Palm Beach RD

Palm Beach RD

Licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Photos from Palm Beach RD's post 16/07/2024

✍️ Published!

I wrote a piece for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Sports & Human Performance Nutrition practice group. It’s in the Summer 2024 newsletter entitled “Motorsports Nutrition: From Participant to Practitioner.”

When I was competing in motorcycle racing, nutrition and hydration wasn’t a big focus. There was little to no research. Sports dietitians were unheard of in this field, and still relatively are. We didn’t know the role that nutrition played in performance and cognition.

In this article for fellow dietitians I outline what to look for when working with Motorsports athletes from training, energy needs, culture, and hydration. Things I know now as a dietitian that I wish I knew as an athlete!

You can see the article at

Download the article if you are:

- a dietitian
- an athlete who is looking for what to consider in your nutrition plan
- a coach, parent or team owner who is looking for a more solid nutrition strategy for riders/drivers

Special thanks to incredible athletes Noah Sherman and Avery Dreher for your insight. At a young age these athletes realize the importance of nutrition in their performance 👏🏻

🙏🏻 Since this publication, Avery and his siblings lost their dad to a heart attack while on their way to a track. He was their biggest supporter and fan, both on and off the track. It was Avery’s uncle who reached out to me to help me write this from the perspective of a young, up-and-coming racer.

I know first hand how traumatic losing a parent at a young age is. I know they have a great support system and are resilient kids but they could use our help. Please consider donating to help Avery and his two siblings.

John Ludwig


Say “yes” 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋

You never know where something will lead. I volunteered with the Florida Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics while I was in school, before I was even a dietitian. Three years later I am honored to be the recipient of the President’s Award in 2024. I work on the public policy committee with some incredible colleagues.

I knew I had a passion for advocating for what we do, and how important nutrition is. Even more, I wanted…no, I NEEDED people to know that misinformation is widespread. I was a consumer of this information and it really impacted my relationship with food and my body. Not in a good way. That’s when I decided to go back to school. Now I realize how important having a LICENSE to practice is. It’s a protection for consumers. It says “I’m qualified based on my education, my required training hours and the knowledge gained from colleagues.”

Registered dietitians are the experts in nutrition and I don’t mean just weight loss. In the state of Florida and in many states we are qualified to provide medical nutrition therapy. This means if you have an autoimmune condition, gastrointestinal condition, eating disorder, need detailed sports nutrition recommendations, etc. we conduct an assessment and make recommendations that are tailored to the individual.

There’s lots more to do! We are just getting started.

Photos from What's Cooking Kids?'s post 22/05/2024

Summer camp openings!

Photos from Palm Beach RD's post 15/05/2024

Summer tournaments and sports are here (at least in South Florida they are!)

As temperatures and humidity rise, use these tips for being prepared before the game(s), during and after. If you’ve ever seen your athlete after a tournament where they are just fatigued, have persistent muscle soreness, experience performance plateaus, and/or feel like they have “heavy legs,” they might need some attention to their nutrition, hydration and sleep.

You can’t gauge how you feel with how they feel. Their growing bodies and needs are different.

Parents, don’t forget you! While we always make sure we take care of our players, we may forget our own needs to keep cool. Bring an umbrella and chair, plenty of water and snacks.

Photos from Palm Beach RD's post 12/05/2024

So blessed.
My heart is full with you in our lives.roesch

Happy Mother’s Day!

Photos from Jupiter Middle School of Technology PTO's post 10/05/2024

Proud to support our teachers with good food 🍓🍒🍊


When I’d rather be in bed, I’ll practice beside it.

is hard for me. I wouldn’t do this in class yet. I’d create dominos with yogis.


Race course partner 💗

Photos from Palm Beach RD's post 26/04/2024

Excited to try these products sent from Germany! 🇩🇪

I’ll need my local friend to help me translate labels 🗣️

I’m pretty open about my own experiences with and I’m always looking for foods that can help make GI issues a bit less stressful for others too.

It was when I was doing triathlons that my symptoms really got bad. I was using as fuel and it wrecked my gut, unbeknownst to me at the time. In someone who doesn’t have IBS this isn’t typically a concern.

Fact: Low FODMAP foods can help some athletes improve endurance and reduce gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. GI issues are common among athletes. FODMAPs, which are present in the gastrointestinal tract or ingested during exercise, can cause gas and osmotic effects that trigger or increase exercise-associated GI. Now you know!

Disclosure: As a Registered Dietitian, these products were provided to me for free.


