Yoga DiVita

Yoga DiVita

A warm, welcoming environment for all to come together. A place to be with ease, breathe with clarity OM Purpose since January of 2009 in North Myrtle Beach, SC.

"Yoga DiVita is a warm, welcoming environment for all to come together. A place to be with ease, breathe with clarity, move with grace, and to realize you are perfect." Meet the teacher/founder;
My name is Dawn DiVita! Back in 1998 I was living in Key West, FL and stumbled across 2 very amazing VHS’s with Patricia Walden and Rodney Yee. I was a gym rat up to that point, although I needed and desir


Task Master - One task at a time🥳
Okay, so that is a bit of lie. I have a team alongside me getting things done: domestic chores, animal care, rental renovations, and new home preparation for the bumpuses aka DiVita pack.

That means I have been really embracing the freedom to write down what needs to get done and when can it get done.

It doesn't make sense to do things for the future if I haven't prepped the present.

Think about it🤔

What daily things need, or should, to be done?
For your property; dishes, floors, laundry, sheets, etc. Some of it is daily, some weekly, and some monthly to create a hOMe that feels clean and cared for.

I call this respecting what YOU have with the most abundant GRATITUDE EVER.

Then there is maintenance that should be scheduled biweekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.

This could include plumbing (septic), carpentry, power washing, landscape, painting, etc.

If you keep these things up, it will not only prevent issues (think of plumbing🙃) but again allow your hOMe to look and feel AMAZING!

Now apply this for your body, mind, and spirit🙃
What do you do daily, weekly, monthly, and annually to not only respect this beautifully unique vessel but to allow it to SHINE & GROW?!!!

Yes, I can turn anything into a life is a sacred ceremony met with love, respect, and gratitude DAILY🙏

Photos from Yoga DiVita's post 11/07/2024

I am tired.

So what do I do🤔
Ask myself, why am I tired?
Am I hungry
Am I stuck
Am I overwhelmed
Am I scared
Is it physical, mental, energetic or emotional
Am I just freaking tired...

The answer will determine what I do.
Get up and move
Get up and eat
Sit down and be with where I am
Call a friend
Write to find clarity
Today, I chose a few of them; a walk in nature with my hubby, amazing meal, and sit with a delicious beverage outside.

Sometimes the answer is not clear, but allow yourself space to just ask the question...

Why am I tired? And then wait to hear and feel the layered answer😉

This is practicing the femimine approach of being mindful. There is love, gentleness, and patience.


Rest. Nourishment. Movement. Purpose.
Within any of these,
Can you find JOY?
Can you find sacredness?
Can you find peace?
Can you find satiation?

Sometimes, the scale may be heavier in one area.
It may be because of the stage of your life or outside circumstances.

When you have established sacred rituals, you become more in tune with what you may need.

For example, today is a much-needed rest-to-reset kind of day. I will gladly accept the nourishment of slowing down and taking in to rebuild where I have been working really hard physically and emotionally over the last week.

Why do we resist if we have been told to sit and stay by the Universe?

I know how we are told may seem cruel or even like a Universal joke has been played.

You lose your voice, become ill, or freakishly get injured when your voice and movement are essential for work/purpose.

It's as if the Universe holds you down and abruptly and almost aggressively says, "Stop. You HAVE to slow down".

Of course, we want to throw down in a full-blown 3-year-old temper tantrum. Rightfully so, too. We have sh*t to do, places to go, and people to take care of.

May I suggest allowing yourself to scream, cry, and stomp your feet as much as you need to express the frustration and resistance to being where you are?

Yep, the present moment has arrived.

Being where you are is a sacred moment. The next moment will feel a bit less burdened by anger, sadness, and grief, and room will be made for supportive healing.

Finding balance in your daily life is extremely important.

It prevents the giant Universal stops because your nervous and immune systems will be robust and connected to supportive living.

If you are in the midst of a STOP, I surround you with love, light, and patient healing. It sucks, and there are gifts within it... reach out to your community, take solace within the nothingness, and forgive yourself.

Forgiveness is a biggie. It is an exhale, a letting go, and a place where we begin to inhale what we truly need.

If you would like some guidance and support in taking the first steps on a new Health and Wellness Journey, please feel free to PM me.


Life Should Have Texture
Layers and layers of experiences, growth, trial and errors.
Life should be seen and felt in your eyes, skin, words, mind, and heart.
Love unconditionally who you are every step of the way.
Let go to let in the healing where there is heaviness or hardness, because when you do, on the other side of all that, there is possibility.


