Results thru Research

Results thru Research

We recognize the abundance of misinformation worldwide regarding health, fitness, nutrition and medicine. Nutrition and fitness play a major role in our lives.

As a result, we have created an informative, investigative and educational audio magazine specifically formulated for easy understanding. Our goal is to provide the average, open-minded, inquisitive person with valuable information enabling YOU to make the proper decisions leading towards a healthier lifestyle. Our team of researchers reviews over 50 journals monthly in order to educate you with t


Are you getting all you can from your Vitamins?
I see it all the time with clients, they are taking a multitude of supplements and yet after doing a nutrient depletion blood test they come back deficient in many areas. Why?
The short answer is this, it may be the quality of supplement that you are taking or lack there of.

The 2nd reason could be that your body is not assimilating the supplements that you are taking. This may be a gut problem, where most disease starts or because you are not taking things in the proper ratios so your body may use them to the best of their ability.
Timing is also important on when you take your supplements. Time of day, with or without meals, all play a role in proper breakdown and use.
Stop throwing darts at a dart board and get tested so you can develop a bluprint for your health.


Feeling gratitude:
Email from reader;

I downloaded Doug's book 2 weeks ago. I am an avid reader and researcher of nutrition. I have been monitoring my husbands high cholesterol and the meds that his doctors have had him on for years. His last 2 check ups have been great according to his doctors.
I read in his book about the proper blood tests that could save your life and they have never been part of my husbands routine check ups. I insisted at his recent check up last week to have these tests done. Low and behold, although his cholesterol levels were low, all the number that Doug said to check for were through the roof.
Because of this book and the information in it, my husband is scheduled to have 2 stints put in next week due to an 80% and a 85% blockage in his arteries. Thank you Doug for possibly saving my husbands life.
I will encourage everyone I come in contact with to buy your book and read it.

God Bless You


Make no excuses for loving yourself first. If you do not love yourself first, you will never be ready to attract love from others or give love to others.
I choose to treat myself with respect.
I choose to be the best that I can be, not what others think I should be.
I come first so I can give my best to others.
I give my mind and body the nourishment it needs to thrive.
I decide who I let into my world.
Non of these choices are selfish because they are not at the expense of others. You are the most important person in the world.
Be it!!
Do it!!!
Have it!!!


Friday Success story:
A client comes to me 9 months ago on 5 different medications with 2 disc herniations and the beginning of type 2 diabetes and a pending total knee replacement. He was petrified of undergoing surgery and not having a great result.
We prolonged the surgery for 4 months. I did a battery of tests on him including a nutrient depletion test a heavy metal toxicity test, both of which came back startling. Within that first 4 months he got off of 3 of the 5 medications and completely got rid of any signs of type 2 diabetes.
After 7 months of some lifestyle changes (nutrition, supplementation and other modalities) he is off of all meds.
After 9 months he no longer needs knee surgery and his herniations are almost non existent. With the help of my chiropractic and acupuncturist and the changes I made in his belief system and lifestyle he now has a new life. Thanks to his hard work and dedication to wanting to change, he has. Bravo!!!!


Fear of losing control.
I hate to break it to you, but you can’t control everything in your life no matter how many safeguards you put into place. Life is about finding a balance between what we can and cannot control. You must learn to live comfortably between effort and surrender. Life does not owe you anything; it has already given you everything you need. Freedom is not overcoming what you think stands in your way; it is understanding that what is in your way is part of the way.
Quite simply, the reason you are sometimes miserable and stressed is because of an unhealthy attachment to certain things you have no control over. So let go; release the tension and stress. Realize you haven’t lost anything; you were never in control to begin with. See what happens when you loosen your grip, throw your hands into the air, and allow life to just happen and flow as it does, without constant worry and micromanagement.
Have an awesome day!!!!


