Vintage Scooter Race 2-days, around 600 twisty miles. Yearly results: CORSA:IFP Rules and Guidelines

1. CORSA:IFP is a competition. Awards.

The rules stay the same for all iterations of the CORSA:IFP, regardless of where or how it is hosted or sponsored.

2. Inclusion of those who want to "ride, not race" and therefore be excluded from the rules and guidelines should not be promoted or encouraged. Exceptions are allowed under special circumstances (not just because your “friend wants to ride”), and must be approved by more than one m


Discussion of Rule 3 (year, make, and model of qualifying scooter) and Rule 12a (patches for previous Hosts which we've never stuck to) are being discussed on the CORSA forum on skirtbikes.


This is Mike. I'm moving management of CORSA to Skirtbikes dot com. There are many reasons for this, mainly because managing pages on FB is a royal pain in the ass, it's constantly asking you to pay to boost your posts to reach your own audiences, and to do it properly multiple "events" have to be made each year and then people have to join those events, etc, etc and it's always been a pain in the ass.

CORSA: IFP started on a forum and was managed well and easily. All the information was kept in one place, questions could be asked and answered, topics discussed, etc. All was well with the world. That local forum was sunset and all of that information was lost and, most importantly, the only place to manage the event was FB. Over the years managing it on FB has been a pain with people looking at the page, the events, etc, all to try to find consolidated information.

Skirtbikes is free. It's not the most polished forum and will need work, but it's scooter-oriented and hopefully as CORSA goes on year after year, valuable posts and history will be kept and maintained in one place and it can be a one-stop shop for this important community event.

After I think enough people have read this and know about it, I'll delete this page.

Thanks for your support. CORSA is in its 9th year? 10th? Pretty impressive for a vintage shopping cart race.


If you are planning on participating in the Corsa this year, please text me (508 265-3197) and provide your name and the email address you would like the maps sent to. If you have not registered yet, please get on it! we can not guarantee your t-shirt size after Sept 1st. Thanks, Aaron


Registration page is up and running for the Corsa:IFP 2019. We decided to combine registration pages of the Corsa and the Skank ride. This will help us keep better track of attendees for both events.

Just a few things to consider....

The per night camping and lodging costs include breakfast and dinner. You have to select each night you plan on staying as well as the event you are registering for. This will help us keep track of available bed space. For example...if you plan on just racing the CORSA but would like to stay Friday night after the race, you will need to select Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lodging options but only need to register for the CORSA.

If you are camping you will have access to the shower facilities in the lodge but please remember to bring your own towel.

The registration page should be pretty clear but if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.
Thanks, Aaron


Ok folks, it's time to review the rules. I'm not sure they have been updated officially since 2013 when Colin, Heytens and I reviewed them. So here they are in their entirety. What would you change? What wouldn't you change?

The rules are posted in the comments below. Do not add your comments to the two rule posts. Add it as its own post.

Rule 12 and 12a do not seem to be followed anymore. Why not? I realize we need to update the owners to reflect the past few years of winners, but I don't know if all the past owners have received their patches since when? 2013?

What about rule 3?

What about rule 4? Just kidding. We aren't changing rule 4. In fact I'd go so far as to ban any kind of handlebar mounted phone holding device just for appearances sake.


I would like to congratulate Aaron Hecker for taking 1st place for the 2018 Corsa:IFP . 2nd place Mike Heytens. 3rd place Robert Caple. I will be posting the full results soon. I would like to thank all the support crew and all the racers for participating.


Any racers ready to win one?


Shirt Order Going in tonight!!!!


Preregistration with a shirt will be closing. 5/8 Please Sign up ASAP. We have a great group of riders this year!!

Corsa:IFP 2017 27/03/2018

Photos From 2017

Home 22/03/2018

I so far have came up with 4 routes all with different themes. I have one that I like the most and boy is it a fun one. Don't forget to register and book your room.



Corsa: IFP 2018 Registration is posted in the event page along with hotel info. I am working on a group code to maybe save a few bucks for everyone. -Carl

CORSA:IFP – Events 12/03/2018

Now with The updated Start and end I hope to see more people Going

CORSA:IFP – Events 555 followers


The 2018 CORSA: IFP will end at Amerivespa in Richmond, VA - not absolute certain on dates yet but sometime between June 6 and June 11. More details to come.


Aaron Hecker

Timeline photos 18/10/2016

The 2017 CORSA dates and location will be announced this Saturday 10/22!!! ~Heather


It's time for another CORSA: IFP (well 2017 but it's time to start working on your bikes). Heather J will be managing it this year and we wish her the best.

Now for the serious stuff: Rules. Do we still like them? Do we need to make some changes (changes to eligible bikes, the no GPS, no electronic map, etc rules will always stay the same)?


Heather J has been added to the page as an editor and will be coordinating the 2017 CORSA: IFP.



2016 race is being handled by Mike Heytens.

Timeline photos 29/07/2015



CORSA:IFP 2015 starts in 24 hours...

for those of you who have been sitting on the sideline it's not too late to get yourself to the starting line...

CORSA:IFP 2015 01/07/2015

ok folks, stand up and be counted, CORSA 2015 registration is up and we have 17+ racers signed up so far, this is the event of summer that separates the wheat from the chaff...

registration will close on 06-JUL so get your s**t together...


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Aaron Hecker