Local Dietitians - please join us!
Advance our profession in West Palm Beach and meet up with others 🥥🍍


Shout out today to all the dads, moms and coaches out there that make rec sports happen! 🥇

Its rewarding but it’s not always easy. It’s a volunteer job.

Take into account that these volunteers work at their “day job” all day and then conduct practice until 8:30-9:00 pm.

In an age where expensive travel sports and pay-to-play models have become the norm, let’s take the pressure off performance and have fun 👏🏻

Support recreational leagues that teach skills, teamwork and respect.

That also means, however, that kids bring their attention and respect to the coaches who spend the time.

It starts with us, parents! Tell a coach thank you for investing in your kid. Teach your child the expectations of listening to their coach. It makes it more fun for everyone.


The older I get, the older our kids get, the more I realize the important lessons my dad taught me. If you know my story you know my mom died when I was 11 years old. My dad was a huge influence in my teen years. I was incredibly fortunate to have a strong and positive role model.

I wanted to quit playing the oboe about 20 times (maybe more!?!). I started playing in 5th grade. He didn’t let me quit. I played in the band throughout high school. What that taught me: I appreciate classical music, history and that I could do hard things even when it was no longer “fun”. I mean the oboe…have you ever tried a double reed instrument? It also taught me the value of having different friend groups.

My dad signed me up for summer tennis lessons to keep me busy. The only issue I had? Riding my bike with my racquet tied to it for 7 miles there, 7 miles home. I wanted to quit. He said no. It taught me the crazy feeling of independence. I felt like I could do anything if I could do that at 12 years old.

I never wanted to quit school but I did want to quit math. It was never easy for me. I always felt like there was a piece of my brain that couldn’t think straight about complex equations. Still do (I don’t help my kids with math 😄). I wanted out but he taught me that math was more about practical application so he taught me how to create an amortization schedule in Excel for my can loan so I could see how the numbers worked. It taught me I didn’t have to know it all. I just had to be able to apply the lessons.

I thought I wanted to quit swimming in college when I had to get to practice at 5:30am in the cold Buffalo weather. He didn’t let me quit. I went on to win team MVP. It taught me the value of persistence and grit. I was so proud for sticking it out despite a huge plateau in my skills and a mental block in my twisting dives.

Did you know that 70% of kids drop out of sports by age 13? 😳 The hardest part about parenting is repetition. You may sound like a broken record or a nag but persistence matters.


I see you.
The athlete.
The teammate.
Always standing, ready to play and head in the game whether he starts or not.
Supporting his team.
Tough when he needs to be.
Coachable and willing to learn.
Compassionate and stands up for his teammates.
Gives his all.
I see you.

And I am so proud of you, Jack for all the lessons you have learned and continue to learn, and the ones you teach me 💙

Keep playing 🥍
On to the next season in life 🏃😉


It wasn't until 10th grade that I started diving on the swim team. 🏊🏻‍♀️

I went on to a Division III school (no, not Division I 🤔), where I had the time of my life with my team and was asked to be on the Title IX Student-Athlete Advisory Board with the president of the college. I interned at Walt Disney World and earned my first bachelor's degree while trying my hand at being a private pilot. ✈️

It wasn't until I was 21 that I rode on a street bike. 🏍️ At age 24, I took it to the track and began racing, earning a national championship at age 30. 🏆

I placed some respectable finishes in triathlons in my late 30s, raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society when our kids were 3 and 4. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I tried CrossFit at age 38 for the first time and became a personal trainer and coach...and a Registered Dietitian at age 48....and I'm not done yet 🙌🏻

Let's stop telling our kids that they have to have it all together by high school. Instead, teach them to love sports and taking care of their bodies, to find a new sport at any level, and to love the friendships it provides and the opportunity to figure out what kind of athlete they want to be! There is plenty of time.

Photos from Palm Beach RD's post 19/02/2024

Consider this scenario:

Your teen wakes up for school, rushes out the door with barely a breakfast.

Forgets his/her water bottle and won’t drink from the fountain (who can blame them?!? 😝)...besides, they hate going into the bathrooms so they avoid hydration for that reason too 🐫

At lunch they socialize with friends, maybe eat a few dry snacks and run off to practice or a game right after school, not hydrated enough to perform well.

🥍 What’s a parent to do?

Encourage a water bottle and have a back-up.

Make their snacks/lunch a mix of fruits, carbohydrate and some protein. Even a meal replacement shake can be helpful and quick.

Early signs of dehydration can be detected in your teen by educating them on the color of their urine. Send them this post or screen shot it for them.

