Jane Natoli

Jane Natoli

This is a page for the civic engagement efforts of Jane Natoli in San Francisco

Timeline photos 04/01/2021

Hi folks! As you may have seen me post elswhere, I'm running to be an Assembly Delegate in AD-19 with a great group of folks and I'm proud to be endorsed by Assemblymember Phil Ting. Check out my recent email for instructions on how you can support upport me in ADEMs - https://mailchi.mp/b42b270c6729/im-asking-for-your-support-in-adems


As I kept remarking the last month, it’s something to look at a ballot and see your name on it. Win or lose, I put myself out there. Right now I’m on the wrong side of the vote tally, and though a lot more votes remain to be counted, it seems unlikely I will make up that ground. I'm actually fairly at peace with that. I knew the challenge I was facing, and knew this was the most likely outcome.

Still, I’m proud of the work we did. And I do mean we. So many of you chipped in time, money, and support to help power this DCCC campaign. I was touched by how many folks reached out to express their support in all these ways and more and I am lucky to call so many of you my friends.

I ran with a great group of running mates, many who were first time candidates like me. We learned so much from each other and did so much to support each other and while the vote count might not reflect the result we want for many of us, I was honored to do the work with so many great people. I doubt this will be the last time you see our names on ballots in San Francisco.

For now, it’s a couple days to rest and recuperate, but then it’s back to work. I may have rolled off the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition board, but I still serve the SF LGBT Center and YIMBY Action and the Citizen's General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee. I look forward to catching up with friends over a drink or a game or a show and figuring out what is next in all the parts of my life that maybe haven’t gotten as much attention as they should have these past few months.

There is a lot of work in front of us, but the joy is in the toil. It might not be through the DCCC for me, but I look forward to doing the work of making sure San Francisco lives up to being the city we all know it can be regardless of title or position. I do it because I love this city. No election results will change that.

Timeline photos 04/03/2020

‪That’s it and that’s all, folks. Thanks for going on this wild DCCC ride with me, and for all your help and support in whatever form or fashion you gave it. Now we wait for the votes to be counted ‬

Timeline photos 04/03/2020

Once more, with feeling


Never miss the opportunity for a good trans pun 😉 I hope you will vote for me and my slatemates for DCCC Kat Anderson, Nadia Rahman 駱雯 for DCCC, Cyn Wang 王思惠 for DCCC, Suzy Loftus, Supervisor Ahsha Safai, Seeyew Mo 巫世友, Mary Jung, and Mawuli Tugbenyoh

Timeline photos 03/03/2020

This Is The Day - https://mailchi.mp/f3b0dbea4b54/thisistheday

Timeline photos 02/03/2020

State Senator Scott Wiener is someone I’ve looked up to since I moved here for his tireless work ethic on numerous issues, whether it’s housing, LGBTQ equality, or so much more. He does what is right even when it is hard.

That’s why I’m proud to have his endorsement in my DCCC race.

Vote Jane Natoli Tomorrow!

Timeline photos 02/03/2020

‪It’s 7 am. We are at West Portal station. Elections y’all. Less than 37 more hours remaining to get the word out for our slate. Let’s do this people! ‬

Timeline photos 01/03/2020

We need more homes in San Francisco of all kinds. That’s why I serve YIMBY Action as a board member. We need leaders who will take our housing shortage seriously.

Vote for me for San Francisco Democratic Party County Central Committee on March 3rd.

Timeline photos 29/02/2020

I’m running for Democratic County Central Committee because I’m committed to doing the work of the party.

I’m proud to be recognized and endorsed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi because of that.

Vote for Jane Natoli on March 3rd for DCCC.

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

As a trans woman, I don’t see people like me involved in politics. That’s why Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club matters. They are supporting our next generation of LGBTQ leaders.

Thank you for your endorsement and support.

Vote for me for DCCC on March 3rd.

Timeline photos 27/02/2020

We need a San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee that focuses on making it easier for people to get engaged and focus their energies into the areas mattering to them.

Vote for me on 3/3 for SF DCCC AD19!

Timeline photos 27/02/2020

Back on that DCCC grind in the Marina. Someone just asked me if I had a bumper sticker.

Timeline photos 26/02/2020

Assemblymember David Chiu gets that there is work to be done, that’s why he’s working hard in Sacramento to increase housing production, protect tenants, and make our transit more reliable.

It’s an honor to have his endorsement as I run for San Francisco Democratic Party County Central Committee.

Vote for me on March 3rd.


We're in the final week and making our last push in this DCCC campaign. I'm trying to raise another $1,000 to conduct final outreach with voters via texting in the final days. Each text is $.03, so that's a ton of voters we can reach to help us win the election for our slate. Can you chip in today? We'll put every dollar to use. Thank you! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jane-natoli-for-democratic-county-central-committee-2020-1

Timeline photos 25/02/2020

San Francisco has a rich and diverse history of people and cultures adding to what makes it so great.

That’s why I’m honored by Edwin M. Lee Asian Pacific Democratic Club endorsement of my DCCC campaign. Let’s do the work to ensure this continues to be a diverse city where everyone can thrive.

Vote for me on March 3.

