Erik Hatch

Erik Hatch

Welcome to my page! I am a commercial real estate investor and entrepreneur who also specializes in multifamily investment opportunities!

How To Buy Property In The USA - Learn How To Build Passive Income And More! 05/10/2020

How To Buy Property In The USA – Learn How To Build Passive Income And More!

How To Buy Property In The USA - Learn How To Build Passive Income And More! Are you searching for information on how to buy property in the USA? If so, in this article, I'll provide you with tips on how to buy property in the United St

Thinking Of Hiring A Property Management Company? 27/02/2020

Are you thinking about hiring a property management company to professionally manage your multi-family rental properties for you? If so, you're making a smart choice! Even though it's a smart decision to hire a property management company this is a huge decision to make because you're going to be trusting the management of your multifamily property to another company. The good news is that you can have absolute confidence in a property management company before hiring them if you ask these questions first. [ 1,166 more word ]

Thinking Of Hiring A Property Management Company? Are you thinking about hiring a property management company to professionally manage your multi-family rental properties for you? If so,

Do Student Rentals Make Good Multifamily Investment Properties? - Fortunes And Flops 27/02/2020

Are you getting ready to invest in multifamily properties for the first time and are considering investing in a multifamily student rental property versus a traditional rental? The reality when it comes to student housing is that it is indeed a very smart multi-family real estate investment because student housing is always in demand especially when it's located near a college or major university. [ 1,030 more word ]

Do Student Rentals Make Good Multifamily Investment Properties? - Fortunes And Flops Are you getting ready to invest in multifamily properties for the first time and are considering investing in a multifamily student rental property versus a traditional rental? The reality when it comes to student housing is that it is indeed a very smart multi-family real…

8 Easy Ways to Evaluate A Real Estate Market - Learn More Here 25/02/2020

Thanks to the Internet, it's easier for a multifamily real estate investor than ever before to find real estate deals that are out of their market. Even though most of these deals will look great on paper, the reality is that you're never really going to know if it's the right investment for you to make or not unless you take the time to thoroughly evaluate the market where the property is located. [ 1,350 more word ]

8 Easy Ways to Evaluate A Real Estate Market - Learn More Here Thanks to the Internet, it's easier for a multifamily real estate investor than ever before to find real estate deals that are out of their market.

Better Data Is The Key To Finding Multifamily Deals 24/02/2020

Have you invested in multifamily deals in the past that turned out to be either a complete waste of time, money or both? If so, the reality is that having the best data possible is the key to success with every multi-family transaction that you invest in. In this article, we will offer you tips on how to find the best data for multifamily properties and how to use that data to your advantage. [ 1,754 more word ]

Better Data Is The Key To Finding Multifamily Deals Have you invested in multifamily deals in the past that turned out to be either a complete waste of time, money or both? Learn more here!

What Are the Top Tasks That DIY Landlords Hate About Managing Their Multifamily Properties? - Fortunes And Flops 21/02/2020

If you ask most DIY landlords why they chose to manage their multifamily rental properties themselves, the reality is that they will tell you a variety of reasons but, the most common reason is that they think that self-management means they will save money. Sadly, most “DIY landlords” end up regretting their decision to manage their property themselves and have a variety of tasks that they actually dislike about being a multifamily landlord. [ 1,017 more word ]

What Are the Top Tasks That DIY Landlords Hate About Managing Their Multifamily Properties? - Fortunes And Flops If you ask most DIY landlords why they chose to manage their multifamily rental properties themselves, the reality is that they will tell you a variety of reasons but, the most common reason is that they think that self-management means they will save money. Sadly,…

Tips for Succeeding as a First Time Landlord - Fortunes And Flops 19/02/2020

Are you planning on managing one or more of your multifamily properties yourself? If so, even though it’s always advisable to hire a property manager to manage your rentals, self-management is a decision that many owners make when they are just starting out. In this article, we will share with you five tips for succeeding as a new landlord. Tip #1 – Take the Time to Find the Most Qualified Tenants… [ 976 more words ]

Tips for Succeeding as a First Time Landlord - Fortunes And Flops Are you planning on managing one or more of your multifamily properties yourself? If so, even though it’s always advisable to hire a property manager to manage your rentals, self-management is a decision that many owners make when they are just starting out. In this…

Mistakes That New Multifamily Investors Don’t Want To Make 18/02/2020

Are you planning on investing in multifamily properties? If so, you’re making a smart choice but there are a variety of mistakes that you want to avoid making along the way! In this article, we will break down some of the most common mistakes that new multifamily investors make so that we can save you the time, hassle, and disappointment of making the same mistakes that investors who have come before you have made. [ 997 more words ]

Mistakes That New Multifamily Investors Don’t Want To Make Are you planning on investing in multifamily properties? If so, you’re making a smart choice but there are mistakes that you want to avoid making.