Mainstream Medicine’s Blunder #1: Vitamin D
When doctors prescribe Vitamin D – usually after blood tests show a deficiency – it’s almost invariably D2, also called ergocalciferol. And when Vitamin D is added to foods to “fortify” them (such as cow’s milk, for example), it’s always D2. But all Vitamin D is not the same.
Vitamin D2 is far less effective than Vitamin D3. It’s not absorbed well by the body, but Mainstream Medicine continues to treat Vitamins D2 and D3 interchangeably. This study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition couldn’t be more clear in its conclusion about the inferiority of Vitamin D2:
“Despite an emerging body of evidence suggesting several plausible explanations for the greater bioefficacy of vitamin D3, the form of vitamin D used in major preparations of prescriptions in North America is vitamin D2. … Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, should not be regarded as a nutrient suitable for supplementation or fortification.”1
In the above study, it was revealed that D2 and D3 do not follow the same metabolic pathway as previously thought. In addition, D2 was shown to be quite unstable, and prone to toxic contamination due to the way it’s manufactured. “Vitamin D2 is synthetically produced from irradiation of ergosterol derived from the mold ergot”1 the authors state in the study. (Yuck.) In contrast, “vitamin D3 is manufactured in a similar manner to that which occurs naturally in human and animal skin.”1
Mainstream Medicine’s Blunder #2: Calcium
Typically, doctors will tell those with low bone density to “take calcium” or “drink milk.” But they make no distinction between the organic forms of this mineral and the inorganic. And chances are, prescribed calcium is inorganic. Now, don’t get me wrong. The body can effectively utilize small doses of inorganic calcium, but when doctors prescribe or recommend calcium, the dosage is typically around 1,000 mg a day.
The most common calcium supplements are made of carbonate, citrate (which is easier to digest than carbonate), dolomite, di-calcium phosphate, tri-calcium phosphate, coral, oyster shell or bone meal, and all variations of amino-acid chelated calcium (which are the most bioavailable of all the above forms of calcium). While they may have different names, they all have one thing in common: they are all inorganic.
This kind of calcium is not easily bioavailable, especially in large quantities, which most likely explains it’s association with increased risk of heart attack.
Calcium Carbonate is an Industrial Mineral
Calcium carbonate is also widely used as an industrial mineral. Some interesting information from the Industrial Minerals Association of North America shows just how “industrial” calcium carbonate really is. It’s produced from marble, quarry rocks, or by mixing carbon dioxide with a solution of calcium hydroxide. It’s more compact than chalk, making it even harder for your body to break down and use. In fact, here are some of the ways calcium carbonate used in industry:
To make the rough surface on sandpaper
It’s pressed into chalk (in school, you were writing on the chalkboard with the same stuff in the average calcium supplement!)
Used as a filler in paper, plastics, paints – it’s particularly effective as a coating pigment.
Used as a filler in adhesives and sealants
It’s an ingredient in cement and mortar
Calcium carbonate is used to make steel and glass
Needless to say, this is not something we should put into our bodies!
I always test my clients for Micronutrient deficiencies and recommend supplements based on FACTS not guessing.


My Journey:

When I was a teenager and started working out I was told by my critics that it wouldn't last and I would tire of it.

When I was in my 20s I was told that I was to disciplined and I needed to lighten up and party more and where did I think all this healthy stuff was going to get me.

In my 30s I reinvented myself and the way I worked out and was still told that you are way to serious about this.

My 40s came and my old critics were starting to feel the affects of years of abusing their bodies, all of sudden I became a source of help and guidance.

Then the 50s came and went and all of sudden many of the
naysayers started falling ill and having regrets for years of not taking their health serious.

Now in my 60s I see that working out has changed for me. What used to be about burning calories and pent up anger is now more about burning up what is false. Lies I used to tell myself about who I was and what I should do, friendships that cannot withstand hills or miles, the approval I no longer need to seek, and solidarity that cannot bear silence. I workout to burn up what I don't need and ignite what I do. So for all of you that still ask me if I plan on slowing down now that I turned 60, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm just getting started.

Have an awesome life because you can at any age!!!!!


Many things that resonate with me about my clients are the stories that they keep repeating to themselves about their hardships. Poor health choices, poor thought choices and poor company choices. We forget that we need to fix ourselves first, recognize old patterns, realize why you have attracted the same illnesses or people into your life.
There are some people that light up a room when they enter it but even more when they leave it. Food for thought.
Have an awesome day!!!


