Tom Lea Institute

Tom Lea Institute

Dedicated since 2009 to enrich the lives of others through the life of El Paso's native son,Tom Lea to Dallas, Texas, and are arguably the finest of the period.

Tom Lea’s murals of the 1930’s express the history and character of the Southwest on walls of public buildings from Washington, D.C. As an eye-witness artist correspondent for Life Magazine during World War II, Tom Lea traveled over 100,000 miles to record U.S. and Allied soldiers, sailors and airmen and their machines waging war worldwide. He wrote and illustrated bestselling novels—The Brave Bul


Texas Historical Commission’s newest Texas Time Travel mobile tour! Designed in collaboration with the Tom Lea Institute, the Trail connects 13 Texas communities and 24 cultural, educational, and historical sites through Tom Lea’s timeless art.

Inspired by the Piero della Francesca Trail, which draws thousands of annual visitors to Tuscany, the Tom Lea Trail was conceived in 2007 when a Renaissance scholar teaching in Poitiers, France contacted a fledgling Tom Lea Institute in El Paso. While perusing a book on New Deal murals, Luciano Cheles saw a reproduction of Tom Lea’s magnificent 1938 Pass of the North in El Paso’s federal courthouse. Intrigued by features reminding him of Piero della Francesca – one being the “almost holy” majesty of the figures – Luciano then made contact with Adair Margo.

Having recorded Tom’s oral history in 1995, she knew he’d travelled to Italy in 1930 with his young wife, Nancy, whom he’d met at the Art Institute of Chicago. They read Aldous Huxley’s travelogue about Piero della Francesca’s “Resurrection of Christ” painted for his hometown’s civic hall. Huxley declared the 15th century fresco “The Greatest Picture in the World.” Tom Lea said that when he saw Piero’s work, he found the pictures he’d been looking for his whole life.

Luciano became a Smithsonian Fellow, traveling to D.C. where he and Adair traveled to cities along the Tom Lea Trail such as El Paso, Odessa, Seymour, and Austin- a journey recorded by Laura Crawford of Talegate in Austin. To learn more about this please visit


At the Tom Lea Institute, we work hard to bring you fun and free events that are perfect for the whole family. These are some of the many ways we love to serve our community!
College Student Tours
Striving to build an appreciation of our heritage in the next generation. we partnered with UTEP Professor Nayeli Dousa's music appreciation class tours, we took college students to the El Paso Museum of Art and the El Paso Museum of History, sharing the wonderful and inspiring art of Tom Lea.
Sarah and Tom Lea for Best Life Drawing or Life Painting Award 2024 goes to...“Multiverse” by Tierra and Dirt Collective.
Multiverse is a project made by UTEP Ceramic Students who are part of the Tierra and Dirt Collective. It focuses on the idea of collective alternate realities. Each member created an imagined character that they would enjoy being if they were in an alternate reality.
From Left to right Linda Palleres, Kristie Rodarte, Allan Iniguez, Vivian Wilson, Teresa Castellanos, Caleb Jolly, Emma Chavarria, Fernanda, Ana Montes, Sara Beuchot, Jorge Rubio, Leslie Ulloa-Polloc, Emmy Chapa, Will Alvarez, Mariana Chavez, and Lizeth Castro.
Franklin Mountain Tour
We had a wonderful time with Cuidad Nueva walking the Nature Trail, feeling inspired by the reading of Old Mount Franklin by Tom Lea, and finalizing with a phenomenal painting workshop by award-winning local artist Blanca Estrada.
Downtown Treasures Tour
On our last tour for the season, we saw and learned the history behind sculptures, buildings, murals, and other hidden treasures by old and new master artists throughout the downtown area.

Please consider donating today at Thank you once again for supporting the legacy of Tom Lea.

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 29/05/2024

Six students have been awarded the Tom Lea Fellowship. Funded by Dee and Adair Margo, the award is designed to encourage the expansion of scholarship about Lea’s art, writings, or life.

Congratulations to:

1. Facundo Torrieri and Carlos Tapia, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.
2. Jeralyn Barbie, Masters in Sociology.
3. Emeliano Perez, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.
4. Michelle Ramirez, Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Dance Studies.
5. Carlos Castro, Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Psychology.


The Tom Lea Institute honors our soldiers, present, and past, who sacrificed so much so we can continue to enjoy our freedom today.
"There's a great difference between the actual war and the headlines rebuke sitting comfortably in our homes. The least warlike people I know are those who have seen the most of its actuality." "Everyone that fought and observed World War II knew why they were fighting, and they had certain objectives and they were on certain sides of the fence. And I don't think any of the great guys or any of those people were as patriotic as the soldiers. And that's the way we all felt."