Freedom is to have the availability to...
Feel Lighter
Feel Safe
Feel Flexible
Feel Strong
Feel Empowered
Feel Expressive
Feel Vulnerable
Feel Clarity
Feel Choices
Feel Change

It doesn't feel stuck, stagnant, or fearful.

As an individual, you have the choice to FEEL freedom or fear.

It takes so much more energy to hold on and act from a state of fear.

If you are hateful, angry, or rigid, I love you AND I wish only for you to feel SPACE to allow the grips of fear to be removed.

WE is me a snowflake or a dreamer, but it sure is an easier and will forever be a space of compassionate living.

Have a Happy & Safe Independence Day, everyone!


Last Day of Huge Sale!!!
Use Promo Code SUMMER40 when checking out😉

Happy Liberation Day!

I might be your teacher and coach for those who need REAL.

Many have told me;
"It was like you were in my head."
"It was just what I needed."
"I leave class nicer."
"Class is like therapy."

I am an individual who shares what I feel, AND I am so much like YOU!

We are similar.

I have had the training to share the what, why, how, and why we do things, but in the end, my experiences are what needs to be communicated.

You'll be able to relate to that.

Yes, you will feel the physical benefits like building strength, flexibility, mobility, and balance.

You will also gain more awareness of your ability to develop your willpower, compassion, kindness, and courage for yourself and the world.

Take advantage of this killer sale and delve deep into this practice.

BONUS; I am a PM away if you need help! That is the exceptional reason why working with a small business is the best.

Go to for more information.

To sign up go to...

Use Promo Code SUMMER40 at checkout to receive 40% off your 1st year!

PM if you have any questions! I would love to support you;)

Photos from Yoga DiVita's post 04/07/2024

From so many angles today on the property, The Shire came to mind. What do you think? Is it a fitting name?


1st Year of over 200 classes for just about $10 per month!!!

Start or finish your day with a fabulous 20-minute class that includes meditation, pranayama, and kundalini!

Go for the 60-minute Yang to Yin to shake off the crazy and settle into all the blessings of being in stillness.

There are so many 30-minute classes to choose from that you can't say, "I don't have time."

Allow me to show you what is available to you! You are so strong right now, and the possibilities for your future tomorrow are endless.

Sign up for your 1st year at

At any time, you can cancel ~ there is no obligation!

If you have any questions, I am here and would love to support you!

I can't wait to see you online.


Just watch and sit with it.

Ask yourself if you slow down enough to REALLY offer the time and energy you deserve.

Self-Love is at an all time NEED!

It isn't luxury. It us necessary for survival.

As an individual, cleansing routines like bathing ourselves in oil (abyangha), an infused aromatic bath, or cleansing dry brush can be the catapult into healing.

This beetle had me wrapped around it's 6 legs.


Write it. Say it. Affirm it.

Then, begin to do, think, and say the things that align with the state or emotion you desire.

Get excited!
Allow that want to be bigger than the challenges that will arise.

Imagine a challenge shows up, and you raise one eyebrow as if to say, "I see you, AND I squash your doubt and fear because I deserve this."

It may sound silly, but when we want to change or do something better for ourselves, our patterns, the people in our lives, and our situations will test us.

Ask yourself, how much do you want it and why?

Then, you can only share it with those who will support you. Not all your family and friends want you to change. Even your inner ego will fight because it identified or was very comfortable where you have been.

It takes 40 days to begin to solidify change.

So ride that 40-day train, allowing smiles, tantrums, laughter, and tears as you decide to let go and let in healing. Because let's face it: when you desire something different, you have to grieve what you are leaving behind.


There are some very comfy ones, too. Some started when you were a child to soothe you, some to protect you, and some to defend you.

These habits are not you; you deserve whatever that emotion or state of being is. We need to hug that inner child with all the love and compassion to begin feeding them everything they didn't feel they were supported by.

Peace. Happiness. Feel Good. Valued. Courage. Worthy. Strong.
Restful. Easy.

But what is it YOU want?

Take a moment with your hands over your heart, heart-lifting into the hands to sit tall, eyes open or closed to feel into this space...

What do you truly desire?

Let's fill this space with fantastic abundance for July. Share a word, phrase, GIF, emoji, or whatever feels right for you. Share it with us to begin the momentum of creating this truth for YOU!


Last day of the month and THIS is in my path❤🙏 Thank You Thank You Thank You

In short, the turkey feather embodies this sense of abundance - it's a reminder of the plentiful blessings we have and should be grateful for😍


I have so much to be grateful for ~ YOU are one of those things!