Client Story:
I have been an educated health advocate for years. I read almost every new “Health and Wellness” book that comes out in search of the truth. When I saw this book on a friends coffee table I said to her, “ Oh great just another good looking guy writing a nutrition book”. After browsing through the book I decided to buy one for myself.
I received it this past Monday, read it by Tuesday and was BLOWN away by the amount of information in this book. I decided to have a consult with Doug Caporrino to see if the man behind the book was the real deal. I was lucky enough to get a cancellation yesterday, since he now has a 6 week wait. I have one word to describe my hour long consult with him via phone, “BRILLANT.” I have been dealing with a variety of health issues over the years and have been to every self-proclaimed wellness doctor there is and no one has been able to zero in on the cause of my problems. Within 15 minutes of reviewing all of the tests I supplied and listening to my story, he NAILED it!!!
The world needs to know this man and read his book. I will be a client for years to come. Thank you for writing a book that will be on my night table forever.

Maria Talbot


Saturday Success Story:
62 year young client signs on with me 4 months ago.
Symptoms: Can't sleep more then 2 hours at a time
Has a hard time walking up stairs, numbness in hands and feet, severe constapation and pain in all her joints. On several meds for, high cholesterol, heart arrhythmia, 2 blood pressure meds and 2 sleep meds and pre diabetic.
triglycerides 453,
Small LDL particle size HIGH,
Homocysteine levels 18,
CRP 5.5
A1C 6.2
20 to 30 lbs overweight.
After performing a Micronutrient test on her she is functionally deficient in several nutrients and boarderline defficent in 5.
After correcting the deficiencies and getting her on a menu that was right for her body I am happy to say that as of yesterday,
triglycerides 188,
Small LDL particle size low,
Homocysteine levels 8,
CRP 1.7
A1C 4.3
Weight down 21 lbs,
Off of all meds except for one
Running 2 miles every other day at a 13 minute pace
Menu- much better and far more educated on what she wasn't doing
Outlook - wants to run a 5K in 2 months and 10k in 6 months.
Me- feeling blessed that my knowledge and communication skills have gotten through to another person. Feeling on purpose!!!
You have Choices!!!!!!!


Special Day

Seems like yesterday but 25 years ago today I remember getting that phone call from the hospital you better get here quick. Yes my mom made the transition that day and forever changed my life. I believe when any of us losses a mother we are forever changed.
She taught me a great many things.
Empathy towards all
How to love and respect a women
How to follow your dreams no matter what they are
How to get up quickly when you get knocked down
The meaning of friendship
More than anything else she taught me that we are the ones that steer our ship.
Yes, she is alive in my memories everyday but selfishly I wish I could have her here one more time.


"Youth is not a time of life - it is a state of mind. It is a temper of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over a life of ease... Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals."
Samuel Ullman


Not Potatoes!!!!!!
Root vegetables of all kinds soak up all of the –cides that leach into the soil from the plants themselves and the surface of the soil. Herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. As if that weren’t enough, after they’re harvested, they’re treated to a bath of anti-sprouting agents. I’ve been told by commercial potato producers that they would never eat the potatoes they sell. The potatoes the producers eat are grown separately without the toxins.
Instead: Insist on organic. Even washing won’t get out the stuff you’re trying to avoid; potatoes are practically marinated in poison.


For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. —PSALM 36:9

You have the ability to achieve anything you set your mind and heart to. Everything you need is already within you.
Have an awesom day!!


Cancer is a symptom that your body is out of balance. A cancerous cell is just one that is defective. We all have these. A healthy body daily disposes of them. Note: we all have cancer cells in us, everyday. If our immune system is beaten , battered, and worn out these cancer cells are not removed, but collect and grow. Our food today is manufactured not grown. The FDA blesses all this. The government is not our friend and is bought and paid for by yes, the Monsanto's, Big Pharma, Big Sugar, Tyson, and other large food manufacturers. So eat organic, know what you are putting in your body, take personal responsibility for your health. Every cancer feeds off of different nutrients. Not all cancers just live in an acidic environment, they can live in an alkaline environment as well.
I work with all types of cancers patients for their nutrition. I do different types of testing that most doctors don't do which allows me to create a blueprint by which to build from.
When combating the big C use every available tool you can. Don't become your diagnosis.


