Rob Axson State Party Chair

Rob Axson State Party Chair

Rob Axson is running to serve as the Utah Republican State Party Chair. These include grassroots coordination, fundraising....

He has spent a number of years engaged in Republican elections, having worked on nearly 20 campaigns in a variety of roles.

Photos from Rob Axson State Party Chair's post 25/03/2023

Iron County Republican Party convention is now underway. As always, these delegates are informed and engaged and share my concerns about the direction our nation is headed and how important it is for our state and our party to be strong in defense of our conservative values and principles.

While I have a vision and plan to lead our party that I wanted to share, the best part of this day has been listening to so many folks share their concerns and hopes for the future. I look forward to working closely with our county parties as Utah Republican Party chair.

Photos from Rob Axson State Party Chair's post 25/03/2023

Attending the Washington County Republican Convention where the red rocks reflect the heart of countless patriots living here.

The passion and ideas happening in this county will go a long way to help the State GOP reach it’s full potential.

We must not shy away from our heritage or our principles. I know Washington County won’t—and I promise, neither will I.


Senator John D. Johnson is one of our great steady conservative voices in the Utah Senate. We sat down yesterday to discuss why I’m running to chair the Utah Republican Party on his PoliticIt podcast.


Here’s my introduction email in case you missed it.

Look at the Red states. Look at the Blue. Where do you want to live? Where do you want to work? Where do you want to raise your family? This is not a hard choice. That’s why WE like to say, when it comes to Utah, “THE REDDER THE BETTER.”

I'm Running for Chair of the Utah Republican Party!

Dear Republican Delegates,
After much thought and careful consideration, last week I filed to run for Utah State GOP Chair. Waiting as we did put us a little behind - but our current Chair, Carson Jorgenson, had asked us to hold off announcing until after he had shared publicly that he would not be running again. I felt strongly about honoring his request.

As the parents of four young children, Erin and I also had to first assure ourselves that our family would not be adversely affected by this commitment. We decided that serving at this time was important enough that, together, we could manage the extra work without shortchanging our kids. My family is supportive of this exciting endeavor and for that I am grateful.

I believe in the Republican Party. I believe in Utah and its people. I will gladly serve each with all my capacity, which is why I am now seeking YOUR support to be the next Chairman of the Utah Republican Party.

Utah is a special place that we are each lucky to call home. I’m proud of what generations of Utahns have sacrificed and still work tirelessly to create; that includes some in my own family history who walked across a continent to build a home in this beautiful land.

Utah is where Erin and I have chosen to raise our children – there is no better place. But we cannot take it for granted that it will always be so. Ronald Reagan rightly warned that freedom is ever but one generation away from extinction. It is even more true today than it was then. We see the challenges all around us. President Reagan went on to make it clear that freedom must be fought for and protected before it can be passed on to our children.

I am deeply grateful to live in the Constitutional Republic bequeathed to us by the Founders, but there are those who wish to “fundamentally transform” that gift. This Republic is only ours if, as Franklin said, we “can keep it.” Our Republic is not guaranteed and must not be taken for granted. And when I ask myself which of the two major political parties is most committed to “keeping it” – to guarding the freedoms and God given rights of our great Republic - the answer is obvious.

That is the main reason I am a proud Republican and why I am asking for your support as Utah’s State Republican Chair.

I look forward to working with all of you to first protect what we have as Utahns, and making sure that Utah reaches its potential and continues as an example to the rest of the nation. As members of the Utah Republican Party, we can lead that charge.

I’m excited for the potential of the Utah Republican Party, and I’m excited to make my case to you, the delegates, in coming weeks. I truly believe that my professional and personal experience has helped prepare me to be the best choice to lead Utah’s State GOP through these next two critical years, one of the most crucial election cycles in the history of our Republic.
I look forward to earning your support.

Rob Axson
P.S. If you are new to our state - welcome. Like many of our ancestors, you came to “the right place.” A lot of what makes Utah the Right Place is the fact that our Republican principles have largely won the day here for decades now. But there is still a lot more to do.

That’s why WE like to say, when it comes to Utah, “THE REDDER THE BETTER.”

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Please also check my website for opportunities throughout the state to meet and discuss the issues most important to you.


Beaver County Republican Convention!

With Carson Jorgensen announcing his intention to not seek re-election to Utah Republican Party chair, I have thrown my hat in the ring. So fun to begin this run with the good Republicans of Beaver and Sevier County as they held their conventions last night.

