The Hoops

The Hoops

The Hoops is a Basketball team in Yokota


The Hoops

I cannot express how proud I am of this team this season.

To think the last time a basketball game was played at yokota was in March 2020 prior to this season. Our season was canceled right after the first game.

Our players have learned a lot and still will continue to learn. We have done a better job at passing, shooting, rebounding….and stealing. Man all of our players have learned how to play defense.

We had two blowout games this season due to defense.

I have witnessed players mature within the last 8 weeks and I’m so proud of what we have accomplished.

Hoping to see Hoops players in the off-season. Anytime you guys want to play ball let us know. They can ring the doorbell and drag both Jason and Victoria out anytime.

For those playing baseball and soccer this season see you out at the field.

Enjoy your spring break and hope to see you at our get together in April.

Don’t forget. Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself.

Get Sum

Coach Jason


Game time today!!!!

See you in ten minutes for warmups.



Don’t forget Parents.

Parents vs Boys today at 1800. Will allow you to warm up prior to the game.

Make sure you stretch and have your medical insurance up to date.

See you there.


The Hoops!!!

Two games and a practice are all that is left in the season. It truly has been fun watching our players grow and excel in this game with a bouncy orange ball.

3/19 - 1000
3/22 - Practice 1800 team vs parents
3/23 - final game 1700

Let’s close out this season strong. Truly proud of this team.

With spring break coming up and a work trip we would like to get together in April when I get back. Let me know if you are interested.


Great game on Saturday. Only two more games to go.

Tonight I need the boys to come about 10-15 minute earlier. Will have them play against the girls starting at 1745 with breaks and subs.

It’s going to be on like donkey Kong.

Coach Jason


The Hoops

Game time is at 1000 tomorrow.

I want to thank all of the boys for their continued success at practice and on the court.

After tomorrow we will only have two games left. Here is what we have for the next two weeks

Practice this Tuesday I would like the boys to play the girls for about 20 minutes. So would like the boys to be at practice around 1740. Let me know if that is an issue.

Practice the following week on that Tuesday will be parents vs boys.

Last thing. We plan on having a get together at the Reyes household before spring break. Might be a weeknight. Will have s’mores and a fire. Details will be posted in next few days.

Thank you everyone. See you tomorrow.

Coach Jason

Photos from The Hoops's post 05/03/2022

So proud of our team today. Tough game with the Final score 15-13.

Everyone hustled today.

Kain led all scorers with ten points.

Trevor out hustled the defense with six boards and 3 points

Jude had 3 rebounds and a steal.

Jalen had 2 steal and a rebound.

Cline was a floor leader with an assist, a rebound and a steal.

Jason had 3 steals and a rebound.

Truly proud of this team. 3 more games to go

The Hoops!!!


The Hoops!!!!

Game time is at 1000. That means you have time to brush your teeth, comb your hair, eat some breakfast (eat more than fruity pebbles), put deodorant on, make your bed and mow the lawn.

Make sure you are at the game 20 minutes prior. Looking forward to a great game.

Let’s go Hoops!!!!


From Yokota Youth Sports:

Parents & Coaches,

In using pre-covid basketball by-laws, we have been operating under old assumptions that most children playing in the 9-11 age group have had at least two seasons of basketball experience. This is an opportunity our kids have not been afforded and we need to adjust accordingly. We are removing the confusing Backcourt Press Rule and simplifying to “one-on-one” defense and no stealing. These changes are highlighted below. We are also creating a sub-division for players ready to play at a higher level. Coach TC and Coach Jackson’s teams will be moved into their own sub-group and will only play each other for the remainder of the season under the Boys 12-15 by-laws. The remaining teams will continue to play each other under the revised 9-11 by-laws. An updated game schedule is also attached. Thank you for your support and understanding and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

15) No set defense: player to player defense encourages physical activity and movement, and promotes the development of individual skill related to guarding players on or off the ball.

16) No Stealing: No stealing the ball unless the ball is loose.

17) Coaches Ethics: The head coach will be held accountable for his/her conduct and the conduct of assistants, players, parents and all others under his/her supervision during meetings, practices, and games.

18) Cautions and Ejections: If deemed necessary, officials and Youth Sports Staff may caution or eject players, parents and coaches.

19) Mercy Rule: If a team is behind by 20 or more points at any time of the game, the clock will continue to be a “running clock” and the remaining quarters will be reduced from 8-minutes to 6-minutes.

The Hoops: please be patient as we will have to adjust to these new changes. If you have any issues with the changes please contact Yokota Youth Sports.

Tomorrow I would like to meet with the parents after practice for about 3 minutes.


Sorry but for some unforeseen circumstances we cannot have practice at Mendel tonight.

Forgive me for the last minute update. I just received the notice.