Some of us are born with gifts and others are born with challenges.
Ultimately, it’s how you perceive each and what you do with each that determines your future.
I was never the most gifted athlete, so I had to put in extra time and practice.
I was never the smartest in my class, so I had to spend extra hours studying.
I never had great genetics for the gym, so I always had to do extra reps.
I was never the fastest in running, so I had to teach myself to run faster.
I was never the smartest one in the room, and I always thanked God for that. It taught me to be humble and to continue to learn from others, which I continue to do to this day.
Remember, don’t fall, Pray to those who tell you can’t, listen to your heart that tells you can. Because I am proof.
Thank you God


Regardless of how out of shape you think you are, you can.
Regardless of how hopeless it seems, you can.
Regardless of how hard it seems to be, you can.
Regardless of how slow the progress is, you can, you will and you will be better for it.
Just Give it One Day at a Time, you're worth it.

Doug Caporrino


Friday Success Story:
A 71 year young women comes to me with Long Covid. She is experiencing a bad cough, achy joints, headache and mild stomach distress.
She is on 8 different medications, 2 for blood pressure, 2 heart meds, 2 for arthritis, and 2 for stomach problems.
After performing a Micronutrient test on her she is functionally deficient in several key nutrients responsible for heart health and inflammation. She is borderline deficient in 11 key nutrients, responsible for immune system up regulation and the methylation process.
I first address the Long Covid systems with a specific protocol I have been using on anyone with symptoms. In 4 days her cough diminished and in 5 days was gone. Her other symptoms lessened in 4 days and are now non existent.
I now started to address her nutrient depletions. After 2 months of just replenishing her functional deficiencies she is off 4 meds. I am hoping to have her med free in another few months. Her primary care Dr. is amazed at how she has rebounded and overcame not only the Long Covid but seems to be thriving now. She brought him the Micronutrient blood work that I did and he had no idea what to do with the results.
There are always reasons for symptoms. Find the cause and get rid of the symptoms.
Don't guess what the problem might be, qualify and quantify it.
In box me to get tested.


The power of positive thinking naysayers haven't understood is that the seemingly seperate subdivisions of the mind, the conscious and the subconscious, are interdependent. The conscious mind is the creative one , the one that creates positive thoughts. in contrast the subconscious mind is repository of stimulus response tapes derived from instinct and learned behaviors, MFTP, Mother, Father , Teacher, Preacher. This means we have the power to change that behavior through conscious effort and work. Yes, I said work. When people say "I am who I am" describes an inability to want to change as opposed to the person who says"show me, teach me." Your life is a constant evolution if you want and let it be.
Have an awesome day!!!!!


What about fats???
When it comes to fats and oils, forget everything you've been told. The mainstream has been wrong about nearly every single aspect for decades--and is only now starting to catch up. Millions of people have died as a result of misguided recommendations that have persisted for decades. Consider:
For almost 30 years, you were told to avoid saturated fats and use manmade trans fats instead--until the last few years when that was flipped on its head. You've now been told to avoid all trans-fats, including natural trans-fats, some of which are actually essential for good health. How many millions of people died as a result of switching to trans-fats based on their doctors' recommendations?
After trans-fats had their day, the mainstream began pushing you into large consumption of polyunsaturated, high omega-6 oils instead--as in The Dietary Guidelines. But study after study is now showing that's a big mistake that can lead directly to heart attacks.
Which brings us to omega-3 oils. The reason that everyone in the alternative health community is so big on omega-3 oils is not because omega-3's are necessarily healthier than any other kind of fat. The problem is that you need them to balance out the excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids that have been foisted on you. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the diet is 1:1 to 2:1. But thanks to mainstream advice, that ratio is being pushed to 20:1, 30:1, even 50:1 in favor of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. That's deadly! It forces you to supplement with omega-3's to bring that ratio back down. And the problem isn't just in the oils you use. Take meat, for example. Grass fed beef runs about 2:1 omega-6 to omega-3. But corn fed beef (the gold standard in restaurants and supermarkets) runs around 40:1--reflecting the ratio of the corn on which it was fattened.14 If you consumed fats in their naturally present amounts as found in a varied, healthy, naturally produced diet, you wouldn't need to supplement with omega-3 fatty acids.
In conclusion, the evidence keeps rolling in that, when it comes to fats, the Dietary Guidelines are quite simply wrong. Millions of people have died as a result of this bad advice. Don't be one of them. The Guidelines represent outdated thinking that, true to form, the mainstream medical/nutrition community can't let go of. As stated when we first looked at the 2015-20 Dietary Guidelines, you'll want to view them with a lot of skepticism. They're about 30-50 years behind the curve.
Have an awesome day!!!!!


