H2 Universe
H2 Universe LLC is developing products that can be used in a preventive medicine, hydrogen therapy.
True Nano H2 Plus Resveratrol
Hydrogen enhances the effect of Resveratrol
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7143620/ #:~:text=Resveratrol%20has%20antioxidant%2C%20anti%2Dinflammatory,%2C%20diabetes%2C%20Alzheimer%27s%20disease%2C%20and
True Nano H2 Plus
True Nano H2 Plus L-Citrulline
Hydrogen enhances the effect of L-Citrulline
Top 6 Health Benefits of L-Citrulline (Google)
Increased exercise capacity. ...
Increased blood flow. ...
Decreased blood pressure. ...
Improved cardiac function and erectile dysfunction. ...
Enhanced cognition & brain performance. ...
Boosted immunity.
H2 Universe LLC: DotCom Magazine Reveals Its Annual List of America’s Most Impactful Privately Held Companies – H2 Universe LLC Awarded 2021 Impact Company of The Year Award
H2 Universe LLC: DotCom Magazine Reveals Its Annual List of America’s Most Impactful Privately Held Companies - H2 Universe LLC Awarded 2021 Impact Company of The Year Award SAN FRANCISCO, DATE – DotCom Magazine today announced that The H2 Universe LLC has been selected to join its annual Impact Company of The Year List For 2021. The DotCom Magazine Impact Company of The Year 2021 Award celebrates the most important segment of the economy – America’s pri...
Marina Safonov Ph.D., & Vladimir Safonov Ph.D., Well Known Health Experts, CEO & Chief Scientific Officer of H2 Universe Marina Safonov Ph.D., & Vladimir Safonov Ph.D., Well Known Health Experts, and CEO and Chief Scientific Officer of H2 Universe LLC Zoom Interviewed
Our new product: hydrogen and resveratrol.
Наш новый продукт: водород с ресвератролом.
Live a healthier and longer life.
Two days of using True Nano H2 Plus Turmeric capsules against common cold. / Два дня применения капсул True Nano H2 Plus Turmeric против обычной простуды.
Two days of using True Nano H2 Plus Turmeric capsules against common colds.
videoCommonColdTNH2PlusTurmeric Two days of using True Nano H2 Plus Turmeric capsules against common colds.
The holidays are approaching. We wish our loved ones and friends good health. Let this wish be not only in words, but in deeds. Gift hydrogen therapy products to your loved ones and friends. True Nano H2 Plus capsules (Garlic, Turmeric and Green Tea) improve the body's immunity, eliminate oxidative stress and provide wellness and energy. Give health to people.
Приближаются праздники. Мы желаем своим близким и друзьям здоровья. Пусть это пожелание будет только не на словах, а на деле. Подарите своим близким и друзьям продукты водородной терапии. Капсулы True Nano H2 Plus (Garlic, Turmeric and Green Tea) повышают иммунитет организма, устраняют оксидативный стресс и дают вэллнесс и энергию. Подарите здоровье людям.
Oxygen Poisoning (by Marina Safonov)
Nick Lane in his Book “Oxygen, The molecule that made the world compares the effect of oxygen poisoning with the effect of radiation.
This comparison is based on the fact that both oxygen and radiation will form in our body so called reactive oxygen species (ROS), or oxygen radicals.
This oxygen radicals, particularly hydroxyl radical *OH may damage our cells and its components, including DNA.
Our cells continuously produce ROS during breathing. Therefore, breathing oxygen carries a qualitatively similar risk as radiation.
Estimate suggest that at rest about 1 to 2% of the total oxygen consumed by cells escape as superoxide radicals.
An average adult, weighing 154 pounds (70 kg)consumes nearly a quarter of liter of oxygen every minute. if only 1% leaks away as oxygen radicals, we will produce 1.7 kg of ROS every year including the most dangerous and most damaging hydroxyl radicals *OH.
According to his calculation, we would produce 50 hydroxyl radicals *OH in each cell every second and in full day each cell would generate 4 million hydroxyl radicals, while during vigorous exercise this total might rise to as much as 10%.