From now until July 5th, you can use SUMMER40 to receive 40% off the $188 annual subscription on Yoga DiVIta's Online Platform!

That comes out to $10 and change per MONTH ~ Crazy Awesome!

With over 200 videos of classes, there is so much to pick from! Choose from yoga, meditation, philosophy, and Ayurveda content.

If you have any questions on your journey, I am here to support you;)

It gets better ~ more content will be added in 2024 and 2025!

If you or someone you know will benefit, please check it out, share this post, or hit the 🫶 to show the post some LOVE, and even drop a comment!


I might be your teacher and coach for those who need REAL.

Many have told me;
"It was like you were in my head."
"It was just what I needed."
"I leave class nicer."
"Class is like therapy."

I am an individual who shares what I feel, AND I am so much like YOU!

We are similar.

I have had the training to share the what, why, how, and why we do things, but in the end, my experiences are what needs to be communicated.

You'll be able to relate to that.

Yes, you will feel the physical benefits like building strength, flexibility, mobility, and balance.

You will also gain more awareness of your ability to develop your willpower, compassion, kindness, and courage for yourself and the world.

Take advantage of this killer sale and delve deep into this practice.

BONUS; I am a PM away if you need help! That is the exceptional reason why working with a small business is the best.

Go to for more information.

To sign up go to...

Use Promo Code SUMMER40 at checkout to receive 40% off your 1st year!

PM if you have any questions! I would love to support you;)

Photos from Yoga DiVita's post 27/06/2024

Keep It Simple, Sweetie.
When you know change needs to happen, look where you can begin.

One simple step.
One easy action.

The whole picture and all that has to happen to get your desired result can lead to being overwhelmed and anxious, preventing you from beginning.

This is not easy and sometimes requires help.

So whether just reading this relieves you or you realize you need support...


Please feel free to reach out if you would like help. It would be my honor.
PM me to schedule a time to chat about your goals, dreams, and desires.

One step at a time!


Begin & Grow with over 200 classes!

This unique online platform was made and inspired by YOU.

Classes needed to be accessible for your lifestyle and life stages.

It isn't a one-size-fits-all situation because we are not. You are divinely created and continuously changing. Your needs, wants, and desires should reflect that, even on your mat!

So whether your nervous system needs to shake off stress through a cathartic, high-energy kundalini yoga practice or a fully supported, easeful restorative yoga class, you have those choices here!

This massive discount allows you to practice for the 1st year for only about $10 per month.

The most significant and most challenging choice is saying YES!

Beginning a path of connecting more to who and how you are is the path to ultimate self-care.

Bonus: I am here to assist you on this journey! By supporting a small business, the teacher is available to answer your questions.

The promo CODE SUMMER40 at check out will take 40% OFF your first year of riding this beautiful wave on Yoga DiVita's Online Platform.

Go to for more information. Or go directly to to sign up.


THIS...what inactions are you choosing?
Shared the Wild Women Sisterhood


Yay! Someone has just decided to begin...
Choosing a path that is accessible with room to grow 🤩 to check out the Summer Sale!


For less than $10 per month...
You can access a HUGE archive of yoga classes, meditations, and philosophy discussions.

Your Benefits Include but are not limited to;
- advertisement free
- many levels of classes; gentle, beginner, and level 1 & 2
- many styles of classes; hatha, kundalini, yin, restorative, chair, nidra, and yang to yin
- class times that suit your lifestyle, from 10-minute meditations to 30-60-minute yoga classes
- access 24/7
- room to start and grow in your practice

If you need help along your journey, PM me for support!

For over 25 years, I have been riding the wave of learning, practicing, and sharing. I have learned many lessons, but the greatest one is VARIETY, which helps us let go of our attachments and allows space to self-realize.

It is not about reaching the pinnacle pose; instead, it is about tuning into where and who you are while you are practicing and becoming better connected to how you are daily.

Imagine softening where you tend to be hard on yourself, challenging yourself past your edge in a more loving and supportive space, and creating the most significant connection you will ever need in your lifetime.

Head over to the site using SUMMER40 at checkout to receive 40% off your 1st year subscription.


Try to tune into what makes you cool as a cucumber😉
Happy Monday, Everyone!

I always have lip balm in my truck because who likes chapped, sunburned, or blistered lips? Those are definitely not sexy.