- Tom Lea. First embedded artist correspondent for LIFE Magazine during WWII. Oral History.

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 24/05/2024

Thank you for joining us on our Downtown Treasures tour. We saw and learned the history behind sculptures, buildings, murals, and other hidden treasures by old and new master artists across the downtown area.

We had so much fun, and we hope to see you next tour season, starting as early as fall!

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 20/05/2024

We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to B.E. Art and Ciudad Nueva for an incredibly inspiring adventure at the Franklin Mountains State Park - Texas Parks and Wildlife!


The Tom Lea Institute commemorates Asian American Heritage Month with Tom Lea's time in China, General Chiang Kai-shek and Madam Chiang Kai-shek.

Two weeks afterwards, when I had just about given up, all of a sudden there was this call for me at the press hotel and Dr. Tong said, “The Generalissimo and Madame will receive you at four o’clock this afternoon. Be sure and wear your uniform and see that you're well policed. The Generalissimo likes to see smart military turnout.”

It was really quite impressive … And we went in and we didn't wait for 5 minutes in this rather sinister office ‘til the Generalissimo came in with a Big Ben alarm clock tick-tick-tick-tick. And he set it right in front of him as he sat at the desk and then… he wouldn't speak any English. Tong did all the interpreting and asked him to sit in a certain way for Mr. Lea and I sat on the other side of his desk. I got what I thought was pretty good drawing. I was having trouble with placing the ears or something and I asked them for ten more minutes. And he grumpily took out a little notebook, I guess “The Orders Of The Day,” and granted the ten minutes, looking at the alarm clock and working on his book. And then he got up and left.

And Dr. Tong said, “Now you will wait and Madam will receive us in her apartment upstairs.” …We were met by this very charming woman, who was ill-disposed and was on a white chaise longue with a pale lilac-colored satin coverlet and a white sort of gown and great big gold earrings and a perfect American accent... They let me do the portrait [alone with Madame Chiang], just the two of us. She was delightful. She asked me about my hometown, and then I found out that they had investigated me and found out that I was a relative of Homer Lea and that was the reason they received me…I got up and thanked her and said, “Oh, I can't take any more of your time, Madam Chiang,” she said, “Well, stay a moment. I've prepared something for you”… And I had walnut cake and tea with Madam Chiang Kai-shek in her apartment in Chungking. -Tom Lea, An Oral History.

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 13/05/2024

The Winner of the Sarah and Tom Lea for Best Life Drawing or Life Painting Award 2024 goes to the Tierra and Dirt Collective for Multiverse.

Artist [from left to right]
Linda Palleres
Kristie Rodarte
Allan Iniguez
Vivian Wilson
Teresa Castellanos
Caleb Jolly
Emma Chavarria
Ana Montes
Sara Beuchot
Jorge Rubio
Leslie Ulloa-Polloc
Emmy Chapa
Will Alvarez
Mariana Chavez
Lizeth Castro

For more information on the award please visit


The Tom Lea Institute wishes all mothers a Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for always being there for us!

"I remember that there was a teacher in fifth grade named Eula Strain. Miss Strain was a Baptist and knew Mother at the Baptist Church, and she had told Mother that I really showed some interest and maybe talent. Of course I could draw pictures, and she said, “It's funny to watch that little left hand.” I don't know, but that always burned me up. Mother had gone to the principal of Lamar school and said, “This boy is left-handed and I want him to stay left-handed. Don't try to teach him [otherwise]; I want him to say left-handed so that there won't be won't be any nervous thing.” And in those days they kind of thought that was a way to make a child get nervous and unbalanced a little bit. I stayed real left-handed. To this day, I couldn't even square dance because they say you know, “Go to the right” and I'd go to the left." .
Tom Lea, An Oral History.


The Tom Lea Institute commemorates Asian American Heritage Month with Tom Lea's time in China.

Tom spent a month during WWII in China, creating beautiful paintings of both the war and the countryside. There, he learned about the Song Masters School of thought, , Small Man in a Vast and Wondrous World.