Many of these hydroxyl radicals will be neutralized but over a lifetime in a body composed of 15 million cells, it adds up to a very great deal of wear and tear, more than enough to underpin a process such as aging.
He estimated that the damage done by breathing for one year is equivalent to a whole body radiation dose of 1 slevert (or 1 joule energy per kilogram).
As a typical chest x-ray delivers 50 microslevertrts of radiation, breathing for a year would seem to be 10,000 times more dangerous than a chest x-ray, or 50 times as dangerous as all radiation that we normally receive from all sources in the course of entire lifetime.
Hydroxyl Radicals
How can we protect our body from the damaging effects of oxygen radicals and particularly hydroxyl radical (*OH)
Hydroxyl radicals are the first to be formed among other ROS.
These are extremely reactive radicals; they can react with all biological molecules at the speed of approaching their rate of diffusion.
You probably think about the importance of antioxidants, such as vitamin C, E, turmeric, etc.? well, if you even hear someone talking about antioxidants that ‘scavenge’ hydroxyl radicals in the body they won’t know what they are talking about.
Hydroxyl radicals react so quickly that It means that they will react with the first molecules in their path whether it is a ‘scavenger’ or any other molecule. It is virtually impossible to stop them from doing that.
To scavenge hydroxyl radicals in the body, the scavenger would need to be present at a higher concentrations than ALL other substances put together, to give a higher chance of being in the way of hydroxyl radical. Such high level of any substances would kill you by interfering with the normal function of the cell.
You would think that our cells have several protective mechanisms against oxygen radicals, but none of these mechanism will protect you from hydroxyl radicals.
WHAT can protect us from hydroxyl radicals?
The answer is HYDROGEN!
Hydrogen is the smallest, the strongest and selective antioxidant.
Hydrogen can easily enter any cell and even pass through the blood-brain barrier.
Hydrogen becomes antioxidant when entering our body blood stream.
In fact our body produces hydrogen.
A large amount of hydrogen is produced by our intestinal anaerobic bacteria. As measured by gas chromatography, Blautia coccoides and Clostridium leptum produced the most significant amount of hydrogen. Escherichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis constituted the second group that produced hydrogen.
The concentration of hydrogen in our own bodies is 0.005–0.020 mM.
It was demonstrated in vitro that molecular hydrogen reduces hydroxyl radicals.
Hydrogen gas produced by intestinal fermentation is suggested to have some preventive effects on age-related diseases.
By measuring hydrogen gas concentrations in the breath, Japanese scientists found that the hydrogen concentrations were significantly increased in centenarians.
Therefore, hydrogen gas produced by intestinal fermentation in association with diet and gut microbiome might contribute to people’s longevity, considering the potential of hydrogen gas to act as a potent antioxidant in the body.
On the contrary the decreased hydrogen production by intestinal microbiota may be associated with the development and progression of Parkinson's disease and other diseases caused by the oxidative stress. That is why it is so important to supplement your body with additional hydrogen, particularly with age, when our body possibly is losing intestinal microbiota, natural producers of hydrogen.
Those who have liver problems know what the level of Bilirubin in the blood is.
An increase in Bilirubin in the blood indicates premature destruction of red blood cells, damage to liver cells, or a violation of the outflow of bile through the biliary tract. Our regular client (she is over 50) reported that after a year of taking True Nano H2 capsules, the level of Bilirubin in her blood decreased from 2 to 1.4, i.e., from elevated to almost normal.
Те, у кого проблемы с печенью, знают, что такое уровень билирубина в крови.
Повышение билирубина в крови указывает на преждевременное разрушение эритроцитов, повреждение печеночных клеток или нарушение оттока желчи по желчевыводящим путям.
Наша постоянная клиентка (ей за 50) сообщила, что за год приёма капсул True Nano H2 уровень билирубина у нее в крови уменьшился с 2 до 1.4, т. е. с повышенного до почти нормального.