Fun facts: If you get nasty cold sores for various reasons, like stress, a poor immune system, or being overexposed to the sun, take L-lysine daily. Warning: Not all L-lysine is vegetarian. However, it is out there.

L-lysine helps build a more robust immune system and tissue health, which helps defend against problematic sores that warn us when we are knee-deep in stress, anxiety, and worry.

Hydration is vital too!

During these crazy warm days, up your water intake and add mint to keep you calm and cool mentally, physically, and emotionally😉 I know this will sound crazy, but hold the ice. Allow the mint to be the cooling agent! Ice is like throwing a wrench in your body's digestive fire—it dampens it.

Listen to your body's signs and symptoms ~ it is brilliant when we tune in to it!


Just so you know...
Happy Friday! Go share your beautiful self with the world.

Photos from Yoga DiVita's post 20/06/2024

Creating anything costs time, energy, and financial resources.

Many moons ago, I purchased a rainbow of mistint gallons at Lowes Home Improvement for $7 to create our tire garden on The 12. Those same gallons are now $15🙃 BUT a brand new gallon can cost anywhere between $20 for the cheap crap to $50 for the better. I prefer Valspar's Signature😉

Let me preface by saying that I am not afraid of color. Once upon a time, Mom called our house the Easter Egg Home. Maya DiVita, at one point, in her little tiny voice, called our great room "FIRE" like the Blowfish in Finding Nemo.

I still have quite a variety of colors because #1, you can't throw them away; they last forever, and I use those same gallons/quartz in all sorts of projects: furniture, canvas, or walls. There is no wrong way to use the paints. don't mix oil and latex. That is the big exception.

So, with today's crazy jacked-up prices, I am uber crafty to save money. I have created three colorful gallons by combining open and half-used quartz/gallons. Also, whenever I go to Lowe's, I check out their mistint selection. A tip: Sometimes, you can add more tint to create a new color for those lighter, unwanted gallons.

This is great for accent walls, bathrooms, or creating different spaces in a great room.

I created our 5-gallon bucket of deck stain this way for The Mountain Life. It only costs about $90, compared to $160 for a 5-gallon bucket of clear stain.

You just can't be scared, and you really have to let go of the end is what it is, or as we say in yoga, practicing non-attachment and santosha (contentment)~ I say it is pure AWESOME SAUCE!

These are the colors I created today. Aren't they amazing?!!!

Retreat 2024 | maitreyasada 20/06/2024

I am so excited for this!
Asheville, North Carolina
Sep 12-16, 2024
Re-Connect and Re-Awaken more of your True Authentic Essence and live your life with more Freedom to be YOU!

Not only am I attending these beautiful humans at this magical retreat as a student, but I will also be teaching yoga. I feel so honored to have been asked. If you want to join me...there are a few spots left😉

Retreat 2024 | maitreyasada Enjoy Yoga, Healing Meditations, Live Music, Sacred Ceremonies and other daily practices that will help us remember our deepest truth, and blaze this authentically in all parts of our life.


Beastly Summer Sale ~ 40% OFF
Use it or gift it, this is an unbelievable discount that will get you back into the game of self-love through yoga and meditation.

With over 200 videos, multiple styles, and levels you will always have something to choose from.

Create movement while grounding yourself with Hatha, Kundalini, and Chair Yoga.
Intentionally slow down with yin, restorative, or yoga nidra.
Get still daily with the many Kundalini meditations.

It doesn't get any better than this. Oh, wait, it does. ;) If you need support at any time, I am one PM away to assist you on your journey!

Use code SUMMER40 when checking out for your first annual subscription to receive 40% off. The offer is good until June 27th! Here is the link;

Photo credit

Summer Season with tips you can't miss 20/06/2024

Happy Summer Solstice!
Our latest newsletter has tips and tricks on staying healthy as we move into some serious HOTNESS ~ Pitta Season! Also, check out the 40% OFF Sale.

Summer Season with tips you can't miss Summer's here and so is the heat!     Solstice is upon us! It asks us to turn inward and seek the nourishment needed to grow and evolve. In the Spring season, action is taken to plant the seeds, and n

Photos from Yoga DiVita's post 18/06/2024

Magical Firsts!
Yes, this is the First Ever for observe a male cardinal feeding its baby out of its nest.
I think these are the moments that connect me more to that Universal and Divine space.

We can all agree on the essential things we need to live, like food, hydration, and sleep, but these are the moments that encompass you with abundant and organic energy.

