our dreams. But too often, that noble goal gets sidetracked by factors outside our control – market volatility eroding our savings, taxes chipping away at our hard-earned gains, unexpected life events leaving us financially vulnerable.

What if there was a way to empower your money to work smarter, not just harder? A strategy that allows your wealth to compound without being at the mercy of the market's rollercoaster or the IRS's greedy grasp? That's exactly what you can achieve with the right financial tool – namely, indexed universal life (IUL).

This remarkable product gives you the ability to grow your money in a tax-advantaged environment, with the cash value component of the policy linked to the performance of a market index like the S&P 500. When the markets rise, your cash value gets a boost. But crucially, when they dip, your principal is protected from losses.

It's the best of both worlds – the growth potential of market-based investing, combined with a sturdy safety net to prevent your savings from being decimated by volatility. And the real kicker? When it's time to access those funds, you can do so in a tax-free manner through policy loans, letting you keep more of your hard-earned wealth. These loans DO NOT ever have to be paid back!

But the benefits don't stop there. An IUL also provides a tax-free death benefit to safeguard your loved ones, as well as the ability to tap into your cash value in times of emergency or need.

In an age of economic uncertainty, giving your money the smarts to work for you in a protected, tax-efficient way is invaluable. Discover how an IUL can revolutionize your wealth-building strategy.

Discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals. Schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


When it comes to protecting the financial well-being of your family, there's simply no room for guesswork or unnecessary risk. Yet that's exactly what you're doing if you're relying solely on volatile market-based investments to secure your loved ones' future.

The stock market's relentless ups and downs may offer the potential for growth, but at what cost? One wrong turn, one unexpected correction, and all the progress you've painstakingly built up can disappear in the blink of an eye. It's a gut-wrenching rollercoaster that leaves your family's stability hanging in the balance.

But what if there was a way to grow your wealth steadily and safely, shielding your hard-earned money from the market's turbulence? An option that provides stable, tax-advantaged growth alongside vital protections for when life throws you a curveball?

That's precisely what you get with indexed universal life (IUL). This unique savings tool allows you to link the cash value growth in your policy to the performance of a market index, like the S&P 500. When the markets rise, your cash value gets a boost. But crucially, when they dip, your principal is protected from losses.

It's the best of both worlds – the growth potential of market-based investing, combined with a solid safety net to prevent your savings from being decimated by volatility. And because the cash value accumulates on a tax-advantaged basis, you get to keep more of those gains for your family's benefit.

But the advantages don't stop there. An IUL also provides a tax-free death benefit to replace lost income and safeguard your loved ones, as well as the ability to access your cash value through tax-free policy loans in times of need.

When it comes to your family's financial security, why gamble? Explore the stability and protection of an IUL.

If you want to discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals, schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


As you look ahead to retirement, one of the biggest concerns that may keep you up at night is the very real risk of outliving your savings. With life expectancies on the rise, the fear of depleting your nest egg too soon and being left without adequate income can cast a dark cloud over your golden years.

After all your years of diligent saving and prudent financial planning, the last thing you want is to reach a point where you have to drastically scale back your lifestyle or become a burden to your loved ones. But how can you ensure your retirement income lasts as long as you do?

The answer lies in the unique capabilities of indexed universal life insurance (IUL). This powerful financial tool allows you to create a personal pension-like income stream that is guaranteed to continue for the rest of your life, no matter how long that may be.

Here's how it works: As you pay into the policy over time, it accumulates a cash value that grows on a tax-deferred basis. When you reach retirement, you can begin taking out tax-free policy loans against that policy to supplement your income needs. And unlike other sources of retirement funds, these loan proceeds are structured to pay out for as long as you live.

It's the ultimate safeguard against longevity risk, providing you with a reliable, eternal income stream that you quite literally cannot outlive. No more fretting over depleting your savings too soon or becoming a financial burden. Just the freedom to embrace your golden years to the fullest, secure in the knowledge that your income is protected for life.

An IUL puts you in the driver's seat of your retirement, empowering you to live out your dreams without the looming specter of running out of money. It's a transformative solution for achieving true financial independence.