Other signs of dehydration can be missed in teens, chalked up to some “usual” moods. These include the loss of coordination, increased irritability, and fading energy are all indicators of dehydration.

Teach your teen to recognize & communicate their symptoms to their coach.


Does eating healthy ever get easier!?!?

This is an excellent question. Behavior change is hard. It takes time.

Consider this scenario:

You’re headed to a Super Bowl party. Bowls of chips and dips, burgers, cheese trays, Buffalo wings, BBQ and all kinds of good food, not to mention drinks.

You’ve given yourself a plan to eat healthier. Now you’re faced with all this tempting food. Add in a drink or two and every notion of resisting temptation goes out the door. Screw it, you say! I’m having fun!

Then Monday morning comes and your mad at yourself because you didn’t stick to your plan. Rinse and repeat over a few months, years and you wonder how you got to where you are.

I love a good party and game as much as you. Have you seen what people in Buffalo like to do to celebrate game day!?!

The difference is that I’m not tempted like I once was. I can have these foods sitting in front of me and I simply choose to eat better. I don’t say “I’ll start on Monday” or “I feel like I am missing out.”

How did I get there?

Practice & time
Accountability & support
Changing my environment
Self-care & a more positive body image

Not from dieting. That only creates a feeling of scarcity that ends up in more cravings and yo-yo dieting.

Go to that party, have fun but don’t make food the center of your universe. Engage in conversation, pick healthier options or opt for smaller portions of the foods you really want, have a mock-tail or just one drink, picture tomorrow and how proud you will feel about sticking to your goals and how you didn’t let yourself down yet again.

📷 Chocolate Cherry Smoothie made with 3/4 c soy milk, 6-7 frozen cherries, 1 Tbsp cocoa powder, 1/2 frozen banana, tsp chia seeds. Mix in . Topped with bran flakes (I didn’t have granola for the crunch 🙂).


Need encouragement and support to get yourself exercising?

We got you. Join the group, join the challenge.


I’m not sure why tech companies can’t be held accountable for releasing technology that contributes to the mental health of our youth. Filters are the first. Young teens using them regularly - what good comes of that?? The more features an app has, the more users. The more users, the more 💵

I am constantly reminding my kids that what is online isn’t real life and to do other things. I feel like a broken record and they don’t even know what that analogy is 😄

“Young women are not only comparing their appearance to perfect images of celebrities and peers but also judging themselves against their filtered selfies. This constant comparison can be a source of great suffering and erode one’s positive body image and self-esteem.”
- Pyschology Today


During the month of February I am hosting a FREE move more challenge: Challenge for Your Purpose.

The goal is to get 100 minutes of movement per day. Sound impossible? It's not! While it may not happen every single day, it is possible to make strides toward that goal, and I will show you how! You don't have to commit to anything but TRYING.

I made a commitment to challenge myself, and I would love for you to join me. If you are in a slump, need a push or want to be a part of something meaningful, here you go!

Once you commit to participate, the only requirement is to choose a charity close to your heart and, at the end of the month, make a donation - large or small! It doesn't matter.

I chose the Parkinson's Foundation in the name of my dad. I will move because PD is a thief of controlled movement. My dad was always so active and passionate about staying strong. I have such fond memories of him showing me how much weight he could push while I cringed at his form 😂 He never gave up. Especially when it came to work. It was his true passion.

❓Did you know? In a 2021 Journal of Neurology meta-analysis, physical exercise was shown to improve quality of life, depressive symptoms, attention, and working memory in those with Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and unipolar depression. This means that exercise has a therapeutic effect on the brain.

If that isn't enough motivation to get moving, I have more! Join me 💪🏻
Register here:

Once you register, you will receive an email with your confirmation. Be on the lookout for additional details.

Photos from Palm Beach RD's post 17/01/2024

I do love yogurt! Any other yogurt fans out there?

As someone who battled (yes, past tense) with IBS for years, yogurt is one of those staples in my diet. There are other fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchi but I can’t tolerate them. Yogurt has been my go-to.

All the reasons to enjoy yogurt in different ways!
1. Yogurt dip with apples
2. Frozen
3. Dessert with powdered peanut butter
4. Quick parfait on-the-go

Packed with probiotics for gut health, high in protein, and a great source of essential nutrients. Delicious and nutritious! 🥄


Nutrition isn’t everything.

It can be the foundation.

Watch for 🚩: all-or-nothing, miracles, panaceas.