Hearing a child's laugh, seeing horses run, watching the rain fall or the clouds move across the sky ~ these are the things that plug you into stable and loving energy.

If you need a pick-me-up, go outside and take a break.
Look around to see, feel, and hear nature's beauty.
Maybe it is resting that you actually need. Let your bare feet touch the earth or even better lay on it;)

Lose the weight of overstimulating yourself with business and/or procrastination to begin to gain weight in what matters ~

Photos from Yoga DiVita's post 14/06/2024

What are you focusing on?
Since walking through perimenopause and into menopause, I have gained 15 pounds.

I feel fabulous and I love this new shape, but it wasn't always this way.

When things began to shift at 38 years of age, like the skin, cellulite, rolls, and wrinkles, I won't was rough. I amped up my diet, exercise, and anti-aging products. Stress was at an all time high.

It seemed to make it worst. I was so focused on what I was that I wasn't enjoying who I was becoming....

A more radiant version of ME!

It doesn't matter who you are or what body you are in, we are our worst enemies. Woman are SO hyper focused on our exterior because we are being pushed to not change. Just scroll social media to feel the resistance of feeling complete as you are right now.

OMG, that is absolute absurd and toxic for our nervous system and hormonal balance.

When you accept, surrender, and delve into the most beautiful parts of yourself - radiance and vitality will beam from your being!

The feminine aspects of Ayurveda opened my eyes and heart to loving my WHOLE self. And, the symptoms I was experiencing diminished a lot🥳

Daily life choices had to change for this new stage. I am totally loving it while also admitting I had to walk through the grief to let go of some of the practices and ways of thinking I was focusing on.

Here I am at 51 experiencing less pain and suffering while completely embracing this new phase.

PS. My young adult kids are watching. Wouldn't it be fabulous for them to witness their Mama loving herself?

Are you interested in support during those hormonal shifts? PM me to set up a time to explore if an Ayurvedic Wellness Journey is a good fit.


Nourishing the WHOLE self takes effort
Do you find it hard to find the time?
Do you feel totally lopsided holding too much emphasis on certain areas in your life?
Do you find remorse or anger setting in as you ponder this?
Sweetie, it is totally okay and normal.
Most healers, teachers, and coaches in the world are brilliant at teaching the tools but a bit cockeyed about maintaining balance.
Everyone sometimes needs a little guidance or even a total intervention to get back on track and move toward living a full but not overwhelming life.
For most of my life, so much emphasis was placed on work, education, and family that I fell short of doing the things to help nourish all that external action.
Eating and resting, like fully chilling out, would take the backseat in my everyday living.
I was left with chronic migraines starting in my late 20s. I normalized the amount of stress and anxiety, and my body was becoming riddled with arthritis, too.
Fast forward to where I am today at 51, eating, drinking, moving, and resting have taken the front seat in my vehicle in living.
I have a better understanding of why I usually get a migraine which means I know how to better manage life for prevention.
The connection I have with my own needs to feel both strong and gentle is the best ever.
Some of the changes include;
Slowing down to rest and connect a lot more.
Choosing nutrition that satiates my body, mind, and soul.
Moving in a more loving way and on a regular basis.
Finding more ways to incorporate and explore JOY.
It is easy to fall into routines that distract us from the above, but there is another way.
Whether you want to feel;
You just have to let it in.
Create space for YOU.

I am taking on a few more clients to explore an Ayurvedic Wellness Journey. If you are ready, PM to chat or check out The WHW Journey
Virtual or In-person, we can begin to create space for your dreams and goals.


Be where you are.

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Just watch and sit with it.Ask yourself if you slow down enough to REALLY offer the time and energy you deserve.Self-Lov...
I know, I up ice can be HARD.But what if I told you your energy would increase, your metabolism would wake...
Foundational Acts of StengthWhen you wake up, are you feeling rushed or struggling to get out of bed?Do you eat on the g...
I have so much to be grateful for ~ YOU are one of those things!From now until July 5th, you can use SUMMER40 to receive...
Join me over on YDs Online Platform for more amazing videos with NO ADS and less mess😉Use SUMMER40 at checkout to receiv...
Begin & Grow with over 200 classes!This unique online platform was made and inspired by YOU.  Classes needed to be acces...
Yay! Someone has just decided to begin...Choosing a path that is accessible with room to grow 🤩 to ch...
Pause. Take a seat. Look around. Find something that grounds you, creates calm and stability in you.Daily Practices don'...
The Hawk symbolism is vision, strength, and freedom. Love her gift and message🙏
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