Birthing Hope International Inc.

Birthing Hope International Inc.

Restoring, Equipping & Empowering Through Christ Centered Relationships and Unifying Works. Our field location in Juba, South Sudan.

Near the area of Dar Salam, opposite to Suk St Kizito, behind Star Village Hotel & Advance Youth Radio.

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 08/09/2024

There are many ways to join hands with our work! You can always send a check to B.H.I at PO Box 663 Hayden, ID 83835 ✉️

Or, Online via credit card/debit card: 💳

Or, mobile giving: 📱

Or, Crypto Currency: 🎁🏡

Within South Sudan:
Tap our location
We are in Juba, at Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations In Hai Dar Salaam, you will find out signpost between Mauna Classic Hotel and St. Kizito.


The Equips provide an opportunity for the community to dive deeper into the word of the Lord.

Join us this evening as we continue learning the way of our Lord Jesus.
Jammie Starkk


Join us this evening 5pm for Equip Discipleship.

Jammie Stark

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 31/08/2024

Children’s book share the timeless truths of our God with the young ones. We make use of such materials every Saturday in the training of in the way they should go.

The impact is evident already; a joyous contribution to the future of this Land God so loved.

Jammie Stark


Join us later this evening as we intercede for the Church, South Sudan and the world.

Prayers starts at 5pm, CAT.

Jammie Stark


And the Lord Jesus said “…I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about something and pray for it, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. This is true because if two or three people come together in my name, I am there with them…”

Will you join us this for this Tuesday 5pm as we stand as one body!

Jammie Stark


You’re a wonderful God, the beauty of a savior🙇🏽 Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations Jammie Stark

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 20/08/2024

We still need YOUR help! You’ve seen the countless lives touched and transformed by Jesus every month at Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations! Have you watched the testimonies of those whose lives will never be the same because of BHI’s equipping ministry? We STILL need a monthly sponsor, or sponsors to help us secure a new lease on our home base in Juba. We want to buy this property but that could take time. Help us keep our building one more year while we raise funding to buy it! This community & these young people are worth it! Won’t you join hands to help us?

Can you help us with monthly sponsorship? Can you help us with funding to buy the property? Can you help sponsor some fundraising activities? Please do so now. Our time is running out.

Birthing Hope is committed to Restoring, Equipping and Empowering people through intentional & relational discipleship. Every day in Juba we:
1. Disciple young people in walking out the words and ways of Jesus (formally & informally). This includes inward & outward works.
2. Provide a safe place to worship, study, collaborate, for people to be nurtured and grow in their faith walk
3. Provide meals to those who are hungry
4. Provide first aid and medical advocacy to those who have need
5. Provide Bibles and Christian literature
6. Provide musical instruction to those who feel called to serve God through musical worship
7. Nurture children in our community and teach them the word and ways of God
8. Provide opportunities to learn life skills and receive mentorship

Want more info?


Meet the Team at Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations

Servant Highlight: Rebecca Jackson (Muding Rebecca)

Muding currently serves Beth-El as a Maintenance Manager. She oversees the cleaning, maintenance and hospitality of its public spaces with excellence. She is a very hard-working, committed servant of the Lord who shows her love for Him in all she does.

Muding is a passionate worship leader, upcoming guitarist, and a very gifted teacher of children using her gifts at Beth-El and elsewhere in the community. Her smile and confident heart bring stability to the children & young people who really know her.

Muding, the greater family at BHI, and the community of Beth-El are grateful for who you are, and how you choose to love Jesus. The hard work, excellent service in every season of your life, and your commitment to Him encourages many to do the same. Thank you for all you do- and who you choose to be, every day.

We love you!


Meet the Team at Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations

Servant Highlight: Sarah Nichelle Mapuor

Sarah has served Beth-El and BHI in South Sudan for many years and in many capacities.

She currently serves as Beth-El’s Children’s Ministry Director. Her love for children is evident and her creative efforts and passion embrace them, and people of all ages well. She specifically works to see that the Saturday children’s outreach is successful at loving children on an individual level, engaging them in healing and enriching activities, and teaching them the words of God.