Photos from Palm Beach RD's post 14/01/2024

It’s Sunday and unless you have a private chef, dinner is on you! 😄

You’re busy. So here is one important strategy to lighten your load this week - your meal plan strategy.

Here are five tips for Sunday preparations that will save you time and energy this week. Plus, you’ll love that your family is eating well and not visiting the drive-thru again 🚘

1. Your first task is to delegate to your significant other or kids. Something as simple as providing meal ideas and/or helping prep in the kitchen. No matter your children's age, they can help at some level with meal prep and lunch packing. My kiddos especially loved helping to provide their favorite meal for one night of the week.

2. Use a meal plan as a guide. It doesn’t mean that you have to make every meal on a meal plan but it can help to get started with preparing healthy meals the whole family can enjoy. Be flexible and realistic.

3. Leverage dinner for next day’s lunch. Scale your recipes to ensure you have enough for lunch the next day. Also, pack lunches BEFORE you eat dinner to avoid adding burden to your already busy morning schedule.

4. Batch your work. We talk about batching work with tasks at the office, but what about in the kitchen? Same time-saving principle applies! If you are cutting up crunchy red bell pepper sticks, don’t cut up a new pepper each and every night. Once or twice a week, cut up veggies (or have your kiddo do it!) and store them in bags that are ready to use for another meal or snack.

5. Some of my favorites! Smoothies for breakfast, Taco Tuesdays, Honey Glazed Salmon, Soups and Breakfast for dinner!

What are some of yours? Comment and help another parent out! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


🏁Motorsports friends and athletes!
Would you help me out for an article I am writing for a publication ✏️?

How important do you feel nutrition and being fit is to be successful in your sport?

A. Important: my diet helps me to be faster, concentrate better and feel my best!

B. Somewhat important: it matters but does not help me ride/race faster

C. Not important at all.
These factors play a bigger role __________ (provide your response)



What does it mean to be “coachable”?

Teens: I’m sure you’ve heard this one before. Your coaches, mentors, and parents may have mentioned it.

Being coachable in your sport means you are open to guidance and being taught in order to improve.

Learning from the experts, or those who have the requisite skills to guide you to be your best.

When coaches have an athlete who is willing to learn, a coach is willing to invest.

Coachability is the greatest asset to improvement in nutrition.

Willing to learn that certain nutrients can benefit not only your performance and growth but your long-term health. It may not seem important now, but your elders can attest it is.

When you come across as knowing it all or that you don’t care, there’s not much to teach.

Be wiling to go the extra mile.

The road less traveled.


Redirect focus from the external pressures. There are so many, especially for our today who are trying to adhere to the impossible standards of perfection.

Prioritize nutrition for health, practice , gain and to your body's cues rather than the weight-centric narrative.

💫It's time to embrace your journey!


This week I presented with the Florida Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics on grassroots advocacy. The underlying message is that anyone can speak up on issues they believe in, such as quality nutrition care - those who provide it and receive it.

We on the Public Policy Committee for are committed to nutrition care and coverage for Floridians.

Floridians should be able to choose a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and utilize their insurance. Consumers should also be protected against false and misleading information regarding nutrition.


Sweet Truths Unveiled: The Science Behind Artificial Sweeteners🧑‍🔬 -


with and

🌱 Rise and energize with these homemade plant-powered pre-workout breakfast cookies! 🍪💪 I have made so many versions of energy bites and these are among the tastiest!

Here's how we are fueling up for a killer CrossFit and football workouts in my family:


Rolled oats for sustained energy 🌾

Maple syrup as a natural sweetener 🍁
Flax seeds for Omega-3s 🌱

Nut butter for a protein punch 🥜

A sprinkle of dark chocolate chips for a treat 🍫

Tips for a Power-Packed Cookie:

Balanced Carbs: Oats provide complex carbs for lasting energy during your workout.⚡️🏋️‍♀️

Protein Boost: Nut butter adds plant-based protein, aiding in muscle recovery. 💪🌱

Hydration Kick: Flax seeds absorb water, keeping you hydrated during exercise. Mix them in or soak beforehand! 💧🌿

Mindful Indulgence: Dark chocolate chips add a touch of sweetness without going overboard. It's all about balance! 🍪🍫

Prep Ahead: Whip up a batch the night before, so you're ready to grab and go in the morning. 🌄⏰

Remember, every body is different. Experiment with ingredients and portion sizes to find what works best for your workouts. And hey, if you're curious about tailoring your nutrition for exercise, consulting a registered sports dietitian can be a game-changer! 🌱🥗

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 05:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 05:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:30