Nicole Nowicki PHP-Preventative Health and Wellness

Nicole Nowicki PHP-Preventative Health and Wellness

I help pre & menopausal woman heal from chronic pain and stress to feel empowered and agile again I am a wife, mom of four girls and grandma to two!

I knew something was wrong ever since back in high school. I went to numerous doctors over the years and each and every time they told me my numbers were fine and it was basically all in my head. I was tired of feeling miserable all the time. I was tired, had brain fog, feet sensitive to walk on, legs felt heavy, brittle nails, stomach very sore to touch, moody (ok very moody). I thought if I feel


You know you have a problem when:

I met with a woman yesterday (at my other job)who is visibly very ill. (Very much not always the case but a tell for sure). Cannot drive due to seizures, cannot lift any weight, very overweight (symptom not cause) and just looked-not well.
Well here’s my frustration- I had to call her back today and I got her voicemail mail. Her message: “If I do not answer I am either sleeping or at the doctor”.
Why why why are we living so miserable? Something needs to change-she is only 47!!!!

It is so much easier to be miserable than to put in the work to be healthy. People think it is so expensive to take care of what goes in and on our bodies. What is WAY more expensive is the cost of healthcare over years of going to the doctor (multiple) and hospitals, not to mention all of the medications.


You’ve got to be careful and really research what you are putting in and in your body. Companies get very sneaky with their marketing!!!


Leaving this right here….


That hit right in the gut for me…literally!


Stop wasting time and money on every quick fix for your health. The solution might be simpler than you think and way quicker on turning it around.

Photos from Nicole Nowicki PHP-Preventative Health and Wellness's post 29/04/2024

If you take very hot showers with chlorinated water, you are breathing in chloroform and other carcinogens? Yes hot tubs have the same effect.
These are some of the things that have big impacts on our overall health that we just don’t realize.
The program I teach digs into tools for prevention tips to your overall holistic health.


Name ONE disease cured by modern medicine and solved from the root cause without needing lifelong medications.
I'll wait.


Happy Earth Day everyone!! But really everyday is Earth Day right?

We at TYHBN celebrate Earth Day everyday. We honor the earth in everything we is the very essence of what we stand for. When you make the changes that you make for health and healing YOU, you are also healing the Earth with each choice you make.

"If you take away the interference and give it what it needs the body can heal itself". The same goes for our world. With living the Preventative Health lifestyle that we teach you, you inadvertently are having a huge positive impact on healing our world 🙂

We are not separate, but a part of ALL life on this planet. We live symbiotically together. So cheers to you for all you do not only for your health and the health of your family but for all life on our mother earth!!

Happy Earth Day!!


Get on the right path and begin your journey to a happy, vibrant, active and sustainable healthy life!!!


In 12 weeks using our signature program, I help people who are experiencing chronic health symptoms and conditions, are tired of being stuck in the conventional medical system with no real answers, and are ready to take back control of their own health by resolving the root causes of internal dysfunction, reversing chronic symptoms and building true health. This is the ONLY way to get healthy and stay healthy in our increasingly unhealthy world!!”

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Ask away, my dear. Question every little thing, and don't be afraid to challenge the status quo. The truth is out there, and it's up to us to find it.




Show up for YOU!!!


Or how about to yourself?


Fake evidence appearing real!! You can do this, PUSH

Photos from Nicole Nowicki PHP-Preventative Health and Wellness's post 24/03/2024

This is why the foundation of your health is so important. Take the steps now and empower yourself with good health before you get sick and completely prevent disease in the first place.

The program I coach you thru is true preventative health! Prevent disease from happening in the first place by making small changes to your first, lifestyle and environment. Versus conventional medicine that entices you with extra health care dollars for “prevention” but really they are just looking for something to be wrong so they can treat you with prescriptions and surgeries. Keeping you in the system!

Then you can save all that time from making doctor appointments, going from one doctor to another, one prescription to another. Those prescriptions do not cure, they cover it up. You still have all the same issues (many times they are getting worse) you do not know it however because the prescriptions suppress the signs your body is trying to tell you something is wrong.

