

Creating good health through nutrition seeking members desiring a long term income


When young I thought life was everything now older learned it's a short stay before moving on to the next permanent life.


3 things last forever FAITH, HOPE, LOVE


Decided to grow hair back on my bald spot on my head, seems to be working


GOD gives us a spirit of power shielded with the Armor of GOD


Many years ago learned one can actually chose to be healthy and avoid diseases


Donald by definition means world leader, ironic yes?


Chicken pox leads to shingles in older people herbs end this affliction


Eating this meal can reverse diabetes


Wisdom says to find Jesus the life to come last forever


Hope is Know the Life to come.


Cold sores some foods trigger frequent outbreaks, immune builders can lead the virus to a dormant state with fewer outbreaks


Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency syndrome (beriberi) has many similarities to sepsis — a primary cause of COVID-19 mortality — and thiamine deficiency is relatively common in critically ill patients in general
Thiamine deficiency is prevalent in pulmonary tuberculosis, and the more severe the case, the more severe the thiamine deficiency. Thiamine has been shown to limit Mycobacterium tuberculosis by regulating your innate immunity
Thiamine deficiency is also associated with the development of high fever, and some researchers have suggested that serious infections may in fact be a presenting manifestation of thiamine deficiency
Clinical case reports have shown thiamine injections reversed a number of acute illnesses in which high fever was a factor, including one case where the patient presented with high fever, headache and asphyxia, and another where the patient had high fever and severe pneumonia
Thiamine is required for metabolism of some of the metabolites of vitamin C. Vitamin C also works synergistically with corticosteroids, which helps explain why the Marik Sepsis Protocol is so effective. Magnesium may also be important, as it is required for the activation of thiamine


Reduction in Free Radicals
Reduction in acids and toxins which cause pain
Increased blood oxygen levels
Improved blood viscosity reducing high blood pressure
Improved nutrient absorption
Regulates body temperature
Better pH balance at the cellular level
Reduces constipation, improves bowel function
Slows the aging process
Improves memory and brain function


Evidence suggests we are descendants of omnivores, and that the increase in brain volume coincides with a transition to hunting for animal game and eating large amounts of animal foods
Phytoalexins are plant defense compounds that may be causing more harm than good when consumed, and people generally underestimate just how many defense compounds are in plant foods
It is commonly believed that plant molecules act as antioxidants in humans, but they do not act as direct free radical scavengers in your body; rather, they trigger your antioxidant response system — a mechanism known as hormesis
Animal foods are uniquely healthy for humans and provide all the nutrients required for optimal health, including vitamins A, C, E and K2, as well as choline, carnitine and creatine
Evidence suggests the reason people live longer in certain areas known as Blue Zones has to do with healthy lifestyle behaviors such as not smoking or drinking and staying active; it does not appear to have anything to do with shunning meat and animal foods


A 2019 study by the U.S. FDA shows four common active ingredients in sunscreen — avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene and ecamsule — are absorbed into your blood at levels that could potentially pose health risks
Systemic concentrations greater than 0.5 ng/mL were reached for all four products after four applications on the first day; 0.5 ng/mL is the FDA maximum threshold for waiving systemic carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicology studies for sunscreens
Follow-up research confirms systemic concentrations of sunscreen chemicals are up to 500 times higher than the FDA’s assumed safety threshold
Oxybenzone and several other active ingredients in sunscreens enhance the ability of other chemicals to pe*****te your skin, including toxic herbicides, pesticides and insect repellants, and act as endocrine disrupters
Despite the endocrine disrupting and neurotoxic effects of oxybenzone, its high absorbability, and the availability of safe sunscreens (those containing non-nanosized zinc oxide and titanium dioxide), the FDA and American Academy of Dermatology urge people to continue using oxybenzone-containing sunscreen on a daily basis


Garlic possesses important sulfur-containing compounds, including allicin, which supports immunity. High-Potency Garlic features a special locked-in freshness coating that contains chlorophyll. This helps control odor while assuring a long, effective shelf-life. Because the tablet does not break down for absorption until it reaches the small intestine, you receive the full nutritional value of garlic without the undesirable taste. Comparing total allicin potential (TAP) with other leading brands shows that Nature’s Sunshine leads the pack. One tablet equals 1,200 mg of fresh garlic, roughly equal to one clove.
Great for infections and colds


