People's rock station

People's rock station

the peoples rock station is a audio video world wide brodcast rock statioin on the net we offer live

we also double as a emergency responce ac
ackshen and responce dispach senter desaster relief and raise money for various non profits .we created this as a light in a very dark place in history,anber alerts are aloud to break in and transmit vitel info at will along with emergence brodcast as a world wide station emergency information can now move at a global rate faster reaction time .minets could save a persons life,this is what its desined for othere then music.


Just a frendly reminder we are a free to advertise world wide rock and role in a efort to help out strugling biseness and those of you just trying to make a living in this pandemic the advertiseing is free on this site till we all are back on are feet .and this pandemic is over. Q


Peoples freedom rock 100


