Pleasant Hill UMC, Marion, NC

Pleasant Hill UMC, Marion, NC

Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11 a.m Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church welcomes all persons to all of its services, including those with communion.

The church's regular worship time is 11:00 a.m. with Sunday School starting at 9:45 a.m. Since 1850, the people of Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church have sought to be God's people so that God might be a part of the community in which we live. We believe that the heart of the community has been, is, and shall be, the Church. Because of that belief, Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church welcomes


Yard Sale Update!!!!
Due to the weather, the yard sale scheduled for October 1st has been cancelled. We hope to reschedule for a future date.


Just wanted to let everyone know that we are also starting a "Friend" page because it seems we can reach more people that way. So, if you get a friend request from us, it is legit, and we ask that you join us on that page, as well, to get the most updated information about us and our services and events. We will keep this page active, but most postings will now be on the friend page.


While there is no mention of Ash Wednesday in the Bible, there is a tradition of donning ashes as a sign of penitence that predates Jesus. In the Old Testament, Job repents "in dust and ashes," and there are other associations of ashes and repentance in Esther, Samuel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. By the 10th century, the monk Aelfric tied the practice, which dates to the eighth century, to the period before Easter, writing, "Now let us do this little at the beginning of our Lent that we strew ashes upon our heads to signify that we ought to repent of our sins during the Lenten fast." By the 11th century, the practice was widespread throughout the church -- until Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, threw the practice out in the 16th century because it was not biblically based. There's no Lent in the Bible, either, though many Christians see it as an imitation of the 40 days Jesus spent fasting and battling with Satan in the desert.


Pleasant Hill UMC, Marion, NC's cover photo


Please join us for our Ash Wednesday Service tonight at 7:00PM, as we begin this Lenten journey.


This Sunday, come join us at 4:00 for Kid's Church and Young Disciples. We have started a new program in Kid's Church with much more updated activities and lessons. Kid's Church is for toddler age through 5th grade. Young Disciples are doing Reel2Real and are in the middle of Star Wars. Young Disciples is for 6th graders and up. Wear your favorite football team, and don't worry, we'll get you out in plenty of time for the Super Bowl!


The United Methodist Church

Please join us for our Ash Wednesday service on February 10 at 7:00PM.

Learn about the use of ashes and the meaning of Ash Wednesday below and let us know where you will be in worship this coming Wednesday in the comments below! Looking for an Ash Wednesday service? Find a church near you at


The United Methodist Church

There is no one, right way to observe a holy Lent. These ideas will help you stay on track throughout the season.


No church services tomorrow. Stay safe and warm.


Our Youth will be presenting David's Dynasty this Saturday, December 19th, at 6:00PM. Hope to see everyone there to support our youth. They have worked really hard on this!


Our Youth will be presenting David's Dynasty this Saturday, December 19th, at 6:00PM. Hope to see everyone there to support our youth. They have worked really hard on this!


The Adult Sunday School class Christmas party will be tomorrow, Saturday, December 5th at 6:00PM. Everyone is invited to attend. We will enjoy a covered-dish supper with a spirited game of Dirty Santa following (approximate $10, new gift item).


We will be starting back up for the school year with Kids' Church and Young Disciples this Sunday, the 20th. Any age child is welcome! We will have a lesson and talk about upcoming events. We will also be discussing the Christmas program and start assigning parts. See you Sunday at 4:00!!


Pleasant Hill UMC, Marion, NC


We've heard rumors that the bridge construction on Fairview Road is complete. Here's hoping!!


Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Pastor Ray Davis. He was the pastor at Pleasant Hill for many years, and continued to stay in contact with his former congregation after leaving. He was a great man of God and a great member of the community, who will be missed by all that knew him.


We're having an exciting weekend at Pleasant Hill! Tomorrow we are having our Outback Rock VBS, starting at 9:00 and running until 3:30. Lunch will be provided and all children are welcome. On Sunday, we are having our Service at the Lake. Bring your favorite side and join us for this special service. Service starts at 10:30AM and will be held at the Paddy's Creek section at Lake James State Park.


Youth Camping Trip, July 10-12


Homecoming is this Sunday, June 7th. There will be no Sunday School and service will start at 10:30AM. "His Mercies" will be here to minister in song. We will enjoy a covered-dish lunch and fellowship following the service. All are welcome to this special service.


On Sunday, May 31, our Youth will host our 11:00AM morning worship service. Make sure you come out to this special service as we support our youth.


REMINDER: The first bridge on Fairview Road is closed for construction. DOT has barricaded the Pleasant Hill Road entrance right before the bridge, therefore, you must go to Jacktown Road off Hwy 221 to get to the church. Looks like this construction will be going on until sometime in July.


A good reminder for all those April showers.


Please join us tonight for our Good Friday service at 7:00PM. "The Way of the Cross", a dramatic Good Friday service of worship based on the Stations Of The Cross.


Our Holy Week Services for next week are as follows:

Maundy Thursday - 7:00PM
Good Friday - 7:00PM
Sunrise Service - 7:00AM (Sunday)
Easter Cantata - 11:00AM (Sunday)

Everyone is welcome to all services. Church members, please make sure you invite family and friends to these touching services as we prepare for Christ's Death and Resurrection.


Just a reminder that the Chili Supper Fundraiser scheduled for tonight is postponed.


Due to the weather forecast, we are postponing the Chili Supper Fundraiser this Friday. We will post the new date once rescheduled.


Our Ash Wednesday service is still on as planned. Please join us tonight at 7:00PM as we begin this Lenten journey.


Don't forget! Tonight is our Candlelight Carol Service at 6:00PM. Everyone is welcome! We will have refreshments afterward.


Our Food Pantry is fully stocked and will be open this evening from 5:30-6:30 if you know of anyone in need for the Thanksgiving holiday.