Sarah is also a teacher, a gifted worshipper, singer, devotional set leader, and woman of humility and wisdom.

Sarah, the greater family at BHI, and the community of Beth-El are grateful for who you are, and how you choose to love Jesus, and us all. You are an inspiration and an array of hope.

The way you encourage and love people truly is a gift! Thank you for all that you do in your service to Christ.

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 12/08/2024

Over the past months, the fellowship of Christian Lawyers has witnessed a great growth .

As they continue to meet at Bethel on Saturdays, fellowships at Universities have also been established, starting with the University of Juba.

The testimonies out of the university is huge.

Jammie Stark

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 09/08/2024

God made us in his own image, with the ability to be creative.

At Beth-El, this evening is our Creative Night, starting 5pm, do join us.

We are Super Excited, can’t wait to see the creation of God’s children.

Jammie Stark


On Saturday, the Lawyers Fellowship returns. This fellowship draws together Christian Lawyers and students of Law within Juba.

Come around 8Am, CAT.

Jammie Stark


Meet the Team at
Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations

Servant Highlight: Peter Mapuor (Petro Mapuor)

Peter currently serves as Assistant Director of Beth-El, A House of Prayer.

His leadership, and daily service in so many areas help to make the prayer rooms and discipleship ministry possible.

Peter is a passionate, creative worshipper. He’s a mentor who is serious about making disciples, a devotional set leader, a coach to many in both practical and spiritual matters, a bold witness of the Gospel and a true problem-solver.

He is a protector by nature and works hard to make sure all people experience Beth-El as a safe place to pray, worship, fellowship and grow.

The greater family at BHI, and the community of Beth-El are grateful for who you are and how you choose to love & serve Jesus. Your passion and commitment to Him inspires us. The way you believe to see the best in others indeed calls out God’s very best. Thank you for all the ways you choose to give, serve and lead!

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 01/08/2024

Could you do us a favor? If you ARE seeing this post, let us know with a thumbs up 👍🏽 (A like) AND— If you love what we do, help us spread this page by sharing it with others! Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations

Jammie Stark
Sarah Nichelle Mapuor
KDL Boboto
Petro Mapuor

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 31/07/2024

Young people need resources to enrich, strengthen and help grow their faith. Good, hard cover books are nearly impossible to get, but eBooks are easy! Send us a gift on iTunes: small or large gifts will help us to have resources available for those we care for Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations. Go to your iTunes app and scroll all the way to the bottom. You can send a gift to us by clicking “Send a Gift” and entering our email: [email protected]

Questions? Send us a DM 🤗


The Lord has called us this evening for prayer.

Join us in praying for the Nation, Families and the Church.

Jammie Stark


Meet the Team at Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations

Servant Highlight: Aliyah Raamiah

Aliyah, serves Beth-El as a valuable member of our worship and creative team. She helps in almost every area and is one who always brings laughs, smiles, and a creativity that is outstanding. She’s a gifted pianist, songwriter, and devotional set leader. She is a devoted disciple of Jesus who is growing in her faith and heart of service to the Lord and His people. We want you to know that we could not serve our Saturday kids the way we do, without her!

The greater family at BHI and the community of Beth-El are grateful to serve alongside you, Aliyah, to watch you grow and to be able to be a part of God shaping you into His image. Thank you for loving people well, and serving them the way you do.

Jammie Stark


This coming week, Tuesday, we will take some time as a community to pray together, uniting as one.

Join us at 5pm.

Jammie Stark

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 28/07/2024

We had a blessed time with the children yesterday despite the heavy down pours of rain.

The rain definitely made it one of the hardest moments; the coldness, rain water and loud cluttering sounds.

Thank God for the garage, we moved and scooted in.

Jammie Stark


This Friday Equip Discipleship, we continue to look at the book of Romans.

Starting 5pm, come explore the Letter to the Romans.

