Jesus' New Covenant

Jesus' New Covenant

Jesus mediated a New Covenant. JNCA is a teaching ministry based on the Four [4] Promises of the NC. 1. He writes His laws on heart. 2. We can know God. 4.

He becomes our God, we become His people. 3. He remembers our sins no more.


Nourishing Nuggets @ Noon Episode #71:
What Is The "IN"? Let's Define It!

*Nourishing Nuggets @ Noon - Starting 2/28/2024 @ Noon*Author: Mark Baker

Today [Wednesday], the Noon segment will begin focusing on "**Saints Are IN Christ**".

A couple of months ago we finished up an 80-Part Series on our "**Identity IN Christ**" by Teacher/Author Bob George at our 6:00 PM time slot [which presently we are looking at "**The Finality of the Cross**" and soon we will be looking at "**The Reality of the Resurrection**".

What I hope to do in the "**Saints Are IN Christ**" Segment/Episodes of the "**Nourishing Nuggets @ Noon**" is seek to take a "***deeper dive***" into many of the passages that use that word "**IN**".

Thus, we will begin to work through a key list of Scriptures to establish the new self of the new "***heart of flesh***" and "***spirit born from above***" that has made you a new creation *IN* Christ for us to better understand out identity *IN* Christ.

The New Covenant that Jesus mediated are addressing us [the Saint] as a new creation *IN* Christ [2 Corinthians 5:17]. Through Christ, God has forgiven you [1st Promise/Provision]. He has washed you with the blood of Christ to make you holy and set apart unto Him and His Spirit. He has given you a new heart [2nd Promise/Provision]. He has given you a new heart that now believes [has Faith] and can love and know how with an "***obedient heart***" [Romans 6:17]. He has placed His Spirit in you now after He "***birthed you from above***" [3rd Promise/Provision]. This is why now you are His child, a Saint and His very possession. He has made you acceptable forever. He has delivered you from the power of darkness and transferred you into the kingdom of His dear son Jesus [Colossians 1:13; Acts 26:18]. He has given you Himself and His kingdom and inheritance are yours. He has hidden you *IN* Him with Christ. He has seated you with Christ *IN* the heavenly places.

He has given you the life and power of the Holy Spirit to express His character and Fruit *IN/BY/THROUGH* you. He is "***willing and working for His good pleasure***" [Philippians 2:13] so that you are "***knowing Him IN Spirit and Truth***" [John 4:24]. His Word and Spirit are confirming and convicting you of His/your righteousness to give you believe, wisdom and strength in each moment to partake IN the soulish experience He has designed for you to live. He has made you great and precious promises so you would be a partaker of "***His divine nature which has granted for you everything you need for life and godliness***" [2 Peter 1:3]. This is your new creation identity *IN* Christ. This is the new you or the new man [the "***new self***"]!

I hope you will consider taken in these "***Nourishing Nuggets***" as this will help you "***put on***" "***the new self, which is created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness***" [Ephesians 4:24] and is the "***set your minds on the things above***" [Colossians 3:2] that Paul speaks too often in his letters.

A Servant of Jesus' New Covenant

Link To Video:


A Simple Reminder ...

Pretty much any/all posting are now done in the Jesus New Covenant Facebook Group here:

A Servant of Jesus' New Covenant


I'm doing a Facebook Live today at 1 PM on the Topic of Fellowship. I just completed a 9 Part Study on the Topic.


Here's the Link:


Come join us tonight in the Jesus New Covenant Facebook Group at 5 PM [CST]!



No Longer An Admin at Religion Free Fellowship!

For the past three [3] years I've been participating in several great New Covenant groups. The Religion Free Fellowship was the first group [around 11,400 members as of 1/27/2023] and then Matt McMillen left that group about a year in to start the Freedom IN Christ Movement. Matt's group has grown to over 78,000 members. Isn't that both amazing and awesome! The New Covenant reality is open and receptive to many!

I've had a blast participating in both and quite privileged to be Admin's in both and contribute on a daily basis. Actually, in the past five [5] years a good 70% of my ministry work has been through those two groups with the other 30% going into Whatsapp groups targeting Africa.