Coach Jason


The Hoops

I was able to get Mendel court today for practice today. I would like the boys to play the girls.

The boys would benefit from some competition and will help with some fundamentals. The struggle we have had on the bous team is that they do not get full court time nor any real scrimmages. The girls have been able to play against the older girls team which has given them experience and allowed them to get over any fear.
Please let me know if your sons can play. If needed, I can drop off some of your sons at home after practice.

I know this is short notice and on an off day. Just trying to get them some more court time.

Thank you!!!!

Coach Jason


Mask policy update

Basketball Parents & Coaches,

Great News! We have an updated mask policy effective immediately:

Youth actively playing and practicing are not required to wear masks. Players and coaches will wear one while on the bench. Spectators will wear masks while spectating. If a player wants to wear the mask during play that is also allowed.


The Hoops!!!

First off, thank you to all the players for their hustling. I saw better rebounding and defense. We are communicating better and scoring.

The last few plays in the fourth quarter showed we can hustle.

With that being said, the youth sports director mentioned some parents were not happy with playing time for some of their players.

Coaching is not easy. We are not playing for championships or trophies but it is easy to get caught up in the game. This is where I need the parents to talk to me and let me know your concerns.

Don’t worry, I’m thick skinned and I’m here for you guys. Your boys are what makes this team and I can’t be any prouder of coaching them.

Please feel free to call, text, or even meet me in person. I will do my best to work a better rotation. I realized my clock management skills are lacking in the game (that clock moves fast).

Thank you for your support this season. I’m so happy we are playing again. Don’t mind the scoreboard. But if you are minding it, we scored more than last week.

The boys can come over anytime after school to practice at the courts. They can come by my house if they want to grab Jason and get a basketball and water. I have seen the red team do this on their own.

If anyone took pictures of the team please send to me. I’m so busy that I never get pictures.

Last thing. Thank you parents for running the scoreboard and scorekeeper. This is tremendous. I struggle to get volunteers for my girls team.

Have a great weekend.

Coach Jason


The Hoops

Hope everyone is excited and ready to ball. Game time is at 0900. You need to be at the teen center at 0840. Make sure you wear black shorts and a black shirt.

I have everyone’s jersey. They are 🔥

With that being said I expect all of you to work hard. Win or lose we are going to ball.

See you on the court The Hoops!!!!

Coach Jason


The Hoops!!!!

Practice is back. Here are a few reminders:

Bring water
Bring basketball sneakers
Bring your A game

We will be going over basic plays:
Banzai - pick
D-Nice - pick and roll
Camo - smacking the ball loudly before inbounding the ball (this allows the center to prepare for the pass)

Guards: Cline, Jalen and Jason are responsible for knowing these plays for Saturday’s game.

Stretching - please do prior to practice. You can stretch at the gym 15 minutes prior to our practice.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. Hoping everyone is refreshed and ready for our next game.

Coach Jason


Was thinking about all of you guys this morning.

Still need to get your hands out of your pockets. The pockets are there for show.


This is a reminder. No practice today due to the four day and youth sports being closed.

See all of you on Thursday.

Coach Jason

Inbound Under Basket - Viking 4 17/02/2022

Inbound under the basket - Viking 4

Inbound Under Basket - Viking 4 This video demonstrates an effective inbound play while under the basket. This can be used in all levels of Upward Basketball.

Inbound Under Basket - Point 17/02/2022

Inbound under the basket

Inbound Under Basket - Point This video demonstrates an effective inbound play while under the basket. This can be used in all levels of Upward Basketball.

Tips, Skills and Drills: Pick And Roll 17/02/2022

Pick and Roll

Tips, Skills and Drills: Pick And Roll The 'Tips, Skills, Drills' series continues with a lesson on the Pick and Roll from P.J. Carlesimo, with help from NBA stars Paul George, Anthony Davis and K...


The Hoops

First off, great experience today.

I need all of you to keep your head up and know you guys are awesome. I am proud of you and so are your parents. I am truly blessed to have great boys on this team.

We got through our first game. I didn’t win my first game. I didn’t score my first points in any game until my third game….ever. And it was only two points. I got better with practice.

I don’t even care if all of my players score points (don’t get me wrong we need points). All I want is for you guys to give it your all. We can work with with this.

We are having a practice at 1100hrs on Sunday 2/13 on the east side courts near Shoppette. It is not mandatory but would love to have all players available.

If you can make it please reply to either my email or Facebook post.

What is required:

Warm Clothes
Good attitude
Your “A” game

I plan on having my other team become your opponent. This will be a good learning lesson for all.

I want to thank your parents for being awesome also. They have brought up some great boys who o am honored to coach.

So let me know if you can make it. I am hoping I can get the whole team there on the court but if not I would understand.

Five more awesome games to go.