It's cold and flu season. Our elite True Nano H2 Plus capsules (Turmeric, Garlic or Green Tea) provide a powerful dose of antioxidants that can stop oxidative stress, the first stage of disease. Watch these two videos.
Наступило время простуд и гриппа. Наши элитные капсулы True Nano H2 Plus (Turmeric, Garlic or Green Tea) дают мощную дозу антиоксидантов, способных остановить оксидативный стресс, первую стадию заболевания. Посмотрите эти два видео.
First day
Second day
Second day This is the result on the second day of taking 8 capsules on the first day with the initial symptoms of a viral disease. Oxidative stress is stopped by the a...
Our capsules are an elite way to deliver molecular hydrogen to the body. One capsule generates the same amount of hydrogen as contained in 1.5 liters of hydrogen-saturated water. Look at the picture and compare - drink 1.5 liters of hydrogen water or swallow 1 capsule?
Наши капсулы – это элитный способ доставки молекулярного водорода в организм. Одна капсула генерирует столько же водорода, что содержится в 1.5 литра водородо-насыщенной воды. Посмотрите на рисунок и сравните – выпить 1.5 литра
водородной воды или проглотить 1 капсулу?
Molecular Hydrogen for Neurological Health - Dr. Tyler LeBaron - ISCN 2023 To learn more about molecular hydrogen at the ISCN, visit https://carrickinstitute.com
In connection with the beginning of the cold and flu season (and even covid is walking around), we are expanding the sale of our hydrogen-generating capsules and reducing prices by 30%. Hydrogen dissolved in the blood is the most powerful antioxidant that helps the immune system fight viruses. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
В связи с началом сезона простуд и гриппа (да ещё ковид где-то гуляет) мы расширяем продажу наших водородо-генерирующих капсул. Водород, растворенный в крови – самый мощный антиоксидант, помогающий иммунной системе бороться с вирусами. Берегите себя и своих близких.
Marina Safonov Ph.D., CEO & Vladimir Safonov Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer. H2 UNIVERSE LLC Marina Safonov Ph.D., CEO & Vladimir Safonov Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer. H2 UNIVERSE LLC, A DotCom Magazine Exclusive InterviewH2 Universe Mission and G...
A lot of useful information about Hydrogen Therapy
Articles - MHI Read articles on molecular hydrogen. What is molecular hydrogen? What is hydrogen water? Hydrogen for dummies, etc.
Alzheimer's disease is still an incurable disease of the brain, manifested by a gradual loss of mental abilities. At the final stage, a person loses speech and completely loses his intellect. A review from the Journal of the British Royal Society discusses promising areas of development, one of which (paragraph 8 ) is the study of Molecular Hydrogen as an Antioxidant and cites a number of scientific articles. The authors conclude that "this research studies reveals that molecular hydrogen may have great potential for suppressing Alzheimer's disease." It is nice to note that the authors of the review mention one of our articles.
Болезнь Альцгеймера до сих пор является неизлечимым заболеванием головного мозга, проявляющееся постепенной потерей умственных способностей. На заключительном этапе человек теряет речь и полностью утрачивает интеллект. В обзоре из журнала Британского Королевского общества обсуждаются перспективные направления развития, одним из которых (параграф 8 ) является исследование Молекулярного Водорода как Перспективного Антиоксиданта и приводится целый ряд научных статей. Авторы заключают, что «это исследование показывают, что молекулярный водород может иметь большой потенциал для подавления болезни Альцгеймера». Приятно отметить, что авторы обзора упоминают одну из наших статей.
Role of antioxidants and a nutrient rich diet in Alzheimer's disease - PubMed The joint attack on the body by metabolic acidosis and oxidative stress suggests that treatment in degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), may require a normalizing of extracellular and intracellular pH with simultaneous supplementation of an antioxidant combination cocktail at a....
HyPatch and True Nano H2 Turmeric HyPatch and True Nano H2 Turmeric helped the girl recover quickly after a complicated operation on her knee. Hydrogen therapy in action.
