Maryland Retired School Personnel Association

Maryland Retired School Personnel Association

MRSPA is the only organization in the state that works exclusively for retired school personnel.


MRSPA, many exciting things are coming up on our calendar, including 3 more trip previews for the 2025 trips. If you are interested in traveling locally or internationally or just like to see pretty places that you are interested in, join us for one of our Trip previews coming up in August and September!

August 8 is our next upcoming preview for the Canadian Maritimes trip and you should have already received an email invite if you said you were interested. However, if you are new, or maybe more interested than previously, send us an email to [email protected] and we can get you on the list to receive the travel preview Zoom invite.

Keep an eye on your emails for additional dates and information on the additional upcoming previews or check out our Travel page at


MRSPA, have you heard that Crypto Currency scams are on the rise? Crytpo Currency, if you are unfamiliar with it, is money that isn't regulated by the government. It is traded between the people who use it. It is considered a highly volatile asset for those who own it and therefore scammers that try to get you to invest in this type of asset can be extremely dangerous. Crypto Currency trading is by and large anyonymous, which makes Cyrpto Currency an easy target for scammers. According to a report directly from the FBI - in 2023, investment fraud involving cryptocurrency accounted for $3.94 billion in losses, up from $2.57 billion the previous year. Nearly 44,000 investors were victimized. The FBI targeted a specific platform in 2023 that was actually a Ponzi scheme in which investors literally were putting money directly into the accounts of the scammers instead of investing into a product or service.

Many times, these scammers pose as celebrities contacting fans, or an attractive romantic interest. For more information on the convoluted nature of these scammers and information on how to protect yourself visit this AARP page to learn more.


MRSPA, Welcome to the end of the hottest week in recorded history! Drink your water! If you spend any time outside with grandkids, hiking, working or are in any other outdoor capacity, take heed!

Over 100 MILLION Americans are under extreme heat advisory from Maryland to Texas to California, temperatures are scorching and with heat can come blackouts, heat stroke, exhaustion, and just general overheating.

What can you do to stay cool, or at least not risk an accident or other mishap from overheating?

Wear light, loose-fitting clothing, reduce outdoor activities, keep air circulating with a personal fan, stay indoor and avoid sunburns. Taking these precautions could help keep you around for future summers with those you love. Check out for more tips on keeping cool in the heat.

Stay Safe and Cool!


MRSPA, did you see the recent warning from the Maryland Attorney General? A data breach was experienced by the largest electronic data clearinghouse in the country in February. Maryland is encouraging us to protect ourselves and take advantage of the free identity protection and credit monitoring services for two years due to the breach. What steps have you taken to ensure your personal information is not being used?

Credit monitoring allows you to be alerted when any action is taken that could alter your credit score, and a credit freeze can be put in place so that new cards and loans cannot be taken out in your name. If you issue a freeze, you will receive a PIN from the credit bureau and will be required to use that PIN to apply for credit cards or loans. For more information about the breach visit: or check the Maryland Attorney General website:


Happy 4th of July! July 4th has always been one of my favorite holidays as time is spent outdoors in celebration of this great nation that allows us to exercise our freedoms. Whether you choose to celebrate with fireworks, BBQ, or a parade, we hope you enjoy the holiday as you remember the brave people who sacrificed for each of us to create and protect our USA. Check out the PBS special, “A Capitol Fourth” in person on the Mall in Washington, DC, or on your local PBS station.


MRSPA, today is the start of the 2025 membership year and the transition to our new MRSPA officers and other leaders. We want to thank Carla and her team for their work during her tenure. We look forward to a new chapter of MRSPA that is all about opportunities for Advocacy, Service, and Connection as MRSPA members. To learn more about our organization or become a member visit


MRSPA, a $5 dues increase is just around the corner in the new fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2024. Keep an eye on your mailbox for your first billing notice regarding payment of your annual MRSPA dues. While we'd love to include a puppy with each membership, we hope this little guy adds a little fun to your Thursday. Don't forget annual dues deductions will come out on July 31 for those enrolled in autopay by deduction from your pension check/deposit. We thank you again for your continued membership with MRSPA!