In August, I had a brother IN Christ [Scott Miller] who connected with me who had found me through the Religion Free Fellowship group. He had learned how to target a local audience by sending them friend requests on Facebook and then inviting them to take part in his little "Grace Upon Grace - Billings, MT" group. He found that by sending 25-50 friend requests a day that in a week he would garner about 100 friends and of that have anywhere from 5-20 folks join his "little group". Well, on average, he added about 100 folks joining his "little group". The way those numbers worked out was in about 10 months he would have a group of about 1,000 folks to which he could minister and share the gospel.

Scott saw this idea as something successful and wonders if he could duplicate it. So, he deleted all of his contacts in his Facebook profile and chose Spokane, WA, and for a month he mimicked the same plan and idea for "Grace Upon Grace - Spokane, WA". It worked! This is why he contacted me and asked if he could start a "Grace Upon Grace - Sherman, TX" group and do the same thing. Well, amidst all of that, I had become a bit bummed about my involvement in both of these other groups and in what was occurring in the Whatsapp groups that I was leaning toward seeking to plant a New Covenant church locally here in Sherman, TX. Thus, when this idea was presented to me, I was excited and it really helped me to focus in on where I think my gifts are targeted in helping folks in both one-on-one and small groups.

Within the month Scott was able to hit that same 100 members. Then, I began to join in by doing the same "friend requesting". I as well, had deleted most of my contacts and started fresh in trying to connect locally here around the Sherman and Greater Texoma area where I live. Well, here we are some 5-6 months later, and although Scott has moved on to other "projects", I've now continued on in purposing to grow what is now "Jesus New Covenant", a Facebook Group. At present the group is at 900 members and my interaction and ministry time is about 25 hours each week. I'm expecting this to grow and also move from interaction over the internet and calls and into more personal interaction. Somewhere within the next year I'll be seeking to start several types of meetings centered around teaching and fellowship. My wife MotherLove already has a group of ladies she has been meeting with for several months that is like a "Ladies Night Out" but it really isn't centered on teaching Jesus and His New Covenant, but rather, connecting. I hope to heal up from my concussion and head trama stuff and be able to jump into better organization and meeting with folks.

As this idea has now grown, I was trying to think strategically and since JD Zomer, the founder of the Religion Free Fellowship was in Dallas, I had shared with him my idea of this group and using it to do a church plant thinking that maybe he could help to funnel contacts to me and this group so there would be some increased germination. Well, I guess that didn’t go over too well in JD’s mind. From there, he sent me three questions, of which were rather concerning as it felt like he might be of a view that I was trying to compete with the Religion Free Fellowship group. I sent him an audio recording purposing to both answer his questions and also for him to hear my heart. He followed that up stating basically that I didn’t answer his questions. I did a nice little write-up answering all his questions in a letter format and like I was responding to a Principle for some type of “bad behavior”, then when I got ready to send it my spirit was opposed to having to justify myself to a guy that I have helped support and grow that particular group. There just felt like a “lording over power” there and I wasn’t comfortable sending it as from my spirit and conscience I had/have nothing to be concerned or apologize for.

Well, today I woke up to go do a post in the Religion Free Group [I have been posting several times a day] and discovered I was denied access to the group as I’m now blocked. Then, I went to my Messenger messages and got a message from JD with an array of just out-right poison from his soul. It really isn’t worth sharing.

In the end, I’ll now continue on in this journey I’m on to share and teach what Jesus has mediated IN His New Covenant. I wanted to do this write-up really not for any “followers” of my ministry page or any “members” of the new Jesus New Covenant Facebook group … I really wanted any folks that have joined up/in as Admins to simply know what has shook out and transpired. I am excited for those who have partnered with me to try to bring great teaching and counseling in this group. I know for quite a few Admins, we are posting in 2-5 groups and sharing our content and ministry with really no sort-of “ownership” over anyone or what the Spirit has been teaching you. BUT, if you have any concerns about your involvement here at Jesus New Covenant, don’t feel bad at all about minimizing your involvement or even just removing yourself. I really mean no harm in this group. I don’t think it is a bad thing to be doing what I’m doing and I also think that to have a Facebook Group spread to others in the US and to various contacts in Africa is a bad thing. I don’t see this group as “competition” and I also don’t perceive the desires on my heart as anything “fleshly” or for selfish gain.

