Mississippi Intrigue

Mississippi Intrigue

Mississippi Intrigue is about the strength of two women who develop an ulikely bond as they work to


“I just finished reading the most AMAZING book - Mississippi Intrigue by Cindy D. Harvey. Cindy, you are NOT "an author," you are an amazing, crazy-talented writer and one of the BEST authors I have ever read.” - Frances Kermeen...author


I have HUGE news!!! I am now working with a legit publisher - Waldenhouse Publishing. Watch later this year for the revised 2nd edition of Mississippi Intrigue to be released. And the two other books I've been working on these past years will soon follow that release. I told you guys not to give up on me! 😘


Here's a new update. Mississippi Intrigue is no longer available, unless you find a used copy. I waited out the contract with my awful publisher and now have the full rights to this story. I have been battling a major disease that has had me down for quite a while, but I have almost completed a new book and I'm working with an agent who is mentoring me. Once the new book is published, I will then republish this book that has been loved by so many. Thank you all for your support and interest and most of all, your loyalty! Don't give up on me. I'll be back soon!


As I prepare to send Mississippi Intrigue off to Black Balloon, Random House, and a few other publishers for relaunch, it's always good to be reminded of some of the positive and humbling feedback that I've had over the years. Thank you Sue for reminding me about this one, and thank you Kay for the original post. Fingers crossed!


For my Mississippi Intrigue believers. There is now consideration of changing the name of my book before it is republished. How do you feel about this? Do you have suggestions for a better name for the story or should it stay the same? I'm really perplexed about this today.


For my Mississippi Intrigue believers. There is something big in the works for this story but I am not going to release details until I have solid answers. I just ask that you keep believing, sending out positive energy, and sending up prayers. Might just be a big break in the near future.

"When you can't enter through the front door, kick in a window." - Liz Fichera


Asking for prayers. I have some conversations going back and forth with the agent that I really want to work with. As much as I know what I want, it's Gods will I want overall. My nerves, on the other hand, need lots of prayer!! LOL


This is what keeps my fire stoked. I was awakened last night by my phone going off. It was a message from a stranger telling me that someone had loaned them a copy of my book and she wanted to tell me this...."she allowed me the chance to read "Mississippi Intrigue". It was one of the best books I have read in a long time. I hope to find many more of your books out there. Thank you for such a beautiful story!" My fans are definitely my fuel!! Thank you so much!


Two new 5 Star reviews for Mississippi Intrigue!! I honestly don't know what I would do without my fans. It's you who will help me land the perfect agent very soon and who keep encouraged to try again. Here's one of the newest reviews.
"AMAZING BOOK! The author puts you into the story so well in this book. You can see and feel the surroundings as you read and you can't stop reading until you finish the book. I can't wait to read more from this author. She is a very gifted writer!"


Ok gang! I spoke with my publisher today and in the next few weeks I am going to order one last batch of Mississippi Intrigue before I end my contract with them and start the search for an agent and new publisher. It's been a looong road and I am so excited to be free from them. I do not own the cover work for the original printings so it will go away forever. If you want to order an autographed copy of the original direct from me then please PM me so I'll no how many I want to order. I'm guessing the price will be about 17.00 including shipping. I have to pay almost full price for my own books. Andy Wade I'm gonna replace your copy that was stolen. I appreciate everyone's support and I'm looking forward to the next adventures in my writing career.


Just want to let everyone know that by the middle to end of April I will have retained my rights to Mississippi Intrigue and it won't be available again until I am contracted with a new publisher and ready to publish the second book. At that time I plan to republish Mississippi Intrigue with the Thurman name. So if you don't have a copy of the original and are interested in owning one, you need to order them in the next few weeks. As always, I appreciate everyone's support on this journey that'll soon be kicking into high gear again. Thank you so much!!


I owe my fans so much! They continue to discover me, support me and encourage me. My heart pauses a moment every time I read new reviews like this one.
"Excellent book! I was "Intrigued" from the first page... actually from the title, the picture on the cover, on! The storyteller literally TOOK you there! It was very easy to go on this journey with these characters and get immersed in their story. I can't wait for the next book from this great author to hit the bookstores!"


I am humbled that people continue to discover and discuss Mississippi Intrigue and that fans are still asking me for another book. Some life events from the last few years had me coping with anxiety and dealing with writer's block. I am currently in a much better place and am finally and devotedly hard at work on my next novel. It is titled Pharaby and is a different type of love story with a macabre twist. It will make you question how far you would go for love. Be patient and watch for my updates. Thank you all for your support and please suggest this page to your friends so that they too can enjoy Mississippi Intrigue.