How to buy a multifamily property with good cash flow and bad location 17/02/2020

During the years that you are investing in multifamily properties, you may come across a property that looks great on paper but is potentially in a bad location. The big question is what do you do when these deals arise? Should you pass on them or spend the time investigating these opportunities further to see if they would make good investments? [ 1,688 more word ]

How to buy a multifamily property with good cash flow and bad location Should you buy a multifamily property that has good cash flow but is in a bad location? Click here to learn more about this!

Short Term Vs. Long Term Rentals - Which Option Is Better? 13/02/2020

Are you searching for information on short-term versus long-term rentals? If so, you've come to the right place! There's no doubt that in today's world you're going to find a variety of investors who support investing in short-term rentals like Airbnb’s while there's also going to be a group of investors who support investing in long-term rentals. Then the question that you need to ask yourself as an investor day which type of rental Will offer you the best return-on-investment (ROI)? [ 1,927 more word ]

Short Term Vs. Long Term Rentals - Which Option Is Better? Are you searching for information on short-term versus long-term rentals? If so, you've come to the right place! Learn more here!

What Is Cost Segregation? How Will It Help You as A Multifamily Investor? - Fortunes And Flops 11/02/2020

There’s no doubt that investing in multifamily properties is great but with more units obviously comes more taxes. Thankfully, with cost segregation, you can ease your tax burden and make life a little easier for you as a multifamily investor. If you’re unfamiliar with cost segregation, this article will break down the in’s and out’s of how it works and most importantly, how you can apply it to your business. [ 982 more words ]

What Is Cost Segregation? How Will It Help You as A Multifamily Investor? - Fortunes And Flops There’s no doubt that investing in multifamily properties is great but with more units obviously comes more taxes. Thankfully, with cost segregation, you can ease your tax burden and make life a little easier for you as a multifamily investor. If you’re unfamiliar with cost…

2020 Guide To Landlord Responsibilities - Learn More By Clicking Here! 10/02/2020

Are you planning on investing in a multi-family property in 2020? If so, purchasing that property is only the first step as a landlord because, if you plan on managing the property yourself, you're going to have a wide variety of landlord responsibilities or “expectations” that you must fulfill in the eyes of your tenants, and the law. In his article, we will provide you with the most up-to-date list of landlord responsibilities in 2020. [ 1,949 more word ]

2020 Guide To Landlord Responsibilities - Learn More By Clicking Here! If you plan on managing a multifamily property yourself, you're going to have a wide variety of landlord responsibilities. Learn more here!

What To Do When You’re Not Able To Find Multifamily Deals 06/02/2020

It doesn't matter if you're new to the industry, or you've been investing in multifamily properties for years, there may come a point in time when you are unable to find deals. This can happen for a variety of reasons including when the real estate market in your state has reached it’s peak and there are many other investors looking for multifamily properties at the same time. [ 965 more words ]

What To Do When You’re Not Able To Find Multifamily Deals It doesn't matter if you're new to the industry, or you've been at it for a while, there may come a time when you can't find multifamily deals

Tips For Dealing With Inherited Tenants - Learn More Here! 05/02/2020

During the process of buying a multi-family investment property, you may realize that the property that you want to purchase is going to come with inherited tenants already in place. Once the deal closes, these tenants will officially become your tenants so it's important for you to know how to deal with them professionally. In this article, we will share with you several tips for dealing with inherited tenants just that you have the right strategy for building a successful landlord-tenant relationship with them. [ 1,055 more word ]

Tips For Dealing With Inherited Tenants - Learn More Here! During the process of buying a multi-family investment property, you may realize that the property has inherited tenants. Learn more here!

Which Multifamily Renovations Will Increase Your Property’s Value? 04/02/2020

Are you planning on updating your multifamily rental property? If so, you come to the right place! Like most multifamily investors, you may be wondering which renovations will actually increase the value of your multifamily rental property before you start spending money? This is a smart question to ask because it's very easy as an investor to get caught up in making expensive or unnecessary renovations switch will not add the value to your property that you hoped. [ 1,377 more word ]

Which Multifamily Renovations Will Increase Your Property’s Value? Are you planning on updating your multifamily rental property? If so, you come to the right place! Click here to learn more!