So, all the best to JD and the Religion Free Group. Quite a few folks on my ministry page have/are a part of that group. This is awesome! It’s a great group. I wish no harm nor really call any “foul” here. I totally get this situation. Ya, it’s sad, but I’m seeing so much GOODNESS amidst all of this and the future is IN Him. I’ll rest. 😊

Hey, thanks for reading!
A Servant at Jesus New Jesus' New Covenant

✂️ John 14:20 Illustrated - The Life Video Series 08/01/2023

I had a blast yesterday taking folks through The Life Video Series in our new Jesus New Covenant Facebook group.

The link to that group is in the comments.

This conference is one of many I've used and have done to help communicate what I now call, "The Life" - His Life, IN Us and THROUGH Us. It's really the basis our our ministry at Jesus' New Covenant.

This is a great illustration that Anabel shares regarding John 14:20, which is the verse I use to capture and close off my understanding of the gospel and what occurs to the sinner who believes and becomes a Saint.

Grace Upon Grace,
A Servant at
Jesus' New Covenant

✂️ John 14:20 Illustrated - The Life Video Series 37 seconds · Clipped by Jesus' New Covenant Academy · Original video "The Life DVD Series Session 4a" by Lifetime Guarantee Ministries


The Grace Upon Grace Fellowship jumped by 25 members this past week. This is where you will find the various shares and teaching moving forward as "groups" are where more folks are connecting in.

Here is the link:

May you each discover and enjoy His Indwelling Life given to free you from that prior spiritually dead experience of being IN Adam. Thankfull, through what Jesus mediated, you and I [as Saints who have believed], can rest in the finality of the cross and the reality of the resurrection.

Grace Upon Grace,
A Servant at Jesus' New Covenant


WarGames With Flesh

Back in 1983, there was a movie that was a “classic” to me, it was called WarGames. In this movie, Matthew Broderick plays a simulation game of Global Thermal Nuclear War. What he doesn’t know is that that simulation computer game is hooked up to the real Defense Systems for the USA. The conclusion to this movie is that Matthew has to teach Joshua [the name given to the computer], how to play Tic – Tac – Toe. It sounds silly, but what Joshua needs to learn is, “The only way to win the game is not to play!” Really, so it is as it relates to the flesh. However, the goal in the church today seems to be to stop sinning. Guess what? That was not the bigger goal of the gospel! The bigger idea and goal was to restore “The Life” that was lost IN Adam’s independence so that God could know Man and Man could know God IN Sprit and Truth. As a Saint, I am so thankful for forgiveness, but we are “saved by His Life” [Romans 5:10] and the Father/Son/Spirit came that you and I as Saints might experience Him as Life. There really is a big difference. The latter actually can allow the first to occur.

Please note: This is gonna be a long article.

There is a big battle amidst Pastors and Teachers to produce these results. So much so, you will see a fairly sophisticated construction of passages to create a “management of sins”, rather than teaching the Saint’s death, burial and resurrection and His Indwelling and Sustaining Life within through the Spirit. Of course, to all this view these Pastors care to bloviate, they say that one must conform to these standards to meet the full praise and recognition of the clergy. In that sense, one’s salvation is dependent upon one’s conformity to the standard [according to them]. Within this, one may find aspects of the Law to keep, but more often in the Gentile church you will see what I call the “commandments of men”. I’m taking this phrase from Colossians 2:21-23. In that section, Paul is talking about a “do not handle, do not taste and do not touch”. According to Paul, these types of decrees are just “elementary principles of the world” [vrs 20]. The reason for this is Paul says that the believer has “died with Christ”. This is why Paul is exhorting to not submit yourself to this type of teaching. He will go on and express, “these matters have the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence” [Colossians 2:23].