"Theodore H. White got a telegram from Henry saying, If Lea is in Chungking, have him do some paintings of China unrelated to war some of the character and appearance of China"... "And I finally got me a ride. I was headed for China. That was my aim."... "Then, down in Kwelin [Guilin] was the part that I loved the best of China. It's the great landscape. You know those wonderful landscapes of the Sung Masters around [the year] 1200, at the very height of that wonderful Chinese painting. Those sugarloafs, they're true. I couldn't believe it. They’re really true. The people who did all these paintings weren't making it up; there they are to this day and beautiful. And the River Li, which I liked very much, flows right through all of these strange sugarloaf mountains. It's really an enchanted place and the mist almost daily hang part way down on those cone-shaped mountains. It's the old Sung Masters, but there it is in real life. China made an impression that will never ever die in me. Tom Lea, An Oral History

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 07/05/2024

During Teacher Appreciation Week, we would like to express our gratitude to all the educators worldwide for their hard work and dedication.

"When I went to high school I was exceedingly fortunate in finding the art teacher there. She taught nothing but art, Miss Gertrude Evans, who was from Wisconsin and had come down here to teach. And she reaIIy encouraged me and, well gave me a very great deal of background about painting and so on. I truly owe a lot to her."
Tom Lea, An Oral History

Images of Gertrude Evans watercolor paintings.


In the heart of the American Southwest, a unique blend of history and art comes alive through technology with the Tom Lea Trail Mobile Tour. Named after the iconic American artist, writer, and war correspondent Tom Lea, this immersive experience takes you on a journey through the life and works of a man who left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of the Southwest.

The mobile tour highlights hidden gems in 12 cities and 24 sites from the palm of your hand. Housed on the Texas Historical Commissions Time Travel website, the Tom Lea Trail Mobile Tour takes you through the state-of-the-art tour filled with music, narrated slide shows, videos, and links to resources.

Navigate the Tom Lea Trial Mobile Tour

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 03/05/2024

During Professor Nayeli Dousa's music appreciation class tours, we partner with the El Paso Museum of Art and the El Paso Museum of History to share the wonderful and inspiring art of Tom Lea with college students at the University of El Paso in Texas.

This year, we have curated over fifteen exclusive private presentations and tours for various institutions, organizations, and groups. If you or anyone you know is interested in these special events, please email [email protected] for more information.


The month of April was filled with memorable events, thank you for being a part of the Tom Lea Institute!

Our last Tom Lea Celebration event was held in Seymour, Texas, Tom Lea Trail & Heritage Tradeshow! Featuring live dancing, presentations, and food, the event encapsulated Tom Lea's Comanche mural at Seymour's post office.

The Premieres and Plaza Theatre tour heard the power of the Wyler Mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ, learned about the history of the Plaza Theatre and Tom Lea's best-selling novels, Brave Bulls and The Wonderful Country, which became movies and premiered at the Plaza Theater.

A small group traveled the Tour of Northern Chihuahua World Heritage Site Paquimé, where The group visited various areas around Casas Grandes, such as the Sotol Por Siempre, Paquimé, pottery demonstrations at Mata Ortiz, and much more!

La Revolución Mexicana tour explored some of the most important sites for the Revolutionaries, the critical role of the Soldaderas, Tom Lea III (Painter) 's recollection of his encounters with the Mexican Revolution and the art that was inspired by it.

During Professor Nayeli Dousa's music appreciation class tours, we partner with the El Paso Museum of Art and the El Paso Museum of History to share the wonderful and inspiring art of Tom Lea with college students at the University of El Paso in Texas.

Each day, the Tom Lea Institute works hard to bring you free, family-friendly events; please consider donating today!


Thank you once again for supporting the legacy of Tom Lea.


Have you ever walked through El Paso, captivated by the art around you? This tour takes you through the heart of downtown El Paso, unveiling the stories behind these artistic treasures.

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 26/04/2024

Thank you to those who joined us for our tour of El Paso's historic downtown area at the Mexican Revolution tour.

We explored some of the most important sites for the Revolutionaries, the critical role of the Soldaderas/Adelitas, Tom Lea III (Painter) 's recollection of his encounters with the Mexican Revolution and the art that was inspired by it, and José Cisneros's life journey and long-lasting friendship with Tom Lea.

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 24/04/2024


Tom Lea spent his formative years soaking in the designs of the Casas Grandes pottery his father collected, and references to Indigenous designs are often found in his landscape paintings like Southwest (1956), A Quiet Place (1961), and Durango Design (1977). The last trip Tom Lea took before he died in 2001 was to Casas Grandes and the pottery-making village of Mata Ortiz, accompanied by First Lady of Texas Laura Bush, Adair Margo, the Texas Secretary of State University president, and friends.
There, he made a sketch from the sedan in which he was riding, asking the driver to stop so that he could record what he saw. Back in his El Paso studio, with age-dimmed eyes, he created "Chihuahua in Winter," which was his last work of art.