Newest Barnes and Noble review. It is a wonderful feeling to create something trhat touches people!
"I found it impossible to put down from the beginning. This book has everything, love, lust, mystery, hate, supernatural and its definitely intriguing. I could picture every scene as if I was there. Can not get over how true and real to life the story was. Waiting for another from this author."


Latest comment on Mississippi Intirgue!" Any of my friends that are book readers you have to buy Mississippi Intrigue. The author is Cindy D Harvey aka Cindy Nipper Thurman. You can get it on Barnes and Noble or Amazon. I will tell you I read all but 50 pages the first night. I couldn't put it down. It has everything you could want in a book, suspense, love, hate, mystery, after life. I could not believe it, from the first few pages I was hooked. I cant wait for the next one....... HINT HINT Cindy, get writing!!!!


My latest Barnes and Noble review! This kinda stuff keeps me encouraged and makes we want to stay busy on the one I am working on now. I appreciate my fans so much!!
"I absolutely LOVED reading this book! It is clever and tugs at your heart strings. It keeps you guessing and quite intrigued yourself, while drawing tears and smiles from beginning to end! The author describes the settings and characters in a way that you feel you could be sitting right by that fire, watching the story unfold right in front of you. I could not put the book down, and will be reading it again and again!!"


From a new fan! "I just finished reading Mississippi Intrigue, I absolutely LOVED it!! I will be reading it again, and again, quite a few more times haha. It is so clever and completely tugs at the heart strings!!! What a story! Thank you!"


I was just asked for my autograph at the local library where I met a girl with aspirations of becoming an author. I don't think I will ever get used to that. :) Found out that someone checked my book out and liked it so much, they never returned it. Was asked to come in and speak to a group of teenagers who want to be writers and to have a book signing at the library. Love those out-of-the-blue motivating moments!


At the post office earlier the postmaster told me that he recently read my book while in the hospital waiting for some surgery. He said that he loved it and asked if I had ever considered writing screen plays because he felt that the story would be a perfect mini-series or movie. What an ego-boost. All I need is that perfect agent..........


Ok gang, I have begun to receive responses from agents and agencies. Please pray that I make the right decision and choose the person who is best able to move my career in the direction I want to take it. I am feeling a bit anxious now that I getting communication from them.


Hey Everyone. I get weekly updates on this page and know that several of you are following the page for updates. Thank you, that keeps me encouraged. I continue to query agents for Harry's View, faithful that the right one will come along. I am also hard at work on the third book, Loving Simone. To give you a hint on that one...I am interviewing a mortician next week. ;) Thanks again for all of your support.


Cross your fingers, toes and legs, and send up prayers!!! Book 2, Harry's View is done and I am sending queries to agents and starting on book three. I wish everyone the happiest Thanksgiving ever. I am so blessed and so thankful!


More autographed copies of Mississippi Intrigue will be available at Papa Bears in Seminary next week.


If anyone has tried to order a copy of Mississippi Intrigue and had problems, please let me know. My publisher is in the process of changing to Baker and Taylor as their book distributor and should have everything going smoothly by next week.


The new book I am working on is set in New Orleans, a city very near to my heart and soul. I love great sultry and sensual jazz and blues playing in the background to set the mood while I write. If any of you are fans of the same music please let me know your favorites so I can add them to my collection.


Check this out! Freado.com, a website that helps me promote Mississippi Intrigue, is using my cover in their online game Cover Matcher. Log on to check it out and play to win prizes. Thanks for all the support. Mississippi Intrigue on FB aleady has 50 fans and is growing rapidly. Keep spreading the word to your friends and family.


Be sure to go to my favorites and check out the Music Maker Relief Foundation. I donate 10% of my royalties to the group that works to keep the Blues alive by helping the pioneers of the Blues meet their day to day needs.

About Mississippi Intrigue by Cindy Harvey-fReado 18/05/2010

Go to www.freado.com/book/4892/Mississippi-Intrigue to read part of Mississippi Intrigue and purchase a copy.

About Mississippi Intrigue by Cindy Harvey-fReado In mortality, each of us faces temptation. It is where we allow the allurement to lead us that decides our destiny and the fate of those who love us. Often as we age, we find ourselves longing for the simplistic spark of our younger days. For Hunter Watson that desire would lead to a consequential d...


Working on the page guys...be patient with me. :)

Mississippi Intrigue 18/05/2010