The holidays are approaching, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year. Everyone is looking for ideas of what to give to their loved ones. Give them hydrogen capsules that will make them feel good for at least one month. Health and well-being is the most precious thing for people in this world. Give your loved ones a piece of health and wellness.
True Nano H2 True Nano H2 is a dietary supplement which instantaneously delivers billions of hydrogen molecules via nanobubbles into your body. It is recommended for t...
We have just received the first batch of HyPatch from the factory.
A few applications of these patches will relieve you of pain in the arms and legs such as tennis elbow, tendonitis and others.
Мы только что получили из фабрики первую серию патчей HyPatch. Несколько апликаций этих патчей избавят вас от болей в руках и ногах таких как теннис элбоу, тендонитис и других.
Are you looking for powerful antioxidants? Here they are
The destructive effect of radiation and oxygen intoxication (including just breathing) are similar and lead to diseases and aging.
Oxygen. The molecule that changed the world. Nick Lane. Text from the book:
"…radiation exerts its biological effects through a mechanism that is very similar to the effects of oxygen poisoning. The mechanism hinges on an invisible thread of reactions, linking oxygen to water. The lethal effects of radiation and oxygen poisoning are both mediated by exactly the same fleeting intermediates along this pathway. These intermediates can be produced from either oxygen or water. In radiation poisoning, they are produced from water, in oxygen poisoning from oxygen. However, normal respiration also produces the same reactive intermediates from oxygen. Respiration can therefore be seen as a very slow form of oxygen poisoning. We shall see that both ageing, and the diseases of old age are caused essentially by slow oxygen poisoning."
Разрушительное действие радиации и кислородной интоксикации (в том числе просто при дыхании) похожи и приводят к болезням и старению.
Кислород. Молекула изменившая мир. Ник Лэйн. Текст из книги:
"…механизм действия радиации на биологические системы аналогичен механизму кислородной интоксикации. Он основан на серии реакций, связывающих кислород с водой. Смертельное влияние радиации и кислорода опосредовано одним и тем же набором промежуточных продуктов. Эти промежуточные продукты образуются и из воды, и из кислорода. При радиационном облучении они получаются из воды, а при отравлении кислородом — из кислорода. Но они образуются и при нормальном дыхании! Таким образом, дыхание можно рассматривать в качестве очень медленно прогрессирующей кислородной интоксикации. Мы увидим, что старение и старческие заболевания во многом связаны с этой формой кислородной интоксикации."
Many people, especially women, are concerned about the condition of their skin. With age, elastic and fresh skin becomes less elastic, wrinkles appear. The skin becomes less attractive. As cosmetologists say, the skin loses collagen.
On the Internet you can find that:
“Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness. It's in your bones, muscles, and blood, comprising three quarters of your skin and a third of the protein in your body. As you age, your existing collagen breaks down, and it gets harder for your body to produce more.”
In one of our papers with researchers at the University of North Texas (UNT) on a model of skin cells, we found that hydrogen DOUBLES collagen production in these cells. Therefore, people who regularly consume our hydrogen-generating capsules, along with many other beneficial effects, will certainly improve the quality of their skin. We see it for ourselves. The skin is elastic, scratches heal quickly.
A good review on Hydrogen Therapy
Molecular hydrogen: a preventive and therapeutic medical gas for various diseases Since the 2007 discovery that molecular hydrogen (H[2] ) has selective antioxidant properties, multiple studies have shown that H[2] has beneficial effects in diverse animal models and human disease. This review discusses H[2] biological effects and ...
Great news. Our patent application "ALLEVIATING COMMON COLD AND INFLUENZA SYMPTOMS WITH MOLECULAR HYDROGEN" was approved by USPTO. The patent will be published in two-three months.
Our protocol for the first symptoms of a viral infection is to take 2 capsules every 2 hours, for a total of 8-10 per day. Usually the next day or one day later, all symptoms will be gone and the disease will not continue. There will be no side effects.
Hydrogen Therapy
Hydrogen water as a treatment for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot randomized trial (2022). Hydrogen water as a treatment for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot randomized trial. Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior: Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 26-39.