Can anyone relate to this? If so, you have probably been in a fairly religious/legalistic church upon which is making you jump through a list of Law or “commandments of men” to be achieve some sort of “appearance of wisdom”. Do note, Paul said that this sort of “mantra” has “NO VALUE AGAINST FLESHLY INDULGENCE”! What does have value, according to Paul, is that “you died with Christ”. Of course, from there, after “being united with Christ in the likeness of His death” … you were also “united with Christ in the likeness of His resurrection”. That is essentially what Paul expressed in Romans 6:3-5.

In Romans 7:19, Paul was expressing a “battle” that many in today’s modern church seem to have and have taken on. Here is that verse, "For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want." Can you relate to that? I did. Why did I? Well, that is really the rest of the article is about.

Romans 7 can be highly debatable amidst believers. I see two primary reasons for this. First, it appears that most sinners who become Saints these days get a pour communication of the gospel. Many “do not know”, as Romans 6:3 states, that those who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death.” From there, of course, Paul will go into the Saint also “becoming united in the likeness of His [Jesus’] resurrection” [Romans 6:5]. This is the basis and main topic of Paul in Romans 6. Then, secondly, you have the “do you not know” of Romans 7:1. There, Paul states, “Or do you not know, brethren (for I am speaking to those know the Law9 [this would be Jews], that the Law has jurisdiction over a person as long as He lives?” Now, this is key and important, because Paul is stating that the Law was for the Jew and that for the Jew, it could only exercise its full dominion over the Jew until they died. Here in this context, a death had occurred. The Jewish believer had been crucified with Christ. Romans 6:4-5 was saying that and Paul says the same sort of thing in Galatians 2:20.

In the modern church today, most Gentiles take upon themselves this sort-of conflict of their new nature with its conflict with Sin or the flesh. My view is that occurs because as Romans 7:1-4 so clearly state, “the Law has jurisdiction over a person as long as they live”. Here, Gentiles take upon themselves the Law and then in the “do you not know” of Roman 6:3, they also miss the “do you not know” of Romans 7:1 and apply it to themselves. This leads to real misery and why many Saints are not free from the Law [which again, for the Gentile, it never was for them].

In Galatians 3:23-25, Paul explains how the Law was a tutor to lead the Jew to Christ. Yes, sure, the Law can be a “Tutor” as well to lead the Gentile to Christ, but it’s main aim was to show that righteousness of the Law could not impart life. The promise was to come through “belief”.

Here's Galatians 3:23-25, "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the Law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore, the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor."

In Romans 7:7-8, Paul is giving his personal testimony on how the Law worked in him [prior to belief IN Christ], he said, “I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, “You shall not covet.” But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead."

If you take the time to read on, Paul shares more about this struggle. Paul finds that he is “sold INTO bo***ge to sin” [vrs 14]. He is a “slave of sin” just like he was teaching in Romans 6:17, “you were “slaves of sin” [prior to believing]. He [as well as all sinners] are in the “domain of darkness” [Colossians 1:13] and a “slave of sin” prior to belief. Paul states in Romans 7:12, “The Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.” So, Paul is wanting to obey the Law, but he can't. He cannot do the good he wants and can only practice the evil he does not want to do. In his flesh, he is a “slave of sin”. Check out Romans 7:15-21 on this.

Of course, everyone can relate then to this “war” between his will or desire to do good, and this has Paul in what feels like a “crying out” when he says, "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?" In other words, "what can I do about being a slave of sin, I don’t want this!?!

His answer is belief IN the gospel. Here’s verse 25, "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" As that verse continues, Paul says, “So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the Law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin." Are you seeing it? Paul realizes and is stating that you can’t serve the Law or he will continue to be a slave of sin. It’s the Law that has [and will continue] to remind or take him to sin. Yet, "apart from the Law, sin is dead" [Romans 7:8]. Have you ever seen a dead man sin? Ya, me either!