Jammie Stark


This little basket contains the things most valued by each member of the community who were at a Monday Equip.

At the very start of Equip, the Lord brought to remembrance the need to re-examine our priorities.

Now, pick one piece from basket, what should you find as something valuable in a believers life?

Jammie Stark


Meet the Team at
Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations

Servant Highlight: KDL Boboto
David has served the Beth-El community for nearly 3 years in many roles, and in many ways.

He’s currently our social media manager. He also serves as a faithful Teacher of the Word for Equip, a mentor who is making disciples, a talented photographer, and a team advisor.

He is a man of wise words and of great devotion to the Lord. His powerful voice and heart of intercession for all inspires many to the same. His presence with our kids on Saturdays makes everything more full and fun.

The greater family at BHI and community of Beth-El are grateful for who you are and how you love the Lord. Thank you for loving and serving the way you do. You inspire us all to greater love and service to Jesus!

Photos from Birthing Hope International Inc.'s post 21/07/2024

It is Games, Word of God and some Food to enjoy for his every Saturday.

Jammie Stark


Coming up this Sunday is the .

It’s all community, loving one another and definitely fun time. 🕺

Jammie Stark


This evening we engage in singing the 25th Psalm and intercession for the nations.

Join us 5pm for the

Jammie Stark


Meet the Team at Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations

Servant Highlight: Bruno Thembo
Bruno serves as our Prayer Room Manager and Culinary Artist. He is a servant of God and of others. He’s a gifted singer, drummer and a Chef. He is friend to many and truly a good listener. He’s devoted to prayer and intercession; especially for South Sudan as a nation. His many talents and heart of service impacts every aspect of what we do, from the cleanliness of our prayer room, to the sound of worship & intercession, to the delicious taste of Beth-El family meals, all the way to even the play-time with our Saturday kids.

Bruno, the greater family of Birthing Hope, and the Beth-El community give thanks to God for all you do for Him and for us. God bless you! Keep serving well and growing in the way you love Him and all those around you!


Blessed New Week.

This Monday on Equip Discipleship, we will look at Evangelism.

Join us today 5pm in learning a tool of Kingdom Expansion

Jammie Stark

Restoring, Equipping, Empowering

“We believe Africa can and will see transformation through strategic love and the empowerment of God’s people.”

God has commissioned us to be a part of his work of restoring, equipping and empowering people through Christ-centered relationships and unifying works. We are focused on intentional, relationship based discipleship (Jesus lifestyle) that sees people are restored in their relationship to their Creator, equipped to be obedient disciples of Jesus, and empowering them to go out and fulfill their God-given purpose for His glory!

What we do is both spiritual and practical; we labor knowing that God’s intent is a whole work of redemption and reconciliation for man & woman, concerning all of their relationships, as well as their physical environment. We firmly believe that Africa can and will see transformation through strategic love and the empowerment of God’s people to BE His Church wherever they are called to be!

See our website for more information, updates, newsletters and opportunities to partner with the work of B.H.I.

Videos (show all)

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when y...
This is your altar ( Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations ). And we are yours Lord God 🙇🏽 Jammie Stark
Why we love Saturdays! See our playtime with the children, blissful and fun mornings always with them 🫢 Beth-El, A House...
How was August at your end? Over here at Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations, it’s been a blessing witnessing the...
For over 4 years now, Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations continues to be an altar dedicated and separated to the...
Has the Lord ever gathered the children of Israel in vain? No, he has not and won’t. For he says; “I did not say to the ...
The intensity of last game night was unmatched. Team work remains a vital element of our life, much more as the body of ...
Every Saturday we have close to 80 kids who come to Beth-El, A House of Prayer for All Nations.  What do we do with them...
Wonderful God
God’s intent is for each one of us to exercise his gift of creativity. In diverse ways, this gift comes alive, for his s...
On Sunday we had Game Night, it was fun 🤩, above all it was insightful as the brendren communed in games, and Praying fo...