Thank you for being part of such a special trip!

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 19/04/2024

Thank you for joining us on the Premieres and Plaza Theatre tour, an event filled with unique experiences!

We hope to see you in our next tour coming up in May; sign up today at

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 17/04/2024

Thank you to all who joined us at Seymour at the last Tom Lea Celebration event, The Tom Lea Trail & Heritage Tradeshow!

The Comanche dances were extraordinary, and the presentations were so insightful, an amazing way to conclude Tom Lea Celebration 2023-2024.


Over 80 students and staff of Brown Middle School booked a private tour around the El Paso Downtown area, focusing on El Paso's history, art, and architecture. Thank you for being such an engaging crowd!


The Tom Lea Institute is here as a source for educators, with state-of-the-art lessons prepared and ready to use electronically or as printed materials – free of charge. Resources are provided by the generosity of our donors and grants. For more information visit,

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 12/04/2024

A Vibrant El Paso Art Community

“WHY do you only promote Tom Lea? Isn’t that narrow?” Some may question it, but Tom Lea’s extensive work portraying the cultural diversity of the Southwest deserves celebration and preservation. True to his generous spirit, during his lifetime, Tom actively supported the careers of many artists, such as Carl Hertzog, José Cisneros, Urbici Soler, Enriqué Alferez, José Aceves, and many others.

In the same inclusive spirit, the Institute has been a champion for more than 20 artists in our community. We go beyond just promotion, offering engaging platforms like Artmaker workshops for students, family-oriented events such as our Plein-air landscape class in the Franklin Mountains State Park, and walking tours with local artists. This spring and summer, we are featuring Jesus Cimi Alvarado, Blanca Estrada, and Joey Lee Cabral in our events lineup.

Recently, the Institute has collaborated with a diverse array of artists, writers, and musicians, including Susan Schwartz, Rosario Ponte, Lyuba Titovets, Tom Birkner, Ann James Massey, Julian Vidales, Lee Beach Limited, Hal Marcus, Brian Holt, Skuishi Press, Zuill Baily, Dr. Dominic Dousa, Nayeli Dousa and José Mario Sanchez.

Like Tom Lea, who didn’t see other artists as competition but elevated fellow artists, we are committed to fostering a vibrant artistic community in El Paso.


Don't forget to tell your siblings how much you cherish them today on Siblings Day! The Tom Lea Institute wants to share one of many stories of Tom Lea with Joe Lea his brother.

"So, Joe and I were coming out of the basement, where the Sunday school and where the young people's meetings were and aII of that, and we got out and it was raining like the dickens.

And we started to go back in and we got out - there was a little parking, the grass, about 3 feet wide in front of the church steps. And we were standing there and the bolt of lightning struck; they used to have, uh, they called them mushrooms in the center of an intersection so that people would drive around and wouldn't cut corners, one of the early traffic helps. WelI, this bolt of lightning hit that metal mushroom about 25 feet from where we were standing and scared the living heck out of us.

We thought the Lord had really got us. (laughter) Kind of, you know' nearly knocked us down. It was a real blast. And, boy, were we glad when Mother came by (chuckles) with the car and took us home." Tom Lea. Oral History

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 08/04/2024

Thank you to all who attended Border Narratives, Celebrating 4 years of Lee Beach.

The pieces will be up at until June 4. Don't miss the opportunity to see his new pieces and his honoring pieces of Tom Lea.


Join Dr. Miguel Juárez as he presents his paper on Jose Aceves and Tom Lea, Jr. at the West Texas Symposium of History next week at Midland College!

Saturday April 13, 2024 12:30pm


Did you know the Mexican Revolution was planned in El Paso? Join us to explore the Mexican Revolution as we see firsthand some of the most important sites for Pancho Villa and his Revolutionaries.

• See the building from which Francisco Madero and Pancho Villa planned the revolution and encounter the soda shop Pancho Villa frequented
• Learn about the impactful friendship of Tom Lea and refugee Jose Cisneros.
• See Tom Lea's Mexican Revolution art.
• Learn about the only time the U.S. Government allowed a foreign country to set up a spy station on U.S. soil.