Fragile is a single life the brave so freely give.
Bound for immortality, their souls will surely live.
Death, don’t be proud for what you took, they freely gave away.
Their quest for freedom far outweighed the fear that you convey.

They joined the ranks of warriors, staying vigil day and night.
They often skipped a meal or two, but they never missed a fight.
God bless the men and women whose fighting days are done.
Say a special prayer at night for each and every one.

Rest assured that you will find throughout the coming years
These fallen warriors will return in the hearts of all their peers!
If we forget their sacrifice, their deaths will be in vain.
Let’s stand beside their loved ones as we sing their last refrain:

Randall W. West.


Fragile is a single life the brave so freely give.
Bound for immortality, their souls will surely live.
Death, don't be proud for what you took, they freely gave away.
Their quest for freedom far outweighed the fear that you convey.

They joined the ranks of warriors, staying vigil day and night.
They often skipped a meal or two, but they never missed a fight.
God bless the men and women whose fighting days are done.
Say a special prayer at night for each and every one.

Rest assured that you will find throughout the coming years
These fallen warriors will return in the hearts of all their peers!
If we forget their sacrifice, their deaths will be in vain.
Let's stand beside their loved ones as we sing their last refrain:

Randall W. West.


Micronutrient deficiencies cause disease:

Targeted repletion is the solution.
Micronutrients are the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and chemicals our bodies use to perform every biological function necessary to survive and thrive. If we become deficient, we get sick. But the manifestations of nutrient deficiency are incredibly diverse.
Case in point: magnesium deficiency. This mineral is a cofactor for over 300 metabolic reactions in the body. A deficiency could manifest in any number of ways:
No clinical symptom: Mg deficiency can lower bone density which is often asymptomatic.
Subtle clinical symptom: Mg deficiency can increase bone pain and cause fatigue.
Acute clinical symptom: Mg deficiency can result in a bone fracture.
The point here is that nutrient deficiencies manifest very differently. If there is not an obvious or acute issue, it would be referred to as a subclinical micronutrient deficiency. When untreated, subclinical deficiencies will usually progress to overt sometimes critical deficiencies.
My testing can determine nutrient deficiencies regardless of how they manifest clinically. This is important because in many cases the clinical symptoms are subtle (fatigue, pain, immune dysfunction) but often become more pronounced over time.
Why Guess, TEST!!!!!


HS C Reactive Protein
It amazes me that many doctors today still don't order HS CRP blood panels. I had to call the Dr of a client of mine last week to request that he do a number of panels that weren't on his script. He had no idea why I wanted to do 1/2 of the inflammatory panels and had no idea why I wanted a fractioned lipid panel done (VAP). It's just amazing to me.
CRP alone is accountable for:
High CRP levels are an indicator of poor skeletal health and an increased risk of fracture.
Elevated Blood Pressure
Periodontal Disease
Cardiovascular Issues
Stroke Risk
Metabolism and Obesity
Macular Degeneration
Rheumatoid Arthritis
The list goes on and I could speak for hours on the importance of this and other panels that should be part of a standard blood test. At the very least insist on a HS CRP test when going in for any routine blood work.
Have a great day!!!


Friday success story:

This client came to me about 4 months ago with constant sneezing and congestion, and took allergy medications. She has also had diarrhea off and
on for years. Her colonoscopy and stool studies have all been normal. She was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. She was always tired and had no energy, even though she got plenty of sleep. She was also diagnosed with
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and reflux. These were the medications she was prescribed included Premarin, HCTZ, Singulair, Allegra, Nexium, Tricor, Lotrel and Librax. Based upon my diagnostic testing I came up with a list of nutrient deficiencies.

