Northwest Dental - Denture & Dentistry

Northwest Dental - Denture & Dentistry

Welcome to Northwest Dental! We offer a full line of denture & dentistry services in Whatcom, Skagit, Convenient locations in Bellingham, Burlington and Everett.

Call us today! Visit our Burlington office at:
200 E. Gilkey
Burlington, WA 98233
(360) 757-4909

Visit our Everett office at:
5201 Evergreen Way #B
Everett, WA 98203
(425) 259-2800


Protect your SMILE!!!
Wear a Mouthguard!
Sport related dental injuries account for at least 40% of all dental injuries in the United States. We can make you or your family member a mouthguard.


Have you ever considered getting a implant to replace a tooth that had to be extracted?
Implants are more common than you think. Implants have been a routine procedure among dentists over the last 10 years. If you're considering a implant, give us a call to schedule a consultation appointment.


Nightguards help protect your teeth from the effects of clenching and grinding. They may also relief pain from TMJ symptoms and to prevent damage to your teeth, implants, jaw, crowns, and other dental restoration.
If you find yourself grinding or clenching, give us call to have us make you a Nightguard!


Nearly, 54,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year.
It's 2 times more common in men then in women.
Risk factors for developing oral cancer:
*To***co and Alcohol use *Family history and genetics *Weakened immunity *HPV *Dietary Factors
We at Northwest Dental routinely do oral cancer screenings and check for any abnormalities at all dental and denture checkups.


April Fools Day


Wishing our EGGcellent patients a Happy Easter!!


Learn how to chew with new dentures


Partial or full dentures can accumulate plaque, stains, and calculus in the same manner as the natural dentition. If the denture is not cleaned appropriately, accumulated biofilm can contribute to the development of problems in the mouth such as infections.


Spinach is high in calcium which helps promotes better oral health by building up tooth enamel


Spring Clean Your Oral Health Habits:

**Replace your Toothbrush, bristles on any toothbrush get worn, frayed, and less effective over time. Also, the head of a toothbrush can become home to bacteria and viruses.
**Commit to a flossing routine. Spring is a great time of year to start a new, healthy habit. Now is the time to make the habit stick! Floss is important to ensure healthy gums.
**Ditch the soda habit. Not only is soda full of sugars, the carbonation in soda that makes it fizzy is also acidic on your teeth
**Routine Check ups. Regular dental cleaning/checkups should be twice each year. This helps to ensure your oral health is in the best possible shape and address any problems that might be developing.


Did you know, that allergies and impact your oral health.

Allergies and allergy medications can cause dry mouth, which can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. If you're experiencing dry mouth, try sipping water regularly or try saliva substitutes available without a prescription such as Biotene Dry Mouth Oral Rinse, bioXtra Dry Mouth Ultra Mild Mouthrinse or ACT Dry Mouth Mouthwash. You could also use a room humidifier at night time.
Also, keep up on your dental visits to detect and treat tooth decay or other dental problems.


Do you have issues with your lower denture staying in place? Have you ever considered dental implants?
Make a appointment with us a talk to us about a Implant Supported Denture

Missing a Tooth? 29/02/2024

Call us about replacing a missing tooth or replacing more than one

Missing a Tooth? We often notice teeth before anything else—your dentist can replace missing teeth. ...

Grind Your Teeth? 23/02/2024

Grind Your Teeth? Do you grind your teeth at night? Dentists can make a custom nightguard that prevents tooth damage. ...


Grab a handful of almonds because not only are they good but they provide both calcium and protein to help strengthen your enamel, as well as gum-stimulating fibre. They are also low in sugar which helps to reduce the production of plaque acids over time.


Happy Valentine's Day from your Northwest Dental Team


Everyone loves a healthy mouth!! Here is 6 tips to keep your pearly whites healthy!


Our dental team would like to say Thank You to our patients that have given us referrals.
That is the BEST compliment you can give us, "is a referral"!
You're kind referrals help grow our practice.

We are constantly committed in providing each and every patient with the finest care and a smile that they are proud to showoff!


Do you have NEW DENTURES???
Learning to eat with new dentures may be challenging and frustrating. But here are some helpful reminders and tips
1. Cut your food into small or tiny pieces
2. Chew on both sides of your mouth
3. Eat slowly
4. Avoid hard-to-chew meats, fruits and vegetables
5. Avoid sticky or gummy foods
6. You may need to use denture adhesive for the first few days


There are four types of diagnostic radiographs taken in today's dental offices -- periapical, panoramic, cephalometric and cone beam CT scan
Periapical radiographs are probably the most familiar, with images of a few teeth at a time captured on small film cards inserted in the mouth.
Panoramic wrap-around radiographic image of the patient's mouth. This is useful for
studying the patient's jaw and the position of the
teeth relative to one another.
Cephalometric radiographic image of the entire head, usually in profile. These films are most often used by orthodontists to diagnose misalignment of the jaw and bite
CT scans produces a three dimensional (3-D) images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone in a single scan. Mostly used to evaluate for implant placement.


National Cherry Month
Cherries are packed with antioxidants, which can help prevent cavities and gum disease.


Dentures not only improve the appearance of a smile that has multiple missing teeth, but they also keep the structure of the mouth sound by supporting the structures around the cheeks and lips. Dentures also make it possible to eat foods that require chewing, making it possible to keep your diet the same and ensure that you are properly nourished. Lastly, dentures are a solution to replace teeth that are causing serious pain and oral health issues, such as those with rotted roots or severe damage. Having dentures fitted means that troublesome teeth are eliminated and replaced with a strong and beautiful alternative, with the help of our great denturists!


Food choices and eating habits are important in preventing tooth decay and gingival disease. Minerals like calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients such as cheese, milk, plain yogurt, calcium-fortified tofu, leafy greens, and almonds may help contribute to dental health by protecting and rebuilding tooth enamel.


Regular sugary gum can actually be harmful to your teeth. The sugar will feed bacteria in your mouth which in turn, can damage your teeth. However, sugar-free chewing gum, can not only freshen your breath but may also improve your oral health.


Research has shown a link between gum disease and inflammation that can precede heart attacks, strokes, and sudden vascular events. So, schedule your dental check up today!

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We LOVE and APPRECIATE our patients!!!
Don't forget to schedule your routine dental checkup.  Call today