• 10 AM - Meet at the Paso Del Norte hotel entrance. Our tour will depart promptly from the Paso del Norte hotel entrance at 10:15 AM.
• After the tour, attendees may join us for a no-host lunch with the group at Sabor, located in the Paso del Norte hotel
• Questions? Please call us at 915-533-0048.
•Please wear comfortable shoes.



Thank you for another wonderful month! Did you attend any of the events in March?

In the month of March we had Los Murales de Segundo Barrio, viewing more than 15 murals, guided by El Paso local muralist Jesus "Cimi" Alvarado. The Southwest Experience, Deep in the brush country of South Texas lie the ruins of the old horse ranch called Rancho Randado. The Museum Foundation of Hebbronville commemorated the inclusion of the Jim Hogg County Old Jail Museum in the Tom Lea Trail. The Franklin Mountain Tour along the Nature Trail with Lydia, feeling inspired by a reading by Adair Margo of Old Mount Franklin by Tom Lea, and finalizing with a phenomenal painting workshop by award winning local artist Blanca Estrada. Although The Tom Lea Institute creates many wonderful public events, our work does not end there! We have curated over ten private presentations and tours for other institutions, organizations, and groups. If you or anyone is interested, send an email to [email protected] for more information.


Each day, the Tom Lea Institute works hard to bring you free, family-friendly events; please consider donating today, visit


The Tom Lea Institute, on the occasion of Easter, wishes you a warm and wonderful holiday.

"Dad (Tom Lea) was a religious man. Although raised in the Baptist Church, he did not attend services there. When I was ten years old (1943), we began going to St. Clements Episcopal (now Anglican) Church in El Paso. He gave me my first bible there. I have since rejoined the Episcopal Church.
My mother (Sarah Lea) said that he got down on his knees and prayed every morning. His favorite prayers are from St. Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 19-21, 24 and 33, and, of course, the Lord's Prayer."
-Jim Lea, Tom's son.

Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 29/03/2024

Coming from all over the world! A group of International students from Brazil, China, Panama, and India participated in a private downtown tour. The Tom Lea Institute creates many wonderful public events, but our work does not end there! We have curated over ten private presentations and tours for other institutions, organizations, and groups. If you or anyone is interested in private events, email [email protected] for more information.


When the Plaza Theatre opened on September 12, 1930, it was heralded as the "Southwest's most perfect theater" and the largest atmospheric showplace between Dallas and Los Angeles.

• Focus on the Plaza's design, beauty, and function and why it became, and remains, one of the most beloved spaces in the city.
• Open with songs played on the original 1930 Wyler Mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ, featuring Rick Garven, a long-time volunteer Plaza organist.
• Discuss the premiers of movies based on Tom Lea novels, The Wonderful Country and The Brave Bulls.

• 10 AM – Meet at the entrance of the Plaza Theatre 125 W Mills Ave., El Paso.
• After the tour, attendees may join us to a no-host lunch at a local restaurant.
• Questions? Please call us at 915-533-0048.
• Please wear comfortable shoes


Photos from Tom Lea Institute's post 25/03/2024

Thank you Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum for such a wonderful event. and being part of the Tom Lea Trail! We would also like to thank everyone who attended, such a fantastic crowd.

Navigate the Tom Lea Trail today

Videos (show all)

Thank you for another wonderful month! Did you attend any of the events in March?In the month of March we had Los Murale...
This past Saturday, we had the opportunity to partner with Franklin Mountains State Park - Texas Parks and Wildlife and ...
Happy International Women's MonthThe Tom Lea Institute commemorates women across the world on International Women's Day ...
And what event did you attend?
The Tom Lea Institute had the great opportunity to collaborate with El Paso local muralist @elcimi for a guided mural to...
Happy New Year! We hope you had an amazing 2023! We sure did, thanks to all for the support over the past year and we ho...
Did You know ⁉️Every Christmas, Tom Lea would hand-make Christmas cards. He used the printmaking process of engraving or...
Take a look at this special request of El Domador!Remember we have a variety of lithos in our shop!Please visit www.toml...
The Chamber EnsembleNovember 2, 5:30pmDr. Dominic Dousa, professor of music at UTEP and a new Tom Lea Fellow recipient, ...
Take a look at our October Events for Tom Lea Celebration!Make sure to checkout our future events and tours as we celebr...
Pasaron por AquíJoin us at @imoaep for a presentation by The Ysleta del Sur Pueblo (Tigua Natives)and a traditional danc...
The Land, Space & SeaTexas A&M Open HouseVisit with us at Texas A&M Press, where we will see the Frank Wardlaw collectio...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00