Speak Up Conference

Speak Up Conference

Dynamic Christian conference for speakers, writers, and leaders on a mission to grow their ministry.


Today our blog by Kim Cusimano, reveals the most powerful way to accomplish God’s work. It’s insightful, surprising, and effective. Read along with us...https://speakupconference.com/how-to-thrive-as-a-leader/.


You may have been told when you decided to become an author or a speaker that you had your head in the clouds. You may have naysayers in your family or among your friends. Or you may have Satan whispering in your ear that this is pie-in-the-sky thinking—you’ll never make it.

I challenge you to put on God-colored glasses. When we do, those God-colored glasses allow us to change our view from seeing life from this reality to seeing it through the reality that says God has the last word. It says God holds our present and future, and His reality is our reality. Others may never see through those God-colored glasses, but you can hold your head high and persevere because you know a different reality.

Then, find a few others—authors, speakers, and publishers—who wear God-colored glasses to encourage and partner with you for the journey. - Cheri Cowell

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 01/12/2023

8 tips for staying tuned-in to your calling


"Remember—God is the timekeeper on the opening and closing of doors.

His sheep hear His voice. Let’s remain tuned into Him. I invite you to take His hand and I’ll take His other as we step up to His call."

- Darlene Larson


Is there a way to evaluate how well we’re doing at following the call God has placed on our lives? Coach, speaker, and author Darlene Larson (Hearts with a Purpose) will give you eight specific ways you can know you’re on the right track. Read here: https://speakupconference.com/staying-tuned-in-to-your-calling/.

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 25/11/2023

"Whether you are brand new or a seasoned speaker, I highly recommend having the Speak Up Certification as a valuable endorsement for your Christ-centered speaking ministry. You’ll be equipped and encouraged, and you will become part of a community that's been empowered to further God's Kingdom with the message He's given you to share." - Victoria Chapin

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join the Speak Up Speaker Certification program and develop your skills for the kingdom. Time and space is limited so sign up today!


In this season of gratitude, our hearts overflow with thankfulness for you — the Speak Up tribe. We pray that today is full of blessings for each of you.

May the LORD bless you and protect you. May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace.

Happy Thanksgiving from Speak Up!


Have you ever faced a holiday when it appeared that everyone around you was experiencing happiness—but your personal situation seemed hard? If you or someone you know is going through tough times, we pray that these words from Carol Kent will bring restored joy: https://speakupconference.com/the-challenge-of-being-thankful/.


If you've been called to speak, but you know that you need help with:

> improving your outlines
> sharpening your delivery skills
> or crafting your signature keynote message...

The Speak Up Speaker Certification is for YOU!

JOIN NOW for JAN/FEB 2024.
If you're ready to make 2024 a year of intentionality, then you're in the right place!

Visit https://www.speakupministries.com/speak-up-speaker-certification/ to save your spot today!


“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” - Psalms‬ ‭116‬:‭7‬


"It is a unique group of people that initiates change by volunteering to serve a cause greater than themselves. I believe this unique group of people is best represented by the words, “Send Me.” - Jerry Howard

“Send Me” is the motto of the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division of the US Army. Affectionately known as “The Spartans.” Their exploits are nothing short of the very embodiment of what it means to be a veteran.

This unit’s roots go back as far as WWI and were noted by General “Black Jack” Pershing as one of the most brilliant in military history. The 3rd brigade not only took part, but repelled what became the brunt of the last German offensive of the war. Like the Spartans, like our Lord Jesus, veterans see conflict, and engage in it head-on. Veterans choose to face the storms in their lives—and rise above them. All veterans share that motto.

“Send me.”

When you accepted Jesus’ offer of salvation, you became a child of God. You were redeemed. Even then, you still had a choice: You can barely wash up on Heaven’s shores, or you can “Go and make disciples.”

When you pick up your cross and lay down your life, you make Jesus Lord. You join the ranks of Heaven’s Armies, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you.


Do you ever feel tension between your calling and your financial needs? Many of us play the challenging game of Tug o' war between ministry and money. We long for a firm grip on our passion as well as a secure footing in our profits.

Throughout November, SpeakUp Growth Groups are guiding members in evaluating success in light of God's plan while developing profitability that aligns with His calling.

If you’d like to make sense of balancing and budgeting your ministry, group leaders are eager to share wisdom on success and help you set and achieve your goals.

Not attending a Growth Group yet? When you join you’ll see benefits that far outweigh the investment of time and money. New sessions start in January so watch for details next month!

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 14/11/2023

We have just celebrated an important holiday in our country—Veterans Day! Speak Up Ministries loves our U.S. military community and we’re thrilled that under the leadership of Megan Brown, many military spouses are being trained for global evangelism and Bible teaching. One of our Speak Up faculty members, Jerry Howard, is also a veteran, and he is the author of today’s blog. To read, visit, https://speakupconference.com/send-me/.