Mistakes To Avoid When Investing In Your First Multifamily Property 03/02/2020

Are you planning on investing in your first multifamily property? If so, you've come to the right place! Multi-family properties will continue to be on the very best investments for any investor to make in 2020 and beyond because they enable interest to generate consistent cash flow on a monthly basis while building wealth, Even though multi-family properties make an excellent investment, there are a variety of things that you absolutely should not do when buying your first multifamily property. [ 1,493 more word ]

Mistakes To Avoid When Investing In Your First Multifamily Property Are you planning on investing in your first multifamily property? If so, you've come to the right place! Click here to learn more!

Can You Use Driving For Dollars To Find Distressed Multifamily Properties? 30/01/2020

There's no doubt that multifamily properties continue to be one of the very best investments in 2020 because they are an excellent way for investors to build wealth while generating consistent monthly cash flow. The big question though is due to the popularity of multifamily Investments, can investors still find distressed multifamily properties in this day in age? The answer is yes… [ 1,566 more word ]

Can You Use Driving For Dollars To Find Distressed Multifamily Properties? Driving for dollars? Can you find destressed properties simply by hitting the road? The answer to this question is yes. Click here to learn more.

How To Buy A Multifamily Rental Property In The Next 90 Days 29/01/2020

Have you been thinking about buying a multi-family investment property in the United States but you've become overwhelmed and don't quite know how to get started? If so, you've come to the right place! There's no doubt that multifamily investment properties are one of the absolute best investments that any investor can make in 2020. Thanks to the popularity of these Investments there is a wide variety of blogs, websites, articles and infomercials online which teach different styles, or ways of investing in multifamily properties. [ 2,033 more words ]

How To Buy A Multifamily Rental Property In The Next 90 Days Been thinking about buying a multi-family investment property in the United States but you've become overwhelmed and don't quite know how to get started?

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Started Investing In Condos 28/01/2020

Are you thinking about getting started with multifamily investing? If so, even though other investors may be encouraging you to invest in apartment buildings, you should also consider investing in condominiums as well. If you’ve never considered investing in condos before, this article will provide you with several important things that you need to know to get started with making your first condo investment. [ 1,964 more word ]

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Started Investing In Condos Even though other investors may be encouraging you to invest in apartment buildings, you should also consider investing in condominiums as well.

Single-Family Vs. Multifamily – Where Should A New Investor Start? 20/01/2020

Are you planning on investing in real estate this year? If so, you may be debating if you should invest in single-family homes or multi-family properties. It's understandable that you may have questions about where you should get started because in today's world many investors advocate investing in single-family homes while others will suggest that you invest in multifamily properties. [ 949 more words ]

Single-Family Vs. Multifamily – Where Should A New Investor Start? Are you planning on investing in real estate this year? If so, you may be debating if you should invest in single-family homes or multi-family properties.

Items to Check When Buying A Multifamily Investment Property 17/01/2020

Planning on buying a multifamily investment property? If so, one of the most important things that you will need to do before closing the deal is to have the property inspected. If you’ve never hired an inspector before, or inspected a property yourself, this article will provide you with items that will be checked by the property inspector. Tip – It’s always a good idea to be there in person (especially if it’s your first… [ 892 more words ]

Items to Check When Buying A Multifamily Investment Property Planning on buying a multifamily investment property? If so, one of the most important things that you will need to do before closing the deal

Should You Submit A Letter of Intent When Submitting an Offer on A Multifamily Property? - Fortunes And Flops 16/01/2020

It doesn’t matter if you’re a new or experienced multifamily investor, one of the best things that you can do when purchasing a new multifamily property is to submit a letter of intent to the seller. What is a letter of intent? It’s a letter that you’re going to submit to the seller which states that you are indeed a real buyer who is ready to close the deal. [ 856 more words ]

Should You Submit A Letter of Intent When Submitting an Offer on A Multifamily Property? - Fortunes And Flops It doesn’t matter if you’re a new or experienced multifamily investor, one of the best things that you can do when purchasing a new multifamily property is to submit a letter of intent to the seller. What is a letter of intent? It’s a letter…

Reasons to Make the Leap from Investing in Single-Family to Multifamily Investment Properties - Fortunes And Flops 15/01/2020

Are you thinking about making the leap from investing in single-family homes to multifamily properties but you’re not sure if it’s the right decision for you to make or not? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I will share with you several reasons why you should consider moving from investing in single-family rental properties to multifamily investment properties. [ 840 more words ]