As we jump to Romans 8:1, we need to discuss this very important, “Therefore”. Here is the full verse, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." The very core of that statement is that the sinner who is now a Saint has been removed from that former sentence of spiritual death and guilt from being excluded from the life of God due to Sin. Paul will express later in Romans 8:34, “who can now separate us from the love of God?” The answer: Absolutely nothing!

Ephesians 2:1-3 gets to the idea that all of Man was “dead in their Sin and transgressions” [vrs 1]. The spiritual dead sinner [who we were] “formerly walked according to the course of the world” [vrs 2]. It is described as a “power”. Paul goes on to say in verse 3 that it’s a “spirit now working in the sons of disobedience.” This is a state. In this Paul says they were “formerly living in the lusts of our flesh, indulging in the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest [vrs 3].

As I see and understand it, it’s “walking after the flesh” that is to return to this former life. Many in the church turn to the tutor [the Law], or the “commandments of men” [Colossians 2:22] to wage war against the flesh. Of course, Colossians 2:23 states that self-made religion “holds no value against fleshly indulgence. This is the conflict of not being able to do what he wants to do in Romans 7:15.

In this, it’s “walking by the Spirit” in which the Saint “will not carry out the desire of the flesh”. Note there that it’s the “flesh” that has its desire. It’s not the Saints desire. What is key here though is that the Saint is to walk by faith in Jesus as one who is “no longer being under the tutor Law]”.

There is a lot of confusion in both Romans 7 and Galatians regarding even what “walking after the flesh” is and looks like. In most cases, my own error was that I was trying to do something about Sin. In that sense, the religious mind is trying to kill Sin or sort-of “put it to death. In the gospel, and in Romans 7, what Paul is saying is the Law no longer has jurisdiction over producing any sort of righteousness or life. In the gospel, you died to the Law and are to no longer look to that system. The Saint has been made right with God through their death/burial/resurrection and now is to walk IN/BY/THROUGH the Spirit [faith] in what Christ has done.

In Colossians 2:11 we see what I call the “circumcision of the heart”. Here, Paul says that “IN Him you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ.” This is a spiritual reality. Thus, the new creation IN Christ is no longer in the flesh, but in the Spirit. Romans 8:9 states it this way, “However, you are not in the flesh but IN the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells IN you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him”. Thus, it’s the Spirit of God who now dwells in the Saint and has given us life.

It’s Colossians 3:4 that states, “Christ is our life”. Also, in Galatians 2:20-21, Paul states, “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.”

Thus, if you go look at Romans 8:3-4, you see this, “For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." Romans 8:3-4 fits nicely together with what Paul was saying in Galatians 3:21-22. He states, “For if a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed have been based on law. But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe." What’s fascinating to me here is that the Saint who has believed that salvation and righteousness is by grace somehow then thinks in Romans 7 Paul is talking about trying to somehow die to the Law. He’s not. Paul said that in the gospel “he died to the Law through the body of Christ” [Romans 7:4].

In that Romans 7:14-25 section, Paul was saying that while he was “IN the flesh”, he waged war against the flesh, by observing his behavior under the Law, which actually proved to himself that he was a slave of sin. He would “set his mind on the flesh” [what he was saying in Ephesians 2:3. However, now, just like in Colossians 2:11, having been circumcised from the flesh, he “sets his mind on the things of the Spirit” [or how he says in Colossians 3:2, “set your minds on the things above”]. This is why he can state that “there is no more condemnation” Romans 8:1 as Paul knows that Sin was dealt with “once and for all-time” [Romans 6:10], where he can rest in the assurance that Jesus has dealt with sin, once and for all.

Just like in Ephesians 2:3, Paul will state also in Romans 8:5-8, "For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the Law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God." Are you seeing that “the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God? And yet, Paul just stated in verse 4 that “the requirement of the Law was fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit”. So, again, the Saint is “IN the Spirit” and not “IN the flesh. Paul was prior when he was a slave of sin, seeing the Law as good and holy but had no ability to obey it. What is key here is that it’s going to be “faith that pleases God” [Hebrews 11:6]. The point was never to submit to the Law and to meet its demands but to submit to Jesus’ commands to believe and love His work on the cross so that the Law would be fulfilled in us as Him being the “Obedient One” and finishing the work.