"Friend, when the enemy tries to whisper the lie that you’re not enough, you have a choice. You can listen to the lies or declare, “Enough! The Truth is that in Christ I am enough and have been created on purpose, for a purpose. I’m choosing to believe who God says I am and trust Him as He uses me to impact the world!” - Cindy Bultema


“I thank my God every time I remember you.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬


As we approach Thanksgiving, we hope you have felt inspired and encouraged by the words from Amber Cullum this week to make a daily practice of being grateful no matter the time of year.

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 08/11/2023

"So, let us practice gratitude daily, for it is an act of worship, a source of strength, and a reminder that even in the darkest valleys, God’s goodness shines through. " - Amber Cullum, Grace Enough Podcast

Read more: https://speakupconference.com/gratitude-as-a-lifestyle-paying-attention-to-gods-goodness/

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 07/11/2023

Gratitude is a lifestyle that leads us to a place of deep faith and unwavering hope. - Amber Cullum


This week one of the co-leaders of our Speak Up Podcasting Growth Group, Amber Cullum (Grace Enough Podcast), will give you excellent guidelines for developing a heart of gratitude.

Visit https://speakupconference.com/gratitude-as-a-lifestyle-paying-attention-to-gods-goodness/ to read.


Encouragement for anyone waiting on a God-sized dream today.

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 02/11/2023

Most of us will admit that we’re our own worst critic. We long to thrive in our creativity, but sometimes feel inadequate when collaborating with others who are ministry-minded.

Carol Kent addressed this in a special note of encouragement to Growth Groups this month. She not only shared practical ways to stay focused but more importantly spoke to the heart of the matter. Preparing our hearts in Christ is key to creating outstanding content.

Bob Goff says, “The chemistry of God’s love and our creativity work together when combined. No reservoir can hold it, no disappointment can stop it, and no impediment can contain it. It can’t be waived off, put off, or shut down.”

Now that's exciting! What actions can you take today to prepare for that kind of chemistry?"

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 01/11/2023

“Whether you began your leadership role with apprehension or stepped into it with gusto, the honeymoon phase of leading is over, and now it feels, well, uncomfortable. Maybe the responsibilities are different than you expected or the challenges greater than you imagined. Regardless, you find yourself in a place you didn’t anticipate, and leadership is no longer enjoyable. In fact, it’s work.

I wonder if Moses dug his heels in against obeying God’s call to lead Israel for some of the same reasons as above.

Can you identify with some of his internal apprehensions when God commissioned him to speak to Pharaoh about freeing the people?



If you’ve ever been reluctant to say “Yes” to God’s call, don’t miss this blog from our Speak Up Growth Groups director, Wojo. Read along with us here, https://speakupconference.com/when-leading-feels-uncomfortable/.


In the words of Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors, "You gotta find your people, then you'll find yourself."


How has God changed your perspective about your writing, speaking, or about a challenging personal situation? Did He use a specific person to adjust your thinking? At this juncture in your journey, who are you partnering with who wears God-colored glasses?

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 25/10/2023

Why is it that when someone views life’s struggles through a rose-colored lens—why is that not reality? Could it be that this joy-filled view is true reality?

Two scriptures brought renewed hope:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Psalms 3:5-6). NIV

“We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone” (Psalm 33:20-22). NIV

I had new ears to hear these truths.

The world’s reality is without hope, without a future, and without joy.

God’s reality turns hopelessness and “future-lessness” into a reality that is hope-filled, future-focused, and joy-filled.

It isn’t a denial of reality but a redefinition of reality. It is a world in which we choose to hold onto a God-reality that is not tied to this world nor our understanding of it.


Who determines reality? Today, publisher Cheri Cowell encourages us to view life through rose-colored glasses and embrace a joy-filled reality. Read along with us here: https://speakupconference.com/gods-reality-versus-ours/.


"Scripture is always our source for truth.

Writing for God incorporates a holy encounter where we listen to Him for his words to drive our story or message.

We need our hearts to line up what we are sharing with the way scripture presents truth." - Blythe Daniel, "Uncompromising Faith and Unyielding Words"

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 20/10/2023

When you experience the pain of rejection, let these promises from scripture be the healing balm to soothe your soul, calm your fears, and fill you with the courage to try again.


Have you ever gone through the experience of having an article or a book proposal rejected? If so, what did you learn in the process?

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 17/10/2023

Can you see rejection as a gift?


Today’s blog is written by an alumnus of the Speak Up Conference—and if you’ve ever experienced rejection, you won’t want to miss it. Read along with us here: https://speakupconference.com/the-gift-of-rejection/.


Have you ever been snatched up in the comparison trap?

When we understand that we have freedom as a new creation in Christ, we can express our intended design.