Reasons to Make the Leap from Investing in Single-Family to Multifamily Investment Properties - Fortunes And Flops Are you thinking about making the leap from investing in single-family homes to multifamily properties but you’re not sure if it’s the right decision for you to make or not? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I will share with…

12 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Become A DIY Landlord 14/01/2020

Are you thinking about being a DIY landlord after you purchase your first multifamily investment property? If so, even though this may seem like a good strategy right now, the reality is that you shouldn’t become a DIY landlord because there are a variety of things that most DIY landlords actually hate about land-lording. #1 – Having Tenants That Tell Lies… [ 1,101 more word ]

12 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Become A DIY Landlord Thinking about becoming a DIY landlord? If so, click here to read this article and learn several reasons why you may not want to become a DIY landlord

Wait to Invest in Multifamily Until After You Fix Your Credit Score? 13/01/2020

So, you’re interested in investing in multifamily properties to start your real estate investing career but your credit score can be classified as less than “fantastic”. This is a position that many people find themselves in worldwide but the good news is that you don’t have to wait to get started with investing in multifamily properties until after you’ve fixed your credit score, you can get started now by following these tips. [ 887 more words ]

Wait to Invest in Multifamily Until After You Fix Your Credit Score? Wait to Invest in Multifamily Until After You Fix Your Credit Score? Click here to learn more about how to get started with multifamiyl investing!

How to Buy A Multifamily Fixer Upper - Click Here To Learn More! 10/01/2020

Every multifamily investor at some point dreams about buying a multifamily property that they can purchase for a rock bottom price. The reality is that those types of properties are out there but many of them are going to be fixer-upper properties. Even though fixer-upper properties may sound attractive to some investors, the big question you need to ask yourself is if you can really afford to make the investment of time and money before you get started with working on a fixer-upper property. [ 768 more words ]

How to Buy A Multifamily Fixer Upper - Click Here To Learn More! Every multifamily investor at some point dreams about buying a multifamily property that they can purchase for a rock bottom price.

How to Buy Multifamily Properties Out of State - Learn More Here! 09/01/2020

Buying multifamily properties is a great way to build cash flow and wealth but the real key to success to building a great portfolio of multifamily properties is being able to buy properties that are located out of state., If you’re interested in buying a multifamily property that’s located out of state and you don’t know how to get started, this article will provide you with a path to follow that you can use for buying your first out of state multifamily investment property. [ 786 more words ]

How to Buy Multifamily Properties Out of State - Learn More Here! Buying multifamily properties is a great way to build cash flow and wealth but the real key to success to building a great portfolio

Most Analysts Feel 2020 Will Be the Best Year for Multifamily Yet 08/01/2020

Have you been thinking about investing in multifamily but have been “sitting on the fence”, waiting to make your move because you’ve been unsure about the direction that the market is heading in? The good news is that most economic analysts feel that 2020 is going to be the best year for multifamily yet so if you’ve been waiting for the right time to arrive for you to invest in multifamily properties, the time is now. [ 860 more words ]

Most Analysts Feel 2020 Will Be the Best Year for Multifamily Yet Have you been thinking about investing in multifamily but have been “sitting on the fence”, waiting to make your move because you’ve been unsure

Multifamily Financing – Steps Needed for Approval 07/01/2020

Unless you’re buying a multifamily property with cash, you’re going to need to finance that property. Many buyers will find themselves in this position, some may actually know how to get approved while others are new to the industry and will have difficulty getting the approval that they need. If you need financing and are new to multifamily, or are looking for tips that you can use to get approved, this article will provide you with tips that you need so that you will hear those magic words “you’re approved!”. [ 1,025 more word ]

Multifamily Financing – Steps Needed for Approval Unless you’re buying a multifamily property with cash, you’re going to need to finance that property. Many buyers will find themselves in this position

How To Raise The Rent In 2020 - Click Here To Learn More! 06/01/2020

One of the best ways for landlords to increase revenue in 2020 is to raise the rent. Raising the rent is a time-tested way for landlords to get more ROI from their multifamily investment properties but it’s also a method that has become more difficult in recent years. In states like California and Oregon, landlords now cannot raise the rent more than 5% per year plus inflation while other states are considering similar measures to curb rent increases or slow them down drastically. [ 986 more words ]

How To Raise The Rent In 2020 - Click Here To Learn More! One of the best ways for landlords to increase revenue in 2020 is to raise the rent. Click here to learn more about how to raise the rent.