Photos from Maryland Retired School Personnel Association's post 25/06/2024

As we gear up for Summer travel, MRSPA wants to remind you to be safe as you travel. A few easy tips include keeping your medications on the plane with you in a carry on, and if you are traveling overseas be sure to check on any possible vaccinations you may need. Don't forget to keep yourself hydrated while you travel, especially if you are spending lots of time in the sun.

Check out our many unique upcoming MRSPA travel experiences by visiting our website at Bring a friend or family and come travel with MRSPA!


MRSPA, today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year that marks the official beginning of Summer! Celebrate with your children or grandchildren by visiting the Summer Smithsonian Solstice Saturday in Washington D.C. with late night hours at 8 different museums and enjoy live music and entertainment. To learn more and experience the Summer Solstice event visit the following link:


MRSPA, Juneteenth may be a relatively new holiday to much of America, however, the significance of the holiday is held with near reverence to our African American brothers and sisters. Juneteenth marks the freeing of the enslaved communities in Galveston, Texas nearly two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed on June 19, 1865. Many black communities consider it Emancipation Day or Independence Day for their people. Early celebrations started as early as the next year, 1866 and often centered around food festivals. Happy Juneteenth!

See where you can celebrate Juneteenth in Maryland at


"A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way." -Unknown

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers of MRSPA.


MRSPA, it's flag day!

PBS, in the link listed above, talks in detail about the history and significance of Flag Day in our country. While it is often overlooked with the important holidays surrounding it, such as Memorial Day and the 4th of July, Flag Day showcases the integral banner that stands as the symbol of our country, "the symbol that is seen all around the world as the helper, the people who won’t leave you out in the cold.” Learn more about Flag Day and its origins by visiting the guide, linked above.


MRSPA, what kind of support do you need as an aging adult? Are you able to access resources to assist your everyday living? If you need assistance finding resources to help with caregivers, medical assistance, or even a community to support you on your health and wellness journey, visit to access all these resources and more.


MRSPA, today is the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion, a turning point in the reclamation of Europe from the Axis powers that ultimately ended the war in Europe. D-Day has come to be known as the most intricately planned military operation in history as the invasion had to be completely secret and strategically planned. ( We celebrate and thank all the Allies who fought in this historic battle. We will never forget their sacrifice.

"In the early hours of June 6, under the cover of darkness, American and British paratroopers dropped into Normandy from more than 1,200 aircraft. Once daylight appeared, gliders brought in additional paratroopers. American airborne forces of the 82nd and 101st worked valiantly to achieve their inland objectives, including the capture of Sainte-Mere Eglise and securing key approaches to the Allied beachhead." To read more about the D-Day invasion visit


MRSPA, we talk a lot about protecting your identity and ensuring you are not subject to scams and online fraud. AARP is hosting a free shred event June 11-17 where they will shred your sensitive paper documents, such as any Tax, Car or other paperwork that you have been holding onto for years. Be sure you check out their locations and events for Marylanders at Protect Week. AARP is also hosting Webinars, in-person events and even a press conference to advocate for protection for seniors.


MRSPA, did you know Governor Moore declared May 2024 as Older Marylanders Month? This year's theme, "Powered by Connection," focuses on the profound impact that meaningful connections have on the well-being and health of older adults — a relationship underscored by the U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community. The Maryland Department of Aging Secretary also stated the following to this declaration. “By recognizing and nurturing the role that connectedness plays, we can mitigate issues like loneliness, ultimately promoting healthy aging for more Marylanders."

If you are looking to connect in your area or across the state, MRSPA, and our local associations are always seeking committee members or members willing to step into leadership roles. Contact us or your local leaders for more information on how to get involved.


MRSPA, did you know that Memorial Day used to be called Decoration day? It was originally named due to the early tradition of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths and flags to honor those who died in service of our country . It was first observed to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers. In 1873, New York was the first state to designate Memorial Day as a legal holiday. By the late 1800s, many more cities and communities observed Memorial Day, and several states had declared it a legal holiday.