Thus, today, the Saint “belongs to Him” and the spirit of the Saint is alive because of Jesus and His righteousness. It’s the Spirit of Jesus that was raised from the dead. This is all well stated in Romans 8:9-11, which is why now the Spirit is “giving life to our mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in us." As promised by Jesus, “It is the Spirit that gives life" [John 6:63]. Thankfully, the Saint is now “the righteousness of God in Him” [2 Corinthians 5:21]. Certainly, the body still groans and suffers as it is still susceptible to sin [Romans 8:23], yet, it will be redeemed in glory when the Saint receives a new body. Until then, the Saint is to be reminded that they are now a “new creation” [2 Corinthians 5:17] and the Spirit is indwelling them. The Saint who has believed has been “joined to the Lord and is one spirit with Him” [1 Corinthians 6:17.

Because of the finality of the cross and the reality of the resurrection, the Saint is to no longer live under the Law or the “commandments of men” as the means to wage war against the Spirit. Many try. ALL FAIL [my hand is raised]! You hope and way is to live IN/BY/THROUGH the provided Spirit. He is the “Anointing” [1 John 2:20, 27]. Jesus said, “the Spirit will glorify Me” [John 16:14]. The last thing you and I as a Saint need to do is put ourself under Law. It will only bring death. In this, how did we receive Christ Jesus the Lord? By Faith! How do we walk or live it out? By faith. This is what Colossians 2:5 is saying. Ephesians 2:8-9 is saying the same thing essentially. None of this is rocket science stuff. Most religious folks are simply trying to make you be “holy, righteous and good”. But what does Paul say to the Saint, “you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT” [Ephesians 5:8]. In that next verse, Paul states, that “the Fruit of the Light consists of all goodness, righteousness and truth.” Thus, the Saint need not worry about the Holy Spirit glorifying Him or not producing His indwelling life. His Life/Energy/Power/Nature is now dwelling IN the Saint through the Spirit. The Saint simply needs to believe and live IN/BY/THROUGH the Spirit. This is why Paul closes out this thought with, "So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh— for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” [Romans 8:12-15].

In the end, I don’t want to debate you or anyone on a different view of Romans 7. In the end, these insights from Paul have laid out that “war” with the flesh and the answer is provide in this long, long share [but necessary truth to read and digest]. Remember, as Ephesians 4:22 states, our “former manner of life [the old self] IS being corrupted”. It’s better to believe that the “old self” died and then, even as it relates to “the flesh”, it is never getting better or improving. Our path forward is to believe in His and our death/burial/resurrection and then live IN/BY/THROUGH the Spirit and set our minds on the things above and allow the Spirit to transform out thinking by the renewing of the mind [Romans 12:2].

I wish you well in your journey. Chew on this … reflect on it … let the Spirit be your Teacher and then ask questions and have a conversation on this with me and others and I have no doubt there is still much for me and others to learn hear.

Enjoy the journey guys out of that prior “living-hell” experience.

Grace Upon Grace,


For me, "grace upon grace" is a reminder of His short term supply/provision and my final resting place of glory. It's all of grace. My life has reflected a lot of Peter's journey as I've stumbled enough times or bloviated a particular truth only to fail underneath my own shame, blame and condemnation.

As a believer now 38 years, most of my failures have been as a Saint. We all fail [and are going to fail more]! How about that? Selah. Oftentimes in recovery circles, I'll describe people in three categories: the atheist, the agnostic, and the condemned. Believe it or not, but it's the Saint who has believed that Jesus rose from the dead that oftentimes is the most condemned. If you think about it, it makes sense. There we are stating/saying/believing Jesus rose from the dead and now lives IN me ... and yet, here I am again, seemingly selfish and self-centered and stuck in my own hellish, soulish experience of defeat [usually to some beseeching deed of the flesh]. Oh what to do?

