Coach Heather- Fit Fun Forty

Coach Heather- Fit Fun Forty

Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Intervention
Helping people transform their lives for optimal wellnes

Watch this reel by coach_tonycastillo on Instagram 28/01/2022

My friend Tony keeps it real.
If this hits you in the feels, this message is for you.

Watch this reel by coach_tonycastillo on Instagram coach_tonycastillo • Original Audio


💣 ⬇️

Watch this reel by syattfitness on Instagram 17/10/2021

Love Jordan…
His content is everything I would say and then some.
Sometimes I wish I liked being in front of the camera and people more… (like wish only a tiny bit, tho, I really love just being in the shadows) to make content like this, but he’s so much better at it than I’ll ever be and I can share his posts while impacting people with the same effective result!

NO, fruit doesn’t make you fat.
Statements from clients like “I don’t eat fruit because of the sugar but I’ll use 3 tbsp of stevia in my coffee”…
W H A T!!????
Stop it… and eat your damn berries, Karen.

Watch this reel by syattfitness on Instagram

Watch this reel by julialefaivre on Instagram 11/10/2021

💯 everything she says I say at least 20x a day.
I feel like a parrot 🦜.

Watch this reel by julialefaivre on Instagram : “Statements I often hear as a nutritionist! AND my response. 1. Fasting Fiona: “Intermittent…”

Photos from Coach Heather- Fit Fun Forty's post 09/09/2021

Get your protein in while saving money and skipping the sugar in those “drive thru” drinks!


Let me clear my throat……


Want to get on my bad side QUICKLY?

Tell me you want to learn plant based eating because you see people losing weight.

There are many benefits to a plant based diet but if you’re already struggling with making healthy meal choices eating Whole animal Foods you will struggle even more with plant based eating.

Plant based eating requires careful calculation & pre-planning to make sure your meals are balanced properly.
So if you can’t commit to pre-planning simple meals already without the “limited” menu in a plant based style of eating, then go ahead and miss me with your nonsense. 💁🏼‍♀️


I have posted about “Hunger or Habit” using the Apple test before.
Here’s your reminder.

Check the comments cause some people are gonna be pisssssed about this 😂

Also make sure you read the caption because it’s important.

I’m not saying you’re only “allowed” to eat if you’re willing to eat an apple.

You’re an adult.

You can eat whenever you want.

But if you’re trying to decipher whether or not you’re truly hungry or if you’re just bored…this is a solid tool.

If you’re gonna be one of the people who say, “bUt i nEvEr LiKe aPpLeS,” cool.

Substitute any fruit you want.

And make it a fruit you enjoy.

Oranges, watermelon, banana, grapefruit…doesn’t matter. Pick a fruit you like and make it your baseline for the test.

Again, this is simply a way to see if you’re actually hungry or just bored.

Not a way to shame you for eating even if you are just bored.

Cause, look, I boredom eat all the time. Who doesn’t? It’s fun. And, candidly, very enjoyable.

Issues arise if this becomes an unconscious habit. And one that develops into something that becomes increasingly difficult to control.


If you need a tool to help you decipher whether you’re actually hungry or just bored…give the apple test a shot.

And while you’re at it…text me: 617-249-7381


Text that number and I’ll send you workouts and update you when new podcasts and YouTube videos to live.

And make sure you follow me if you're not already ;)


If this sounds familiar… it should..
Because I say it every second of every day.


This right here.
All day long E V E R Y D A Y.
STOP 🛑 blaming your genetics, it ain’t to blame.
STOP blaming your age, it’s really not the issue.
START taking responsibility for your choices & actions.


This is the “loudest” photo ever to those who are “listening”.

Literally SO LOUD, speaking volumes.

The easy road is not always the safest, remember that.


Yummm 😋 I LOVE cherries!!

They are packed with important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants but they also offer MANY benefits for a healthy body like:

- Reduce Inflammation
- Assist in exercise and injury recovery
- Improve gut health & digestion
- Improve blood sugar & insulin levels
- Reduce cholesterol
- Reduce heart disease risks



When you stop under eating…

When you stop over exercising…

When you stop cutting carbs…

When you stop running your body into the ground…

When you stop believing in “good” and “bad” foods…

When you stop holding yourself to unrealistic standards of perfection…

And when you start focusing on getting stronger, feeding your body well, and being consistent (not perfect)…

You’ll start seeing results.

Because sustainable results only come with a sustainable mindset and sustainable approach.

And beating the s**t out of your body and being an as***le to yourself isn’t gonna last you very long before you quit from being so damn miserable.

I’m not saying this process is supposed to be easy.

It’s not.

But it’s *easier* and more enjoyable when you do it from a place of positivity and optimism rather than negativity and self hate.

With that said…

My 30-Day Calorie Cycling Challenge is back and we’re starting on July 6th (join here:

It’s not a “lose as much weight as quickly as possible” competition.

It’s a “learn how to develop a healthy relationship with food, lose body fat, and get strong as all f**k” challenge.

