Sue Toth Editing Services

Sue Toth Editing Services

Let me help you tell your best story! Find out more about me at I am an accomplished editor with more than 25 years of experience.

I can help you with developmental editing, copy editing and proofreading. I can also help you format your manuscript for electronic and print publishing.


Happy everyone! Who can relate to this one, besides me?


Happy Hump Day to all! Check out my latest blog post for some help with getting your manuscript ready to send to an editor. I'm ready to help if you need me!


So I've been doing a thing lately—recording podcasts. I've been having a great time being a guest on several different shows. I'll post them as soon as they are available. Soon you'll get to listen to me talk all about editing and book coaching!


This week's reminds us (sadly) that there's no such thing as sacred private time anymore. Happy weekend to all!


Happy to all my lefty friends. Being left-handed is one of my favorite things about myself. I like being a little different!


Here's a for all my friends who are movie buffs! Enjoy! Have a great weekend!


And this, my friends, is why I work with words, not numbers. Hard stop.


I'm thinking I should rename to . Because this one is a real groaner! Happy weekend, everyone!


I've never been one to shy away from a glass of wine, whether it comes from a bottle or a box. And I also like creating new words. Enjoy this , no matter what your beverage preferences are!


I'm a big fan of tattoos, and I have several. A few years back, I got one that honors my commitment to working with authors as a book coach and editor. Turns out I loved the tattoo so much that I turned it into my business logo! Here's a picture of the original tattoo! Happy to all!

Since it's also , I want to wish 🙂 and ❤️ to all!

Creating a Writing Routine That Works - Sue Toth | Book Coaching and Editing Services 17/07/2024

Sometimes it's all about the routine. Creating a routine can lead to your writing success. Check out more of my thoughts here.

Creating a Writing Routine That Works - Sue Toth | Book Coaching and Editing Services Creating a writing routine not only fosters creativity but also brings discipline, turning fleeting moments of inspiration into tangible progress.


It's time again for ! Those of you in a certain age group might find this one amusing! Have a good summer weekend, everyone!


Who can relate?


Since I'm sure many of you are cooking on the barbecue this weekend for the holiday, I thought this would make a good ! Have a great holiday weekend!

Book Coaching And Editing Services with Sue Toth - Sue Toth | Book Coaching and Editing Services 02/07/2024

Planning your next book? Do you need some help with editing? Maybe you need a book coach to get you where you need to be? I have some openings in my schedule. Reach out and let's talk!

Book Coaching And Editing Services with Sue Toth - Sue Toth | Book Coaching and Editing Services Explore premier book coaching and editing services with Sue Toth. Elevate your writing journey from concept to bestselling novel with a personalized approach by an expert book coach. Start telling your best story today.


Ya know, sometimes a lack of proofreading can be very dangerous! Poor Tim!


Visualization can be a powerful motivator. Take a moment to imagine your finished book on a bookstore shelf. Picture the cover, the title, and your name in print. Visualize readers picking it up and being inspired by your words. This mental image can be a powerful reminder of your goal and keep you motivated during the writing process. Every time you sit down to write, keep that vision in mind. It’s your dream, and it’s within reach.


: Tighten Your Prose
Great writing often comes from great editing. One of the best ways to improve your writing is to eliminate redundant words and phrases.
Look for areas where you can be more concise without losing meaning. This will make your writing more precise and impactful.
Think of editing as sculpting—removing the excess to reveal the masterpiece within. A professional editor can assist in this process, ensuring your work is polished and compelling.


It's time! I really wish I was the person who thought of these things, rather than the one who finds them and shares them with you, but this one gave me a giggle. Have a great weekend! If it's beastly hot where you are, be safe!


This week's comes as a shout-out to all my social media crazy friends!


🌱 Nurture Your Writing Passion

Writing a book is a long journey, and taking care of yourself along the way is essential. Make sure to balance your writing with self-care. Take breaks, enjoy other hobbies, and don’t push yourself too hard. Writing should be a passion, not a chore. You’ll maintain the enthusiasm and energy needed to see your project through by nurturing your creativity and well-being. Remember, a healthy writer is a productive writer!


time! In non-fiction writing, your credibility is everything.
Ensure your book is trustworthy by rigorously fact-checking your content. Use reliable sources and always cite them properly. Your readers rely on you for accurate information, so take the time to verify your facts. This not only builds trust but also enhances the quality of your work. Accuracy and thorough research are the foundations of any great non-fiction book. Let’s make sure your book stands out for its reliability and integrity.


Join Our Writing Community
Writing doesn’t have to be a solitary journey. Like our page to become part of our vibrant writing community and connect with fellow authors. Share your experiences, get feedback, and find inspiration in the stories of others. Being part of a supportive network can encourage you to keep going. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, there’s a place for you here. Let’s grow together and help each other succeed!
Like our page today and start your journey with us!


This gives you a tiny reminder should you need one! Have a great weekend!


Writing a book can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. As a professional book coach and editor, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. From brainstorming ideas to refining your final draft, I provide personalized support tailored to your needs. Let’s collaborate to bring your story to life. Together, we can transform your ideas into a published book. Reach out today, and let’s start this exciting journey!


How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Staring at a blank page can be intimidating, but don’t let writer’s block stop you. Change your environment—sometimes, a new perspective can spark new ideas.
Go for a walk!
Visit a café!
Sit in a different room!
This can help break the block and get your creative juices flowing. Remember, it’s all part of the process!


time again! Ahhh, that pesky punctuation!


Every great author has a great editor behind them. Join my list of successful clients and bring your writing to its fullest potential. Schedule your session now and start your journey to becoming a published author!


Hope you had a great holiday weekend. But it's back to work, and time for ! This week we'll talk about description!

Balance sensory details with action to keep the narrative engaging.

🔸 How to Start: Describe what characters see, hear, smell, and touch.
🔸 Bring Scenes to Life: Weave these elements into active scenes rather than static descriptions.

Example: Instead of "It was a stormy night," use "Mark sprinted through the drenched streets, thunder rumbling like a giant's roar.”


It's finally Friday, and time for another . This one really resonates with me!

Videos (show all)

When you pick up a book, the last thing you expect is a blank page, right? This week’s #TuedayTips will remind you how i...
It's still Tuesday. Still time for #TuesdayTips. Charles Dickens called it a totem. He wrote with a series of porcelain ...
#TuesdayTips time! Don't forget, less is more! Why say in 20 words what you can say just as well in 12? Why say "due to ...
It's #Tuesdaytips time! If you want to be a writer, you have to read! You'll learn so much about storytelling by seeing ...
Welcome to a slightly gross, but very useful, #TuesdayTip. And trust me, it works! #editor #writinglife #editingservices
Happy 2022, everyone! Resolve to set a writing goal for yourself for this year. Mine Is to write a blog once a month. Wh...