If you want to discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals, schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


Watching the stock market's roller coaster ride can be enough to give even the steeliest investor stomach ulcers. One minute, you're basking in the glow of soaring portfolio values as the bull market charges ahead. The next, you're glued to your screen in terror as a sudden correction or crash wipes out months or even years of hard-earned gains.

It's an endless cycle of elation and anxiety that can leave you feeling completely unmoored, constantly wondering when the other shoe is going to drop. And the stress of it all? It's enough to rob you of precious sleep and peace of mind.

But what if there was a way to extract yourself from that maddening cycle entirely? A financial strategy that allows you to grow your wealth steadily, without having to subject your hard-earned money to the market's dizzying swings and stomach-turning plunges?

Welcome to the world of IUL. This unique product gives you the ability to link the your cash value growth to the performance of a market index, like the S&P 500. When the markets rise, your cash value gets a boost. But crucially, when the market dips, your principal is protected from losses.

It's like having a sturdy safety net underneath the high-wire act of investing. You can capture upside potential without ever having to worry about your savings being ravaged by volatility.

And the benefits don't stop there. An IUL also provides powerful tax advantages, allowing your money to grow tax-deferred and giving you access to tax-free funds in retirement. It's a true game-changer for building long-term wealth in a responsible, insulated way.

If market turbulence is robbing you of sleep and peace of mind, it's time to explore solutions that can provide the stability and protection you crave. An IUL could be the answer you've been searching for.

If you want to discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals, schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


As parents, we all want to give our kids the very best start in life. And for many, that dream includes providing them with a quality college education to help launch their careers. But with the astronomical costs of higher education these days, the notion of funding that dream can feel more like a daunting financial nightmare.

The average price tag for a four-year degree has skyrocketed well past $100,000 at many universities. And that's before factoring in room, board, textbooks, and the myriad of other expenses that quickly pile up. It's no wonder so many young adults end up saddled with crippling student loan debt just as they're trying to gain their financial footing.

But what if there was a smarter, more strategic way to get ahead of these soaring costs and ensure your child's college dreams aren't crushed by debt? A solution that allows you to build a sizeable, protected college fund well in advance?

An IUL could be the game-changer you've been searching for. By investing in this versatile product early on, you can accumulate a robust cash value that grows tax-deferred over time. And when it comes time to pay for tuition, room and board, or any other education expenses, you can simply take out tax-free loans against that cash value.

No more raiding retirement accounts. No more taking on high-interest student loans. Just a reliable pool of funds meticulously designed to fund your child's, or grandchild's, college journey without the looming specter of debt.

As the cost of higher education shows no signs of slowing, it's time to get proactive. Explore how an IUL can help you get a head start on securing your child's future.

If you want to discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals, schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.


In today's world of increasing longevity, one of the biggest risks to a comfortable retirement is the possibility of outliving your savings. With people living longer than ever before, there's a real chance that even carefully accumulated nest eggs could eventually run dry if not strategically planned for the long haul.

But what if there was a way to safeguard against this "longevity risk" and ensure you'll never deplete your retirement funds, no matter how many candles end up on your birthday cake? A financial solution that can guarantee an income stream to last you through your final days?

This invaluable security can be achieved through an an IUL and its unique ability to provide a personal pension for life. By accumulating tax-deferred cash value over time, you're able to take out tax-free policy loans in retirement to supplement your income needs. But here's where an IUL truly shines – when properly structured, those loan proceeds are designed to pay out for as long as you live, and do not have to be paid back!

No more worrying about draining your accounts dry. No more fears of burdensome expenses in your later years. With an IUL in place, you're creating a pension-like income that is guaranteed to continue for your entire lifetime, no matter how long that may be.

It's an incredible way to alleviate the anxiety and uncertainty that so often overshadows retirement. With an IUL, income solution impervious to longevity risk, you can embrace your golden years with confidence and peace of mind.

In our modern era of pushing past traditional age milestones, this level of assurance is invaluable. Explore your options for securing an income that will truly go the distance.

If you want to discover how an IUL can assist you with your financial goals, schedule a Free, 15-minute, No-obligation Discovery Call with us today - https://calendly.com/ryersonfinancialgroup/discovery.

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