Each year the the Nation's Capital hosts a Memorial Day concert to celebrate those who have fallen. Learn more about the history of the day or to watch the live-streaming event of the concert visit


MRSPA, the Community Service Committee’s Annual Business Meeting virtual Food Drive only has 10 days left to raise money for those in need! We have a unique opportunity to make a difference in our communities and we urge you to help as many Marylanders as possible. Please share this with your local association and friends. Anyone can donate!


Have you heard it's MRSPA's 79th birthday today? Well if not, it may be because you're experiencing some type of hearing loss. Check out one of MRSPA's benefits of membership, TruHearing ( and learn more about Better Hearing Month in May at


MRSPA today is Primary Election day in Maryland! Visit for a full list of who is on the ballot, where you can vote and more information to help you get up to date on the issues.


MRSPA as we round out this National Teachers Appreciation week, we want to remind you to think of a teacher in your life who you can thank. Write a letter, send a postcard, bake some cookies, send flowers or just pick up the phone and remind them how much of an impact they have made on your life.


Today we celebrate school nurses. School nurses use band-aids to heal broken skin and words to mend wounded hearts. School nurses can be a mother to the motherless and a friend to the friendless. We offer a huge shout-out to all school nurses everywhere, our schools and students wouldn't be the same without you.


Today is MRSPA's Annual Business Meeting! While the entire week is about appreciating the work teachers do for us. Today we want to thank all of our members who were teachers for the impact they had and are continuing to have on all of us and the state of Maryland.


MRSPA! As you may be aware, today starts National Teacher Appreciation week. This year's theme is Teachers are our Shining Stars with the tagline, "Making the World Brighter, One Student at a Time." and both highlight some great ideas for students, parents, and even teachers. They offer a toolkit you can download and use to show appreciation for teachers who have made a difference in your life.


Hey Maryland MRSPA members! Early primary voting begins today until May 9, 2024! Are you ready to exercise your right as by voting early for the presidential election? To learn more about early voting or to find an early voting location check out Early Voting (


MRSPA: Today begins our Annual Business Meeting Food drive. The drive runs through May 31 and aims to help Marylanders in need. Donate what you can today help see Maryland thrive. See our donation link:


MRSPA! There is only 1 week left before the Annual Business Meeting. We are excited to mingle and come together once again to share in mourning, re-visit our highlights, wins, and celebrations, and enjoy the comradery that being a part of this amazing association brings to its members.


"MRSPA did you know yesterday was UNESCO World Book Day? That means you have permission to sit down with your childhood favorite or a book you found at a local bookstore or your neighborhood little library. Do something unique or different to celebrate by dressing up as a favorite character, messaging your favorite author, donating old books for others to enjoy, or even sharing a favorite book with a friend or family member. Whatever you decide to do, be sure to enjoy Unesco World Book Day all week long. Visit for more information on how to participate.


MRSPA today is Earth Day! This year the Earth Day focus is plastic waste and how we as consumers can cut back on our plastic consumption and reduce the plastic waste we are contributing to the world. Plastics not only can harm our planet as trash in landfills and clogging up lakes, streams and oceans, but it can also impact our health as nearly every prouduct we purchase is packaged in some type of plastic container.

According to the global consumption of plastics has reached 460 million metric tons. 1 million plastic bottles are purchased every minute and 5 trillion plastic bags are used each year. It may feel as though one person couldn't make much of a difference, but doing small things like recycling, bringing your own bags to the grocery store, and even buying metal water bottles and refilling them can reduce the amount of personal plastic trash you are contributing.

If you want to make an even greater impact, consider purchasing glass bottled products, reusing milk cartons or other plastic containers that are still in good condition and even starting a compost pile can help contribute to plastic reduction globally. "

Visit to learn more ways to reduce your plastic waste.


Donate to or Adopt a Family -

This is the idea that actually may require some funds. however, adopting a family is a wonderful way to share Holiday Cheer. With so many in need, adopting a family that doesn't have enough is a great way to share holiday cheer. Another idea that doesn't require funding is to consider donating books to a Little Library in your neighborhood, donating coats and gloves you have outgrown, or taking blankets or old toys to an animal shelter to give homeless pets a comfy holiday.

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:15
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:15
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:15
Thursday 08:00 - 16:15
Friday 08:00 - 14:00