Studies suggest that ginkgo biloba supplements can reduce symptoms of anxiety, improve glaucoma and boost blood flow in conditions like Raynaud's syndrome and erectile dysfunction


Coronavirus weapons include silver, black walnut, olive, copper and immunize


UTI's always associated with antibiotic resistant Candida Yeast


We can't overlook taking vitamins for our health


Many nonorganic collagen supplements have been found to contain contaminants associated with factory farmed animals, but even organic products have their quality concerns, specifically those made from bovine (cow) hides
Bovine hide-based collagen supplements are made from castoffs from the tannery (leather) industry that have undergone harsh chemical processing. Due to this, even organic collagen from hides may be of questionable quality in terms of their “organic” status
An ideal way to supply your body with much-needed collagen is to make homemade broth by boiling down chicken feet or beef bones. The gelatin that forms on top as it cools is your richest source of collagen
Collagen can help counteract dull, wrinkled, sagging skin and dry, brittle hair and nails, all of which are signs of aging that result from a loss of collagen
Other benefits of collagen include improved sleep, stronger bones, reduced joint pain and stiffness, and improved muscle building, wound healing, connective tissue repair, gut health, digestion, blood pressure and glucose tolerance
Dr Mercola info from his website

Earn Orchid 30/12/2019

A quick way to earn $40 just watch a video and answer a question

Earn Orchid Watch short educational videos and earn Orchid (OXT).


The way to good health is not through chemicals


Managing a lot of health groups takes a lot of time but it is worth it if you help just one person


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report showed data from a 2013 report missed nearly half the number of infections and deaths
The development of superbugs, resistant to two or more antibiotics, is linked to overly prescribed antibiotics, drug use in livestock production and exposure to herbicides
Researchers recently found that copper bed frames used in an intensive care unit carried 95% fewer bacteria than traditional ones
The CDC recommends basic precautions to halt the spread of pathogens, including good hand washing techniques. It’s important to recognize the symptoms of sepsis early and to know about an effective, harmless and inexpensive treatment you can discuss with your physician


Headaches are also usually associated with stomach problems. Ginger spice is one of the best things to calm an upset stomach and take care of a headache. When I was growing up, my mother would make ginger tea for me whenever I had an upset stomach or headache, which almost always took care of the problem.

Instructions mix ½ tsp. of powered ginger in a cup of warm water.


Abnormal hormonal exposures in pregnancy can influence fetal brain development, and research published in 2014 warned acetaminophen is in fact a hormone disruptor
According to that 2014 study, use of acetaminophen during pregnancy was associated with a 37% increased risk of the child being diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorder, a severe form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A 2019 study found that, compared to children of mothers with the lowest acetaminophen burden, children of mothers with the greatest exposure had a 286% higher risk for ADHD and a 362% higher risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by the time they were about 9 years old
Findings published in 2016 revealed use of acetaminophen at 18 and 32 weeks of pregnancy were associated with a 42% higher risk of conduct problems and a 31% higher risk of hyperactivity symptoms in the child
Another 2016 investigation found children of both sexes whose mothers used acetaminophen during pregnancy were 41% more likely to present with ADHD symptoms at age 5. Boys were also more likely to have ASD


Hibiscus tea offers a variety of health benefits, from helping control high blood pressure to aiding in digestion and metabolism. Research suggests drinking hibiscus tea twice a day may help lower blood pressure along with a healthy lifestyle, and this is just one of its many uses in managing your health.


Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin with significant health influence that many don’t get enough of. Your body stores very little of it, so it’s rapidly depleted without regular dietary intake. Common drugs such as statins and antibiotics can also deplete vitamin K
Vitamin K1 is derived from green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli and cabbage, and is best known for the role it plays in blood clotting
Vitamin K2 plays a primary role in bone and heart health. Inside your body, vitamin K2 is synthesized by certain bacteria in your gut. The vitamin K2 MK-4 is found in animal products such as meat, eggs, liver and dairy, while MK-7 is found in fermented foods such as sauerkraut, certain cheeses and natto
Recent research shows older individuals with low vitamin K1 status are more likely to have mobility problems and disability than those with higher levels
Vitamin K2 inhibits arterial calcification and improves arterial flexibility, thereby reducing your risk of a cardiovascular event (such as a heart attack) or death. It’s also important for the prevention of osteoporosis


Depression can be controlled with nutrients and Jesus by praying for a new spirit of joy