Just as there are no two identical fingerprints, you have been graced with a creativity that is exclusively yours.

There is no other story like the one that God is writing through you. Your message and the way you convey it are unique and distinct.

In Growth Groups this month, we’re exploring methods that nurture creativity. We’re setting goals that encourage creativity levels to soar. Scheduling time with activities that harness creative energy helps spark new ideas and refreshes the gifts we already have.

Prayer is essential and being intentional in listening, thinking … and surrendering is key.

Oswald Chambers says, "The one true mark of a saint of God is the inner creativity that flows from being totally surrendered to Jesus Christ."

How do you capture your creative juices when they begin to flow?


Has God ever put someone next to you for the purpose of sharing your hard-story-turned-God-story? What was the result?


But God had some things to teach me yet. Again. Imagine that. ☺

If you’ve had a “hard story,” I trust that these reminders will encourage you as you continue to communicate hope to others:

God’s Reminder #1: There’s “a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance…” (Ecclesiastes 3:4).

God’s Reminder #2: Without acknowledging the heart-hurt, we can’t point others to the heart-Healer.

God’s Reminder #3: When Jesus walks us through the storm, He brings us out the other side, stronger, more focused, and growing more in His likeness.


If you’ve had a “hard story,” author and Speak Up Conference faculty member Sandi Banks is sharing three reminders that will encourage you as you continue to communicate hope to others. Read along with us here: https://speakupconference.com/hard-story-to-god-story/.

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 07/10/2023

Excitement! Wonder! Is that what you felt the day you were called to ministry? Whether it was recently or long ago, think back to that time for a moment.

Perhaps you said "Yes" not knowing what the future would hold. Or maybe since then, you’ve gotten off track. Seeking wisdom from leaders and encouragement from other speakers and writers, provides valuable support.

If your heart is longing to respond, “Here am I. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8 NIV), here are six tips that Carol Kent shared with Growth Groups this month.

Carol adds, “Let’s be bold and courageous as we do the unique and varied things God is calling us to do. Let’s carry the hope of Jesus Christ to a world in need. Let’s stop long enough to listen to His voice and gain clarity and focus as we move forward bravely. Let’s pray for each other and cheer one another on to the finish line.”

Which of these tips do you already find useful? What’s something new that you plan to apply? We’d love to hear from you.

Photos from Speak Up Conference's post 06/10/2023

There really can be beauty in co-writing that brings with it some natural affinities for you and your co-author(s).

Some of the benefits include:

1. Recognizing rhythms of maximum effectiveness
Each of us has a different peak writing time during the day—we’re wired in unique ways. One day you might not be feeling very productive, and you can encourage each other in your writing. With this comes the opportunity to develop a deeper level of trust with each other.

2. Celebrating differences that complement each other
Another benefit is your differences. Yes, this is a benefit! It brings diversity in book writing. Co-authors often have different backgrounds, perspectives, and maybe even different generations. Sometimes one is in the field of professional work while another may be in school, a stay-at-home mom, or a workplace leader.

Your differences actually punctuate what is distinct about you!

With your different gifts you are each using your distinct voice. You are often writing to your age group with your experience added in. Your co-author(s) helps contribute to the writing with their experience and passions. A variety of stories builds interest!

Oftentimes this will translate into choosing topics or chapters that are best for you to write. Sometimes one person will take one chapter and another co-author will take another chapter based on what they are more positioned to write well. You may blend your voices in the actual chapters by signaling who is writing. It’s helpful to have an outside editor read your work so that it complements well throughout.

3. Exploring multiplied creativity
One of the areas that I think brings beauty in the process of co-writing is you have double or triple the creativity, depending on the number of co-writers. Each of you gets the opportunity to use your imagination and creativity. You can initiate your ideas and hear someone else’s. You can take turns reading each other’s work as you take different assignments. It’s also beneficial to tag team where needed, especially as your ideas shift.

4. to different audiences
When it comes to promoting your book, you reach diverse readers, and you are getting the word out through more than one platform. You can split the marketing and help reach different audiences in different avenues where you shine. You can also explore how to reach your own age group.


🤔Have you done any co-writing? If “YES,” what is the name of the book and what are the benefits you experienced? If “NO,” what are your questions about co-authoring?

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Enduring and listening to His lead is crucial. ...#christianspeaker #christianwriter#ministry #christianleadership
Become a Speak Up Certified Speaker! Visit https://speak-up-conference.myshopify.com/products/speak-up-speaker-certifica...
Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, h...
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, str...
In every minute and every task there is an opportunity to give thanks to the Lord.
🙏🏻Practicing gratitude daily has the power to positively impact every part of your life.
What are you praising him for today?
God will work his purpose and plan no matter our choices or the choices of those under our leadership. - Rachel Wojo
✨Sunday reminder✨