Timeline photos 24/02/2020

One Week Left! Find out how you can help us finish strong! - https://mailchi.mp/7a2d1a4be6f0/8-days-497061

Timeline photos 24/02/2020

We need a Democratic Party that embraces more homes of all types to increase housing availability.

Vote for me for SF DCCC on 3/3!

Timeline photos 23/02/2020

Taking care of the environment means making meaningful changes now.

It’s about building up the resiliency of our city, adding more homes in places where we have the least impact on the climate, and changing our modeshare away from cars to bikes, buses, and other environmentally friendly means of transportation.

Thank you for your endorsement, San Francisco League of Conservation Voters.

Vote for me on March 3rd.

Timeline photos 22/02/2020

I’m committed to doing the work of the Democratic Party and proud to be a member of United Democratic Club.

Whether it’s knocking on doors for candidates, educating voters, or phone banking to elect Democrats nationwide, they do the work and I appreciate their endorsement as someone who wants to bring that spirit to the DCCC.

Vote for me for SF DCCC on March 3.

Timeline photos 21/02/2020

For too many LGBTQ residents, opportunity is out of reach. As a board member of the SF LGBT Center, I will bring real change.

Vote for me before 3/3 for SF DCCC AD19!

Timeline photos 21/02/2020

I'm running for the SF Democratic County Central Committee with other activists committed to doing the work.

When you vote for me, don’t forget to vote for the rest of the candidates I have endorsed and am working with.

Vote all 10 on March 3rd.

Editorial: SF DCCC recommendations 19/02/2020

Honored to receive the endorsement of Bay Area Reporter! That’s a great list of folks who do the work for LGBTQ folks (many who are LGBTQ themselves) and I’m proud to be among them https://www.ebar.com/news/news//288386

Editorial: SF DCCC recommendations The San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee is the governing body of the local Democratic Party as defined in California's Government Code and Elections Code.

Timeline photos 18/02/2020

‪Grinding at transit stops. Two weeks left 😱 finishing this DCCC campaign strong and working to get the word out about our slate until Election Day ‬

Timeline photos 18/02/2020

Two Weeks To Finish Strong - https://mailchi.mp/20be0da23831/two-weeks

Photos from Jane Natoli's post 16/02/2020

‪Back for more with my crew (Nadia Rahman 駱雯 for DCCC, Cyn Wang 王思惠 for DCCC, Seeyew Mo 巫世友, Kat Anderson, Mary Jung, and Mawuli Tugbenyoh) to for another United Democratic Club lit drop with some great support from San Francisco YIMBY folks. Rolling out from the Marina and up into the hills, much to Bobak’s consternation 🙂 we’ll be back next weekend if you want to help! Two more weekends to win this with my fam, vote for all of us! mobilizeorganize.com

Photos from Jane Natoli's post 16/02/2020

This is how we roll! Deep crew for a joint lit drop for our crew(me, Nadia Rahman 駱雯 for DCCC, Cyn Wang 王思惠 for DCCC, Seeyew Mo 巫世友, Kat Anderson, Mary Jung, and Suzy Loftus) and judges (Rani Singh for Judge 2020 興仁義, Pang Ly for Judge, and Dorothy Chou Proudfoot for Judge 2020) endorsed by United Democratic Club and supported by all-star volunteers like Bobak Esfandiari. Then I crushed a precinct in Forest Hill and one in the Sunset. Missed out? Join us tomorrow in the Marina. Still plenty of time to help! https://facebook.com/events/s/marina-mobilization-for-ad19-d/497274677598155/‬

Timeline photos 15/02/2020

One of the things I love about living in the Richmond is the diverse and wonderful people that make it what it is.

The Chinese community here has welcomed me and I’m honored to support them as well.

Thank you Chinese American Democratic Club for your endorsement!

Vote for me for SF DCCC on March 3rd.

Photos from Jane Natoli's post 13/02/2020

Great night talking DCCC in Westwood Highland with my slatemates Nadia Rahman 駱雯 for DCCC, Cyn Wang 王思惠 for DCCC, Seeyew Mo 巫世友, Kat Anderson, Mawuli Tugbenyoh, and Mary Jung, lots of engaging conversations spreading the word about our slate mobilizeorganize.com. Appreciated the welcoming and inquisitive crowd tonight. Less than three weeks to win this!

Timeline photos 10/02/2020

Only 3 Weeks To Go! - https://mailchi.mp/7faa632fbb0d/voting-begins-483345

Timeline photos 10/02/2020

State Senator Scott Wiener is someone I’ve looked up to since I moved here for his tireless work ethic on numerous issues, whether it’s housing, LGBTQ equality, or so much more. He does what is right even when it is hard.

That’s why I’m proud to have his endorsement in my DCCC race.

Vote Jane Natoli on March 3rd.

Timeline photos 09/02/2020

Had something to do this morning so on my lit grind this afternoon dropping lit for me, my slatemates, and more

Timeline photos 08/02/2020

Mayor London Breed gets that our problems are not intractable. That’s why I worked hard to ensure she was elected as Mayor and it’s an honor to have her endorsement as I run for DCCC.

Let’s do the work to solve San Francisco’s problems. Elect Jane Natoli on March 3rd for DCCC