This is where coming to see and understand the "grace upon grace" is so vital! Oftentimes, the church is told that we are "abusing grace". Not at all. We are abusing mercy. Mercy is when you don't get what you deserved. However, grace is His very Life within you that wants to live THROUGH you. The "failure" most of us let define us is not "the grace/life experience". Nope. Rather, it's still are "self-effort life" where we are still in control trying harder to do better in our rededication to improve. What we still have not understood in our failure is our own death/burial/resurrection and then His Indwelling Life through the Spirit. In that sense, most Saints have yet to "rise up to walk in the newness of life".

Trust me, I get it. It's why [for me], I was under perhaps even more shame because there I was as a New Covenant Pastor and teaching this message, and yet, still, with the knowledge and understanding there is still the "living by grace through faith" to rest in the moment. For me, I was still in a measure of pain amidst my own circumstances and perspectives that I still floundered, failed and lived many times as a white-washed tomb and a life of hypocrisy. One of my son's told me "it was a living hell to grow up under my teaching." FYI, I was teaching the New Covenant. Now, I will grant you that I was not experiencing I have dubbed, "The Life - His Life, IN Us and THROUGH Us".

For many of us it takes 5-10 years of "unlearning what we learned" in a lot of the error of the religious message. For me, I suppose it has taken around 20 years. I hope that encourages many of you who are feeling you still aren't "getting it". Maybe you are a "Peter" as well. :-) It's okay. Peter lived trying to fulfill the Law a good 8-10 years. It appears that is the time from Pentecost to Acts 10. The event of Paul rebuking Peter in Galatians 2 probably occurs from 45-50 AD. That puts Peter still trying to live under Law at various times perhaps into 15-20 years. Imagine how much fear he lived in/under when James sent his gang to spy out the liberty of the Saints. What we do know is that when Peter dies, his last letter speaks to "growing in the grace and knowledge of God" [2 Peter 3:15-18] and this "mystery" of Paul which the Judaizers were twisting and distorting along with the rest of the Scriptures.

So, if you are failing, struggling and not "getting it" yet, it's okay. It is interesting what Paul is expressing in Galatians 6:1-2, as in this letter he is talking about "being caught" by the Law and legalism even in the perfecting of the flesh [see Galatians 3:1-3]. It is just so appropriate, "Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ."

I've come to see the Proverb of 24:16 as the picture/portrayal of "The Life" after salvation that we will [perhaps] for a "time", still struggle and fail. Proverbs 24:16 states, "For a righteous person falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in time of disaster." You and I are no longer "wicked". We have been delivered from the domain of darkness as well as Sin [the Noun]. Even our "sins" "He remembers nonmore" [Hebrews 8:12]. "The Life" is within you now that the "heart of stone" was removed and you have the "heart of flesh" and the Spirit.

For me, it came back to digging into Galatians 2:20, Romans 6 and Ephesians 4:22-24. In Romans 6:3 there is a "do you not know" and that same "do you not know" comes back in Romans 7 regarding "not being under the Law" as it has no jurisdiction for the Jew. Here, many Gentiles have put themselves under either the Law of Moses or the "commandments of men" [Colossians 2:21-23] as have then had the Romans 7:14-25 experience. That makes a lit of sense to "do what you don't want to do" when you are seeking to be justified [declared righteous] by trying to keep the Law [and Gentiles were never even married to the Law].

Are you seeing how a lot of our own failure is our attempt to play the religious game the church has foisted on us? All that stuff needs to be "unlearned". Then our minds need renewal according to who we are and what is true IN us and FOR us IN Christ.

So, get up grasshopper. There is more to "grow IN the grace and knowledge of God". It's okay, it really is "grace upon grace" and your journey out of the prior living-hell experience is occurring. Perhaps even this article is being used by the Spirit to encourage you to seek the Spirit's Life and Freedom that is already living IN you.

I'm available for a visit if you want to discuss where you are currently at.

Grace Upon Grace,

Videos (show all)

I had some fun with the Starwars theme today as I prepare for a message entitled, "Freed From Sin; Freed From All Things...
Greek Word Study - Wrath - Part 5 of 6
Explain 1 John 1:8-9