After several weeks of supplements and a custom menu she started feeling better. She no longer has diarrhea and her allergies are under control. The client feels great and is more energized than she has been in a long time.
This is one example of disease that has done well with alternative therapy. Her physician believes she would still be seeing her gastroenterologist after all of these years with symptoms of diarrhea and no amount of testing could help her. She had also been seeing her allergist who had her on numerous medications which never resolved her symptoms.
I search for the cause and address it. I don't address symptoms. Why Guess, TEST!!!
Have an awesome day!!!


Affirmation of the day:
I am not in a competition with anyone else. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone else around me, in any way, shape or form. I just aim to improve, to become a better person than I was. That's me and I'm free.



The sad truth is that “protective” sunscreens can be toxic.
Most commercial sunscreens work by the reactions of chemicals, such as PABA, oxybenzone, and more. While protecting against sunburn, these chemicals are suspected of causing endocrine imbalances and can increase the risk of skin cancer significantly. These sunscreens often contain other chemicals that pe*****te deep into the skin and can cause estrogenic activity, which can throw the body’s hormone balance off significantly on cell proliferation and gene induction in mammalian and amphibian cells.
Here are some good natural choices:
1. Green Screen D Organic Sunscreen, SPF 35, by Kabana Skin Care
2. Aubrey Organics Natural Sun Screen, Green Tea, SPF 30+
3. Aubrey Organics Natural Sun Sunscreen, Sensitive Skin/Children, Unscented, SPF 30+
4. Aubrey Organics Natural Sun Saving Face Sunscreen, SPF 15
5. Green Screen Organic Sunscreen, Bronze, Neutral, N**e or Peach, SPF 32
6. Green Screen Organic Sunscreen, Original, SPF 31
7. Aubrey Organics Natural Sun Sunscreen for Active Lifestyles, Tropical, SPF 30


Attitude of gratitude today.
Recent client

When I came to Doug February 2024, I was at my wits end. I had been struggling with getting answers to my ongoing, on and off gut/digestive issues. I had tried several approaches to find answers as to why I was experiencing the excruciating/debilitating pain with my bowel movements. The episodes were getting closer and closer. The list of foods to avoid was getting longer and longer and more confusing than ever. I tried working with a gastroenterologist. Completed numerous tests along the way and received the results of “all is normal”. I knew none of what I was experiencing was “normal”. Some days I literally felt completely down and debilitated.

My first call with Doug, I knew he was my guy! I boasted to all of my friends and family that I had finally found the professional that was going to help me. I listened to every word he had to say, literally sitting at the edge of my seat, eager to learn what direction we were going to take to heal me.

I followed his protocol: cellular blood work (not the same as serum testing, friends). He guided me EVERY step of the way with supplements, dietary shifts, and health CARE. Doug is truly one of a kind. He was on a mission to heal me. He listened when I shared my experiences and took the lead with his insurmountable knowledge. I can honestly say, I have never had a doctor, nor health care provider that walked the walk with me like Doug. He cares about his clients and it shines through with every session I am blessed to have with him.

Not only am I healing in less than three months of working together, he has cut my supplements in half. You won’t find that in the western world of “medicine”. He cares about keeping it affordable.

I am beyond blown away by his knowledge, care and attentive manner in which he brings to the table every single session.

As he always says: “don’t guess, test”! If you truly want to get to the root of your health issues and not take a pill to mask your issues, Doug is your guy. He is a true blessing to all that receive his guidance.

I could not be happier with my results!! I feel like I have my life back!


Most people have thousands of friends on FB, but how many are really friends?
I decided to quantify my BDay wishes.

With over 1,000 people who reached out I here are the numbers:
213 from childhood 5 years old to 14, even the first girl who ever kissed me (KD) still friends.
315 from Teens through college, with some overlap in there.
45 ex employees
287 from Seminars and speaking engagements
The rest I have never met but have friended me from other clients and friends.
I have only tears of gratitude that you all took the time to reach out and say Happy Birthday.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!!!!

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