And the challenge is vs yourself.

To challenge yourself to break old habits, form new ones, improve your relationship with food, be more consistent, and learn how to enjoy the process rather than hate it every step of the way.

Three participants will win $1,000 once the challenge is over.

And everyone who joins gets a FREE month in my Inner Circle.

I’d love to have you.

If you want to join, the link is here:


👩‍🏫 👂🏻 🧠


NEED vs. DESIRE: Food Relationships

I see lot of people post on social media “ I NEEED this junk food item”.
The problem with this is that it automatically turns on the insatiable craving switch in your brain that tells you that you HAVE to have it or you simply cannot function.

This is a LIE.
If you do not get this food item you WILL survive.

What you SHOULD say is “ I REALLY WANT said food item”.

This changes the reaction in your brain from “desperate need” to a desire.

Instead of your brain activating the search & destroy mission it becomes aware of the desire but you are still in control.

You will have a stronger ability to choose your actions carefully because the WANT vs NEED verbiage took it from a level 7 to a 3 urgency.

Granted you ALWAYS have the option to choose your actions in either scenario, but changing the verbiage changes the way your brain processes it for most people.

If someone you love said “ I NEED this item” it would create an urgency in you to fill that “need”. When they say “WANT”, it may become less of an urgency to you than using NEED.

This goes for some people, not all, but changing the verbiage still helps and is a good way to break yourself of bad habits, too!

PB Blueberry Vegan Protein | Naked Shake - 2.2LB 11/05/2021

One of my favorite supplement companies have come out with a “ready made” protein powder complete protein blend!
Just add water!
It’s not quite enough to be considered a meal on its own, but you can easily pair with other items to make a meal!
Enjoy 😊

PB Blueberry Vegan Protein | Naked Shake - 2.2LB Made from raw yellow peas grown in the USA and Canada, MCT oil, real fruit juice and only 5g sugar. Vegan protein shake with 20g protein. Free & Fast Shipping!

Photos from iComplexity's post 01/05/2021

Allll of this

Vegan Sloppy Joes 27/04/2021

Plant based yumminess!!!

Vegan Sloppy Joes Grab a couple cans of whatever beans you've got in the pantry, and whip up these easy and seriously tasty vegan sloppy Joes!



Building a healthy relationship with food doesn’t require you to count calories.

And losing fat doesn’t require you to count calories.


Regardless of whether or not you count your calories your calories always count.

Doesn’t matter if you do keto or paleo or intermittent fasting or weight watchers or atkins or Mundungus Fletcher’s 27 Day Colon Cleanse.

Your calories always count.


Just because I say calories are king for fat loss does NOT imply you should eat like an as***le all day, every day (you shouldn’t).

Or that calories are the only thing that matter (they aren’t).

Or that fat loss is always more important than health (it isn’t).

The reason I talk about calories so much is because when you understand how simple (not easy) this fat loss thing really is...the sooner you’ll start to believe you can actually do it.

And the sooner you’ll stop looking for the quick fixes and magical potions and humdingers and fiddle faddles and doodads.

And the sooner you’ll start being more aware of what (and how much) you’re putting into your body.

So you can get the results you want...while enjoying your favorite foods...without spending every last galleon, sickle & knut you earn on useless fat burners.

That’s why I talk about calorie so much.

Not because you need to count them.

But so you can achieve your goals as quickly and sustainably as possible without feeling like a prisoner to the latest diet trend.

PS text me. Seriously. 617-249-7381


Ab 👏🏼 so 👏🏼 lutely 👏🏼


ALLLLLLL of this.

All of us procrastinate at some point in our lives because let’s face it, not all of adulting is FUN.

But the difference between success and staying “stuck” in the cycle is what you do about it.

Own up to your BS.
It doesn’t mean you’re a failure, instead it means you’re growing.
It takes a mentally strong and confident person to admit their faults openly and actively work to fix them.

Break the cycle.


Before all you “Karen’s” start clapping back at me with your nonsense, realize this post IS NOT directed at the people who:

- lost their jobs, homes or businesses
- essential workers who were worked TO DEATH
- anyone physically incapacitated by the situation

This is directed at all y’all who KNOW BETTER and enabled your BS behavior because “everyone else is, so why shouldn’t I?”
❌NO ❌
That thinking is UNACCEPTABLE and TOXIC and definitely the reason you found yourself gaining weight.

So stay in your lane 🛺 and own up to your BS.
FIX the problem.

STOP enabling these unhealthy behaviors.


This is going to hit some of y’all right in the feels...
I hope you feel it and it shakes you enough to make a change.
Just know that you don’t have to do it alone.


Learning to use this TikTok thing...
Not sure I’m a fan yet.


All. day.


Free Advice 👇🏼 😆
You’re welcome.

16-Week Transformation Program

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How about a program that teaches you how to stay successful LONG TERM?

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    Let me clear my throat……👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
    If you want CHANGE, do something about it! #fitmindwellness