[email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">[email protected]
[email protected]


If you could talk to your younger self, what would you tell her? ⁣

5 things I’d tell younger ME ⤵️⁣

1. Your mistakes are powerful lessons, not failures! ⁣

Learn from them and move on. ⁣

2. Do NOT slave away at a job that makes you miserable and leaves you yearning for something more.⁣ Be adventurous!!

Do what makes YOU happy - what gives YOU purpose! ⁣

3. Invest BIG in yourself, it is NOT selfish to put you first! ⁣

The time, energy, and money you spend becoming a better person gives to YOU and everyone around you, so you can be your best self to serve them! ⁣

4. Invest in your HEALTH now, don't wait until you loose it!⁣

Energy and health are golden. Think it’s expensive? Price cancer, heart attacks, chronic health conditions and funerals. ⁣


Listen to the music you love.
Wear the clothes that make you feel beautiful.
Find your purpose
Find your joy!
Do all of those things loud, proud, and often! ⁣

That expression of your REAL self will bring the right people into your life.
And it will allow you to pour into them in magical ways.⁣

It will also repel people not worthy of your energy, love, and time! ⁣
And that’s a gift too. ❤️

I’m curious...⁣

What would YOU tell your younger self?

P.S. Why not take that advice now? ⁣🫶


Knowledge alone is not power. Knowledge plus ACTION is Empowering! Every choice you make, every decision you make, every purchase you make either adds to your health and the health of the planet or takes away.
Choose wisely!!!




Your point of view plays an important role during challenging moments - adapting minor components step-by-step without rushing enhances growth potential alongside perseverance which holds equal significance alongside changing views.


Yesterday we took a trip up to watch my daughter coach some of her girls at the gymnastics state meet! Miss this so much so it was great to see!!!

I as I often try to do when I am anywhere, struck
up a great conversation with another mom next to me! We talked about a lot of things, but the main one still has me thinking like so often how we have to change what we are doing to help our kids.

You see our daughters were/are a lot alike in the fact they have severe anxiety to the point of getting sick and almost not being able to leave the house. She asked my advice on how to handle it since I had already been there and my daughter is now coaching the sport.

My first (old school) thought is we are over protecting our kids and think we need to protect them from every bad thing that comes their way but it is SO MUCH MORE than that. THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM!!!!

So many kids now have anxiety, ADHD, on the spectrum etc. Parents it seems talk about these things like it’s a badge of honor versus really trying to find out WHY.
WHY is this such an increasing issue with so many kids????

My thoughts?
You all know how I feel about processed food and the ingredients in them not to mention absolutely no nutritional value. For some kids this is all
they are fed! And then microwaved to heat them up. Most likely in plastic containers.

So many busy schedules eating on the run at restaurants is the norm. Terribly sourced food loaded with MSG to get flavor.

EMF’s (Electric Magnetic Fields)
This is also a huge one ☝️ we all need to realize just how much damage this is doing.

As I looked around I saw child after child sitting by their parents glued to a phone or tablet with wireless headphones on. No doubt to sit good and not bug them. I get it but you are teaching them nothing about patience, discipline and communication with others. Look I get it, I have been there with my own kids. But let’s put it into perspective, These sessions lasted a couple hours (hours), no doubt they went to dinner after and the same thing happened as well as the car ride home.
We are radiating their poor little brains. No wonder they cannot think straight.

A couple other points on EMF’s with regards to anxiety etc. Are you keeping your WiFi turned on in your house while you sleep? That’s just constant pulsing of radiation. Do you let your kids go to bed with their phones and other electronics? Are you? Even worse electrics charging right by their heads? Where is the router in relation to bedrooms? All of these things add up creating the issues above.

Truthfully this is just touching the surface and it’s those little changes you can make that can make a huge difference. Change the things we have control over. My program gives you these tools so the whole family can benefit and empower you to help them!!!

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